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Boycott this " vaulted relics only in bounties" thing.


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Literally what the title says. just dont do bounties. let them know that the horrible drop tables, unfun missions, and incredibly buggy bounty stages are not the place to put vaulted relics. i spent over 20 minutes last night just trying to get a bounty to load up past stage 2 and work. this is an utterly horrible idea on DE's part and i hope the community lets them know in a mostly respectable way. (i thought the wall of NO's from twitch chat when you mentioned this was the plan was pretty clear.) this is one of the worst idea since changing embers deluxe to that horrible ugly turkey (THAT i acknowledge is personal preference. bounties being terrible and unfun is not.)

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The problem with them changing where the vaulted parts drop before the unvault happened is that it would have delayed the unvault for probably another month. The most that we can currently do is give them feedback on it in a respectful way. The goal is to have them not repeat the same mistake twice, because it is too late to fix it now.

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the problem is mostly that bounties are unbelievably boring and buggy. i agree i think selective looting is a good idea. bounties are not the place to put them though. no one ive talked to actually enjoys bounties. at all.  im not trying to be super disrespectful like "blah blah blah devbash blah blah" thats not the intent. more to acknowledge just how bad and insanely buggy bounties are. its also worth noting that TONS of people cant even load into the plains (due to crappy comps and things) so they basically locked them out of farming completely. im not exaggerating when i say i spent 20 minutes just trying to get a bounty to start last night. dear god no just let me do normal missions.

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People are already boycotting bounties. They're instead queuing up for void fissures and ditching the lobby/mission as soon as they can see that nobody else in the squad brought along one of the new relics. Saw more people leave games today than I've seen in the past year.

So not only did DE screw up the acquisition of the vaulted relics, they've managed to indirectly make void fissures more painful as well since the host is more than happy to ditch when there isn't a shiny new relic up for looting.

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excellent point i hadnt even concidered the cancer that is void fissures right now. people aways do that when new frames come out too, but i think it'll be worse now cause no one is trying to do bounties to get relics in the first place. ive been saving up syndicate standing and bought relic packs for a few. but sounds like im gonna have to wait a couple days for the fissure leeches to come down. thanks for the heads up and good contribution!

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8 minutes ago, Producer-san said:

please remember that not everyone can run the plains on their PC
"meh, get a good pc then or don't play the game"
they would if they can do it in the first place :/ 

I mean DE does a lot to help run Warframe on low end computers (toasters as some say), way more than pretty much any developer (indie to AAA) that I can think of for a game like this. However there has to be a line somewhere. They have this content and they are going to use it. What is the excuse when Khora is released and they put her in the Plains? As part of the PC eco-system being phased out is nothing new, it is the most rampant here. Consoles are a better option for low end players imo (I mean if a Ps4/Xbox can run it than your set up is particularly outdated/dying). Getting player transfers (even one way) seems like a deal DE, Sony, and Microsoft need to hammer out more permanently sooner rather than later.

23 minutes ago, brewedjuice said:

its also worth noting that TONS of people cant even load into the plains


23 minutes ago, Magicfingers said:

boycotting the bounties is no problem for me since warframe won't let me load in to do them....any other mission, yes....but bounties just won't load.

There is some matchmaking/loading instance bug/error that has popped up ever since they added MR reqs to bounties. This isn't technically a problem with putting relics there as much as there is a literal problem they need to address with instancing. If this problem was all over the star map the rage would still be there. And it certainly has nothing to do with comp specs.

23 minutes ago, JRavana said:

So not only did DE screw up the acquisition of the vaulted relics, they've managed to indirectly make void fissures more painful as well since the host is more than happy to ditch when there isn't a shiny new relic up for looting.

I wouldn't say screwed up. Its a matter of opinion whether you like bounties or not. If I could focus farm the new prime relics (like say Zephyr) I would not be complaining (better than interception and evac by far #personalpreference). Any mission farming for relics is boring, but I didn't build up hundreds of certain relics from bounties by chance. Also this is a common trend with void fissures and new relic releases. If people could be trusted to play nice they wouldn't have had to make people show their relics in lobby in the first place.

54 minutes ago, brewedjuice said:

(THAT i acknowledge is personal preference. bounties being terrible and unfun is not.)

Id just like to point out, still a personal preference. The biggest change to bounties would be to give an evac point (like they do in quests) next to the final bounty so that you don't need to run back to the gate.

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Just now, ZodiacShinryu said:

I wouldn't say screwed up. Its a matter of opinion whether you like bounties or not. If I could focus farm the new prime relics (like say Zephyr) I would not be complaining (better than interception and evac by far #personalpreference). Any mission farming for relics is boring, but I didn't build up hundreds of certain relics from bounties by chance. Also this is a common trend with void fissures and new relic releases. If people could be trusted to play nice they wouldn't have had to make people show their relics in lobby in the first place.

I'm mostly against bounties due to how useless the rewards tend to be after you've obtained Gara and run out of things to stick lenses on. I don't like evacuation either, but I can queue into defense, interception and excavation with the knowledge that I am almost certainly going to be rewarded with a relic for my reward. However, for bounties, every reward that isn't a relic I have absolutely no use for. For the other missions, even if it's not a relic I wanted, it's still a relic which means prime parts for trading or ducats, both of which I can use. If I'm going to be spending ten minutes dashing across an open field interspersed with King of the Hill, I'd like to get something to make that time worthwhile. Pitiful amounts of credits, plains resources, kuva and random mods really isn't it.

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2 hours ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

Id just like to point out, still a personal preference. The biggest change to bounties would be to give an evac point (like they do in quests) next to the final bounty so that you don't need to run back to the gate.

i stop calling it personal preference when literally everyone ive talked to in game hates them too. thats when it becomes a consensus.

you cant even call these load errors something that came about after the MR reqs were added. loading into bounties has always been a problem, and im not on a toaster. and yea. it would help if bounty tables werent so painfully dilute AND an evac point would be immensely nice, as would bounties being close to eachother instead of the other side of the plains. i have been farming augur secrets since plains released. i ended up buying it last night because i already have enough cancer having to mine gems. if anything put gems on the high teir tables instead of wisps. getting a wisp from bounty 4 part 5 is a slap. add something USEFUL. this "bounties for vaulted relics" feels more like a way to make people shell out real money.  

Edited by brewedjuice
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15 minutes ago, brewedjuice said:

i stop calling it personal preference when everyone ive talked to in game hates them too.  you cant even call these load errors something that came about after the MR reqs were added. loading into bounties has always been a problem, and im not on a toaster.

You can have common shared preferences with other people but that doesn't equate to stating it as a fact as long as there remains a camp with the opposite opinion (in the subject of "fun" you will probably always find this to be the case).

I am also not on a toaster either however other than problems with early eidolon hunting with not loading into the same instance, I have had very little problems with loading and matchmaking (other than also the lack of bounty vs normal PoE matchmaking that DE eventually added). I have played enough PoE to have probably around 80% of all of its contents and maxed both reps. I am not saying there are not technical problems (comp set ups, internet connections, DE servers, corrupted files, etc) that have caused others problems but ever since the MR bounty patch there has been an uptick of problems that I can anecdotally present as well my own personal experiences with it. There is an underlying problem somewhere that is only adding to the pile that is not connected to what you're using. To which I should add these problems still haven't occurred when I load in on Solo.

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yea i cant call it fact. because its just multiple peoples opinions. thats why i said consensus.  i have problems with gates not opening, loading into the plains with no bounty ever spawning, hijack drones not spawning, the timer on the area denial and defense not starting ect. its just too buggy for me to call putting any time-limited relics there a good idea. my Ostron is maxed, quills is max standing on second to last teir (i stopped hunting after i unbound everything and crafted all my arcanes so i ran out of shards to upgrade it, will get more with the new sentients.) ive done lots of bounties, and they have improved over time slightly. but i think putting time limited relics EXCLUSIVELY there (and in syndicate packs) is the wrong move. its fine to offer that as an option, but to do it exclusively comes off, to me, as saying "yea we know it doesnt work, but suck it up. or buy it." 

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14 hours ago, brewedjuice said:

^^^^^ these 2 people are the type of people im talking about who cant even load into bounties at all. its really a bad idea locking so many people out of farming for relics.

unfortunately, i can ^.^ load it purrfectly.  just kind of pity looking at my friends who are waiting for ember p and want to farm her relics. and just found out it must be in bounty systems.

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16 hours ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

I mean DE does a lot to help run Warframe on low end computers (toasters as some say), way more than pretty much any developer (indie to AAA) that I can think of for a game like this.

Not really. An option to turn off the foliage would probably be the single biggest boost to frame rate - both on cetus and in the normal Earth tileset. But we lack such an option - and it's not even a rare thing, a lot of games which render foliage give a control for turning it up and down.

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1 minute ago, DoomFruit said:

Not really. An option to turn off the foliage would probably be the single biggest boost to frame rate - both on cetus and in the normal Earth tileset. But we lack such an option - and it's not even a rare thing, a lot of games which render foliage give a control for turning it up and down.

As silly as this is..... Op isn't really wrong there...

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believe it or not.... if u actually NEED those relics,

this is ALOT better than putting them into some random missions where u have a chance of getting one of 20 other relics, after like 20 waves of defense.


in just one hour i could farm more relics than i could've farmed in a whole day with the old system in place. even though this may fûck up the prices for ember and frost.

and if u have problem with the plains u should really check if ur hardware is actually capable of running this game, seriously..... i've heard so many complains about warframe and PoE crashes etc.... strange that i NEVER had any problems with this game that were not client-related.

Moving the game to an SSD also helps alot with the loading times and playing plains is not alot more comfortable.

Edited by ..-Hayden-Tenno-..
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3 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

Not really. An option to turn off the foliage would probably be the single biggest boost to frame rate - both on cetus and in the normal Earth tileset. But we lack such an option - and it's not even a rare thing, a lot of games which render foliage give a control for turning it up and down.

Because DE doesn't have a foliage slider option DE doesn't help more than most other developers with games like this on lower end hardware? Okay. Let me put it this way I have a 10 year old laptop that could (actually has) "play" warframe but If I tried to play a handful of current games (dark souls, skyrim, FFXIV, destiny) and that laptop would laugh at me.

Can DE do more? Probably (in this example yes). Have they tried keeping in mind lower end hardware? Yes. But an online updating game is and should be moving forward and I suggest that people near the bottom begin to look for ways to improve their own situations rather than wait for someone to do it for them or they can suffer through what they have.

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