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Uses for the Tower of the Unum (Big Cetus Shiny Gold Rod)


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You know that big tower in Cetus, you know, the one that has the Grineer and the Corpus in a tizzy? What does it do? Who is the Unum and what does she know?

So beware that this is kind of spoiler territory, I want to try and create a quest that follows up the sacrifice and answer the questions remaining in this system before we move to Tau.

Quest name: ???

Hey kiddo... remember me? (Wallie)

The Indifference is at it again, after Rell and the events at the Earth courtyard, the Lidless Eye looks to torment you for entertainment, reminding you of all that you have done and all that has been lost.

The Lotus is gone and Ordis can't help its master with this omnipotent trickster, but Ordis monitors the Operator and worries for the repercussions of linking with the erratic Umbra. Umbra's memories and your own are jumbled, leaving you to feel the pain that Umbra was spared from, in the end, the Indifference keeps targeting you, the one who freed his toy from his chains in hopes of squeezing every drop of despair out of you.

The Sentient threat remains a mystery, the Lotus... Natah returned to her home and Hunhow is still biding his time to strike again. This tension is suffocating, the Tenno are truly isolated, but now a monster has infiltrated the cage and sleeps there with you, tormenting you relentlessly.

A dreamer awake and alone without their mother is in seek of guidance for the troubles that disturb his peaceful sleep, maybe that is why Cetus becomes such an attractive place for the Tenno to be in, a place full of life unlike the cold cradle they habit.

----------This was a sort of introduction----------

Quill Onkko, the Cetus quill in charge of keeping contact with the Tenno, is the Client of this quest, and you'll have to speak to him after the Sacrifice for him to express awareness of the threats you face and grants you audience with the Unum, so that she may guide the Teen-o.

Quill Onkko: What has troubled you tenno, what is it that will have run off into the distant stars?

Space KIDDO: I'm... not sure what I have to do, the Lotus is gone and then him... I am just so confused...

Quill Onkko: A child without a cradle you have been, and now you're a soldier without your commander, that will be... is quite a problem, but maybe we, the quills can help you find the answer, after all the Unum protects everyone under her bosom surah.

You are then granted access to the tower, where the quills are watching your every movement, for if they detect signs of hostility or disrespect in the Great Tower, they will work against you, Child of the Void or not.

Random Quill guy: Tenno, you seek answers to the troubles that ail you and we seek to help, but everything has its price, to be granted audience in the Unum's Holy Chambers you must prove yourself, to show us that you are capable of receiving her blessing. Now you may enter this tower, provided you show respect along every step of the way.

Cut into the interior of the Unum's tower, which while still gold, looks noticeable different, as it is a Living Tower, the last of its kind, the arboriform pulsate with a distinct energy and presence within the wooden veins.

Trial number One

The Body

A trial to be completed with your warframe, defeat a boss, an golden infested monster bred within the tower. Monster is fast and it is big, as big as half an eidolon, but you can get it on certain parts of its body.

Trial Number 2

The Mind

Operator trial, not a combat oriented trial, a series of puzzle rooms with certain enemies weak to the void, chance to obtain sentient fragments, form their studies on the Eidolons.

The Final Trial

The Void.

Simply interact with the fancy meditating chair thingy and control a bunch of monsters with transference, during the trial the tenno starts to experience heavy transference static and Wallie decides to pay us another visit, invading your mind and trying to corrupt you, until the Unum blocks the attack, an affront of that gravity in her own flesh make her finish the trials and allowing the Tenno to meet her.

A gold Eyed Woman sits at a throne, chained to it by tubes and other mechanisms, a Queen trapped in a porcelain tower. She speaks, but not from her mouth, it resonates with the tower and in your own mind, the Tenno finds themselves entranced by this presence.

THE UNUM LADY: That "thing" has invaded your mind? So you broke the chains of the abandoned Child? Your destroyed the founder of the Veil? hmmm. So it had to be done, this one, this specific path was the one to be taken.... Well, I can tell more about the Man in the Wall, but are you sure you want to know? It drove Rell to binding himself in that shrine of blood.

TENNO BBYS: I.... don't really know anymore, he keeps pestering me, I need it  to stop, the Lotus is missing and I need to find her.

Unum: To find her, you need to look beyond this star, to look at the black of space, the new home-to-be of the Orokin, Tau, a journey you have been on since you boarded that accursed vessel, but you don't seem to be fit for that trial, at least not yet any way...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------07/07/2018---------------------------------------Continues cause I need some sleep--------------------------------------------------------------

But for now, what do you think, and let me get ahead of you guys by saying it, I know it won't happen but I can dream and I can write about these things cause it's a fan concept, please understand.


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21 hours ago, FLSH_BNG said:

The answers you're looking for regarding what the Unum is and what it does are answered in the lore entries gained from the Saya's Vigil quest and the Thousand year glass fish statuettes.

I know she is the guardian of cetus and all, and has that whole gara legend thing, but I mean in the context of the current happenings of the game, also RAILJACK FORTUNA AND THE NEW WAR OH MY GOD

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