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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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Question: When are we going to get the function for the ability to "favorite" mods (creating a list of favorite mods) in the mod customization screen so we don't have to go through 20 pages just to find what we need?

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Is there any plan to improve the contacts/clan/chat window UI and the invitation/party system in the foreseeable future? Will there be a decent LFG system implemented that does not consist of spamming the recruitment chat channel?

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Q:1 Will there be possibly a secret faction to popup in warframe not infested not grineer not corpus like a dark unknown faction?


Q:2 Can we put a free for all gamemode like 6 tenno battle it out and see who is the winner?


Anyway Hope to see the livestream tomorrow and also maybe get the 1000 free platinum \m/^.^\m/

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Are there any thoughts on making each frame more unique?

Unique meaning, specific weapons or mods, besides abilities, only available per certain frame.

It would be interesting to see some frames utilizing special equipment or at least using certain gear in a signature style.

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My Questions:


1. I was very excited when you introduced a whole new planet for the Grineer settlements, how far in the future would you say new planets (or possibly even new systems) are coming?


2. Concerning the Dojo updates, will there be an opportunity for an automatic upgrade for the entire Dojo, or will those of us that have already built expansive Dojos have to go through the painstaking process of destroying and rebuilding all of our rooms?


3. Will there be an entirely new boss for Phobos to replace the Vor/Kril dou? If so, how long until the switch, and will it be the massive boss you mentioned in a previous stream?


Thanks guys!

This "massive boss" you're talking about is the overhauled J-3 Golem. Its apparently gonna be 8 stories tall.(might be wrong about that number)

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1. Will we be able to buy platinum by phone?


2. Will you consider making the planets totally different looking between each other atleast (not for every mission if it's too much) ?


2. Will you add some weapons/Warframes non-damage mods that can really have you think wich one to pick between one of them and the current damage ones?

Edited by Costi90RO
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We've seen the Corpus icy settlements and Grineer arid desert settlements. Is infested planet up next?


Will there be 'Tier 2' warframe skills/abilities? New skills and abilities that will require certain mastery points to equip, but won't necessarily make 'Tier 1' abilities obsolete.

Edited by jucarojinmu
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'B' or 'C' Level bug (EA's scale)

Errors joining hosts when attempting standard and Void missions.


These ones are mostly 'C' Level bugs I would say.

Error: Ash Blade Storm getting stuck, says power in use when trying another power.

Error: Blade Storm dumping player outside of level (when starting in doorway I think?); player would then fall for upwards of 30 seconds then die at bottom of level. Ash would also somethings lose its physics. It would not be able to descend the level. Wouldn't be able to use powers. Only fix was for others to finish level.


Error: Nova Anti-matter drop not working when not host. (Not sure if a patch has fixed it in the last few days)


Error: Getting stuck between rotating doors and wall in void missions


'D' Level bug: Sometimes don't receive cash reward for completing mission if not on the extraction trigger (ie in another room)


An update on host issues and how the fixes are progressing.


Possible new Feature: Increase rewards for traveling farther from the shortest route to objective. Help increase exploration by increasing the drop rates of the rarer mods.

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11. Void drops. How is that possible, that after dozens of Void runs you have dozens of Latron Prime Stocks and Barrels, but no receivers? Technically they have similar, if not equal chance to drop. Yet some Prime parts are extremely rare.


They dont have similar or equal chance to drop. In the Latron's case the receiver has like 0.67% chance to drop in T1/T2  and 12.6% chance to drop in T3

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I thought the commu might want to hear your answers on this DE:

1) Where does DE see Warframe in, 5 years from now?

2) When do you plan to give us a map that goes beyond Pluto? A map, a tileset, a new faction maybe, that may give us the reason to keep playing?


3) Which are you prioritizing first, high-level Lore (in relation to 2, Pluto and Corpus lore being open-ended atm) or fixing the current systems?

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Ok a few questions this time.

1. Loki, will he get a makeover? He really needs one to be useful in a team.

2. Perma-mods. This is something I bet you looked into at some point.

I mean that a gun gets modded as a Fire-type weapon for example.

Many games do this, but might go against the filosophy.

3. Elenents. Should not fire and ice be +enemies - ?

Its seems wrong to allow all at once.

4. Elemental or weapon weakness. As some frames are godlike and have a a kill all power,

perhaps make them have a akilles-heal to?



The others require thoughts.

All this is to give more depth and challenge, that the vets are allways talking about

5. More Lore please, and a Codex.

6. Stealth missions or mods. Are they comming

Thank you for the hard work.

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With the introduction of the Lore tab, you have started to show more of the history of the game itself. I tend to be someone who looks at some of the exterior things of fluff as they are one of the best things to myself that show a lot of this setting had thought put into it. That being said:



Formorian - Galleon - Corpus Ships - Tenno Ships
I would love the actual names of the Corpus ships
Length: How long are these ships?
Maximum acceleration: How fast do they travel in space?
Interstellar Travel: How do they travel between systems? Hyperdrive? Quantum Tunneling? Solar Rail thingy?
Maximum speed (atmosphere): How fast are these ships in the Atmosphere?
Engine unit(s): How many engines do these have?
Power output: What is the maximum power output of the reactor? Scientfic notation in watts would be good.
Power plant: What type of generator do they have?
Shielding: What type of shielding, if any, do they have?
Sensor systems: Who made their sensors? What Model are they?
Targeting systems: Who made their systems? What Model are they?
Armament(s): How many different guns are there? How many batteries of them are there?
Complement: How many vehicles does this carry?
Crew: How many?
Officers: How many?
Infantry: How many?
Enlisted: How many?
Gunners: How many?
Cargo capacity: How Much?
Consumables: How long could these last before refueling?
Communication systems: Who made their systems? What Model are they?
Any kind of history for the ship types would also be great.
Do the Grineer have wheeled Vehicles?
Will we see Wheeled Vehicles on settlement planets?
Do the Grineer use tanks?
Do the Corpus develop Power Armor?
Is a group of Corpus a Clergy?
What is the Grineer Anthem?
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will we ever have pre-set loadouts that would pertain to equipped mods, as well as weapons? EX: loadout 1: braton; serration, split chamber, cryo rounds. loadout 2. serration, armor pen, fire mod.


second question. will we ever get multiple move sets for our warframes, that could be semi-customized. as in instead of having freeze or avalanche be set in stone moves, but instead be able to kind of pick and choose our moves. meaning not be stuck with the traditional frost loadout of freeze, ice trail, snow globe, and avalanche. but instead have those moves, plus 1-3 additional move sets that we could pick and choose from between each tier. that would give players not only a lot more choice, but be able to do party buff setups, as well as solo play.

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I was thinking about how an item in the new Pokemon game makes some pokemon a "Mega" version for a temp. time.


My question is:


Will there ever be an item or an equip system(not mods) for warframes that would change their abilities but also alter their looks for a temp amount of time?

Mega Prime Excalibur? haha.

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