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A issue regarding how most streams timestamps are made, such as the 7th of July.


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It's about stream times and how they're shown to everyone.


The chat's booming with people waiting for the stream to start; it's due to how it's shown as 6 P.M. ET. In my timezone it translates directly to 6 A.M. , in which, I should be up by 8th of July, 6 A.M. for the stream, not the 7th of July 6 A.M. .


The problem with this is that, it doesn't consider those that are on the other side of ET, as they're simply led to believe that it's universal which it wasn't and caused people to mistime their schedule.

Sure, they're dumb for not knowing but, on hindsight, I'd be very much expected that it's accurate by directly translated 7th of July 6 A.M. . The only calculation being the time and not the date as I've noticed barely anyone does so even though ET had a meaning.

At best, a solution I could think of would be to have ET and PT timezones shown, as they're both opposites and people could figure out what's the difference between ET and PT to figure out their dates.

a solution I thought of involved using Coordinated universal time, however, I don't see how it solves the issue on how people's hindsight doesn't calculate the date, the other for this would be to show a 7-8 Date that varies from timezone, which will cause even more confusion unless clarified through "7th of July 6 P.M. ET and 8th of July 6 A.M. PT". I'd say use ET and PT as they're simply opposites and the rest are in the middle between timezones of ET and PT which would be a hassle.

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6 minutes ago, Inanegrain62 said:

I'd say use ET and PT as they're simply opposites and the rest are in the middle between timezones of ET and PT which would be a hassle.

Just use local time for DE (i.e. ET). If someone cannot figure out that the time is in ET (as every single time they give is) then there is not much DE can do. Short of having a list of the time in each time zone on the post... People can only hand-hold so much before it is ridiculous.

  • Perhaps include a time converter prefilled with ET. And people can just add their time zone to find out.


"Starts at 6 pm on July 7th. Click here for time zones"



Tune in to TennoLive July 7 from 6 p.m. ET to 7 p.m. ET and discover the future of Warframe. Source

Here is the official time, it clearly states ET.

Edited by krc473
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1 minute ago, krc473 said:

Just use local time for DE (i.e. ET). If someone cannot figure out that the time is in ET (as every single time they give is) then there is not much DE can do. Short of having a list of the time in each time zone on the post... People can only hand-hold so much before it is ridiculous.

  • Perhaps include a time converter prefilled with ET. And people can just add their time zone to find out.


"Starts at 6 pm on July 7th. Click here for time zones"

That works I suppose, though, there are a lot of people live as they entered the 7th of July earlier than the ET timezone

Edited by Inanegrain62
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3 minutes ago, Volkeris said:

It's interesting, because when I googled "6 PM ET" it gave me the day and time in my location. It's really not that hard to figure simple things out in this day and age.

If you do so without actually using a calculator to include the date, 6 P.M. ET will not count as "tomorrow" or "today" if you've passed the time it's meant to be, i.e. googling 6 A.M. July 7 on the 6th of July will still show 7th of July, 6 A.M for me, after watching many streams, I've simply thought that it's a day behind due to how my timezone's a day faster than ET.

The main trap imo seems to be the date, varying from 7th and 8th.

Edited by Inanegrain62
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1 minute ago, Inanegrain62 said:

That works I suppose, though, there are a lot of people live as they entered the 7th of July earlier than the ET timezone

I mean, I checked what time it would be for me as soon as I saw the announcement. If people are too lazy to try and figure it out for themselves that is not DE's fault or responsibility. Do people really need to be told literally everything now?

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Just now, krc473 said:

I mean, I checked what time it would be for me as soon as I saw the announcement. If people are too lazy to try and figure it out for themselves that is not DE's fault or responsibility. Do people really need to be told literally everything now?

Likely yes, there's plenty of people in chat wondering when the streams starting. It's not an everyday thing where people would specifically check their timezones unless they're under work conditions planning international meetings.

Video games seem to be the stepping stones for these timezones for work as I don't see them much needed aside from common travelers.

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9 minutes ago, Inanegrain62 said:

Likely yes, there's plenty of people in chat wondering when the streams starting

Would these people have bothered to follow an external link? There is only so much you can do aside from saying:

  • Time for DE.
  • Time in Country 1
  • Time in Country 2
  • etc

Sites do exist for this purpose (example):

But this relies on people actually trying to figure it out. 


Apparently we even have this:




Edited by krc473
Added a picture of the IN GAME countdown timer.
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1 minute ago, krc473 said:

Would these people have bothered to follow an external link? There is only so much you can do aside from saying:

  • Time for DE.
  • Time in Country 1
  • Time in Country 2
  • etc

There is so much, therefore I was thinking if people aren't going to check precisely on what their time is, what if more confusions added by having two timezones that are simply the opposite? Such as ET and PT being the opposites I use, having to skip a day with other people's timezones gradually reaching the 7th first, they would be quite confused on what it means for a _ hour stream. The clearing I have now would be stating ET and PT while clarifying others to check their timezones through the links you've mentioned.


It really seems like excessive hand holding, but, again, it's uncommon for many people imo unless they're accommodated with international travels which is rare in most people that hasn't touched work or even still, have touched work. (very much debatable but I'd be driving off topic immensely due to how some companies work)

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1 minute ago, Inanegrain62 said:

There is so much, therefore I was thinking if people aren't going to check precisely on what their time is, what if more confusions added by having two timezones that are simply the opposite?

We do not need it. People can check for themselves. It takes 5 seconds.


There is also a countdown timer (yes, with minutes and hours) in game to tell you when the stream goes live. 



If people cannot figure it out, there is no helping them. Adding PT will just serve to confuse people. If someone does not know how time zones work, what will they think of having two listed?

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1 minute ago, krc473 said:

We do not need it. People can check for themselves. It takes 5 seconds.


There is also a countdown timer (yes, with minutes and hours) in game to tell you when the stream goes live. 

  Reveal hidden contents


If people cannot figure it out, there is no helping them. Adding PT will just serve to confuse people. If someone does not know how time zones work, what will they think of having two listed?

The worst case I can think of would be warframe's unofficial official discord server to be flooded with players asking for the time and being redirected to a time conversion site. I'd think that confusing things make me investigate said thing to understand it.

It solves the issue of "people directly copying the time and timezone with 0 regard to the day and improper planning" by having people look closer.

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