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Rivens are too random, Kuva farming is super boring and repetitive


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I really don't like how riven mods are made right now. Maybe its because i have bad luck and it takes me ~100 rolls to get something kinda good, or farming kuva is just extremely boring(30 sec delay between each cloud is ridiculous), and you have to run 3 missions to roll a mod once(or you get lucky and cat buffs you, which is not so common). But damn, why would you lock progression behind this gambling simularor? Is it really ok to lock potentially the strongest mod on a weapon behind pure luck?

The easy solution would be to get those rivens out of this game you know. Tbh i kinda wish you never added them in the first place. Those mods feel like an attempt to get some cash out of players, and oh i was a successful one. They are selling for ridiculous prices now, and if you want the good one, you gotta pay, or just get very VERY lucky.

But if rivens are here to stay make them into progression, not a casino.
Some of my ideas:
1. Let us buy stats for kuva, and let a price also be affected by disposition. For example a damage for tigris prime would be 40k kuva, for arca plasmor 25k kuva and for Lato 10k kuva. Also make the stats you get same for everyone. It's the best solution imo, but if you really want a cash grab in your game, maybe there are other thing that can kinda fix the problem.
Because right now you have to get 3 out of 5 good stats, and get high rolls on those, and that's before actually getting the riven for the weapon you want, and to get riven on the weapon you want to have to get 1 out of 4 types from sortie, and that's considering you actually got one from it, and not some ayatan.
2. Let us lock as many stats on riven as we want, including negative one. Make it so it always has 3 positive and 1 negative. Those riven transmutors could actually be made into something useful that would let us do that.

And regarding kuva farming. Just make it into endless defence mission, that would fuction kinda differently from the regular one. So a wave should be about 2 times longer than the normal one we have right now. Each wace you get 50 kuva + wave*50. Siphon can remain kinda same. but it no longer breaks after you catch 4 kuva clouds. Instead you catch it to prevent the siphon from getting one. If it gets 8, you lose, and about every 45 second or so a cloud would appear. To end the wave you must kill all enemies, and every 5 waves you get the chance to leave with all your kuva. Also make the sound of siphon much more quiet and less annoying, that would definitely help.

The kuva mission we have right now should stay there, but rewards should be increased, and delay between clouds lowered to 10. Also show location of the siphon from the begining of a mission.
And i wouldn't miss those fat kuva guards if they were gone, just saying.

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Like it or not, locking stats would go against the reason rivens were introduced. I dont think there should be any way to alter the stats.

What comes to obtaining Kuva there could be some improvements. A normal mission not granting even enough for a single roll is such bullS#&$ and gets needlessly grindy instantly. Endless Kuva missions are a no brainer and i would run it nonstop.


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in all honesty I would prefer if there was an option to lock some stats and just re-roll specific ones but at the cost of more kuva and i dont even care if it would be an insane amount in my opinion that would make the issue better and also cut down on the riven spam in trade chat since the players with god rivens wont have such a rare mod anymore or atleast this would lower the price on them and if the price was lower it would cut down on trade spam since people would not wana get rid of their mod for cheep

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Rivens failed and i not understnad why people give a damn about them, failed bandaid.

I on my part collect them and re-roll them at most 4-5 times, eather tis somewhat good or not and move on, just a simple bonus for weapons i might use or not, they are not mandatory or needed for "endgame" so i mostly ignore them in such ways.

If peopel have the need to re-roll it 20+ times, its there own choice, gambling at its best sadly but if peopel fall for it, can't say much.

Also i not understand DE give Riven to every weapon almsot, unlike them promsied to buff weak weapons that way, so why do stil lstorng weapons get them and evne cna with heavy luck be good ones, it blwos my mind at this decision and i honestly question there brain functions at times, no offense please DE  i like you but seriously, wtf.

Edited by Marine027
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I recently made a thread about this:

The Riven System needs to reward players (high tier ones) for investing in the system, not just give us a slot machine that rewards the lucky and is a complete waste of time for everyone else. Locking stats, endless Kuva, and meaningful progression is needed desperately. We could even revive the old Void or Orokin Direlect.

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2 hours ago, Deatrone said:

I really don't like how riven mods are made right now. Maybe its because i have bad luck and it takes me ~100 rolls to get something kinda good, or farming kuva is just extremely boring(30 sec delay between each cloud is ridiculous), and you have to run 3 missions to roll a mod once(or you get lucky and cat buffs you, which is not so common). But damn, why would you lock progression behind this gambling simularor? Is it really ok to lock potentially the strongest mod on a weapon behind pure luck?

The easy solution would be to get those rivens out of this game you know. Tbh i kinda wish you never added them in the first place. Those mods feel like an attempt to get some cash out of players, and oh i was a successful one. They are selling for ridiculous prices now, and if you want the good one, you gotta pay, or just get very VERY lucky.

But if rivens are here to stay make them into progression, not a casino.
Some of my ideas:
1. Let us buy stats for kuva, and let a price also be affected by disposition. For example a damage for tigris prime would be 40k kuva, for arca plasmor 25k kuva and for Lato 10k kuva. Also make the stats you get same for everyone. It's the best solution imo, but if you really want a cash grab in your game, maybe there are other thing that can kinda fix the problem.
Because right now you have to get 3 out of 5 good stats, and get high rolls on those, and that's before actually getting the riven for the weapon you want, and to get riven on the weapon you want to have to get 1 out of 4 types from sortie, and that's considering you actually got one from it, and not some ayatan.
2. Let us lock as many stats on riven as we want, including negative one. Make it so it always has 3 positive and 1 negative. Those riven transmutors could actually be made into something useful that would let us do that.

And regarding kuva farming. Just make it into endless defence mission, that would fuction kinda differently from the regular one. So a wave should be about 2 times longer than the normal one we have right now. Each wace you get 50 kuva + wave*50. Siphon can remain kinda same. but it no longer breaks after you catch 4 kuva clouds. Instead you catch it to prevent the siphon from getting one. If it gets 8, you lose, and about every 45 second or so a cloud would appear. To end the wave you must kill all enemies, and every 5 waves you get the chance to leave with all your kuva. Also make the sound of siphon much more quiet and less annoying, that would definitely help.

The kuva mission we have right now should stay there, but rewards should be increased, and delay between clouds lowered to 10. Also show location of the siphon from the begining of a mission.
And i wouldn't miss those fat kuva guards if they were gone, just saying.

Sounds like you want god rolls only I see work for it or make the plat for it and buy it of someone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Le 16.02.2018 à 22:54, (Xbox One)Senpai Soul a dit :

Sounds like you want god rolls only I see work for it or make the plat for it and buy it of someone.

What you call "work" i call gambling. It doesnt matter how much you roll a mod, you always have the very same miniscule chance of getting something good. How is that ok, that our endgame progression is this?
Sure someone can get very lucky with that riven, you know, working hard for those 5 rolls to get crit damage, damage, mulstishot and stuff, and i am one lazy guy rolling my acrid 130 times to get damage, status chance. BS is what this system is, and even endless Kuva wont make it much better. It needs some way to ensure that those who farm lost of kuva and invest lots of time in it get the best rivens.

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