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why not universal vacuum


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1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Why not post it here now? What are you afraid of?

Hmm, funny how you think I would do that. I don't know how to use bots, nor do I know enough people on WF to get a "horde of pitchfork mobframes". I'd simply put my one vote in and wait.

And yet you seek to convince me you know "enough warframe players" to the point that you can represent the opinion of the overwhelming majority on this topic? Contradicting yourself again, buddy :)  Strike 2.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

t is a Warframe facebook group over well over 5000 players

The subreddit has over 120k players. Also, please link the FB group so I can put there myself.

2 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Noone is casting your vote for you.

"I see no reason to cast your vote when I can just mark one for "yes" under whether or not it should be a thing."

2 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

You can click it in 24 hrs.

Why not now? Is there a problem?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

And yet you seek to convince me you know "enough warframe players" to the point that you can represent the opinion of the overwhelming majority on this topic? Contradicting yourself again, buddy :)  Strike 2.

Did you miss the chart and the hundreds of request to make vacuum universal over the years? Also please stop with the childish "strikes" and actually be sensible. Reply with some honesty.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

If indeed my accusation is false then prove it. Post a poll on the warframe forums and/or subreddit not facebook and let me vote on it. Otherwise my accusations stands. Right now you look very much like you're purposely forging a false chart to try and prove a point, which is not what an honest adult does. Prove me wrong honestly and make me eat my words. For if I am indeed the minority, then why are you not posting it publicly?

OMG thank you for that laugh....that you think such simple goading would cause me to go back on my word xD  I might just start adding an hour to my posting time for every time you demand it be posted immediately.  I'm not gonna post a picture of the chart.  I will post the actual link in 24 hrs.  No sooner.  Patience, bud.  The "truth" about public opinion isnt going to change overnight, is it?

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

OMG thank you for that laugh....that you think such simple goading would cause me to go back on my word xD  I might just start adding an hour to my posting time for every time you demand it be posted immediately.  I'm not gonna post a picture of the chart.  I will post the actual link in 24 hrs.  No sooner.  Patience, bud.  The "truth" about public opinion isnt going to change overnight, is it?

So you are a fraud. Good to know. Anyone with actual integrity wouldn't need 24 hours to start a vote. My accusations are looking more and more sound with each passing moment you do not post that link.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

So basically you are forging a false chart among your friends. Posting it on the WF forums or subreddit will show honesty and integrity as it reaches the community straight away. But of course you won't do that will you.

So you're both implying that players who also network on Facebook are not an actual part of our community, which is both alienating to them and quite wrong, and you're also trying to state, as if it were fact, that my use of a 3rd party poll site to create a public and fair poll and posting a link to it on a forum of my choosing is me "falsifying data"?  I haven't even posted any results yet and you're already calling me a liar.

That's rich.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:


This just shows that the vast majority are for universal vacuum. Apologies to anyone who isn't for it, but you are in the minority here and businesses do not listen to the minority.


5 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Did you miss the chart and the hundreds of request to make vacuum universal over the years? Also please stop with the childish "strikes" and actually be sensible. Reply with some honesty.

*stares at 53 votes total*
"hundreds of requests*


Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

So you're both implying that players who also network on Facebook are not an actual part of our community

Nope. Simply saying that your private FB group is not the place to post a poll. Post it on the forums or subreddit. Places that do not have pre-existing bias towards a certain individual.

2 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

that my use of a 3rd party poll site to create a public and fair poll and posting a link to it on a forum of my choosing is me "falsifying data"?  I haven't even posted any results yet and you're already calling me a liar.

I am calling you a liar yes. Reasons being;

1. You did not post the poll publicly on the forums or subreddit, only your FB page.

2. You do not want to provide me a link.

3. You insist on giving it 24 hours when you could just post a poll now.

1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Yes hundreds of requests over the years since Vacuum was introduced. That is why vacuum was even spread among all sentinels in the first place. Perhaps you haven't been here that long or just haven't been paying attention. Also more needless insults.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

So you are a fraud. Good to know. Anyone with actual integrity wouldn't need 24 hours to start a vote. My accusations are looking more and more sound with each passing moment you do not post that link.

Not a fraud. Vote is started.  Has been for 40 minutes now.  Just not posting here til tomorrow night.  That a crime now?  Must I post what you want where you want me to post it and when you say to do so?  Do you suddenly have the right, or the audacity, to think you can tell me what to do?  HA!  Patience, kiddo, ... get some.  If you don't have it, Warframe is gonna be a looooooong painful exper- Oh, NOW I see why you need UV so bad :P

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Nope. Simply saying that your private FB group is not the place to post a poll. Post it on the forums or subreddit. Places that do not have pre-existing bias towards a certain individual.

I am calling you a liar yes. Reasons being;

1. You did not post the poll publicly on the forums or subreddit, only your FB page.

2. You do not want to provide me a link.

3. You insist on giving it 24 hours when you could just post a poll now.

Yes hundreds of requests over the years since Vacuum was introduced. That is why vacuum was even spread among all sentinels in the first place. Perhaps you haven't been here that long or just haven't been paying attention. Also more needless insults.

I do not own said facebook page. I  am simply a member of it, just like the other thousands of WF players on it.  if 5000+ people doesnt count as public, I dunno bud...

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Not a fraud. Vote is started. 

Post a link.

Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Just not posting here til tomorrow night.  That a crime now?

When you want to look honest, yes.

1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Must I post what you want where you want me to post it and when you say to do so?

Yes. If you have nothing to hide and want to make me eat my words that should be no problem. Common sense.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I do not own said facebook page.

Never said you were the owner.

1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I  am simply a member of it, just like the other thousands of WF players on it.  if 5000+ people doesnt count as public, I dunno bud...

Post a link. Unless of course this mysterious group is also a lie. 

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Keep tryin, little buddy.  Noone on the forum has any pre-existing bias towards myself.  Noone there hardly even knows me.  But anyways, the fact that it's bugging you so much speaks volumes enough.  

And no, my ego is not so fragile that I need to look like anything to you, let alone "honest".  I'm comfortable in my own skin.  I know I'm honest, regardless of your opinion.  Your opinion of me?  Doesn't bug me in the slightest.  Does that bug you?

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

We do not. And so that means anything you post in 24 hours can be called a falsehood. Sorry, but that is how it works in the real world. All you've done is make yourself look like a dishonest person with zero integrity.

Okay.  Anyone else care to "call me out" as a liar about the data that I haven't posted or claimed anything other than the sheer existence of yet?  No?  K.

Good night, Fellow Tenno.  I'll see you tomorrow evening with the data.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Okay.  Anyone else care to "call me out" as a liar about the data that I haven't posted or claimed anything other than the sheer existence of yet?  No?  K.

Good night, Fellow Tenno.  I'll see you tomorrow evening with the data.

Posted a poll already on the subreddit and I'll post it here as well, because I actually have integrity.

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What's this I saw about vacuum harming the ecconomy?

How does me having several cuhgillion nanospores harm anything besides the mobs that died to drop them?

Maybe mods but all the ones that matter don't drop in normal play and/or are mission rewards aka not affected by vacuum to begin with.


On an unrelated note.

Gotta love it when people call you an arrogant troll that only insults and refuses to discuss... when talking to someone else, insulting and not responding to my arguments. It's not even worth calling them out on it.

I won't quote the person because -as I've been doing all this time- it's the argument I want to attack.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Posted a poll already on the subreddit and I'll post it here as well, because I actually have integrity.

Your poll, as it stands, has nothing to do with Warframe-based Vacuum, only that of companions...which is not what we were discussing. But whatever narrative you wanna force is fine, mr. integrity.  See ya tomorrow!

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5 minutes ago, Rage_Inducer said:

What's this I saw about vacuum harming the ecconomy?

AuroraSonicBoom claimed that picking up old resources is somehow bad for the economy.

1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Your poll, as it stands, has nothing to do with Warframe-based Vacuum

Updated it and I've also kept the old poll so you can see how things were going.

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4 minutes ago, Rage_Inducer said:

What's this I saw about vacuum harming the ecconomy?

How does me having several cuhgillion nanospores harm anything besides the mobs that died to drop them?

Maybe mods but all the ones that matter don't drop in normal play and/or are mission rewards aka not affected by vacuum to begin with.


On an unrelated note.

Gotta love it when people call you an arrogant troll that only insults and refuses to discuss... when talking to someone else, insulting and not responding to my arguments. It's not even worth calling them out on it.

I won't quote the person because -as I've been doing all this time- it's the argument I want to attack.

the "economy" I was referring to earlier in this thread is referring to both in-game economy, specifically that of the new players, and the actual bottom-line of DE.  

Here's how (short n sweet version):

In-Game:  It means there is a more narrow meta, which isn't healthy for this "choice" everyone seems to say they want.  It also means new players would have a much muuuuuch easier time drawling in resources, collecting them with less effort, stockpiling them faster, and as such, being able to build things with relatively less effort...which translates to less reason to spend money on plat for resources/weapons/frames early on.

This isn't nearly as noticeable for us more late-game players as we have tons of materials (I have well over 2 million nano-spores .... and all without a UV! :D Go figure) due to stockpiling for so long....but we aren't the ones I'm referring to it affecting the most.

This is a major reason resources aren't tradeable between players, either. Aside from preventing alternate accounts from just popping up everywhere, it also prevents too much carrying of new players.  

DE does not want success handed to anyone.  Work for it.  So ya gotta "jump around" a bit more to collect the resources.....most of the game is in hallways...how far do you REALLY need to go to do this?  A basic vacuum on a sentinel, anyone will do, suffices for this purpose.


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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

It also means new players would have a much muuuuuch easier time drawling in resources, collecting them with less effort, stockpiling them faster

Hang on I thought Vacuum wasn't necessary for all that? People have claimed they can farm just fine without it. Mixed messages. Also, new players farming resources a little easier is a bad thing?

2 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

being able to build things with relatively less effort...which translates to less reason to spend money on plat for resources/weapons/frames early on.

This is hilarious. Apparently Vacuum equals less money for DE.

2 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

DE does not want success handed to anyone.  Work for it.

There is that elitism again. "You can't hover it up. Pick it up you casual"

Everyone here is acting like Vacuum is not worth looking at and then in the next line they say stuff like this. 

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Oh, I can see.  That 50% of players, so far, is clearly a minority voting for it to stay "as-is".   :p

Indeed it is looking like it's more in your corner right now. The old poll spoke quite a bit as well. However unlike you, I do not mind making my polls public because I'm not scared or a fraud.

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il y a 5 minutes, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu a dit :

DE does not want success handed to anyone.  Work for it.  So ya gotta "jump around" a bit more to collect the resources.....most of the game is in hallways...how far do you REALLY need to go to do this?  A basic vacuum on a sentinel, anyone will do, suffices for this purpose.


il y a 2 minutes, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 a dit :


There s that elitism again. "You can't hover it up. Pick it up you casual"

Everyone here is acting like Vacuum is not worth looking at and then in the next line they say stuff like this. 

I told you he'll twist your words and run in loops. You said that DE, not even you, but DE want to work for it, and he twist it into "elitism and calling people casual". 


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