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About Censorship


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So, this topic that I'll be writing is in, no way shape or form, antagonistic.  I won't be targeting anyone in particular, but rather voicing my opinion about something that has become rather excessive.

That, of course, would be maturity.

I've been with this game for a good amount of years now; have over 4k hours collectively, gone through three accounts in that time, and haven't become tired of this diamond in the rough yet.  I've seen the game go from being genuinely P2W, to the developers literally putting a system in place to stop themselves from making profit(you know the one).  I have never seen a more cooperative community, and more friendly one, in my lifetime.  However, there's a problem that plagues the public chats, and those alone, and that's of course the censoring.

I understand courtesy, respect, and tolerance is an essential thing when it comes to cooperative, and most importantly, public gaming; however, one problem I see is that it's enforced a bit too harshly.  With this being a M-rated game, with age verification being necessary in order to even obtain it(albeit easily circumventable), there should be liberties involved to express certain profanities.  The bots that are installed in the chats feel a bit too much like Auschwitz prison guards.  People shouldn't be getting chat suspensions, kicks, and bans over saying trigger words and sentences.

You shouldn't get a kick for saying a sentence involving 'trap', 'gay', and others.  You certainly shouldn't get one for saying the ever so infamous line: "Nezha is a trap."

Now, those words in of themselves are genuinely harmless; sure, they can carry some negative connotations, but typically they're used in an expression of speech, or for something disconnected.  So, here's my thought: Make reporting in-game actually worth a damn.  We all know that when you right-click on someone's name, and hit 'report', it goes in through one ear and out the other, unless you report them through the forums/website directly.

Negativity, disrespect, etc, of course shouldn't be tolerated, but there being 'trigger words' ultimately just dulls the player enjoyment.  There should be no reason for you to get a chat kick, disrupting the flow of a conversation you may have been having, all for saying a trigger word; one of the Guidelines is, after all, respect everyone's opinion.

With this in mind, there shouldn't be name restrictions on nameable items either.  We shouldn't be restricted with words such as 'Arcane', or 'Primed' when naming a zaw.  We also shouldn't be restricted from words like 'Tits', 'Ass', or as obscure as 'Vaginismus'.  For this being a Rated M game, it sure seems like we're catering too heavily to censorship.

All in all, that's just my two cents, and I'm interested to hear if anyone shares these same gripes, or have any additional and constructive info to add to this.


(P.S. I'm pretty sure this is the right section, but #*!% if I know, I might have it all wrong.)

Edited by UnknownShifter
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"Respect everyone's opinion" except DE's opinion that there are words that have no business being said in their game because of those words previously having caused problems.

Rating of the game has no bearing on what DE permits to be said in their public chat rooms.

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5 minutes ago, UnknownShifter said:

You shouldn't get a kick for saying a sentence involving 'trap'

You don't. It's rather specific what will get you kicked when using trap. So specific as to make you wonder how you said "Nezha is a trap" and not known you would get kicked.

6 minutes ago, UnknownShifter said:


For those who haven't been on the internet since five minutes ago, gay, when used on the internet or really anywhere, is usually used in place of stupid or something I don't like. To claim it isn't is to have selective amnesia.

9 minutes ago, UnknownShifter said:

With this being a M-rated game

Stop that. For one, the ESRB doesn't concern itself with the inane BS of online chat. Two, the ESRB label says why it has the rating it does. Three, DE is under 0 obligation to have everything in their game match the rating it has.

10 minutes ago, UnknownShifter said:

We all know that when you right-click on someone's name, and hit 'report', it goes in through one ear and out the other, unless you report them through the forums/website directly.

Any proof, or just you don't feel it works?

11 minutes ago, UnknownShifter said:

I've seen the game go from being genuinely P2W, to the developers literally putting a system in place to stop themselves from making profit(you know the one). 

What game are/were you playing? When was this game P2W?

12 minutes ago, UnknownShifter said:

With this in mind, there shouldn't be name restrictions on nameable items either.

Not if it ends up on other people's screens. Having someone's loadout show up as ********* isn't going to happen.

13 minutes ago, UnknownShifter said:

The bots that are installed in the chats feel a bit too much like Auschwitz prison guards.

Had I seen this first I wouldn't have bothered with all this, but since I wrote it all out anyways... Maybe this is why all of these overbearing things are in place. Maybe this reaction to not being allowed to spew garbage on someone else's platform is the reason y'all can't be trusted to self-moderate. Seems like we can't have melee go through walls because people just could not help themselves.

You can't call your melee weapon Arcane Ass and you think you are in bloody Auschwitz. Try stepping away from the internet for 2 seconds.

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Saying offensive and derogatory comments in the chat will get you kicked and temporarily suspended. Removing any/all the text filters in the game is a recipe for inviting a lot of bad in. Allowing users to say anything and everything they want without any repercussions for saying really bad stuff (i.e. hate speech, racist, sexist, derogatory comments, threats to others' lives or wellbeing, etc) is not conducive towards an inclusive community. 


It's like the paradox of tolerance; in order to allow tolerance to thrive, one must be intolerant towards intolerant behavior.

Edited by Letter13
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