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Please Stop Making Non-cosmetic Item Exclusive


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3 minutes ago, WitchRanger said:

Then forgive my poor English. Them what is WF ? Just a chill game? Co-op describe the style of a game, does not describe the goal of a game.

warframe is a cooperative loot grinder.

there is most likely a better description but I can't think of it atm

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3 minutes ago, BaIthazar said:

but by making the actual wanted items obtainable all year every year you are essentially making Events unnecessary or useless because there will be no point in playing them

the majority of players will not bother with events for skins or boosts

This is what happened to the Ignis Wraith event. People were doing the event but once we learned that we could literally just get it for free from other players after the event ended, some of us stopped.

Only the people who were already competitive competed for it. Warframe is a cooperative game filled with a few competitive mechanics and a small competitive community. 

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1 minute ago, Ezekeel666 said:

Out of principle I agree that all non-cosmetic items should be obtainable in-game. That being said those items that currently are not available by playing WF are not much better than their available counterparts so that does not make WF pay-to-win.

Also in my opinion there should be no legacy items like Prime Chamber or Artax rivens. If an item is problematic and has to be removed it should be removed for all players. Letting players keep theirs but prevent future drops does not solve the problem said item creates but only dilutes it making it less likely to run into a player using it. That is a half-assed non-solution. I can understand why DE did it - they were afraid of the backlash of a few angry players and decided that showing some moderate amount of backbone was not worth it. Which leads me to believe those items were not as problematic in the end otherwise why risk having players still using it. Do it right or not do it at all.

I do agree with you.

Legacy item often either only have emotional value, like in WOW, nobody use 60 lvl weapon after 100lvl content, or they are only existing in database.

I think DE is either does understand the situation, or just afraid of the community. Either way, I do feel the need to point things out.

I actually don't understand why it is so hard for this community, in particular, comparing to other games, make the game fair for everybody. Is it because the game was original saved by players? Or it is because f2p? Like I original said, I think this hype is blinding people.

But if we are talking about p2w, I think games have different level of p2w, WF is a special case. Most games nowadays know player only would pay for cosmetic stuff, so they won't cross the line (not all of them tho.) My point still stands, a wrong is not right just because players can settle for less. Like I said, if this is in other similar game, things like Primed Chamber would not be acceptable what's so ever. WF is not others games, but does that make thing the way it should be?

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Just now, WitchRanger said:

No, I'm talking about your last post saying its about 'winning over others' if I remember correctly.

a competitive is where you compete against other players. in warframe the sole point outside of conclave (that has its own balance and mods is limited to PvE WITH players, not against.

So the entire point on warframe being a competitive game its completely false. And if you are competing against your allies then honestly that is on you and in no way a reason to force the availability of mods like primed chamber. Same as that P2W does not float as a point as there is noone to win over. You being stronger benefits the team. yet its not a disadvantage for some opposing player.

The main meat of warframe lacks all the signs of being called a competitive game other then the niche leaderboards (where the ownership of any of the exclusive is in no way the requirement for a top run) and a closed off PvP mode where you can not use primed chamber anyways.

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3 minutes ago, WitchRanger said:

You are not answering my question. That is the style of a game, or rather HOW a game is played, but what is the goal of the game?

Definitely not to compete with other players, since you know, conclave is kinda bad, events occur not that often,  everyone just goes fashionframe and farming plat and that is by no means competitive. You grind loot, git gud, search for friends and play for funzies and lulz. 

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I find it hilarious that you bring this up:

2 hours ago, WitchRanger said:

1. You just want Excalibur Prime, shut up.

And yet your OP also says:

2 hours ago, WitchRanger said:

There is one thing I have to say: Stop making non-cosmetic item exclusive/lime limited etc.

Yes, I'm talking about Excalibur Prime, Primed Chamber and more.

So please tell me which is it?
Are you complaining about the founders items, or aren't you?

Its funny how most of your posts devolve into "How dare you bring up Founders Items!  I never said I was complaining about founders items!  Completely ingore the part of my OP where I say that I am talking about Excalibur Prime explicitly!"

So far every single one of your "points" has been provably false.
DE has brought back the items many times.  No, they aren't there 24/7, but they come back often enough that if you had even a little bit of patience you would have them.
The only exclusives in this game that are going to stay exclusive are the founders items.  The rest are coming back and have been back.
You just need to relax and give it some time.

8 minutes ago, WitchRanger said:

You are missing my point, I'm not saying Event is unnecessary or useless. I'm saying for a game like WF, to gate actually beneficial item behind something is not a wise way. You can put a lot of things in event, boosts, skins, rare weapons, etc. Things like mods shouldn't be put in it, especially those events are really not that frequent.

So in one breath you're saying "Events shouldn't have exclusives!!!! How dare they reward events with event only gear!!!" and in the other breath you're saying "But its completely fine to have exclusive gear in events..."
Which is it?
You really need to stop contradicting yourself across multiple statements.

DE has given weapons in events because it gets people to play the event.  And guess what?  They all come back eventually!  You just have to wait and the event weapon you'll want will be back.

Or what, is the Dex weapons given out on the WF Anniversary also a horrible thing that should never have happened because you can't get it 24/7?

You just need to slow down and wait and the stuff you want will come back.  Its not DEs fault you weren't playing at the time.  Just calm down and run the event when it gets here and grab what you want.

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8 minutes ago, BaIthazar said:

but by making the actual wanted items obtainable all year every year you are essentially making Events unnecessary or useless because there will be no point in playing them

the majority of players will not bother with events for skins or boosts


First, I don't understand why Event is so important that deserve this much attention, but lets just go with it.

The money and time people are willing to spend on cosmetic items is.....you would be surprised, I always do.

And, what I mostly not getting is, WF is not a MMORPG, where people kind of build their lives inside of a game, like buying houses, farming, etc. That leaves people one thing to do, grinding. And in a grinding game, some wanted items are only available once every few years, and you don't know when?

Is this really worth the attention WF get during event? What actual benefit events provide to WF as a game?

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1 minute ago, CephalonNiksyn said:

Definitely not to compete with other players, since you know, conclave is kinda bad, events occur not that often,  everyone just goes fashionframe and farming plat and that is by no means competitive. You grind loot, git gud, search for friends and play for funzies and lulz. 

You get good, but how do you get good. You need mods, warframes, etc..

and build you own builds, then there are exclusive items.


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3 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

a competitive is where you compete against other players. in warframe the sole point outside of conclave (that has its own balance and mods is limited to PvE WITH players, not against.

So the entire point on warframe being a competitive game its completely false. And if you are competing against your allies then honestly that is on you and in no way a reason to force the availability of mods like primed chamber. Same as that P2W does not float as a point as there is noone to win over. You being stronger benefits the team. yet its not a disadvantage for some opposing player.

The main meat of warframe lacks all the signs of being called a competitive game other then the niche leaderboards (where the ownership of any of the exclusive is in no way the requirement for a top run) and a closed off PvP mode where you can not use primed chamber anyways.

Sry for my English I suppose, I mean competitive in a way that you always want better. Better builds, better clean time, better damage, etc...

So PVE is quite competitive IMO, just not competitive against players.

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1 minute ago, WitchRanger said:

You get good, but how do you get good. You need mods, warframes, etc..

and build you own builds, then there are exclusive items.


And you definitely don't need Primed Chamber nor Excalibur Prime nor any event-exclusive item to make a good build. 

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7 minutes ago, WitchRanger said:

First, I don't understand why Event is so important that deserve this much attention, but lets just go with it.

The money and time people are willing to spend on cosmetic items is.....you would be surprised, I always do.

And, what I mostly not getting is, WF is not a MMORPG, where people kind of build their lives inside of a game, like buying houses, farming, etc. That leaves people one thing to do, grinding. And in a grinding game, some wanted items are only available once every few years, and you don't know when?

Is this really worth the attention WF get during event? What actual benefit events provide to WF as a game?

Your arguments are Invalid at this point. If you don't like Warframe, leave. Call me toxic or use me as an example to call the Warframe community bad if you please. People can only go so far as to empathize with you on such a baseless argument. You contradict yourself with every post.

As CephalonNiksyn stated,  you don't need event-exclusive item to make a good build. At this point you're focusing on a handful of Items that you were not able to acquire and claim that they are needed and using them as an excuse to bash DE when you clearly have everything else available for free provided you grind. This is a Grind Looter.

Edited by RayxAyanami
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Just now, Ezekeel666 said:

Sh1tposting and derailing a thread you do not like to death and then calling the mods to remove it is not as clever as you think. It is also the way of the coward who lacks the ability to have a proper discussion based on arguments.

So let me get this right: you posted here to harass me? I have no need to say anything because things are already clearly pointed out. Additionally, I am not derailing the thread like how you are trying to portray. Finally, I actually called Letter immediately, not "after Sh1tposting and derailing a thread" like you so claim.

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3 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

I find it hilarious that you bring this up:

And yet your OP also says:

So please tell me which is it?
Are you complaining about the founders items, or aren't you?

Its funny how most of your posts devolve into "How dare you bring up Founders Items!  I never said I was complaining about founders items!  Completely ingore the part of my OP where I say that I am talking about Excalibur Prime explicitly!"

So far every single one of your "points" has been provably false.
DE has brought back the items many times.  No, they aren't there 24/7, but they come back often enough that if you had even a little bit of patience you would have them.
The only exclusives in this game that are going to stay exclusive are the founders items.  The rest are coming back and have been back.
You just need to relax and give it some time.

So in one breath you're saying "Events shouldn't have exclusives!!!! How dare they reward events with event only gear!!!" and in the other breath you're saying "But its completely fine to have exclusive gear in events..."
Which is it?
You really need to stop contradicting yourself across multiple statements.

DE has given weapons in events because it gets people to play the event.  And guess what?  They all come back eventually!  You just have to wait and the event weapon you'll want will be back.

Or what, is the Dex weapons given out on the WF Anniversary also a horrible thing that should never have happened because you can't get it 24/7?

You just need to slow down and wait and the stuff you want will come back.  Its not DEs fault you weren't playing at the time.  Just calm down and run the event when it gets here and grab what you want.

I'm talking about Excalibur prime as an example, not as in 'Give me Excalibur Prime now!', you would understand if you read more of my original post.

You are really concerned about Founders pack, aren't you. I can't stop talking about it because ppl can't stop talking about it, that's all.


From which post you are quoating me? I never said I'm fine with event exclusive gear???

And you know, some people just give up.....cuz' why would one wait for a weapon when he can get it any time in other grinding game? 

What you may have now may be good, have you consider a change may be better?


If it provide actual benefit, then its horrible decision. That's my whole point.


It's not DE's fault I'm not playing at that time, but It's also not DE's fault some people is not playing at all.....


Dude, don't try so hard to point out my mistakes, I think you need to get your logic, thoughts and argument straight first. No offence.

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4 minutes ago, RayxAyanami said:

Your arguments are Invalid at this point. If you don't like Warframe, leave. Call me toxic or use me as an example to call the Warframe community bad if you please. People can only go so far as to empathize with you on such a baseless argument. You contradict yourself with every post.


I don't even want to point out exactly where you went wrong here, cuz' I think you are getting frustrated and so you want to be done with the argument. So you are not providing actual argument at this point....

If you are tired, you can come back talk to me later, or don't have to reply to me.

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Just now, CephalonNiksyn said:

You get loot?

And? Have you ever see any game's ultimate goal is getting loot.

As far as I know, every grinding game's goal is getting better builds and clear maps faster BY getting loot and grinding.


It's like when you are 15, of course you don't know what you will be when you are 30, so you tell you self, my goal is to get an A at next exam. It's a nice goal, its valid, but its not the end goal.....

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1 minute ago, WitchRanger said:


I don't even want to point out exactly where you went wrong here, cuz' I think you are getting frustrated and so you want to be done with the argument. So you are not providing actual argument at this point....

If you are tired, you can come back talk to me later, or don't have to reply to me.

You can't use Excalibur Prime as an Example, As he is the ONLY warframe in this situation. Primed chamber might come back some day, so will all other event related items. This whole thread makes no sense to begin with.

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