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New Arcane System is Hard to Use


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Edit: This post is feedback on the Arcane system in the Foundry segment, not the equipment upgrade menu. Equipping Arcanes is easy - everything else is not. Allow me to explain why.

The new Arcane system requires players to stack Arcanes with more of each type. However, the UI to do so, as well as the lack of key functions, makes the system worse than the previous cosmetic-only system.


  • The box-based UI is confusing as to which arcane is where. Buttons are far too big and placed far away from each other. A player has to scroll across the entire screen just to upgrade his selected Arcane. In essence: too much mouse movement, UI does not guide player well.
  • Arcanes cannot be downgraded. Combined with the point above, many players have been left with duplicate arcanes of the same level they cannot get rid of or recycle, thus making them unusable. 
  • Arcanes are not filtered well. Rarities are intermingled among one another because they are sorted alphabetically. This combined with point 1 to make the player even more confused when trying to simply locate a specific arcane.

Proposed solutions:

  • Make arcanes upgradable like mods - upgrade them additively up to level 10. One arcane = one additional level on the arcane. Arcane increases in power at the already determined intervals of 1,3,6, and 10
  • Allow downgrade of Arcanes.
  • Fliter arcanes by default via rarity to guide players' eyes via color.
  • Sort arcanes into rows of five or six instead of three. Place the upgrade UI closer to the arcane selection submenu.

I hope my feedback is helpful.

Edited by Sitchrea
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2 minutes ago, PhoenixShadowEvil said:

And? hard? really? 


Just equip it in warframe no more in cosmetic itens, you can use two arcanes types, example i use in my warframe arcane deflection, and resistance, what complex?

This is not about the equipment UI. This post is about the Arcane system in the Foundry segment.

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2 minutes ago, Stoner said:

Also, arcanes now follow the same trade tax as with mods. Rarest arcanes cost 1 million credits each to trade. This is absurd.

Which means you will want them either fully ranked or at the right rank.

And since when Credits are an issue in this game?

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16 minutes ago, Stoner said:

Also, arcanes now follow the same trade tax as with mods. Rarest arcanes cost 1 million credits each to trade. This is absurd.

But you get a lot of credits from raids right? Oh wait.... they're gone. XD

Probably added this in to account for the fact that you can now repeatedly grind for arcanes, and that the value of the legendary arcanes would drop massively. Not the whole 'cap arcane farming once a day' thing, but definitely adds somewhat of a rarity mechanic to it. Thank goodness I completed my energize, grace and a few others before the rework. 

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please for the love of god make them able to be downgraded i have 6 energizes and because the UI is so clunky to use i upgraded it once then went to upgrade it a second time and it didnt upgrade the first one to rank 2 it just upgraded a separate one to rank 1. now i have 2 rank 1 arcane energizes and no way to fix it cant even equip two lower ranks of the same arcane at the same time pls fix this DE

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