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Chat Server Maintenance: 5 PM ET July 11! (COMPLETE)


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Thank you for the update! By the way,

Solution: Make a new chat server, Region: AO. And I also feel compelled to contribute to this discussion. It's fun to be SJW for once in a while lol.

If you guys wanna read it, open the spoiler, if not, I'm not going to bother you guys with this- I don't know, ignorance? It's long. Just a warning.



I meant, DE has the right to ban every single word except 'Buy Plat!' if they want, it's in their EULA. So just be cool people, do you want to play Warframe or talking words? There is discord if you really have to let it out. Just invite them to your channel and talk whatever you want, it's that simple. It's not like you have to grind 10+ hrs or buy a discord prime access to create a channel. And DE doesn't have any rights to whatever you said to another person there as long as it doesn't involve Digital Extremes or any of it's product, affiliates, and employees.

It's their servers, their rules, so it becomes their responsibilities. You say something that you shouldn't, whether YOU think it's appropriate or not is irrelevant; it's a public service for ****'s sake. You got reprimanded, accept it, and deal with it.

How is this even an issue? And to be honest, I think it's more DE protecting themselves from legal/publicity problems rather than DE protecting underage people. Like, who gives a **** about age rating nowadays anyway? It's just so happens to be in the same sphere of influence.

And if you live somewhere in the US, have you heard of the recent Walmart boycott? It's to prevent **** like that. (It's not even their fault, it's just because they had an open policies about third party resellers.)

As a side note: What you said in region, is read by every single person on that server whether they are a gamer, a parent who monitors the game their kids are playing, or maybe just an undercover government agent who monitors the activities of a digital application. And the truth is, I believe that not every single person who plays in North American for example, is 100% North American. It could be misinterpreted in a lot of different ways. What you say as a joke, may be interpreted as an insult. That's why DE has to enforce a strict rule on it. You don't know what kind of audience you have. It may just be a troll who loves to stir up troubles. Maybe someone who just doesn't understand slang-lish very well. Or maybe it's a just a normal person who loves to speak their minds. IMO DE probably just doesn't want to turn region chat into twitter. Or maybe it's just too much trouble for what it's worth? Who knows.

Something in this scale, an international digital application at that, and also with a so ever-growing community, it's better to be safe, rather than sorry. The Risk is way bigger than the overall Hate-train.

Oh if you guys plan to message me in-game, I'm currently suspended until Sunday. So, your effort is going to be a waste.



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53 minutes ago, Lahared said:

I don't see the need for criticizing Digital Extreme's choice to manage and monitor the chat in ways that they feel is promoting a welcoming environment.

assuming you referred to my post, that's not what i criticized.

55 minutes ago, Lahared said:

They limit the choice of words you can use because they know you use it to offend someone.

no, i dont.

spare me the bootlicking, its ugly.

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11 minutes ago, NukeSpear said:

assuming you referred to my post, that's not what i criticized.

no, i dont.

spare me the bootlicking, its ugly.

It isn't boot-licking when a majority of the time it is what happens. You think people just use the words innocently? --Some do, sure but there are some that don't and we tend to focus on the latter because it is a problem. If it doesn't apply to you, then I don't see the need for this post. It wasn't a refer to your post that you're talking about, but to the general discussion regarding the "this is unfair because I can't openly insult people."


The reaction I got from my post was proof enough, thanks for that. Spare yourself by not responding next time, bud.

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Chat is still down, just wanted to unwind with some WF after work. I hope I get to play tomorrow cuz playing eidolons or something without chat is just too hard to do. Thanks DE for the hard work, I know it will get fixed.

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13 hours ago, OptimusJ said:

Oh well, What's next? Censor "Get Woke Go Broke", "Walk Away" and "snowflakes", because they are triggering people?

You know very well that the N word is hate speech. What you want is permission to continue posting something that will start drama, cause arguments, or encourages everyone to chime in and get even more racist than you.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Firebrandd said:

You know very well that the N word is hate speech. What you want is permission to continue posting something that will start drama, cause arguments, or encourages everyone to chime in and get even more racist than you.

Yeah, you know what stop drama? Adding people that bother you to the ignore list as a normal person. You people are shifting the blame for your drama problems to others.
You're scaring normal people out of "your snowflake game". Well, if DE wants you as supposed costumers, let's see how this develops. I already uninstalled from one computer and once my kubrows are in stasis and the game uninstalled from the second computer, the game, the forums, everything is yours.

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18 minutes ago, OptimusJ said:

I already uninstalled from one computer and once my kubrows are in stasis and the game uninstalled from the second computer, the game, the forums, everything is yours.

You're no loss. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Question: why would a cheating dual-boxer like you worry about his kubrows if you're just going to delete and (as you put it) #WalkAway?

Edited by (PS4)Firebrandd
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21 hours ago, OptimusJ said:

Says who? The thought police?

...It isn't a joke. It's an evil racially-based insult. Nobody should use it under any context. It should just be buried and forgotten altogether.

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