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Something that has been bugging be for a while is why don't rushers rush in Solo or Private/Invite only instead of Online mode and screwign over people who are playing online and are not rushers?

Edited by Neo3602
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I don't see how we, the rushers, are screwing you over. All we essentially do is run to the objective, finish it, then run to extraction without killing or picking up loot.

PLEASE enlighten me.

Edited by MiNDBREAKz
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This bothers me as well to be honest.


Sometimes I do rush because I'm looking to do something very specific and don't care about anything else, on these occasions I always play solo.


If you have no interest in co-op play, do everyone a favour and do the same.

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yeah right, there was an alert with jackal assassination. so i took ogris like a big boy. maybe i was drunk because i have decided to actually help random people with killing.


but.... i cursed everything. soooo slooooow. i managed to smoke a cig waiting on jackal's back.

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the same arguement goes both ways. if you want to play exactly how you want, play solo.

when you play online, you must take what you get for players.

so two things then.

if you want to rush, play solo.
if you want to go slow and kill everything and get all the loot, play solo.
if you want to go halfway between these two, play solo.

stop complaining, that's what happens when you're online. if you don't like it, press abort.

online is just that. you can't control what people do, everyone has a different play style. 

that's kind've just how it works. 

i don't like it sometimes either, but that's how it is. you take some, you give some.

Edited by taiiat
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Not everyone can keep up with rushers and I personally like to take my time when playing ane I like to bable to stop and pick up loot with out having to worry about getting stuck between a huge group of mobs and not getting to the exraction point in time, of course thats why I play solo mode

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the same arguement goes both ways. if you want to play exactly how you want, play solo.



when you play online, you must take what you get for players.


so two things then.


if you want to rush, play solo.

if you want to go slow and kill everything and get all the loot, play solo.

if you want to go halfway between these two, play solo.


stop complaining, that's what happens when you're online. if you don't like it, press abort. 

Looks like I should have mentioned in my orginal post that I mostly play solo

Edited by Neo3602
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Looks like I should have mentioned in my orginal post that I mostly play solo

and if you do, then that's how you avoid players that don't do what you want. but it's a freedom of speech kind of thing, they can play the game however they want to. playing alone or only with friends is the way to avoid people you don't know. 


online matchmakes random people, you can't choose how those random people play.

Edited by taiiat
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I don't see how we, the rushers, are screwing you over. All we essentially do is run to the objective, finish it, then run to extraction without killing or picking up loot.

PLEASE enlighten me.


1. In an assassination you may not find the boss room with the loot any more.

2. If you don't get to extraction within the 60 second limit you get 0 credits for the mission.

3. Some people cannot rush with you and get totally screwed over by the tons of enemies spawned.




The exp that rushters get from playing online is referring to what exactly? The shared exp leeched off people who actually kill stuff?

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1. In an assassination you may not find the boss room with the loot any more.

2. If you don't get to extraction within the 60 second limit you get 0 credits for the mission.

3. Some people cannot rush with you and get totally screwed over by the tons of enemies spawned.




The exp that rushters get from playing online is referring to what exactly? The shared exp leeched off people who actually kill stuff?


Lets please not turn this thread in to a flamewar

I started this thread to ask rushers why they play online mode and not solo/private/invite only not to start a war

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1. In an assassination you may not find the boss room with the loot any more.

2. If you don't get to extraction within the 60 second limit you get 0 credits for the mission.

3. Some people cannot rush with you and get totally screwed over by the tons of enemies spawned.




The exp that rushters get from playing online is referring to what exactly? The shared exp leeched off people who actually kill stuff?


2.Run faster

3.Ignore the enemies

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the same arguement goes both ways. if you want to play exactly how you want, play solo.

when you play online, you must take what you get for players.

so two things then.

if you want to rush, play solo.

if you want to go slow and kill everything and get all the loot, play solo.

if you want to go halfway between these two, play solo.

stop complaining, that's what happens when you're online. if you don't like it, press abort.

online is just that. you can't control what people do, everyone has a different play style. 

that's kind've just how it works. 

i don't like it sometimes either, but that's how it is. you take some, you give some.



Someone who gets it! If you can't adapt to how people are playing online (as long as it's not griefing) then maybe you should play solo. I just do what most of the group is doing whether it be rushing or taking their time exploring/killing/looting.

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Honestly... this is how I see it, Assasination, Capture, Raid and Spy are all built to be rushed. If you want to spend 30 minutes looting and killing everything you see... go for it, but do it solo. Any Mission that can be finished in under 6 minutes on EVERY frame, yes EVERY frame, should be done so. Only missions that shouldn't/can't be rushed are Endless Defense and Mobile Defense, also being the only 2 missions you can't solo (Easily?) As of now. But... this all comes down to play style and preferance. But honestly, you guys who want to waste 20 minutes in an online match to get 30 more Rubedo need to go solo. Pissing me off ._ .

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I can rush, but I don't.

I royally screwed over a Rank 11 rusher when he joined me a second time in a nightmare mode by leaving him in a long elevator (outrushing him with a Saryn and he on his Excal Prime, ew.), then when nearing extraction, didn't enter the extraction point until 02:00 (that was nightmare timer mode, killed enough to keep 5:00 the whole mission, so I wasted about 3-4minutes of his time). (he joined me the first time as I was farming and all he did was run, I noted his name to remember to take revenge. Just a few hours later, I got my revenge. :v)

Higher ranks just want minimum effort maximum profit, these are what real rushers are. It's like they all need to go potty every 6 minutes. I on the other hand, pace myself accordingly to my team since not everyone I get are rank 4 up with level 30 hax frames and whatnot.

People who rush need to play Solo since they're the ones who royally screw the whole team of casuals ten times over. However if you want to actually dictate your whole pace to a crawl, maybe you should go solo as well.

Online Co-Op is for people who want to play with others and actually play as a team, there is no room for turtles or rabbits in there.

So Op is right, you rushers, kindly stay solo. We who would like to enjoy killing large mobs every now and then doesn't need you to leech exp off us, thanks. Meanwhile you farmers who want to break every single container and open every single locker, make sure you have enough speed to actually conform to a team who's walking down and killing everything going for the objective (basically not sidetracking like you do), do stay in solo as well.

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I don't see how we, the rushers, are screwing you over. All we essentially do is run to the objective, finish it, then run to extraction without killing or picking up loot.

PLEASE enlighten me.



Erm have you played Warframe?


So you have a slow frame, and your in with rushers -


1: You have to wade through all the enemies the wimpy rushers ran past. (Rushing is not possible in Rhino with no speed/stamina mods in!)

2: Navigation issues, caused when the map changes as the objective completed before you got to it. Making you even slower.

3: Not getting back in time & losing your rewards. (usually because of issue 2)

4: Having to revive the rushers that cant last 3 seconds in an actual fight. (only for them to run off again, well IF you revive them)


Rushing is fine if your in a team with your mates or fellow rushers, in fact it should be a game mode, but just going in and running through an objective & ruining it for other people who clearly cant keep up is selfish & childish.


I am in no way a "noob" at this game, but I have had issues keeping up with rushers & had games ruined by them as well, I 'm lucky that my first couple of 100 hours of warframe was spent in a team with my friend before I ever went near a public game, had I been subjected to some of the games I have had before I was experienced I may not have stuck around!


This is one of the main reasons we REALLY need a vote kick option.


(in fairness to the community, I would say that 7-8 games out of 10 are #$&(%-free, but still, with the ability to kick selfish gimps we could get that up to 9\10 or better!)

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I love when rushers screw themselves over by rushing alerts, getting to the end, only to have it time out and fail cuz they don't know how to wait for the rest of the team to reach the end.  Yeah, I get screwed too, but it's the price I pay for a good laugh.


Don't be an asshat and rush alerts.

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Anyways, I'm a Rusher and I don't care. 

You're slow, you're slow.

You're fast, you're fast (I see this as competition for some reason)

I'm fast, I'm fast. Simple


Rushers ruin the game by rushing?

Slow-pokes ruin the game by being slow-spokes?

Heroes ruin the game by not exp sharing?


Just work your way around it like a lot of other people. 

- Deal with it

- Screw them over

Your choice. 


Honestly I feel bad for the person that has to tolerate with rushers and slow players. It's two bad things at the same time.

Also some players should be grateful for some rushers as it helps a lot with certain things like Arid, Formarian, Item Farming and Planet Unlocking and maybe more (like collecting 8 datamasses). Slow players benefit from wasting time while they do stuff (which is what I do sometimes).


Also has most of you ever thought "Itz boring playing solo" , "Itz hard playing solo", "Too lazy to click solo", "Imma help", "Lets find something to do" "Hope someone helps" "If someone joins, oh well" etcETC (Both PoV)



Then why do people argue that they get more XP from rushing in online mode?


Two ways. 

- Rusher is unaware of the Exp Range or Doesn't care

- Non-Rushers are unaware of the Exp Range 



the same arguement goes both ways. if you want to play exactly how you want, play solo.

when you play online, you must take what you get for players.

so two things then.

if you want to rush, play solo.
if you want to go slow and kill everything and get all the loot, play solo.
if you want to go halfway between these two, play solo.

stop complaining, that's what happens when you're online. if you don't like it, press abort.

online is just that. you can't control what people do, everyone has a different play style. 

that's kind've just how it works. 

i don't like it sometimes either, but that's how it is. you take some, you give some.


This is by far the smartest post I've ever read in this whole thread as it totally PWNZ every post about "Why can't they go solo?" 



Erm have you played Warframe?


This is one of the main reasons we REALLY need a vote kick option.


(in fairness to the community, I would say that 7-8 games out of 10 are #$&(%-free, but still, with the ability to kick selfish gimps we could get that up to 9\10 or better!)



I guess you forgot the negative side to the vote kick. 

I support the bottom part though.


So far...not sure why I bothered replying to this thread.

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