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UPDATE!! We Are Getting Accessories Only For Unvaulted Packs Starting This Pack. THANK YOU [DE]!


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2 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

You're not getting any stats increase for getting them, they don't even grant mastery, so prime accessories don't affect gameplay in any way. If you can't enjoy this game without them and refuse to spend their value in order to improve your own experience, then that's entirely on your own.

See my last answer.

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

It sold less than EA’s lowest bar. 7 million copies as of February. Absolutely pathetic.


"EA's stock price has reached an all-time high."

"EA's share price hit a record high thanks to returning Battlefront 2 microtransactions"

"Yesterday, the company's share price closed at a total of $126.96 per share, and increase of 7% in just one day. The shares had actually peaked at around $131 before settling back down."

Oh yeah, what an absolute failure that game has been for EA.

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2 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

See the post above yours. Cosmetics in a game like Warframe is like gunplay in a Call of Duty title, it's like the driving mechanics in a racing game. The very notion of ''it's just cosmetic so it's meaningless'' is ridiculous.

I would agree on that point in games where very little emphasis is placed on it.. like say, well, the game I'm currently playing, Dishonored, there cosmetics mean nothing because you get nothing in that regard.

They have to make money somehow though jesus! the game is not only free to play, but is very easily possible to get almost everything you want without paying a penny, if this is what makes them more money then im really happy if they stick to it, christ people, the sense of entitlement in this thread is off the charts!!!

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il y a 6 minutes, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 a dit :

I think the argument for player choice is a pretty good one thanks.

You had choice the first time around. At unvault time you're getting all of it for a price tag that's lower than the accessory pack alone. 

And you guys are still whining? 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Do you enjoy customising yourself? Would you get more enjoyment out of the game if you looked awesome as well kicking &#!? Yes.

If it doesn’t affect the game, why is it in there at all and why do they charge you for it?

Yet warframe already offers a plethora of customisation options in the game already, most of which you can get completely free for just plat, just because you guys cant get one or two syandanas you lot are causing all this ruckus... cmon guys... 

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1 minute ago, rune_me said:


"EA's stock price has reached an all-time high."

"EA's share price hit a record high thanks to returning Battlefront 2 microtransactions"

"Yesterday, the company's share price closed at a total of $126.96 per share, and increase of 7% in just one day. The shares had actually peaked at around $131 before settling back down."

Oh yeah, what an absolute failure that game has been for EA.

This is ridiculous. You and that other guy are thinking “NOW NOW” not what happens later. EA’s stock may be high now, but do you really think its going to last? They’ve openly stated that microtransactions aren’t needed and are just there for more profit. They will suffer in the long run. You guys really need to start looking beyond today.

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We should start a petition I think. To request that DE removes all customization, all cosmetics, they don't affect gameplay, so we don't need them, out with them. Let's have them remove all color customization, all skins, hell, let's have DE remodel all Warframes to look exactly like Excalibur for male, and Nyx for female, and let the actual stats and abilities be the only differences between them. After all, it's just cosmetics, right..? They don't add any value, they certainly don't affect any sort of gameplay.

If people don't get it yet..




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3 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Yet warframe already offers a plethora of customisation options in the game already, most of which you can get completely free for just plat, just because you guys cant get one or two syandanas you lot are causing all this ruckus... cmon guys... 

Excuse me, don’t fall back on “look at the other stuff”. Answer my question; if cosmetics didn’t affect gameplay, why do they charge you for them?

Why are Prime Accessories not free in that case? Why do we pay for TennoGen? I mean if they don’t affect gameplay then that just makes no sense.

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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7 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

They have to make money somehow though jesus! the game is not only free to play, but is very easily possible to get almost everything you want without paying a penny, if this is what makes them more money then im really happy if they stick to it, christ people, the sense of entitlement in this thread is off the charts!!!


22 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Well, if they want my money, a product that works for me..? I mean, DE wants to sell something, they have plenty of customers telling them ''Hey, DE, that particular way those Prime Vault packs are set up, yeah, that don't work for us, could we get an option for only the cosmetics?''.

And remember, that's ultimately what the discussion is about, you speaking of ''entitlement'' implies I want free stuff. No, I want to not waste money on product I already have when all I want is the things I don't have.

I can respect that for some people it means nothing, they can buy every PA and every PV pack DE comes up with, when they release it. I don't have that luxury, the few times I can justify some fun spending.. I don't want to feel like I just burned half the money I spent on things I had for free already.

The very suggestion that I prefer another option as to how I give DE my money, supposedly makes me ''entitled'', is laughable.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

This is ridiculous. You and that other guy are thinking “NOW NOW” not what happens later. EA’s stock may be high now, but do you really think its going to last? They’ve openly stated that microtransactions aren’t needed and are just there for more profit. They will suffer in the long run. You guys really need to start looking beyond today.

Yeah because surely you know more about business models and long term profits than Activision and EA's armies of accountants and analysts, right? Quick question, if you are so knowledgeable, why the hell aren't you working as a financial adviser for one of these companies? You could make a lot of money that way, and apparently you are better qualified than anyone they currently got working for them.

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Just now, Artorius-Alter said:


We should start a petition I think. To request that DE removes all customization, all cosmetics, they don't affect gameplay, so we don't need them, out with them. Let's have them remove all color customization, all skins, hell, let's have DE remodel all Warframes to look exactly like Excalibur for male, and Nyx for female, and let the actual stats and abilities be the only differences between them. After all, it's just cosmetics, right..? They don't add any value, they certainly don't affect any sort of gameplay.

If people don't get it yet..

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Nice hyperbole, except for the fact that most of us are already happy with all the customisation options already available, the just cosmetics argument still stands especially in warframes BECAUSE of how much stuff you can easily get for FREE, yet you guys are still whining for a few scarfs, this has to be a joke...

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Just now, Glavenusaur said:

Nice hyperbole, except for the fact that most of us are already happy with all the customisation options already available, the just cosmetics argument still stands especially in warframes BECAUSE of how much stuff you can easily get for FREE, yet you guys are still whining for a few scarfs, this has to be a joke...

Sooo.. nowadays you can no longer have a discussion about things..? You're just ''whining'' or ''entitled'' for voicing that you might prefer something to work a bit differently?

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2 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:


We should start a petition I think. To request that DE removes all customization, all cosmetics, they don't affect gameplay, so we don't need them, out with them. Let's have them remove all color customization, all skins, hell, let's have DE remodel all Warframes to look exactly like Excalibur for male, and Nyx for female, and let the actual stats and abilities be the only differences between them. After all, it's just cosmetics, right..? They don't add any value, they certainly don't affect any sort of gameplay.

If people don't get it yet..

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Don’t bother. Common sense is lost on some people.

”It’s just cosmetic and doesn’t affect gameplay”

”cool shall we tale them out then?”


”Why not?”

”They make the game more enjoyable.”

”So they do-


Just now, rune_me said:

Quick question, if you are so knowledgeable, why the hell aren't you working as a financial adviser for one of these companies?

Ah the classic, “If you’re so smart” comment that signifies no good argument and just journeys to the border of ad hominem. 

I posses common sense that dictates that poking someone repeatedly in the head is not going to end well in the long run.

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1 minute ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Sooo.. nowadays you can no longer have a discussion about things..? You're just ''whining'' or ''entitled'' for voicing that you might prefer something to work a bit differently?

Wellll, you can still have discussions about things ... just not on the internet.

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1 minute ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Sooo.. nowadays you can no longer have a discussion about things..? You're just ''whining'' or ''entitled'' for voicing that you might prefer something to work a bit differently?

Considering what you guys are really asking is for a way to get the stuff much cheaper than usual on an already free to play game where almost everything can be earned without spending a penny, if that isn't entitled i sure as S#&$ don't know what is dude...

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à l’instant, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 a dit :

Actually, no I didn’t. Why do people think that they know everyone on the internet? You don’t know me and I don’t know you. 

Sigh. You really love to find one @(*()$ sentence to nitpick and avoid reading the rest do you? 

You're getting a better deal than the people who bought the accessory pack alone. Is that so @(*()$ hard to understand? On top of that, the deal sweetens even further if you miss some or all of the weapons and frame offered. Up to the point of nearly getting a full PA valie for 35 eu vs the 130 it mormally costs. 

But still this specific subset of the community keeps whining about it unfailingly coming out at every single unvaulting. 

Also, you guys alternate between the "DE don't be $&*^s" charade the "it would make you more money DE" and the "this guy whose work life is based around how many people he can make jump on his bandwagon said so DE" one. Newsflash, that's not an argument, and it will definitely get you nowhere. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

I posses common sense that dictates that poking someone repeatedly in the head is not going to end well in the long run.

Yet history has proved time and again, that it does indeed end well. 

The global market is not even remotely affected by common sense. It is far to random and chaotic for logic or reason to have any influence on it.

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Just now, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Go for it. I’m all ears.

Because the game needs funding and cosmetic only items are the best choice as they dont affect gameplay. Take CSGO as an example, you can buy whatever skin you want but its cosmetic only which is a good thing, and the money valve makes goes towards the growth of the game(Funding majors, new content)

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Do you enjoy customising yourself?

Sure! Everyone likes to have an in game avatar to express ourselves.


Would you get more enjoyment out of the game if you looked awesome as well kicking &#!? Yes.

Of course, it doesn't remove the fact that i could go with non-customized gear and still kick the same amount of asses than I'd kick with a warframe gilded in gold and dressed to be the prettiest little princess in the whole origin system, hence customization options don't affect gameplay, only your enjoyment of it.


If it doesn’t affect the game, why is it in there at all and why do they charge you for it?

They are exploiting your need to look better to enjoy the game, not your need to be more powerful to progress like other games do, so at least here you can choose to skip these cosmetics for whatever reason without having the feel of being weaker than someone who bought them

31 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Cosmetics in a game like Warframe is like gunplay in a Call of Duty title, it's like the driving mechanics in a racing game. The very notion of ''it's just cosmetic so it's meaningless'' is ridiculous.

The whole "fashion frame is the true end game" is nothing but a bad meme born from the lack of actual and engaging end game that got way out of hand and is now the main reason why people cries over things such as the pricing of PV packs.

Edited by ----Legacy----
Formatting on mobile is hard tho
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5 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Yet history has proved time and again, that it does indeed end well. 

The global market is not even remotely affected by common sense. It is far to random and chaotic for logic or reason to have any influence on it.

No its...pretty logical.

The recent market correction was predicted by many analysts ahead of time.
The recession was also predicted well ahead of its time.

it is just a matter of when rather than if.

Now in the case of EA?  They are perfectly fine, they benefit because they take advantage of thelack of time on people's hands.  The need to be more unique, to gain power in a short amount of time. Microtransactions work great for them, they've onl recently seen backlash that is substantial.

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