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Can We Get A Spider-Themed Frame?


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     Personally, I have always loved spiders and the different things that they can do. They're like adorable little assassins that kill you after asking you to pet them. I think a spider-themed Warframe would be a nice and interesting addition to the roster. Summon a swarm of spiders, become a massive one, CC with webs, demolishing levels of Toxin or Viral damage, and awesome movement passives. Maybe make a passive where alt-firing with a melee weapon equipped makes the frame lunge at the targeted enemy, or climb up walls. I think a lot of things could be done. Don't have any sort of images for the frame, or even a name. I could use some suggestions, and definitely support on this. If we could make this thing a reality, I wouldn't be able to be any more satisfied with this game. I will have reached my pinnacle of excitement and gratitude.

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It might be cool to have Anansi, the Trickster and God of All Stories. I mean its probably one of the most famous spider entities that the Orokin might still have had available to them for inspiration!

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Well i can almost guarantee that you won’t be able to climb walls with it. Only thing close you’ll get to that is a everlasting wall stick as a passive & Loki already has that. Also doubt about becoming a massive spider. I can only imagine the spider frame having Inaros 4th ability but with spiders instead of scrabs. 

Not to shoot your ideas down but I’m just trying to figure out some good ability ideas from DE perspective. 

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Spider-themed 'Frame? That was supposed to be Khora initially. Just an FYI.

That said, I'd like this! I can see a proper spider-themed 'Frame having a few things aside from tiny spider-bots to summon....At this point, I'm kinda sad that Valkyr has Rip-line...it really belongs with a Spider 'Frame.

I'm thinking a very long wall-latch as a passive (give something else to Loki...please) would be extremely appropriate.

An ability to fire off a cloud of mono-filament that does Slash and slows enemies down. When fired at the floor, it leaves a sticky patch that stops enemies in place - although it leaves them free to fire.

Another ability that summons a swarm of robot-spider-lings to seek out and attack enemies. Each does toxin damage and leeches health for the 'Frame over time. Perhaps Strength affects Poison and health leech amount and duration affects the longevity of the spiders. Number of spiders affected by the Rank of the ability. Synergizes with mono-filament ability.

Just a couple of ideas for now...and yes they need fleshing out!


Edited by MirageKnight
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