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Why there's no clan vs clan pvp?


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Clans are beneficial in many ways, dojo labs, trading, leaderboards and probably the incoming king pin system but what about pvp? What about clan v clan? Clans invading dojos to steal resources and why not, make it part of the king pin system, where a clan can be randomly hired by the king pins to fight the clans targeting them. Plz make that happen, pvp is the end game. 

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Just now, MimouAuditore said:

So it's a bad idea after all, I didn't know they existed before, and no I'm not a clan owner but I just felt that clans are meaningless and needs to be looked at. I doubt that the king pin system is enough tho. 

I honestly think that making a clan and developing it from the beginning is the most entertaining part, cause it gives you something to do. But yeah joining a clan at the end when it's already huge and doesn't need anything, it's boring.

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Most of these problems could be solved if they just rent servers. The balance issues are different but this game is peer to peer which means the hosts connection is what means if a host have bad connection then the others have too. 

If the game maybe ends I hope they will let us play lan or make our private servers to play the game.

Also they still could do this but they need to invest into it.

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Just now, MimouAuditore said:

@Serafinia if clan v clan is ever going to be a thing, I think they will use dedicated servers just like conclave. 

The conclave and relays have some kind of servers but not so powerful to keep the instances lagless. This should be fixed. In other mmo games (not in all) but in the most there are a fluid instance. As example I can say the digimon online, pokemon online, phantasy star instances, Dragon Nest and some others. Wow is different apple because the Blizzard have enough money to keep up a huge server park but the DE should at least rent enough to serve this community up to 100k players daily at least. Probably in the future this won't happens and the playerbase won't login daily 100k in the next few years but if the connectivity issues fixed and the game feels more fluid then maybe we can do better pvp events like tournaments.

Honestly a good pvp could keep running a game and no matter how much pve focused the warframe because whom only plays pve could be bored without the instant content pumps. There need also some non grinding events and social activities which gives extra time to spend with fun without grinding all the time.

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il y a 10 minutes, Serafinia a dit :

The conclave and relays have some kind of servers but not so powerful to keep the instances lagless. This should be fixed. In other mmo games (not in all) but in the most there are a fluid instance. As example I can say the digimon online, pokemon online, phantasy star instances, Dragon Nest and some others. Wow is different apple because the Blizzard have enough money to keep up a huge server park but the DE should at least rent enough to serve this community up to 100k players daily at least. Probably in the future this won't happens and the playerbase won't login daily 100k in the next few years but if the connectivity issues fixed and the game feels more fluid then maybe we can do better pvp events like tournaments.

Honestly a good pvp could keep running a game and no matter how much pve focused the warframe because whom only plays pve could be bored without the instant content pumps. There need also some non grinding events and social activities which gives extra time to spend with fun without grinding all the time.

I can't agree more, I'm not sure if DE will rent servers for the game (I would like that to happen)  but I'm certain that warframe's future will be bright if they can figure out a working formula for pvp or at least add a competitive aspect to the game, since pvp have a huge replay value and competition is always a good incentive to play. 

Edited by MimouAuditore
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1 minute ago, MimouAuditore said:

I can't agree more, I'm not sure if DE will rent servers for the game but I'm certain that warframe's future will be bright if they figure out a working formula for pvp, since pvp have huge replay value. 

And a whole lot of cloning going on too...  Like Fortnite, Rust, PUBG...  The list goes on.  

However, as I've survived the mess that occurred to Archwing, I will maintain my ambivalence and say, if DE's going to do it -- please do it right.  Don't take shortcuts by cloning as we're seeing a butt-ton of that right now.  

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34 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Primal Hollow said:

I honestly think that making a clan and developing it from the beginning is the most entertaining part, cause it gives you something to do. But yeah joining a clan at the end when it's already huge and doesn't need anything, it's boring.

So True, thats how I ended up creating my own clan last year. if i didnt do that i would of probably quit warframe

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il y a 2 minutes, MBaldelli a dit :

And a whole lot of cloning going on too...  Like Fortnite, Rust, PUBG...  The list goes on.  

However, as I've survived the mess that occurred to Archwing, I will maintain my ambivalence and say, if DE's going to do it -- please do it right.  Don't take shortcuts by cloning as we're seeing a butt-ton of that right now.  

Cloning creates genres, but warframe is definitely not a clone, and it's hard to classify. For ur other point I think they should make some private servers to test new mechanics before publishing them, and those private servers should have a decent population (a thousand player for example) this way I'm sure that half baked ideas like archwing won't become live before it becomes 100% polished. 

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4 hours ago, MimouAuditore said:

What if a clan can build defenses and they add NPCs from multiple factions, so the attacking clan will face those NPCs and defenses and not the players, turning it into a pve mode made by the clans. 

They had something like this before but only with the specters (both warframe and corrupted), then they added an enemy player squad as well. Thankfully you couldn't tell the players from specters because everyone had the corrupted visual (now seen in relic cracking) and the specters had clan members' names when aimed at. The one downside was your appearance didn't transfer into the battle, so everything had default colors. I liked these on the PS4 (switched to PC eventually) because they were fun. You made progress (you started with level 0 gear and as you leveled up you would regain those mods you had equipped for instant power), you had to use strategy sometimes, it was different from the other modes, there were unique turrets, there were NPCs to take the heat off of players hunting down other players, there was set goals, spawn points would change as a side won/lost a zone, and it was logical. Honestly I would love for these to be added again, but then I remember that the community, especially PC, likes to cheese everything as fast as they can with their increasing reliance on overpowered meta builds. That would render this gameplay useless as whichever side can get their build rolling first will dominate the others without even a chance of losing because they would kill you a few rooms over with their abilities or have a frost prime (one of the slowest frames out there) zip by you at the speed of lightning (somehow) and maim strike you once, killing you without so much as noticing. The NPC's would be nothing more than cannon fodder to viable builds and the only way to counter that is to make them so powerful that anything but meta builds are useless against them. I only had to quit a few times, but it was more because I was underpowered/outskilled rather than being cheesed or cheated like in the video. So now I just consider it a gem of the past because it will never be implemented due to how many people hate it and will meta their ways through it.

Edited by Minatos_Gordem
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On 2/23/2018 at 3:46 PM, MimouAuditore said:

Cloning creates genres, but warframe is definitely not a clone, and it's hard to classify. For ur other point I think they should make some private servers to test new mechanics before publishing them, and those private servers should have a decent population (a thousand player for example) this way I'm sure that half baked ideas like archwing won't become live before it becomes 100% polished. 

I agree...  But at the same time, if they were to clone the premise to PUBG/Fortnite so that Warframes could do the same, is that a cheap knockoff of being a space ninja?  Yep.  It would be.  And that's the sort of cloning I don't want to see because it's a popularity grab.  Much in the same way this crap is a cheap popularity grab:



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