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Eidolon Hunting getting worse with every patch?!


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YES i am #*!%ing pissed off and not holding back anymore on this. I did already mention that this EMP Spam of the Third eidolon pisses off. It seems instead of doing something about it DE decided "Ah #*!% it, lets piss those off even more that already hate that" my team just failed on an Eidolon hunt on the third one because unlike usually it went RIGHT through my damn Iron skin (which is by the way if i check abilitys 5513 armor) and was ALWAYS good enouth holding out this S#&$ty emp spam. Now it should went through like it doesnt exist. Because our squad was down the most time we couldnt finish it in time (2 weakspots were left) and it could escape.

Now for sure there will be some people saying "its still doable" well here another thing: I dont care! And so for sure a lot of others.

DE is S#&$TING on the opinion of those that already complained about this rediculess EMP spam of abilitys and is even just to frustrate even more reinforceing the EMPs strength it appears.

Slowly got enouth of this now, there needs to be something done about this. And not because just i say so, because surely others see it like this as well, my squad at least did so far!


Edit: So to avoid confusion i edit this for clarification:

The problem is NOT the normal EMP effeckt after an Eidolon weakspot was destroyed, its the Third Eidolons Shockwave like EMP ability that just gets "Spammed" around in all directions.

The complain reason about it is just and only:

-there is no way to Evade it (unlike the normal EMP effeckt, run away or Harrow protect)

-Instantly hits without real travel time it appeared sometimes

-Insta downs you no matter how hard your protection against it is with lets say 5500 Iron Skin armor

-Often also hits unforseen without warning (sometimes even without animation it appears?!)

and is then just causing more and more delays in the fight because mostly 2 or 3 people are down that need a revive that costs time (unlike you decide beeing selfish over and over and let them die, not allowing them a reward because of deaths)

PLUS: There seems to be a big delay after you used your Amp and you can go to void mode again, in the time you notice the lightning charging up at your location and already stopped firing your amp and already early enouth pressed the void mode key, you will 90 % of the times get hit and void mode is rendered useless because the big delay of this

Edited by Dark_RRiderr
Clarification about the Problem
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1 minute ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

YES i am #*!%ing pissed off and not holding back anymore on this. I did already mention that this EMP Spam of the Third eidolon pisses off. It seems instead of doing something about it DE decided "Ah #*!% it, lets piss those off even more that already hate that" my team just failed on an Eidolon hunt on the third one because unlike usually it went RIGHT through my damn Iron skin (which is by the way if i check abilitys 5513 armor) and was ALWAYS good enouth holding out this S#&$ty emp spam. Now it should went through like it doesnt exist. Because our squad was down the most time we couldnt finish it in time (2 weakspots were left) and it could escape.

Now for sure there will be some people saying "its still doable" well here another thing: I dont care! And so for sure a lot of others.

DE is S#&$TING on the opinion of those that already complained about this rediculess EMP spam of abilitys and is even just to frustrate even more reinforceing the EMPs strength it appears.

Slowly got enouth of this now, there needs to be something done about this. And not because just i say so, because surely others see it like this as well, my squad at least did so far!

oooooh he got enough of that now ! How serious !

Really ? you can't adjust to things that change? complaining just because your old cheesy strats dont work that well now? that now its taking a little more effort to do it?


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Iam an rhino and no iam not maxed on Armor

but i can do those things with eas

you have to go more Void then in normal frame

i use 3-3-3 amp for it ohhhh that is such an awesome amp you should try it

you should reconize each fase 

when its strikes for example it will burst .. go in operator mode and stay in there until the burst is over then relocate you're self more out of the radius

.. go more operator and let others take the armor down you focus on 4 spots 2 knees 2 arms take down the shield with operator until it reaches almost 2% 

then switch back trow out an energy disc for you're self and allies in radius 

then reactivate reskin and buff at the same time you need 2 energy disc's for this 

Shoot on the yellow spots again 2 knees 2 arms .. and in the last fase the head in cluded

Take Lanka for Radiation .. or Opticor .. what will suit you the best

.. so when shield is almost down you go far out side the ring and hop back trow energy disc and repeat ability



Edited by -_Highlander_-
needed to adjust one line
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I have experienced this. It seems that sometimes instead of just proccing magnetic status and doing a slight bit of damage, it just instantly downs you. No build up to the move, just completely at random. When the one experiences it as well, he will no longer mock.

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Yeah, almost what i did with my Lanka of 16k rad damage, and 95 % (nearly 96 %) crit (4,4 crit damage mult) and Rhinos third ability.

Problem is, if you cant even evade AT ALL because this attacks get spammed all around the place and this time even go through your iron skin you cant shoot!

Specially if about half the team or more are down all at once.

Shots going THROUGH the eidolon like a ghost (sounds like a bug(!) )

Operator sometimes not working if you press 5

People beeing one shotted from, we couldnt even see any animation....

Then yeah, its just not working....!


Surely isnt my first time hunting eidolons and usually in almost all cases could finish all 3.

Just this time something was entirely different, and that just started after the patch and like always only the third is doing this


And THANK YOU Tovon, couldnt have explained it better (i really cant, i suck ass at explaining things so much...)

Edited by Dark_RRiderr
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7 hours ago, Tovon said:

I have experienced this. It seems that sometimes instead of just proccing magnetic status and doing a slight bit of damage, it just instantly downs you. No build up to the move, just completely at random. When the one experiences it as well, he will no longer mock.

Eidolons have always and will always proc magnetic + damage. And the damage WILL insta down you. Even good old terry's mag proc (from breaking his limb) will down you. That is why harrow is there. He is meant to give invulnerability squad wide. Oberon will only protect u from the mag proc but not the damage. There is no way a warframe was meant to survive it.


There are a few bugs that annoy me the most and should have been fixed a long time ago,  as i consider them broken/game-breaking. Random teleportation, unable to Transference and Gun jammed bug. Other than that i haven't had much trouble with the eidolons.

Edited by tychondus
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Its NOT the typical EMP that comes after each time you hit the weakspot, we are talking about that certein Emps getting literally SPAMMED by the third Eidolon that insta downs you.

The normal EMP effeckt of Eidolons after the hitspot hit is NOT a problem.

So maybe like always i suck hard at explaining, but my point that i complain about is the Third Eidolons ability that gets spammed and hits Instantly, is NOT evadable, and often hits right after harrow protected us against the normal EMP effeckt.

The points that are the reason why this is annoying is the point that you just CANT evade it at all, unlike the normal EMP effeckt that you can evade if you run away from the zone early enouth or if harrow protects you. And Harrow cant protect you against the EMP normal effeckt and that shockwave like EMPs that just easily hit everything around it instantly in a very wide zone.

There was a similar trick in Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike if you play vs another player, take the Slave 1, spam Seismic bombs while doing barrel rolls and you ALWAYS win because you COULDNT evade it anymore. Friends and me then banned the usage of this technique if we dueled each other since it was close to cheating and just a cheap trick. "So the bot cheats you say?" Now for sure some people start laughing about that and think now he really lost it. I say its just a cheap trick and excuse for a Boss fight to "make it more challenging" to just let a boss spam abilitys that insta hit you and that cant be evaded.

Just delays the fight and costs time. You are already punished enouth often enouth if you group up with random people that dont know what they do or do this for the first time. (well everyone has to start somewhere not their fault, and there surely is always a better way then the one you know yourself) Just then also having the fight beeing delayed by not only people minutes long not placing their shards but then also the EMP Spam attack of the third Eidolon insta downing 2 or 3 people at once is delaying it further. You can either just let them die (translated: Beeing selfish dont giving a #*!% about others) or try to always again revive them and loose more and more time over and over when this S#&$ happens....

"Why dont you use premade squads?" Yeah tried that, also steals time sometimes to even get people together, and sometimes it works, sometimes not at all.

Finishing 3 Eidolons 2 or 3 times a night was usually standard even with this EMP spam. Just gets worse and worse every new patch it seems delaying the fight unnessarily, and sooner or later you will finish the 3 one time less per night because the fight getting worse and worse.


ALSO: Talked to some people and it seems not all got this problem which is weird. Just everytime i do this people suddenly encounter it as well. Might need to try saving up the file of that and send it to DE, maybe they find an answer on this weird exception happening to it seems just a few of us from what i heared now


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It's simple really, play harrow or use an amesha if your squad can't handle a basic mechanic. And if you're the only one affected, then the second you see him slam his arm down wait about 5 seconds then go into void mode until the explosion happens. OR, you can coordinate with your team and shoot the big green bubbles that make the explosions and make them not explode altogether.

It's not rocket science, it's not unfair, it's not hard, you just need to learn how to play.

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Am 22.5.2018 um 02:36 schrieb Dark_RRiderr:

-there is no way to Evade it (unlike the normal EMP effeckt, run away or Harrow protect)

-Instantly hits without real travel time it appeared sometimes

-Insta downs you no matter how hard your protection against it is with lets say 5500 Iron Skin armor

-Often also hits unforseen without warning (sometimes even without animation it appears?!)

Meaning that wont work would you said, harrows often DID protect us against the normal EMPs, but shortly after that out of nowhere it suddenly spammed a ton of them right after harrow protection is gone.

Wasting Ark Wing Launchers is also no real solution. Since you cant stay in ark wing the entire fight if you want to help take its shields down in Operator mode (or does that actually work to use operator mode while you are in ark wing? Even if, you still surely get shot down fast, plus lightnings taking you down fast)

In the end its DEs choice, and soon i run out of things to do anyways if i reach mastery 25 in just a while, dont know what to do after that anyways except for eidolon hunting for focus farm and shards and arcanes and such. Just if that EMP spam gets worse every time and if it seems just a few people are actually affected by this and the rest doesnt give a #*!% like DE as well... i dont know. (dont even get me started on focus farm on the sanctuary, dont ask me why but i really dont like that mode, and its NOT due to me dieing, that usually doesnt happen even on Elite, its no art)

And yes, usually the Eidolons are fairly easy to kill, thats why i KNOW how to hunt them and usually kill all 3 about 2 or 3 times a night (which you would know if you would do what you claim to do and really read through my whole crap), just that one time out of 5 succesful hunts is already pissing off enouth. Doesnt happen often, but this strange S#&$ does happen, even sounds like a bug sometimes (if you just read all of my first post and the other ones of the others that had this you would know why)

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I know the exact attack you're talking about. I'll give you a little explanation. Hydro will slam his arm down, it'll send shockwaves out like the others, but they'll make giant green bubbles all over. Those are the explosions that are killing you. They'll reach a certain size and stay like that for a few seconds before going off. If your harrow isn't protecting you during that, then you need a better narrow, or go into void mode before they go off. As for archwing, yeah no go on operator, but if you have good teammates you can stay on it the whole time without a care if you use amesha. Amesha is the best support for the eidolon hunts hands down, it can keep teammates from all harm, keep them proc free, and heal lures extremely well.

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I'm with SCP-100912 on this. The so called random mag prod that can't be evaded is a lie. There is ample time given to you to prepare and coordinate your attack, he takes around 10 seconds in build up (of the bubbles) prior to it bursting and the subsequent mag proc. That is plenty of time to coordinate fight. It's clearly a failure on your end for not noticing it. Any seasoned hunter can see the proc a mile away and adjusts accordingly. As SCP-100912 said. You need to pay attention to his attacks and stop trying to make a issue of a Non-issue, it's working as intended. 

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