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The Great TennoCon 2018 Ash Prime Drop Fix!


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)EvolutionzShadow said:

Is it fair for those who watch the warframe twitch live stream and had there account linked but yet still didn't get it?

No but sometime that how life work and sometime you have to make complicated decision you don't have to agree with them

Oh look, a rabid fanboy. Jesus this is the most evident proof too.

Let me school you on a life lesson here.
When you promise someone you will do something, you do it. You keep that promise, and guess what happens when you don't? You end up losing their trust and whether or not they will believe you later in life.
Ever heard of the story of The boy who cried wolf? If not you might benefit from a read of it.

You don't lie to people then turn around and do the opposite, that's how you lose trust in others and (in this case) your community base.

How you explained "how life works" isn't how life works. That's how losing player and community base works. If you want to think being two faced and misleading people is a good life moral to have, then I'd like to see how far you actually get in life. Because the answer is not very far.


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10 minutes ago, AngryB said:

So now what? Do I file a ticket or something??

Tried that, got an automated "If you didn't get it already you're not going to."



7 minutes ago, Vangeroth said:

When you promise someone you will do something, you do it. You keep that promise, and guess what happens when you don't? You end up losing their trust and whether or not they will believe you later in life.

This is the whole reason I even bothered coming to the forums. I don't care about the reward, but they laid out the rules for the event then turned around and released the reward based on a parameter that had nothing to do with the event or stream. It went from "If you supported Tennocon by watching the stream you'll get it" to "EVERYONE gets it regardless of whether they participated, as long as they played in the last week."
I watched the stream, but haven't played lately since there isn't much left of interest for me to work on. I've seen several other comments just in the last couple pages from people in the same boat.

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4 minutes ago, ADHDoug said:

Tried that, got an automated "If you didn't get it already you're not going to."



This is the whole reason I even bothered coming to the forums. I don't care about the reward, but they laid out the rules for the event then turned around and released the reward based on a parameter that had nothing to do with the event or stream. It went from "If you supported Tennocon by watching the stream you'll get it" to "EVERYONE gets it regardless of whether they participated, as long as they played in the last week."
I watched the stream, but haven't played lately since there isn't much left of interest for me to work on. I've seen several other comments just in the last couple pages from people in the same boat.

Best way to lose your community, setup a event, clearly state the rules then change those rules. But you don't bother to post a news article about it and the new set of rules don't include your original set.

In short, create a event and then be two faced about it by changing the event.

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3 minutes ago, ADHDoug said:

Tried that, got an automated "If you didn't get it already you're not going to."



This is the whole reason I even bothered coming to the forums. I don't care about the reward, but they laid out the rules for the event then turned around and released the reward based on a parameter that had nothing to do with the event or stream. It went from "If you supported Tennocon by watching the stream you'll get it" to "EVERYONE gets it regardless of whether they participated, as long as they played in the last week."
I watched the stream, but haven't played lately since there isn't much left of interest for me to work on. I've seen several other comments just in the last couple pages from people in the same boat.

I'm in the exact same boat and I've just put in a ticket. Guess i know what the response is going to be now.

The fact that they changed the requirements after the event when it's too late to do anything about it is what has annoyed me too.

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I think I've got a good top three steps to not only piss of a bulk of your community but also make your company look like a bunch of liers.

Step 1: Setup a Event

Step 2: Setup Rules for said event

Step 3: Turn around and change the rules but say jack nothing about those rules until after event is over.


Bonus Step: Profit from Influx of possible new players to you game.

Edited by Vangeroth
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Jaffa Cake King said:

I'm in the exact same boat and I've just put in a ticket. Guess i know what the response is going to be now.

The fact that they changed the requirements after the event when it's too late to do anything about it is what has annoyed me too.

The fact they changed the rules but couldn't be bothered to say jack all about it until none of their players could do anything about it really pissed off ALOT of people. You included of course.

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10 minutes ago, Vangeroth said:

Oh look, a rabid fanboy. Jesus this is the most evident proof too.

Let me school you on a life lesson here.
When you promise someone you will do something, you do it. You keep that promise, and guess what happens when you don't? You end up losing their trust and whether or not they will believe you later in life.
Ever heard of the story of The boy who cried wolf? If not you might benefit from a read of it.

You don't lie to people then turn around and do the opposite, that's how you lose trust in others and (in this case) your community base.

How you explained "how life works" isn't how life works. That's how losing player and community base works. If you want to think being two faced and misleading people is a good life moral to have, then I'd like to see how far you actually get in life. Because the answer is not very far.




LOL WOW SERIOUSLY HMM OK.     School me?  Hmm Ok.

Kid you aren't schooling me seriously  you are one of those hater who didn't get a Ash Prime because you really didn't watch or had your account linked and even if you did
you are one of those who claim to watch it but didn't and let face it

Is life fair?   No  it isn't but it is what it is?

You want to talk about promise?  Sometime promise are broken GET OVER IT


It's not like they knew or had any idea of this would happen even you can't 


They did not promise that thing will happen and they did the best they could before you start posting and adding In your in put how about you run your own company and do your own give away.

and oh boy fan boy?  No  the fact is  Thing happen rather if it right or wrong and all they can do is do the best they can you don't have to like it or agree to it.

No body is perfect and people like you need to stop acting like one.  You cant sit and tell me you never made a promise to someone and have not kept it  sometime

when you make promise you do not know what will come up.   It happen so before you talk about a boy who cried wolf how about you re-read it and understand what it really talk about.



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6 minutes ago, (PS4)xybiKingx said:

Umm i didnt get ash prime yet so when do i get it

If you didn't get it you never will from this event.

They said in the stream if you never got it then you won't at this point. Proceeded them laughing on the stream.

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So... DE... are you gonna keep quiet? or i will have to post on every damn social media that while some people who dont even were eligible for this ash prime get the frame while others who watched the live and linked the account didnt get it. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT TO DO.

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On ‎2018‎-‎07‎-‎09 at 9:19 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

What happens if you have almost half-a-million people watching TennoLive and many of them expecting a Twitch Drop?

Well, the answer is kind of complicated, but you've waited long enough for some closure so please read this quick post for the dirty details:

a) We had many more people watching than anticipated and our servers could not keep up with the data coming from Twitch.
b) Since we cannot turn back time, we have no way of knowing who was actually watching.
c) We have a very generous solution in spite of b).

Anyone who has logged into Warframe in the past 7 days on any platform with a Twitch linked account and did not receive the Ash Prime Drop will receive one! 

We will let you know when the script is finished, should be some time this week!

Thank you. 


Script is in progress and should be done within 2-6 hours on all platforms!


I haven't got my drop yet :c.

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1 minute ago, ZibroltaFTW said:

I haven't got my drop yet :c.

Even though I've already stated to many others, I'll keep doing so because DE obviously won't and their failing to actually say something is even worse.

You won't get the Frame. They said into today's stream if you haven't gotten it you won't at this point. They laughed insensitively after their statement on it.

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6 hours ago, Puggnutt07 said:

But that's the point. Even people who did still dont get anything? There was no opportunity of hey login by this week to still get it. It was hey if you logged in before this exact moment then you'll get it. Instead of the rules they already stated. Which then leaves people out who originally werent.

This is true they should have done only day of. Based on the facts of someone saying “I wasn’t on all week but I watched the live stream”. Sounds fishy personaly. Just saying I checked ASAP after a full hour of watching the live feed. So anyone within 48 hours should be rewarded not a week before. But it will never be good enough for people. At least the DE’s are trying unlike most other games.

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8 hours ago, lostcoastlines said:

That may be the case for some people, but I've had my Twitch account linked for about a year. I watched the stream. I didn't receive the frame. It's easy to praise DE's 'generosity' when you are benefiting from it, especially when someone didn't watch the stream.

Many people watched the stream with linked accounts, and did not receive the frame. This fix is not really a fix, and doesn't really leave a good taste in my mouth, especially as someone who has spent money on this game. They should just give everyone who had a linked Twitch account the frame, regardless of whether or not they logged into the game within the 7 days prior, ESPECIALLY because that was never listed as a requirement.

Did I say you personally? No. You said not everyone got it and not everyone followed simple directions. They should have done only day of. Based on the facts of someone saying “I wasn’t on all week but I watched the live stream”. Sounds fishy personaly. Just saying I checked ASAP after a full hour of watching the live feed. So anyone within 48 hours should be rewarded not a week before. But it will never be good enough for people. At least the DE’s are trying unlike most other games. If they just handed it to everyone with a twitch account that would be rediculous. And the “I pay money for this game speech”. Come on. But I digress. Hope you get your ash dude. Best of luck.

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They handled this pretty poorly.  It seems that most of the players who play far more frequently than others and may more than likely already have ash prime or don't need him, got him.

This would have been my first and possibly only prime since I don't grind as heavily or frequently as others.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Kiouberus said:

People who dont get ash prime in this mess. Open a ticket like me. I WILL OPEN EVERY DAY IF NECESSARY, until i got a fair response.

I wouldn't be surprised if that would force DE to create a Support Ticket Ban for users. It sounds to damn stupid but I bet it would happen. :/

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35 minutes ago, Vangeroth said:

I wouldn't be surprised if that would force DE to create a Support Ticket Ban for users. It sounds to damn stupid but I bet it would happen. 😕

Spamming support gets you banned already. If the person that proposed it does it, they will get banned. Simple.


18 minutes ago, bedo1911 said:

i didn,t get it yet 

The script has been run. If you were eligible you should have got it.

  • Twitch account linked to WF account.
  • Logged into the game using said WF account in the seven days prior to TennoCon. the OP in this thread.
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