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mining hud style but for the scanners


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Can we get the mining style hud for the scanners so we dont have to always be in walking zoom mode? It would make it quite a bit easier to farm the plants needed for apothics (the grind is real :|).

The plant grind wouldnt be so bad if helios could continue scanning the plants (not sure if he even did in the first place....but can always hope)

Also, related to the plant grind....can dusklight Sarracenias be made larger? it is VERY hard to see, especially where they grow (though this wouldnt be too much of an issue if helios was made to scan the plants after they are done being scanned.)

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It would be atleast good if we get a new Simaris mod, he not goten anything new in ages, so making a Helios mod to continue scanning plants would be interessting, i mean Carrier has also has his loot mod aswell, even if it could work better.

Helios showing weaknesses is nice but more variety for sentinel mods and abilitys overall  would be nice to make use of there loadout options aswell.

Edited by Marine027
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1 minute ago, Marine027 said:

It would be atleast good if we get a new Simaris mod, he not goten anything new in ages, so making a Helios mod to continue scannign plants would be interessting, i mean Carrier has also his loot mod aswell, even if it could work better. Helios showing weaknesses is nice but more variety for sentinels would be nice to make use of there loadout options aswell.

that could work...i forgot about simaris to be honest lol

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Yeah, you know.... I dont use Chesa either. 

 Would be better if scanner were like "passive".  You activate /deactivate is through gear wheel. When active, it stays on your helmet, scanning everything you aim at for long enough.  You can shoot things and fight as usual.

Scanner overlay should not zoom or add any "color filter" like it does now ( color overlay sux big time) .  It should just add some minimalistic indicator around reticle and thats it.  


Btw i remember some people with bad eyesight asked for "enemy highlight" option.  Using scanner whould help such people, while allowing them to fight and all.

  Not sure if scanner should highlight through walls though. If "passive" that would be quite gamebreaking....or would it? We already can kill whole rooms without even looking haha.

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