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My 15 Problems With Warframe


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Although, I wouldn't mind most of the OPs suggestions, I don't agree with #1, and would prefer to see other warframes buffed to Nova's level, as others have mentioned, also #3 isn't strictly true, as the prime has better reach and stagger than the the standard Orthos. I still think the two big things that I would see fixed are:


1. Better AI with less armor scaling and bullet sponging. I would like to see enemies that coordinated for difficulty, rather than just taking monstrous amounts of DPS dumped into them. Armor scaling is good up to a point, but the time to kill for higher level non boss enemies is a little ridiculous, while the mechanics are still identical.


2. Rewards and experience both need to scale more in line with enemy level. People would stop running kappa constantly to level up if you made it actually worth while to do higher level content. You could do that by more strongly rewarding players for farming affinity and experience from higher level planets. I'd really like to see us rewarded for doing a mundane grind like farming for Rubedo on Pluto rather than Earth. If you are capable of killing at higher levels, the reward for your time should be greater than for the ability to do it at lower levels. If you hit high enough levels on endless defense for example, I think your chance of seeing a common mod drop should be negligible, same for tier 3 void to a lesser degree. I think your mod, resource and affinity acquisition should be considerably superior to running a lower level mission several times in the same time frame. 

Edited by RedDirtTrooper
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Very good post OP. Some other great ideas thrown in this thread as well.


With regards to using up the Frost and Excal frames to make them Primes, I enjoy collecting weapons and frames. I think it should just stay the same as it is, if its taking to much space up then sell the non primes off if it comes to that.


I think it would be fantastic to have the maps add more difficult tiles the higher up you go. Keep basic tile spawns on Mercury and Venus and then start adding some more wall running etc as the level of planet increases.


Another thing that could be useful for RNG is have diminishing returns on void rewards, allowing for particular blueprints to become higher drop chance. Doing close to 100 T3 runs for 1 blueprint is a little bit ridiculous. Im not sure entirely how it could work properly but i think something needs to be done on that path.


All in all, Aside from Strict NAT the game is looking great and i can't wait for new content!

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11.  Remove Mod Button:  This feature is more important than a consignment store. It's more important than new maps.  It's more important than more weapons.  Having bundles of weapons makes this problem worse.


A remove all mods button would be ok, what would be better would be to make mods available to all my frames and weapons regardless if they are already installed. I want the ability to make "card" sets out of my existing cards for each of my weapons. So when I switch up gear, I don't have to worry about re-moding everything.


One step better would be the ability to make multiple set-ups for each weapon that I could change with one click.

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First off, thank you for listing your points in a logical and explanatory manner.  Now then, my responses are as follows:


1. Molecular Prime does not deal armor-ignoring damage (to my knowledge), and is one of the few ultimates which does not instantly kill enemies.  The double damage and slow-down are justified. 


2. Funny story: it took me 10 run-throughs of that room to realize there were stairs.  I just assumed I was supposed to wall-run up and around the outside of the room.  With that in mind, I agree that the stairs need to be more obvious.  I would also like for the final wall-run section to be made a little easier (currently, you have to wall-run sideways for 1 second, immediately jump sideways and wall-run again for 3 seconds, then jump up and hope your character automatically grabs a ledge). 


3. The Prime weapons (and warframes) are not supposed to invalidate their normal counterparts.  They are status symbols.  Currently, the Orthos Prime is the only Prime weapon that imbodies this belief, which means that the other Prime weapons need to be changed instead of the Orthos. 


4. There are already a lot of different materials which are required to build clan-tech weapons.  The Lanka needs 20 Gallium.  Many weapons need around 5K Ferrite.  The only reason you're noticing a focus on Plastids is because their current drop rate is terrible (it used to be much higher). 


5. As others have pointed out, mods are the credit sink.  If you're fusing all the spare mods you find, you should be buring through your credits as quickly as you make them.  The only reason why some people have millions of credits is because they have been playing A LOT or haven't been fusing things. 


6. Agreed (although the resource fiasco wasn't as harmful as people make it out to be). 


7. Agreed (it's the most pressing issue in my opinion). 


8. I completely disagree.  Again, Primes are not supposed to replace their normal counterparts (the devs have openly stated this).  Frost Prime is the exact same frame as Frost, with the exception of a single added polarity slot.  It only takes one Forma for regular Frost to be on equal ground. 


9. I agree in theory, but the devs have to be careful about this.  There are some mods which would break or unbalance the game if they were allowed to have 10 ranks (especially now that hybrid mods have been added).  I would be happy if DE just gave Point Blank 10 ranks for now (to make it even with the Rifle and Pistol mods). 


10. Agreed. 


11. Agreed. 


12. Agreed. 


13. I do not have the Paris Prime yet, so I cannot comment.  I will say that it looks hideous in the pictures I have seen of it. 


14. I don't really have much of an opinion on this one, but I suppose it would help combat clutter. 


15. I assume that is DE's plan.  However, they should limit the actual weapons to rank 10 and under, and leave the extremely high ranks for stuff like skins and scarves.



A remove all mods button would be ok, what would be better would be to make mods available to all my frames and weapons regardless if they are already installed. I want the ability to make "card" sets out of my existing cards for each of my weapons. So when I switch up gear, I don't have to worry about re-moding everything.


This; a thousand times this.  It would be sooo convenient. 

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Totally agree with that problem with the Prime Warframes... I don't find the use of getting another normal warframe if there is a prime version.

I mean, if you had both all the stuff you need to build either Frost Prime, or Frost, what will you get? Prime, so yeah.

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5.  Add Credit Sink:  I know the average Warframe player doesn't have this problem, but there are quite a few of us sitting pretty on millions of credits.  Anything to relieve that would be awesome.  Exclusive weapon skins that cost huge amounts of credits is one idea.  They don't even have to be creative.  Putting a flame decal on my Braton would be an amusing use for a million credits.

6. Don't Patch on Friday:  I loved hearing that update 9 was hours away a couple weeks ago.  If technical problems arise that delay it till the &#! of night, DON'T PUT IT OUT.  If you are going to be in the office for the next 2 days, don't leave the community with hugely messed up drop tables.  Those 2 days of seemingly limitless morphics and control modules were game breaking.  If you can't patch early Friday, patch Thursday or Monday.  Give yourself enough time to make the game stable after large updates.
7.  Enemy Armor Scaling:  This has been explained to death so I'm not going to go into detail on this point.  
10. More Transparency in Statistics:  At this point, most of us are huge fans of Pwnatron's stat sheets.  This shouldn't be necessary.  Give us this information in game when selecting weapons.  What kind of damage a gun does and how that damage type effects different enemies is vital information.
12. Event Contingencies:  Stop trusting your math.  There should always be a fall back scenario in events with limited resources.  The Formorian ships dying 13 hours before the scheduled end of the event was devastating to some players.  It arbitrarily punished people who were reasonably unaware of the exact event conditions.  This could have easily been addressed by having an additional Formorian ship appear in the event the players destroyed the initial ships.  If you want to keep the player base happy,  any event that functions as a competition should have very clear rules and a definite start and stop time.
14.  Fix Mod List.   There is no reason to show us duplicate mods in the configuration screen.  We can't place duplicate mods on our weapons and frames.  Please stop having me go through 3 pages of Ammo Drum for no reason.  If we have more than 1 of a mod, only show us the mods with differing levels.

These are the heartiest point that strike home with me the most, with possibly the most important one highlighted.

That kind of patching is a serious mistake, and not working on weekends is fair, but completely ignoring everything for two days after even a minor patch can make a game unplayable.

Edited by VScipii26
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9.  Increased Upper Limits on Mods:  I love how Serration and Hornet Strike work.  There needs to be something to do after you have unlocked all of the weapons and mods.  For me, this has been throwing mods at leveling Serration.  Increasing the cap on some of the mods would allow us to greater customize our weapons and that growth is already kept in check by the experientially increasing level requirements. 


Suggested a very similar system and got shut down by a bunch of people that QQ 24/7 how the game is too hard and how theyre forced to min/max all the mods they got.




Point #6. Point #6. Point #6.

Edited by Qynchou
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I agree all the way but I feel the nerf that M.Prime should recieve is a range nerf. It has a higher cast range than Miasma and Sound Quake, even the explision radius is larger than Miasma's

But it is in line with the new Rhino Stomp and Overload, +25% range is exchange for 0 upfront damage. I feel other ults need to be brought up to par with these 3 ults, not the opposite.

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1.  Molecular Prime:  Need to remove the 60 second debuff.  Nova is fantastic at taking out groups of trash-mobs and should remain that way.  The 60 seconds of double damage to highlevel mobs and bosses is icing on an already splendid cake.


+1000 for molecular prime.

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Totally agree with that problem with the Prime Warframes... I don't find the use of getting another normal warframe if there is a prime version.

I mean, if you had both all the stuff you need to build either Frost Prime, or Frost, what will you get? Prime, so yeah.

No, i dont like the gold trim, and the extra D polarity is bad.

I'll keep my original frost. Thank you.

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