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Zaw's skins


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Ok, so I made this post to talk about the fact that zaws are NOT ABLE TO GET SKINS SWAPS

This has been a issue since the zaws got lauched and apparently I don't see anyone talking about it, but when I do everyone agrees with me on the fact that this should not be intended and must get a fix.

To give an exampleon how bad this is I can talk about the tennogen round 11 which brought us insane polearm skins. Many people bought them to use on zaws and came to the realisation that it isn't possible in the game to aply skins on zaws, this is really sad since I'm one of those guys who bought tennogen skins thinking they could be apllyed on my lovelly zaws and they can't.

All this to say that IF YOU ARE UNHAPPY ABOUT THIS Please make a comment here or upvote this thread This is a problem that should have been fixed  a long time ago and every time i see an hotfix and read it with hopes they fixed it I lose my mind.

Also sugatras on polearm zaws are glitched aswell, this is really sad :(

Apart from that I should share that DE is making a great work on early 2018 and I hope they keep listening the community.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I totally agree. A mate bought the Phorcys Polearm without knowing that it doesn't work with Zaws... I bought it anyway although knowing it won't work but with the hope it would do so in the future (using it with my inferior Guandao atm).

Zaws are just damn ugly and it's a shame you can't use skins according to the zaw type (polearm, sword, dagger etc.). Being in the right but hardly attended folder PC Beta Bugs\Art & Animation might be the reason you haven't seen a reply to your post yet.

Edited by Toran
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13 hours ago, -Insan1ty- said:

But should I believe it will be added in the future? I really tryhard to make this reach DE's eyes but for months that this doesn't happen


This is the Bug forums, this is not a bug, there is a feedback forums exactly for this kind of thing.

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Le 14/02/2018 à 00:09, -Insan1ty- a dit :

Ok, so I made this post to talk about the fact that zaws are NOT ABLE TO GET SKINS SWAPS


Dismantled in PC Beta Bugs]Art & Animation and reassembled in Feedback]Art&Animation.

Edited by Yaerion
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