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One Small Step For De, One Giant Leap For Death


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So you're the only ones here working?


And why are people complaining about  "6 days of grind" when it only takes a few hours to get the points for the mods? Or are you that bad and slow that you need days to get the measly amount of required points?


As for the top spot in clan and player rankings, it rewards those that actually play the game. I think that you're just a scrub.




That's what you get for making your clan a collective trashcan that picks up every bad/inactive player on the side of the road. You only have yourself to blame. The new system accounts for player score average in the clan, thus rewarding quality over quantity.


This made me LOL! Is there any way someone can misinterpret the English language any worse?! I think not... I suppose if someone was actually more bitter than this person then yes but good luck finding that!

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Its not because of the statue


Its because even if we got more points then warbros


we will still lose

that's what I mean by weighted dice 

Maybe you should lead your clan better and get them to actually do the event instead of telling them to just give up. First thing is first though lead through example and set a goal for yourself not just the normal basic goal something higher.


If your reading this and saying "Nah that's stupid." then I'm pretty sure that's the reason you won't ever win not because of "loaded dice".

Edited by DishSoap
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I think the 6 day event is due to people complaining about "having a life" on the weekends and can't do an event. If people go read back on the the whining from the previous 2 events that was one of the sticking points.

This is what I was thinking. Previous events DE had players complain that they were too short, people didn't have time over a weekend and the event times gave an advantage to the North American players.


DE make this event possible last for 6 days, I'm assuming to appeal to the players who had concerns, and now it seems that people may have concerns that it's too long.


You really can't make everyone happy, ever.

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considering the speed at wich were smashing this event it doesnt need to be that long, should just finish when we get all 3 parts done


as for your arguement? oh boo hoo the game doesnt fit your schedule, what about all the people who work all weekend???

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The thing with 6 days is that it allows for more people to be able to join in. People were complaining that they were busy on the weekends and so forth, so DE made an almost week-long event so that more people would be able to participate in it. And quite frankly, having a longer event IS nice, makes it easier to get the personal rewards without having to deal with grinding marathons.

The only thing that having a longer event screws up is the competitive part. Longer event = more time that a person can farm, and this means that the competition favors hardcore no-lifes more than ever before. Personally I stopped caring about getting top clan or top player long ago, but it still sucks to have the leaderboards simply being dictated by how much of a no-life you are. If DE gave all clans who participated to a certain amount some kind of memorabilia, while giving the top 3 clans of each tier a deluxe edition of it, I'm sure a lot of people would be less ticked off about the whole ordeal. I mean, players get tiered personal rewards, why not clans?

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Heh, people were complaining that the events were too short and they didnt have a chance to get to the top.

Now the event are too long and they are not going to have a chance to get the to the top


You are never going to please everybody.


 This event could give people free platinum for every 50 points they score and there would STILL be threads complaining.

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To those saying "why are you complaining, its so easy". You should try reading before responding... you're on a forum, it's a requirement.


Personally I don't feel like grinding my way for the next 5 days just to have a shot at only a Statue and 3 Mods (which are badass and take a day to acquire)

His complaint is NOT about the event being too hard to obtain the mods. It's about the 6 day grind for a chance at a statue...

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stop complaining and do something. We're grinding this thing non stop with 2-3 concurrent squads active at any one time and the rest farming keys. almost at 5k. Our little shadow clan offshoot is leading. It's a nice event. A bit different and it was okay without the mods. With the mods i like even better. Especially when we finish this event on top. We'll never stop. You can complain all you want and all the while we'll be capturing those scouts. >_>

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 You can complain all you want and all the while we'll be capturing those scouts. >_>




Deck the halls with informants shouting Trololololo lolololo~

Senseless banters and threads of Raging Trololololo lolololo~

Event is too short, can't reach top clans Trololololololololo

Event is too long, still can't reach them Trolololololololo!

nice one Rue hahaha

anyway, I wonder what people over at DE thinks of this mixed reactions when they do something, I find it quite sad to see devs actually getting to a point where they say sorry in the livestreams. While the forums holds a huge amount of interesting reads, it also has a crapload of useless Nerf This' Buff That's that are highly opinionated, with the mix of QQ's from the likes of this event. As some people point out, it is quite simple: Don't like the mechanics of the event, don't participate. The event was designed to be hard as well (grinding wise) and to address how people laxly says DE spoonfeeding players with their events "meh, they'll let us succeed" so here you go, a failable event that can cause a delay for access to the grineer settlement. 

Another thing you guys might be overseeing, aside from the "who's clan has highest piss-height", THIS IS A COMMUNITY EVENT we fail this, everyone doesn't get access to the grineer settlement, not in the near future I guess. It's not that top contributing clans get access and others don't. 

Don't like the rankings? Don't look at them, instead contribute to the goal of unlocking the new tile sets. While the grind might "demand" people of "losing their lives", you have the choice of not participating. We can't have all the things in the world and DE can't give us everything just like that.

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I feel as tho everyone here is missing the point of its a grind for the the top clans and not about my personal time as it is for everyone in the clan I'm in

stop complaining and do something. We're grinding this thing non stop with 2-3 concurrent squads active at any one time and the rest farming keys. almost at 5k. Our little shadow clan offshoot is leading. It's a nice event. A bit different and it was okay without the mods. With the mods i like even better. Especially when we finish this event on top. We'll never stop. You can complain all you want and all the while we'll be capturing those scouts. >_>

Sir we can win if we wanted to we choose not to cause its a waste of time now if everyone has to put more hours then necessary to compete for a statue. Sitting on the computer for 6 days straight to keep the #1 spot is ridiculous it waste good time that could be spent somewhere else. Plus for 6 days it should be more REWARDING to get something EPIC instead of a statue that just sits there and does nothing.

Everyone here seems there missing the point of 6 day event for a statue for the top clans. I have said before its GREAT there they're allowing people to have a chance at getting mods threw out the week but shouldn't of this been something before instead now ? What about the last event with those same mods that people didn't get a chance for ?

The game doesn't revolve around you. Not everyone can play during the weekend, this gives them a chance.

You're right it doesn't evolve around me, but it also cuts out more clans cause of them wanting it to be a competition while it helps other to have a chance at this who can't play on the weekend, thus why I suggested 2 types of events after this one if they decide to go in that general direction. Shouldn't be hard to have a weekend event and a week event to have the same mods and prizes for those clans, but make sure too add a difference

The game is about grinding....events will be a harder grind.

You grind everytime you play the game....EVERY time.

If you can't handle grinding? Wrong game to play.....



Seriously...getting resources? Grind..

Getting mods? Grind.

Weapons/Frames? Grind.

Did you REALLY think that you'd be GIVEN everything in the game just for signing up?

NO,you go out,get mats/bp's,forge,wait,claim,go out and get more stuff....if you can't do that? Again,wrong game to play....

No I don't think they will give everything in the game just for signing up, but there's no point in killing the game even more with grinds for people who have been playing it since closed beta. Trust me I've grinding my &#! off with this game with as it is with only 4 weapon to go to have all of them. I did sign up for the right game I spent $250 dollars and my time to get where I am. I don't think I need someone to tell me I'm in the wrong game.

This is what I was thinking. Previous events DE had players complain that they were too short, people didn't have time over a weekend and the event times gave an advantage to the North American players.


DE make this event possible last for 6 days, I'm assuming to appeal to the players who had concerns, and now it seems that people may have concerns that it's too long.


You really can't make everyone happy, ever.

Agreed whole heartily here. I like the fact that its a week event but only for a few reason.

Ex. players who are maybe on vacation and getting back Monday, They had emergency come up and they couldn't be on.

We can't please everyone here but were giving 2 types of players a loss and a chance now for Weekend and Weekday players.

So you're the only ones here working?


And why are people complaining about  "6 days of grind" when it only takes a few hours to get the points for the mods? Or are you that bad and slow that you need days to get the measly amount of required points?


As for the top spot in clan and player rankings, it rewards those that actually play the game. I think that you're just a scrub.

No I'm not the only one working here thus why I felt this needed to be posted, No I'm not bad in fact I'm in the top 100 where are you at ? I just think you smell funny :P. All in aside please read the whole thread before making a post next time would like to have some type of excellent conversation with you good sir / maddum.

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Deck the halls with informants shouting Trololololo lolololo~

Senseless banters and threads of Raging Trololololo lolololo~

Event is too short, can't reach top clans Trololololololololo

Event is too long, still can't reach them Trolololololololo!

nice one Rue hahaha

anyway, I wonder what people over at DE thinks of this mixed reactions when they do something, I find it quite sad to see devs actually getting to a point where they say sorry in the livestreams. While the forums holds a huge amount of interesting reads, it also has a crapload of useless Nerf This' Buff That's that are highly opinionated, with the mix of QQ's from the likes of this event. As some people point out, it is quite simple: Don't like the mechanics of the event, don't participate. The event was designed to be hard as well (grinding wise) and to address how people laxly says DE spoonfeeding players with their events "meh, they'll let us succeed" so here you go, a failable event that can cause a delay for access to the grineer settlement. 

Another thing you guys might be overseeing, aside from the "who's clan has highest &!$$-height", THIS IS A COMMUNITY EVENT we fail this, everyone doesn't get access to the grineer settlement, not in the near future I guess. It's not that top contributing clans get access and others don't. 

Don't like the rankings? Don't look at them, instead contribute to the goal of unlocking the new tile sets. While the grind might "demand" people of "losing their lives", you have the choice of not participating. We can't have all the things in the world and DE can't give us everything just like that.

I highly doubt we as a community are going to sit here and do nothing, hell I'm still doing the event to just get the settlement unlocked and put in my points. Yes its mix reaction that can be easily fixed in my opinion just by sorting out these events for certain players it will help casual and hardcore players a like.

Edited by Gravefire
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Exclusive items should never exist in games. It's a great way to alienate players knowing they can never get/experience all the content in your game no matter how hard they try.

They can exist if cosmetic. If they aren't then they should at least be tradable so that it is possible to get them.

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I highly doubt we as a community are going to sit here and do nothing, hell I'm still doing the event to just get the settlement unlocked and put in my points. Yes its mix reaction that can be easily fixed in my opinion just by sorting out these events for certain players it will help casual and hardcore players a like.


This is just my approach though, but the recent events imho can't be compared with other events with other games I've previously have knowledge of. The Fomorian event and this one ties in heavily with the lore, I'll be bold as to say that the events are quite improving from that perspective, that what the community chooses to do affects the game experience and the storyline, we're in a sense, writing the story itself.

I do want to see different weekly events as you stated. A Friday event might highlight having fun, much more akin to "casual Fridays". While Saturday and Sunday might hold the "clan competition" events for the boards or what not.

I also believe the community won't just sit and watch us fail, but reading majority of the feedback about the events wants me to think otherwise.

The dust will settle when we arrive in the Grineer Settlement.... or not since it is sandy as hell hahaha

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This is just my approach though, but the recent events imho can't be compared with other events with other games I've previously have knowledge of. The Fomorian event and this one ties in heavily with the lore, I'll be bold as to say that the events are quite improving from that perspective, that what the community chooses to do affects the game experience and the storyline, we're in a sense, writing the story itself.

I do want to see different weekly events as you stated. A Friday event might highlight having fun, much more akin to "casual Fridays". While Saturday and Sunday might hold the "clan competition" events for the boards or what not.

I also believe the community won't just sit and watch us fail, but reading majority of the feedback about the events wants me to think otherwise.

The dust will settle when we arrive in the Grineer Settlement.... or not since it is sandy as hell hahaha

Agreed, I think the fact that they've made a week event is awesome on its own I just think getting the word out sooner then just smacking you with should of been done better. I can see great things to come as well as the bad. I'm just hoping we don't get more of the bad.

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Its not because of the statue

Its because even if we got more points then warbros

we will still lose

that's what I mean by weighted dice 


You seem to think that member count should be rewarded. The dice are neither weighted, nor was this unannounced. Warbros defeated the opposition last time fair and square, and does so again this time. What is your complaint?


Additionally, you are the head of ~4000++ players. You are leading by bad example. You are taking your negativity and you are feeding it to thousands of players, without exaggeration. Instead of motivating the players, you are demotivating them. You are influencing those on the fence to dislike the event, those liking it are distrought and feel their efforts are in vain because their clan leader dismissed the entire event.


Why? Because you think that clans should be rewarded by size, without a limit to size. You recruited everyone and their grandmother, and you now have a lot of casual players, a lot of inactive players, and a lot of good players. But the weight of the less hard working drags your clan down - and you think that it is unfair. You wanted that big clan. You have it.


Warbros stays, out of principle, over 1000, just to be there and fight against clans quadruple and more of their size, and defeat them, with dedication the opposition cannot muster. Why should that not be rewarded? Clan dojo costs have been adjusted to clan sizes. Now rewards take clan size into account, too.

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You seem to think that member count should be rewarded. The dice are neither weighted, nor was this unannounced. Warbros defeated the opposition last time fair and square, and does so again this time. What is your complaint?

No offense in what I'm about to say but take it private messaging instead of the post ? Trying to keep that kinda of stuff outta here. :D

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No offense in what I'm about to say but take it private messaging instead of the post ? Trying to keep that kinda of stuff outta here. :D


I don't think what Ced23Ric said is required to be sent through private message.


As much as I... disagree with Ced23Ric most of the time; I feel what he said and how he said it is acceptable in the confines of the topic discussion.

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