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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

There are enough hints in the thread for inquisitive minds to find answers.

you are a sleeper agent of a shadowy organization with a strong military but will refrain from using it unless necessary, not only that but the organization has been around for most likely longer than the orokin and has knowledge that the tenno and even ex-space mom didn´t know.  The only known contact with tenno is when the one who activated you, @FatherDonovan, came looking for information on some certain colonies, the status of the orokin named ballas, the military presence of both the grinner and corpus and I think something about Lua.  So far there is very little information on the organization and if it is alien, tenno, orokin, sentient, grineer, or corpus, though my guess is that your human plain and simple.

How´d I do?

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17 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Another somewhat skeletal post, but I want to lay some groundwork now.

This time, I'd like to introduce a system, which makes the enemy factions more unique, a way for all those units I create to also act differently, based on what faction the belong to.


Enemy Faction Tactics:

Each faction fights differently, not only because of their equipment but also due to completely different strategic philosophies and military traditions (or instincts if we're talking about the Infested). The main systems at play here are:

Faction Focus: What the given faction emphasises and what they do best; but also what they do worst.

Stratagems: Broad and general behaviours of the given faction.

Tactics: More specific ways that the enemy will react when faced with given situations.


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Focus: Overwhelming Strength, Brute Force:

The Grineer are the strongest of the factions when it comes to pure, raw power. Overpowering weapons combined with insane protection offered by armor make each and every single clone a true warmachine.


  • Probably the strongest in small numbers. Each unit is powerful on their own.
  • At the same time, they are also easily replaced.
  • Heavy armor makes the Grineer the most durable faction.
  • Unified by a single purpose, the Grineer march as one.


  • Susceptible to Crowd Control due to low amount of specialists and defensive units.
  • Grineer fireteams require ample space to manouver properly.
  • If they aren't able to deal direct damage, they can't do much else.
  • Strict chain of command may cause chaos if the priority targets are eliminated.



1. Fireteams:

The Grineer army always moves in squads. Led by command units, like Commanders, Captains and other officer-types, these fireteams are highly coordinated, heavily bonded and ready to fight.

As Grineer level goes up, their squad tactics improve:

  • + Coordinated Target Acquisition (attacking the same target, prioritizing main damage dealers or squishy enemies, etc.).
  • + Squad Communication (identifying targets, alert status, etc.).
  • + Squad Actions (simultaneously taking cover + covering fire, dodging attacks, coordinated grenades, etc.).
  • + Bonus abilities and aura effects for Officer-type units.

Lower ranked units are likely to attempt to cover their superiors with their bodies.


2. The Elites of the Elites:

The Grineer are known for their Social-Darwinist approach to their clones. Everyone can achieve great honour and strength if they can prove themselves to be worthy.

Grineer possess and additional unit tier above Eximus, the Ultras.

As Grineer level goes up, the chance to spawn as an Ultra improves:

  • + Stronger Eximus effects.
  • + Bonus Ultra effects, drawing from a unique list.
  • + Awe-inspiring raw offensive power.





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Focus: Absolute Control, Complete Denial:

The Corpus use some of the most advanced technology in the System to achieve perfect domination over the battlefield, their specialised proxies and highly-trained professional mercenaries choose not only when to fight, but also HOW to fight.


  • If the enemy can't move, they can't kill you...
  • Multiple specialists can easily support each other to create a heavily defended position.
  • Orokin technology allows to bypass certain issues arising from fighting the Tenno.
  • Elastic, remote control systems ensure maximum combat effectiveness at all times.


  • ...but if they can, you are out of options.
  • Losing key units can cause fatal failure of the defense.
  • Using advanced technology in an attrition war is extremely expensive.
  • Bureacracy and conflicts of interests can cause problems with large-scale operations



1. Synergistic Approach:

Having literally built their entire military from scratch, the Corpus makes their Proxies deadly on their own, nigh-invulnerable when together.

As Corpus level goes up, inter-unit synergies improve:

  • + Ability Power Increase (stacking effects, combining auras, etc.).
  • + Change of functionality based on allies' needs.
  • + Mid-Combat repair, enhance, upgrades, etc.
  • + Working Together (units more likely to group up on defensive positions).


2. Send the Robots!:

The Corpus, having less raw manpower, prefers to count their losses in synthetics.

As Corpus level goes up, Robotic enemies' care for human life improves:

  • + Robotic Spawns/ – Crewmen Spawns.
  • + Robotics Attack, Crewmen Retreat (Human enemies more likely to avoid death at all cost, causing the Robotics to defend them more fiercely).
  • + Reactive Shielding Improvement (Damage-gate system*)

*More on that later, idea credit: @DrMegavolt.





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Focus: Endless Horde Consumes All:

The Infested are unfettered by anything, they simply move forward until one side of the conflict is wiped out. Even when you think you killed them all, they simply return stronger, having consumed the flesh and experiences of their fallen.


  • A giant flood of units can easily overwhelm enemy positions.
  • Chaotic combat lends itself to natural strengths of the Infested.
  • Whoever succumbs is either replaced or instantly "recruited" into the ranks.
  • No clear control point makes defending against the Infested difficult.


  • Massed, straightforward charges are easily countered by area of effect weaponry.
  • A smart enemy can easily hide within the chaos of battle, making elimination of priority foes difficult.
  • If there is no biomass to consume, the Infestation dies on it's own.
  • No control point means no priorities, no real strategy can cause easy defeat against well-coordinated forces.



1. In Death, We Grow:

Infestation responds favourably to great amount of death in the area, even if it's the Infested dying.

As Infested level goes up, their immortality improves:

  • + Revive Chance (units can come back, even as different unit types, removed with 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat damage).
  • + Infection Vector (damage dealt by Infested or to Infested can cause nearby units to become Infested on death).
  • + Body Horror (Infested can avoid death by combining with nearby allies).
  • + Assimilation (All non-Infested have an Infested counterpart).


2. Why do you defile us:

Infestation naturally resists Warframes' influence due to their common origins.

As Infested level goes up, their unnatural powers improve:

  • + Special and Eximus units Spawn chance (Up to guaranteed Eximus status on every unit spawn).
  • + Re-Evolution Engine (Tactical Responses allow units to change into other units).
  • + Void Eclipse (increasing resistance to powers, chance to summon reinforcements every time a power is used).





Back to the Main Post


AH, going down the route I did with the "Factions Within the Factions" piece over in my pile, but, in a much broader scale.

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7 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

It's nice to actually get feedback once in a while.

Regarding Corpus weapons, I intend to roll out a large scale retooling of existing units as well as adding a ton of my own original ones (art for 30-ish is on my DeviantArt already, if you don't mind spoilers), it will come out this week maybe.

Not to mention I do want to make several Corpus Reinforcements (I use the word reinforcements for thread updates containing new weapons), which will be used by my units.

About Nullifiers and Combas, I've removed them as unique units instead they have become Corpus-exclusive Eximus types, read more here: Link


8 hours ago, Valiran said:

I might make my own thread

The more the better. I am of an opinion that we could use way more fan concepts that aren't just "new warframe #32434654642"


4 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Considering that like 80% of my thread is guns, I may not be in the right place to judge, but:


Make updates for the game you want to play, yeah? Cause we complain all the time. Come up with solutions, new game modes, make that weapon from that game that you feel could be easily exported in easily (You know I do this all the time). 

Glad to have such positive responses! Now I just need to get a hold of Grineer and Corpus models so I can pose them in SFM. I figure that's the only way that I'd be able to accurately show what my concept for any given unit looks like, what with lacking any other skills that would accomplish the same thing.

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4 hours ago, Neo3602 said:

Pretty nice stuff I'm looking foreword to when you start making weapons for the Corpus.

Weirdly enough, Corpus weapons have always been the most difficult for me to design... aesthetically speaking, anyway. I'm convinced this is why they introduced stuff like the Komorex, Plinx, and Arca series - to give themselves room to make something more interesting! 😛

Though I've tried to keep to the "classic" Corpus aesthetic now and then. A lot of what I've been doing (like with the Tessera, Axon, the Avestrucera, even technically the Adhera... why do so many of these start with 'A') has involved looking at the silhouette of something else like the Six12 shotgun



(DISCLAIMER: The fact that I'm claiming this as an influence should not be seen as an attempt to stop you. I mean look at this thing. It screams Corpus.)


(which is about as close as you can get to a real-life version of a Corpus ballistic shotgun. Also, it's the inspiration behind the Avestrucera!)

or the battle rifle from Deus Ex Mankind Divided, or that taser pistol from Elysium, and asking myself how I can corpus-ify them. Though admittedly when working from the Six12 there wasn't much to change. The silhouette is super important here.

Also, are you going to have borderlands-esque Corpus "forges?" I only have a few at the moment, but I see it like this:

1. Luxor - Basically the "Dahl" (Or Remington or Colt, if we're harkening back to real life) of Corpus weapons. The weapons are simple, reliable, and common, and the companies themselves are super old.

2. Arca: The Omolon or Maliwan of Warframe. But especially Omolon, on account of their recklessness, experimental nature, and skeletonization.

3. Vos Armaments: My personal forge! I've only made one Vos gun, but they're meant to be sort of analogous to young, trendy, arrogant, scrappy start-ups. Like Theranos, if Theranos actually had working products and wasn't a scam. So not like Theranos at all I guess.

I've included a couple weapons made by Bek and Anyo Corp, but I wasn't able to reliably put anything down as to what made them distinct from, say, Luxor. Anyo Corp, as it happens, would probably be more out-there than Arca - they'd be like the Hyperion to Arca's Maliwan, with a focus on even more advanced technology, unconventional shapes, and integrated alien technology.

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Strategy Update:


– Added more Stratagems (including the Favourite enemy for each faction and making Corpus more scaredy-cat like lul);

– Added some Tactics for each Faction (Tactics are like reactions to specific situations in-game);


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On 2019-05-30 at 3:50 AM, (XB1)UpgradeAcorn989 said:

you are a sleeper agent of a shadowy organization with a strong military but will refrain from using it unless necessary, not only that but the organization has been around for most likely longer than the orokin and has knowledge that the tenno and even ex-space mom didn´t know.  The only known contact with tenno is when the one who activated you, @FatherDonovan, came looking for information on some certain colonies, the status of the orokin named ballas, the military presence of both the grinner and corpus and I think something about Lua.  So far there is very little information on the organization and if it is alien, tenno, orokin, sentient, grineer, or corpus, though my guess is that your human plain and simple.

How´d I do?

Not bad...




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On 2019-05-28 at 4:32 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Another somewhat skeletal post, but I want to lay some groundwork now.

This time, I'd like to introduce a system, which makes the enemy factions more unique, a way for all those units I create to also act differently, based on what faction the belong to.


Enemy Faction Tactics:

Each faction fights differently, not only because of their equipment but also due to completely different strategic philosophies and military traditions (or instincts if we're talking about the Infested). The main systems at play here are:

Faction Focus: What the given faction emphasises and what they do best; but also what they do worst.

Stratagems: Broad and general behaviours of the given faction.

Tactics: More specific ways that the enemy will react when faced with given situations.


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Focus: Overwhelming Strength, Brute Force:

The Grineer are the strongest of the factions when it comes to pure, raw power. Overpowering weapons combined with insane protection offered by armor make each and every single clone a true warmachine.


  • Probably the strongest in small numbers. Each unit is powerful on their own.
  • At the same time, they are also easily replaced.
  • Heavy armor makes the Grineer the most durable faction.
  • Unified by a single purpose, the Grineer march as one.


  • Susceptible to Crowd Control due to low amount of specialists and defensive units.
  • Grineer fireteams require ample space to manouver properly.
  • If they aren't able to deal direct damage, they can't do much else.
  • Strict chain of command may cause chaos if the priority targets are eliminated.



1. Fireteams:

The Grineer army always moves in squads. Led by command units, like Commanders, Captains and other officer-types, these fireteams are highly coordinated, heavily bonded and ready to fight.

As Grineer level goes up, their squad tactics improve:

  • + Coordinated Target Acquisition (attacking the same target, prioritizing main damage dealers or squishy enemies, etc.).
  • + Squad Communication (identifying targets, alert status, etc.).
  • + Squad Actions (simultaneously taking cover + covering fire, dodging attacks, coordinated grenades, etc.).
  • + Bonus abilities and aura effects for Officer-type units.

Lower ranked units are likely to attempt to cover their superiors with their bodies.


2. The Elites of the Elites:

The Grineer are known for their Social-Darwinist approach to their clones. Everyone can achieve great honour and strength if they can prove themselves to be worthy.

Grineer possess and additional unit tier above Eximus, the Ultras.

As Grineer level goes up, the chance to spawn as an Ultra improves:

  • + Stronger Eximus effects.
  • + Bonus Ultra effects, drawing from a unique list.
  • + Awe-inspiring raw offensive power.

Lotus will call out Ultra spawns.


3. Military Value:

Grineer are purely utilitarian, and each unit has a set worth for the army. When choosing units for certain actions, this worth is used to compare the available units. Lower worth makes the unit more probable to do risky, suicidal actions, high worth makes it more likely for the unit to actually try and survive longer.

As Grineer level goes up, their value spread improves, allowing for faster and more efficient usage of manpower (e.g difference between a Lancer and a Bombard grows, making the Bombard ever less likely to suicide rush pointlessly).


4. Favourite Enemy:

In addition to Squad Leaders being able to coordinate fire, individual units become the more proficient at attacking priority targets the higher their level. As Grineer value raw power over everything else, they will ALWAYS prioritize the player with the highest damage percentage and/or kill count.



Quick explanation: Tactics are actions taken by units whenever a specific trigger happens (e.g. A player does something important, a mission goes to the next phase, etc.) Advanced actions and those that end up raising the difficulty of the mission are more likely to occur as the enemy level rises. In short: Tactics=Reactions.

I'm not gonna write every single basic action possible though, cause that would be too much (stuff like "take damage -> seek cover" is obvious and boring to write over and over again).

As Grineer level goes up, their individual tactics improve:


Eximus/Ultra Reinforcements:

Units may attempt to call for Eximus or Ultra reinforcements at any Panic Button they can get to (prefer closest). As the level goes up, the reinforcements are more likely to be tailored to the situation (Pinnacle Ultra called when abilities are spammed, Armor Repair Eximus when many Corrosive weapons are at play, etc.)


Leader Down:

Units who lost their Squad leader will immediately attempt to find a squad they can join. Certain units can acquire "field promotions" to take over the role of a Squad Leader (look for "This unit is an Officer" and "This unit may be Field-Promoted" tags in the units' description). This behaviour may be exploited to repatedly force units to regroup by picking out Officers.


Suicide Strike:

Grineer respond to being unable to breach a defended location with a unique attack:

a) A unit from within the group of Grineer is chosen by RNG, prefering lower worth (Military Value) units (however Manhattan Ultras or other On-Death Trigger units are given gigantic priority regardless of their Value);

b) This unit equips several grenades taken from their allies;

c) The unit rushes into the location, detonating all explosives, killing themselves in the process.


High-Risk Deployment:

Grineer respond to being unable to spawn a certain threshold of units every time they attempt to spawn units (e.g. When players block otherwise viable spawning areas) by either teleporting or dropping the units via Drop-Pods. Grineer will disregard pretty much any spawn limitations when spawning this way (Except stuff like spawning outside of map, obviously).


Final Retaliation:

Grineer may respond to the players completing certain objectives (e.g. Exterminate kills, Target Captures, Mobile Defense consoles finished, etc.) by attempting to demolish the location entirely. This might interrupt normal mission objectives. Chance for this to happen is not affected by Grineer level.

a) Grineer Galleons and Asteroid bases or Corpus Ships may be fired upon by other ships, causing instant hazards to appear (similarly to Reactor Sabotage) as well as causing a countdown to total ship destruction.

b) Land-based Tilesets may be targeted by Orbital Bombardment, causing a countdown to total area destruction.

c) Kuva Fortress may fire off parts of it's structure into deep space, creating Archwing Sections and (you guessed it) a countdown to total demolition of the area.




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Focus: Absolute Control, Complete Denial:

The Corpus use some of the most advanced technology in the System to achieve perfect domination over the battlefield, their specialised proxies and highly-trained professional mercenaries choose not only when to fight, but also HOW to fight.


  • If the enemy can't move, they can't kill you...
  • Multiple specialists can easily support each other to create a heavily defended position.
  • Orokin technology allows to bypass certain issues arising from fighting the Tenno.
  • Elastic, remote control systems ensure maximum combat effectiveness at all times.


  • ...but if they can, you are out of options.
  • Losing key units can cause fatal failure of the defense.
  • Using advanced technology in an attrition war is extremely expensive.
  • Bureacracy and conflicts of interests can cause problems with large-scale operations



1. Synergistic Approach:

Having literally built their entire military from scratch, the Corpus makes their Proxies deadly on their own, nigh-invulnerable when together.

As Corpus level goes up, inter-unit synergies improve:

  • + Ability Power Increase (stacking effects, combining auras, etc.).
  • + Change of functionality based on allies' needs.
  • + Mid-Combat repair, enhance, upgrades, etc.
  • + Working Together (units more likely to group up on defensive positions).


2. Send the Robots!:

The Corpus, having less raw manpower, prefers to count their losses in synthetics.

As Corpus level goes up, Robotic enemies' care for human life improves:

  • + Robotic Spawns/ – Crewmen Spawns.
  • + Robotics Attack, Crewmen Retreat (Human enemies more likely to avoid death at all cost, causing the Robotics to defend them more fiercely).
  • + Reactive Shielding Improvement (Damage-gate system*)

*More on that later, idea credit: @DrMegavolt.


3. Cowardice is a Virtue:

Corpus humans are incredibly easily scared and made cautious. Once made cautious or alerted they CANNOT be made relaxed, and higher level units will even resist ability effects that would cause this to happen (e.g. Baruuk's Lull).

As Corpus level goes up, Flesh enemies' cautiousness improves:

+ Alert radius;

+ Cowardly Action Speed Up (Running away, alarm console activation, etc.)

+ Retreat Organisation Up (low level=panic! everybody for themselves; high level=strong units cover weaker units, then the ones further away cover the retreat of the ones left, etc.).


4. Favourite Enemy:

Individual units become the more proficient at attacking priority targets the higher their level. As Corpus value utility and tactical advantage, they will MOSTLY prioritize the player with most supportive abilities, as well as actively seeking out opportunities to shut down ability usage.



Quick explanation: Tactics are actions taken by units whenever a specific trigger happens (e.g. A player does something important, a mission goes to the next phase, etc.) Advanced actions and those that end up raising the difficulty of the mission are more likely to occur as the enemy level rises. In short: Tactics=Reactions.

I'm not gonna write every single basic action possible though, cause that would be too much (stuff like "take damage -> seek cover" is obvious and boring to write over and over again).

As Corpus level goes up, their individual tactics improve:


Eximus Reinforcements:

Units may attempt to call for Eximus reinforcements at any Panic Button they can get to (prefer closest). As the level goes up, the reinforcements are more likely to be tailored to the situation (Nullifier or Scramble Eximus called when abilities are spammed, Reprogramming Eximus when many Robotic allies have been eliminated recently, etc.)


Complete Lockdown:

Units may attempt to "spam" initiating Full Map Lockdown (alarm phase 2), especially in the event of a depressurisation of a room containing Tenno.


Stealth Deployment:

Corpus responds to being unable to spawn a certain threshold of units every time they attempt to spawn units (e.g. When players block otherwise viable spawning areas) by spawning a much larger force the moment they have the space to do so. This force will always prioritise flanking positions when spawning.


I think I saw something!:

Corpus units are greatly cautious whenever presented a clue that an Invisible unit is nearby. They will attempt to find it more aggressively, as well as just being alerted more quickly to it's presence.



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Focus: Endless Horde Consumes All:

The Infested are unfettered by anything, they simply move forward until one side of the conflict is wiped out. Even when you think you killed them all, they simply return stronger, having consumed the flesh and experiences of their fallen.


  • A giant flood of units can easily overwhelm enemy positions.
  • Chaotic combat lends itself to natural strengths of the Infested.
  • Whoever succumbs is either replaced or instantly "recruited" into the ranks.
  • No clear control point makes defending against the Infested difficult.


  • Massed, straightforward charges are easily countered by area of effect weaponry.
  • A smart enemy can easily hide within the chaos of battle, making elimination of priority foes difficult.
  • If there is no biomass to consume, the Infestation dies on it's own.
  • No control point means no priorities, no real strategy can cause easy defeat against well-coordinated forces.



1. In Death, We Grow:

Infestation responds favourably to great amount of death in the area, even if it's the Infested dying.

As Infested level goes up, their immortality improves:

  • + Revive Chance (units can come back, even as different unit types, removed with 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat damage).
  • + Infection Vector (damage dealt by Infested or to Infested can cause nearby units to become Infested on death).
  • + Body Horror (Infested can avoid death by combining with nearby allies).
  • + Assimilation (All non-Infested have an Infested counterpart).


2. Why do you defile us:

Infestation naturally resists Warframes' influence due to their common origins.

As Infested level goes up, their unnatural powers improve:

  • + Special and Eximus units Spawn chance (Up to guaranteed Eximus status on every unit spawn).
  • + Re-Evolution Engine (Tactical Responses allow units to change into other units).
  • + Void Eclipse (increasing resistance to powers, chance to summon reinforcements every time a power is used).


3. Favourite Enemy:

As their level goes up, the Infested become more and more inclined to attack players using abilities and/or Operators.



Quick explanation: Tactics are actions taken by units whenever a specific trigger happens (e.g. A player does something important, a mission goes to the next phase, etc.) Advanced actions and those that end up raising the difficulty of the mission are more likely to occur as the enemy level rises. In short: Tactics=Reactions.

I'm not gonna write every single basic action possible though, cause that would be too much (stuff like "take damage -> seek cover" is obvious and boring to write over and over again).

As Infested level goes up, their individual tactics improve:


Shared Understanding:

Infested units may react to certain situations as if they were Grineer or Corpus units. Higher levels are more likely to react in ways beneficial for the Infested.


Growing out of Walls:

Infestation responds to being unable to spawn a certain threshold of units every time they attempt to spawn units (e.g. When players block otherwise viable spawning areas) by spawning units directly out of Infested growths in the Tileset. Units spawned this way are more aggressive.



Back to the Main Post


Heh, finally getting the time to do a full analysis of the data, almost feels Warhammerish in construction, hehe.


1. Ah, so, turning the clone vibe back on it's head and making them quality production models eh? Reminds me of my Grem and my New Bluds mixed together.

The dynamicism you've loaded into their "aspect enhancing" and "A.I." Tweaks definitely goes above and beyond my Factions Within The Factions Program.

2. Heh. The Corpus fall in line with what I hoped to achieve with my Bethkinite Corpus subgroup! Many more robots, much much stronger rare crewmen. Perhaps they could be a new faction all their own, some manner of. . . defense contractor mayhaps?


3. Heh, and that last one really IS great minds thinking alike there, the combat aspect of the Vector, with the revival possibilities of the Carncinics, all while harboring a unique "level growth" aspect that really changes up the game much more.


Fingers crossed that this kinda "double-layering" means twice as many people are also drawn to the possibilities!

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On 2019-06-01 at 6:41 AM, Unus said:

The dynamicism you've loaded into their "aspect enhancing" and "A.I." Tweaks definitely goes above and beyond my Factions Within The Factions Program.

It's meant to completely rework entire factions and the way we fight them, so yeah, I guess?

On 2019-05-30 at 5:05 PM, Neo3602 said:

Pretty nice stuff I'm looking foreword to when you start making weapons for the Corpus.

Coming very soon.

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Updates will return when I'm done with finals (middle next week).

In the meantime you can check out my Warframe concept: Click! (There is minor teasers about future content there as well 😉)

On 2019-06-04 at 7:33 PM, (XB1)UpgradeAcorn989 said:

I'm guessing Vincelli, Solberg, and Richter are the founding members and named the company/organization after themselves. I would say your one of them but you've been confirmed to be a sleeper agent by all accounts so that's off the table


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 2019-05-30 at 5:05 PM, Neo3602 said:

I'm looking foreward to when you start making weapons for the Corpus.

Welp, here you go 😄

Corpus Reinforcements 1:

It's gonna take some time until I balance out Corpus and Grineer weapons around here (and if you looked into my DA you'd see there is loads of Grineer thingies not shown here yet, lul), but we'll get there. Maybe.

Introducing: Baragix Autoshotgun, Spazocor Plasma-Slug Pump-Action Shotgun, Deringtron Self-Defense Pistol, Gelicor Burst-Gelgun, Blastron Handcannon and last but not least Vulcanicor SMG.

As it goes here, full statistics come slightly later, for now feast upon the art and basic descriptions. STATS DONE





The Baragix has been conceived as a replacement/upgrade of the stock Supra. While higher production and maintenance costs caused that idea to fail, the weapon was picked up by the more human-security-focused AnyoCorp, where it is used as a super-elite squad-based automatic weapon of sorts. Make no mistake though, it is not just an energy LMG, it's an autoshotgun with effective range of an LMG. A shooter placed in a good position can shred through even Tenno with this gun. 


Innate: Supra-Shotgun: This weapon simultaneously fires multiple energy bolts at full-auto. This weapon can equip mods exclusive to the Supra.

Innate: Fire Capacitor: This weapon rapidly gains Fire Rate and Accuracy as it is fired. Spread is also reduced by this effect.

Innate: Tap-Fire: This weapon can gain the benefits of any traits requiring full-auto fire without actually firing at full-auto.

Zoom: Flip-up Enhanced Cyber-Sights: Sophisticated optics of this weapon allow assisted target acquisition and faster Fire Capacitor stacking while zoomed-in.

Design notes:

The darker part above the grip that looks like its slotted in is the battery; yes, it's that big.


Mastery: 14

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 12.5 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 25.32

Magazine size: 150 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 750 rounds

Reload time: 1.9 s

Total Damage: 300.0

Pellets: 5 (60.0 per pellet)

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 220.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 80.0

Crit chance: 20%

Crit multiplier: 1.9x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 30% (per pellet)

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.

Requires Supra Research.




Spazocor is a conversion of an ancient shotgun into a full-fledged energy weapon. Firing powerful, explosive plasma "slugs", it can down the target (and the operator, via recoil, or self-damage) extremely quickly. While it can be fired semi-automatically, the pump-action engages a full power "slug", which can obliterate even the toughest enemies. The weapon is a rare curiosity, as it failed to get through preliminary tests due to overheating very, very fast. Ironically, some crimelords who obtained the prototypes found that exact feature a great strength of the gun.


Innate: Energy Slugger: This weapon fires plasma slugs that explode on hit.

Innate: Overheat: This weapon heats up as it is fired, gaining damage, but also causing a health loss to the user as the heat builds up. Reloading vents the heat, but takes extra time at higher temperatures.

Innate: Plasma Engine: Multi-kills and consecutive hits on weakspots of boss-type enemies generate ammo straight to the magazine.

Alt-fire: Pump it!: Press to engage a powerful S-NOVA Slug on the next shot. S-NOVA slugs deal massively increased damage and gain explosion radius with Overheat.

Design notes:

Looks like a SPAS-12 (which is the namesake too) that someone used for a weird hero-prop for an old sci-fi movie. That thing on top is like a folding stock, just unusable.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 3.25 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 90.6

Magazine size: 10 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 60 rounds

Reload time: 2.1-4.0 s

Total Damage: 322.0/1000.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 120.0/420.0

18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation: 202.0/580.0

Crit chance: 27%

Crit multiplier: 2.3x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x/0.0x

Status chance: 12%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Bounties.




The unassuming Deringtron is a fairly honest gun. It's not shockingly powerful, nor does it have extremely unique traits, but it is a good backup weapon. Used mostly by Corpus VIPs when things get heated, it has earned a reputation of a reliable panic button (in a form of a gun). Some businesspeople even elected to put actual, literal panic buttons on their Deringtrons (hilarity ensued).


Innate: Always at the ready: This gun fires straight from reserves and if it was to have no ammo, it will generate a single round after being stowed away.

Innate: Panic!: Corpus targets using this weapon can summon reinforcements and use the gun as a remote alarm console. When used by Tenno, this weapon reveals locations of units attempting to call for alarm or reinforcements. (Tenno-use idea by @Unus).

Design notes:

Derringer is a gun used as a last resort, so yeah.


Mastery: 5

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 6 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 60.0

Magazine size: N/A

Max ammo: 300 rounds

Reload time: N/A

Total Damage: 28.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 14.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 14.0

Crit chance: 17%

Crit multiplier: 1.8x

Precision multiplier: 2.25x

Status chance: 15%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 50 m, Min damage at 75 m,  Min damage: 75%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from Corpus Capture targets.




The Gelicor fires a complex chemical compound that rapidly self-immolates when in contact with oils commonly used by the Grineer. The producers claim it can be modified to include other trigger-substances at the request (and another payment) of the client. While an expensive option compared to the regulars, the corrosive effect of the Gel speaks for itself.


Innate: Monetary-Chemical warfare: This weapon fires special gel that burns Grineer units. Possessing this weapon causes certain Corpus units to become able to drop mods that make this effect work on other factions instead.

Design notes:

Inspired partially by Omolon gel-guns from Destiny 2.


Mastery: 9

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto-Burst

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming (but decreased audio range)

Fire rate: 15.3 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 76.0

Magazine size: 33 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 264 rounds

Reload time: 1.5 s

Total Damage: 50.0

Burst Count: 3 (150.0 total damage)

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 20.0

18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive: 30.0

Crit chance: 13%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.75x

Status chance: 46%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 75 m, Min damage at 100 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Market.





The Blastron combines miniature explosives of the Angstrum and powerful radiation-projector technology of the Detron to devastating results. While it requires a strong arm to control it's recoil, both the CQC and long range capabilities can satisfy a demanding user. This weapon becomes even more frightening in the vacuum of space, as it's missiles can very easily micro-correct their trajectory when not hindered by atmosphere.


Innate: Micro-correction missile engines: This weapon's projectiles can re-orient themselves onto enemies when flying in vacuum. This effect can be also observed in atmosphere to a certain degree with projectile speed mods.

Primary Fire Mode: Missile barrage: Fires a long range wave of mini-missiles, that explode with a burst of 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation pellets.

Secondary Fire Mode: Tractor cannon: Fires a short range shockwave, that pushes enemies away and makes them more vulnerable to all damage, especially 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation. Higher range in vacuum.

Design notes:

The secondary fire is an homage to, well, the Tractor Cannon from Destiny 2.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Range limit: 15 m (Alt-fire only)

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 4.4 rounds per sec/ 1.6 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 76/100

Magazine size: 5 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 25 rounds

Reload time: 2.0 s

Total Damage: 900.0/1000.0

Pellets: 3 (300.0 damage per pellet) (only in primary mode)

18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation: 900.0/1000.0

Crit chance: 18%/22%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x/2.1x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x/0.0x

Status chance: 30% (per pellet)/40%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.

Requires Arca Plasmor Research.




The Vulcanicor is a rare non-energy-based weapon in the Corpus arsenal. This incredibly small SMG is chambered for sub-sonic rounds that are given an incendiary effect as they are shot. As it fires extremely fast, this gun can quite literally burn through a target in matter of miliseconds. Due to the fact that most Corpus look down on physical-ammo weaponry, it has never got much recognition and has been relegated to the criminal underground trade.


Innate: Vulcan rounds: This weapon fires low-explosive, incendiary ammo.

Innate: Feel the burn: For each consecutive hit on the same target, next rounds deal bonus damage. This bonus is partially retained on kill, or fully retained on a weakspot kill (headshot). Missing hits lowers this bonus.

Design notes:

Grineer are weak to fire. Infested are weak to fire. ::Thinking::


Mastery: 10

Slot: Secondary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Silent

Fire rate: 18.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 32.6

Magazine size: 50+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 600 rounds

Reload time: 0.8 s

Total Damage: 10.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 1.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 3.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 6.0

Crit chance: 28%

Crit multiplier: 2.4x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x

Status chance: 20%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 30 m, Min damage at 60 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable in the Market.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
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Small update:

Went through all Grineer units and added the "This unit may be Field-Promoted" or "This unit is an Officer" tags where apprioprate. Check here (under Grineer Tactics) if you don't understand what I'm talking about.

Later this day or tomorrow: Corpus Inter-unit Synergies update + some new general mechanics to spice them up.

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Since this is gonna be a lot of new things happening to the Corpus, I don't know if I'm gonna finish everything in one sitting. For the ground work look here. Let's see what's up then:

Corpus mechanics:

1. Shields:

Fun fact: When I google "warframe shields" one of the first suggestions is "warframe shields useless". Let's change that*.

*only for the Corpus NPCs I'm afraid...

So, currently in-game there are 2 types of shields: Shields (duh) and the Proto-Shields.

They are basically the same thing though, with only minor changes between resistance and weaknesses (compare to ferrite and alloy armors which are way more largely varied). At the same time DE just adds Grineer armor types to heavier Corpus units, because they know that without armor they would be squishy cannon fodder like everything else. Why not add a new type of armor then? Or make Corpus shields behave differently than the players'? The second part is actually already partially true. Most Corpus units don't regenerate shields unless there is an Osprey nearby. So, not only are shields inferior to armor in every way, but also NPCs can't regen them, uhh. Ok? No. Not OK.

Fun fact 2: In-game, a level 165 Crewman has circa 54k effective hp, an equal level Lancer has ~560k, literally more than 10 times hp, lol.

Some basic changes so we can get started:

All Corpus units can now naturally regenerate their shields and do so faster when in cover.

Protoshields now regenerate even when taking damage.

All Corpus units can obtain Overshields, just like players can.

Shields used by the players are now called Warframe Shields and use the old resistances and weaknesses of the Shields hp type:


+50% 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact

-20% 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture

+-0% 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash

+50% 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221426 Electricity

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221425 Blast

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221427 Gas

+75% 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic

-25% 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral

N/A 18?cb=20140311074920 True

+-0% 18?cb=20160713085454 Void

Shields used by Corpus units now have these resistances and weaknesses:


+50% 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact

-50% 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture

-25% 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash

+50% 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold

-25% 18?cb=20140124221426 Electricity

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221425 Blast

-50% 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221427 Gas

+50% 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic

-25% 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral

N/A 18?cb=20140311074920 True

+-0% 18?cb=20160713085454 Void

Protoshields used by the Corpus now have these resistances and weaknesses:


+10% 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact

-50% 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture

-50% 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash

+25% 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold

-30% 18?cb=20140124221426 Electricity

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat

+25% 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221425 Blast

-75% 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221427 Gas

+35% 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic

-50% 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral

N/A 18?cb=20140311074920 True

+-0% 18?cb=20160713085454 Void

Toxin damage no longer bypasses shields entirely. Only 50% of the Toxin damage will bypass Shields and only 25% of the Toxin damage will bypass Protoshields

Viral damage now bypasses shields partially. 75% of the Viral damage bypasses Shields and 50% of Viral damage bypasses Protoshields.

REACTIVE-SHIELD-IMPROVEMENT is now in effect for all Corpus shielded units (effectiveness dependent on their level) (idea by @DrMegavolt)

All Corpus units that use Alloy or Ferrite Armor in-game, no longer do so. Instead, they use Robotic hp type as armor. 

Corpus now has it's own unique armor type, called Plastic Plating! Units like Raknoids who already use Robotic as armor continue to do so, for variety.

Plastic Plating:


+-0% 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact

+10% 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture

-20% 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold

+25% 18?cb=20140124221426 Electricity

+50% 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin

-25% 18?cb=20140124221425 Blast

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive

-75% 18?cb=20140124221427 Gas

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral

N/A 18?cb=20140311074920 True

+-0% 18?cb=20160713085454 Void


What are the Reactive Shields?

When a shield takes damage it will reduce that damage up to a certain threshold based on the unit and it's level. As the shields are reduced by damage the threshold increases (ergo: maximum damage possible in one hit rises). I'm not gonna make all the math for this mechanic, let's be real here, nobody cares enough. I certainly don't. Just dropping the basic idea.


A crewman has 100 shields and his threshold is 25.

You shoot them with a gun that deals 40 damage.

SIKE! You only dealt 25 damage due to the threshold. The shield is now 75.

As the shield is lower it has now a higher threshold. Let's say it's 40 now.

You shoot again with the same gun.

You deal full 40 damage, as it now is equal or under (equal in this example but you catch my drift) to the threshold.

In addition to the above, when a shield would be broken, all damage over the remaining shield hp is lost and does not transfer to actual health of the target. GRACE MECHANICS!

IMPORTANT: Magnetic 18?cb=20140124221429 damage's status effect removes this mechanic entirely for it's duration (4 seconds).


Crewman update: Helmet types:

This might seem like a nitpick, but while I like the new Crewman helmets added via OV and Vapos enemies, I'm annoyed at how they've been seemingly put on those units without any thought about which helmet fits which unit. So, you have the Provisor that has the head-laser helmet, right? Well, a generic Vapos crewman (who does not shoot head-lasers) has it too.

That cannot stand, I'm afraid.

So, let's have helmets that do things.

How does it work? Simple: Each helmet does something specific, and each unit has a helmet that helps them do what they already do. This means I'm reshuffling helmets around. No more Vapos Crewmen with Provisor gear.

Additionally, each helmet can have a randomly selected "Software" bonus. This is happens more often the higher the unit's level. These bonuses can be discerned by the players easily, as each of them changes the visor's color (instead of being generic light-blue it may be red, orange, purple etc.).

(Expect me to come up with new designs over time, so this will definitely get updated whenever I have new ideas.)


Trader template:



The standard helmet type for basic low level Crewmen. It is also the original one.


Has it's own hp bar, which prevents headshotting the unit until it is destroyed. (Yes this is a buff to all Crewmen, wow!)


RED: Assault Programming: Improves the unit's accuracy and reload speed.

YELLOW: Tactical Programming: Improves the unit's alert radius and increases all action speeds.

DARK BLUE: Shielding Subroutines: Improves the unit's Shield regen speed and decreases damage taken by the helmet itself.


Sensor template:



Used by advanced ranged units, this helmet allows for better target acqusition, especially at longer ranges. Provisors no longer use this helmet (They get their own unique one).


Has it's own hp bar, which prevents headshotting the unit until it is destroyed. (Yes this is a buff to all Crewmen, wow!)

Greatly increases accuracy when firing at units far away. This bonus decreases as the target gets closer.


RED: Critical Thinking Enhancement: Allows the unit to deal greatly increased damage upon headshotting the enemy. Also decreases charge times of all weapons.

YELLOW: Complex-Pattern Analyzer: Allows the unit to detect Invisible units by periodically sending out a circular pulse of energy. This pulse will disable and lock out Invisibility powers on hit.

GREEN: CQB Protocols: This helmet's accuracy bonus now has a deadzone at middle range, and maximises both at long and very close range.

PURPLE: Esoteric Code: This helmet grants immunity to mind-control and resistance to most CC effects.


Hardhat template:



This helmet focuses on heavy protection of the user's head, hence the name. Used mostly by melee and short range units.


Has it's own hp bar, which prevents headshotting the unit until it is destroyed. (Yes this is a buff to all Crewmen, wow!)

Damage dealt to this helmet is automatically normalises by a threshold (just like the reactive shield improvement).


RED: Ambush Algorythms: Makes the unit not appear on radar, and greatly decreases all sounds made by it.

DARK BLUE: Shielding Subroutines: Improves the unit's Shield regen speed and decreases damage taken by the helmet itself.

GREEN: Creative Scripting: Rapidly decreases damage taken by the user from DOT sources as they deal their ticks.


Sweeper template:



This helmet is outfitted by powerfull short range radar-camera combo, whic effectively makes the user see and hear way more in a cone in front of them. Commonly used by guards of any type and melee units.


Has it's own hp bar, which prevents headshotting the unit until it is destroyed. (Yes this is a buff to all Crewmen, wow!)

Greatly increases the units frontal alert radius, as well as granting them the ability to somewhat perceive Invisible units and units behind obstacles.


GREEN: Deep Memory Banks: Allows the unit to more effectively respond after being CC'ed and decreases CC duration on the user.

PURPLE: Fast Search Protocols: Allows the unit to more easily react to the enemies movement, and decreases accuracy penalty from shooting at very mobile enemies.

DARK BLUE: Trauma-Assist Programming: Grants all-around buffs to all applicable stats as the user's health goes down.

Trooper template:



This somewhat unique helmet isn't actually used by the Crewmen, but instead is part of the equipment used by Corpus-sanctioned mercenaries. As it is less advanced, it comes with no special effect nor Software.


Has it's own hp bar, which prevents headshotting the unit until it is destroyed. (Yes this is a buff to all Crewmen, wow!)




Click here for Part 2.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
added Plastic Plating armor class
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2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Toxin damage no longer bypasses shields entirely. Only 50% of the Toxin damage will bypass Shields and only 25% of the Toxin damage will bypass Protoshields


Had to be done, I'm afraid. Corpus shields cannot face my SOBEK. They're crazy weak, crow! CRAZY WEAK!

Also I find it funny that you went to such lengths to improve protoshields. Because - get this - they are such a non-factor to me that I when I started writing this comment, I genuinely didn't know if I'd ever gone up against them.

Apparently I have, though. I literally had to check the wiki to see if I'd ever killed anything with this shield type. Because it's literally that inconsequential to me.

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Today is a special day. It is the day of the 1st anniversary of this thread!

Because of that, I'm gonna postpone the normal goings-on on for a week, for this will be a special week.




Prepare for updates every day, I've got a ridiculous amount of things saved up for the Grineer and now is the time to drop it here.

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4 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Today is a special day. It is the day of the 1st anniversary of this thread!

Because of that, I'm gonna postpone the normal goings-on on for a week, for this will be a special week.




Prepare for updates every day, I've got a ridiculous amount of things saved up for the Grineer and now is the time to drop it here.

Congratulations suh! Gotta good bit of longevity on your little establishment. (Little being a term of endearment as opposed to deliberate lessening of your place's importance.)

Edited by Unus
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The Huntress and The Hunted.



Ela Drakkar sighed and looked at the status screen on the console.

"Changing augments again? This is the fourth time this week..." 

"I already broke them. Besides, I'd never be able to kill you with them."

Ela looked at the broken aug pieces surrounding the service station currently occupied by Anja.

"What did you try to do with them exactly? This isn't normal battle damage," Ela asked.

"Scrapped with a Tenno. Dropped off it's parts in Regor's lab, don't worry about it."

"Then those augments really were as weak as you said. I'll reprimand whoever made them. For now, you'll need to settle for the spares. I'll ask Gaud to make something special for you."

"You will? I thought Gaud's stuff was for you only."

"You are a part of me."

"Good point..."


Suddenly, Anja laughted.

"This situation reminds of how we met... You have the same expression as back then."

"Met? Ha! I guess you can call it that way..."


A few years ago...


"As the new High Councillor, I will ensure the continued greatness of our house! Thank you for your support," Ela screamed as the hall was filled with overwhelming applause from her brethren.



However, one person wasn't clapping. A lone Grineer woman, standing in the back of the room.

Anja Hek, ready to put yet another pretender to the High Councillor's position to eternal sleep.

"Vay Hek sends his regards..."










A clear shot! Ela Drakkar fell to the floor as a huge splatter of red covered everything around her.

And then she stood up. Stood up and smiled.

"Nice try, you, there, in the back."

Guards were quick to capture the would-be-assassin.


"Before you kill me, can I ask you a question?", asked Anja.

"What is it?"

"How are you alive?"

"In the life of every Hunter comes a moment when they become the Hunted. But I'm not <every Hunter>. I'm [the best]. Worse can never kill [the best]."

"So I am worse?"


"Heh, then I simply need to become the best to kill you?"

"You can't. There can't be two."

"Then I'll become better than best."

Ela smiled.

"It's slightly too late for that don't you think?"

"Not if you don't kill me."

"And why wouldn't I?"

"Because you are the best. But without someone trying to dethrone you, you'll become weak. Complacent. I will be your reason to stay the best. Because if you won't, I will kill you."



"Guards? Free her. Anja is your name, right?"

"Anja Hek."

"No... It's Anja Drakkar."

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Grineer Reinforcements 6:

Let's get some more weapons going, today I'm traveling in time, as the guns presented below were made a few months ago (I've got way too much backlog, lol).

Please welcome Sigra Mortar-Rifle, Bunsar Grenade Launcher, Jat Krasha (which is a gunblade somehow), Brenak Drone Launcher, Mowar SMG/LMG, Visikla Shotgun and Sabra the laser sword-gun.

Detailed stats will come as soon as I number crunch them. DONE.





The Sigra was born from the desire of Grineer Mortar teams to engage in battle more directly. The weapon is the epitome of Grineer design, heavy and unwieldy, it can only be effectively used by an operator that is not only heavily augmented but also specifically bred for combat (or by a Warframe with Gravimag systems installed). This Mortar-rifle, as it is often called, burst fires 3 powerful HE shells over incredibly long distances with outstanding precision. If a single burst is not enough coverage, one can switch off the limiter and fire the entire magazine at full auto. The weapon can't really be utilised inside of ships or buildings, however, as it is still technically a mortar, and it has to be fired at a very high angle for maximum effectiveness. Aiming Sigra like a normal weapon will most often cause the projectiles to drop right under the user's feet.


Innate: Mortar-Rifle: This weapon's projectiles fly at a sharp angle. Fires a burst of 3 shells. This Heavy weapon accepts Rifle mods.

Innate: Targeting Systems: This weapon possesses targeting aid systems, which grants audio and visual cues for easier target acquisition.

Alt-fire: Maximum Mayhem: Switches the weapon to full-auto firing mode. Massively boosts fire rate.

Design notes:

This is a heavy-slot-only weapon. Not usable in archwing, though, cause it's a mortar.


Mastery: 14

Slot: Heavy

Type: Rifle/Heavy

Trigger: Burst/Auto

Ammo: Heavy

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 4.333/10.5 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 56

Magazine size: 24 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 240 rounds

Reload time: 2.2 s

Total Damage: 1560.0

Burst Count: 3 (4680.0 total damage)

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 600.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 300.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 660.0

Total Radial Damage: 1560.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 600.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 300.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 660.0

Radial range: 6 m

Radial falloff: 50%

Crit chance: 21%

Crit multiplier: 2.5x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x/0.0x

Status chance: 26%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Gratatak research.




The Bunsar comes from the infamous Vamrak Industries, concepted by the very Horma Vamrak, the man behind Kombinak and Dragunok rifles. Interestingly enough, this one is a very usable grenade launcher, with a lethal twist. If you enjoy a sport named squash, you'll like this weapon. The gun fires powerful, yet extremely bouncy, remote-detonation grenades. These grenades behave erratically, which makes the weapon hard to master, but allow to hit "trickshots" like you woudn't believe. The chemical composition of the grenades makes them stronger as their contents fly and bounce around, making it important to use the secondary feature of the gun, it's magnetic paddle. Yup. A magnetic paddle. By consecutively paddling the grenade, it can reach critical mass and deal enormous amounts of punishment.


Innate: Squash-Grenades: This weapon's munitions bounce off of everything, dealing contact damage when appropriate, for as long as the trigger is held. Each time the grenade hits anything, it's damage increases exponentially.

Alt-fire: Mag Paddle: Press to create a temporary attracting magnetic well under the gun barrel, then a repelling force afterwards. These affect this weapons' projectiles. Successful deflections increase damage of the projectile more than usual. Can be used while the primary trigger is held.

Design notes:

Fighting Lion, but more ridiculous.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 47

Magazine size: 1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 50 rounds

Reload time: 0.7 s

Total Damage: 745.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 305.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 100.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 340.0

Total Radial Damage: 745.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 305.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 100.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 340.0

Radial range: 5 m

Radial falloff: 90%

Crit chance: 30%

Crit multiplier: 2.4x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 15%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Armory Gifts.

Jat Krasha:



This heavy maul is part of the Jet-powered category of Grineer weapons. It's head hides a (faulty (on purpose)) combustion engine, which produces extreme quantities of heat. This heat can be "fired" as a projectile, by swinging the maul in a specific way, while pressing the trigger button. It's a fireball maul.


Innate: Fireball Engine: This weapon can fire explosive heat projectiles when appropriate gunblade attacks are performed.

Innate: Overheat: This weapon's shooting attacks gain damage and size when performing non-shooting attacks. This bonus falls off gradually when performing shooting attacks.

Design notes:

Because Warframe's melee weapon categories are janky, I decided to jank up yet another one, this time: Gunblades. Yes, this is a "gunblade". Of course, it would need new animations and stuff, but who cares, it's cool. Or rather, hot?


Mastery: 11

Slot: Melee

Type: Gunblade

Attack Speed: 0.8

Range: 3.5 m/N/A

Combo Duration: 5 s

Block Angle: 45o

Follow Through: 0.5

Total Damage: 320.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 120.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 80.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 120.0

Shot attack: 640.0 (100% 18?cb=20140124221428)

Shot Radial attack: 640.0 (100% 18?cb=20140124221428)

Radial range: 7 m

Radial falloff: 90%

Slam impact damage: 960.0

Slam radial damage: 320.0

Slam radius: 7.0 m

Slide attack: 640.0

Wall attack: 480.0

Heavy Impact: 960.0

Wind-up: 1.0 s

Heavy Slam: 1280.0

Radial Damage: 1280.0

Slam Radius: 8.0 m

Crit chance: 18%

Crit multiplier: 1.9x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x/1.0x

Status chance: 27%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Stance Polarity: 20?cb=20150301001230

Stances: High Noon (20?cb=20150301001230), Bullet Dance (20?cb=20150301001230)

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Jat Kusar Research.





The Brenak is a diabolical and thankfully, fairly rare gun. Instead of using normal ammunition, it fires miniscule Hunter-Killer drones, which use the weapon's in-built scanners to locate and converge upon enemy brainwaves to destroy them. In simpler terms, it shoots minirobots, which home in on people's heads, burrow into them, and explode violently. The drones are smart and manouverable enough to allow firing at targets behind several layers of cover and at weird angles. The scanners need to be tuned specifically for the enemy you want to kill however, unless your goal is to kill literally everyone including yourself.


Innate: Hunter-Killer Swarm: This weapon fires swarms of nearly undodgeable homing drones, which seek out weak points of targets marked via Brainwave Scanner. Drones will detonate after a delay.

Innate: Brainwave Scanner: This weapon automatically and rapidly scans it's surroundings for eligible targets for it's current scanning mode.

Alt-fire: Scanmode: Switch between Corpus human brainwaves scanner, Corpus Proxy ai-protocols scanner, and Infestation brainwaves scanner, as well as a simple heat scan mode (do not use it at home, it will target literally everyone, including You). This weapon cannot normally fire at Grineer targets. 

Design notes:

There was a gun like this in Turok I think?


Mastery: 13

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Silent

Fire rate: 20.67 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 100 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 300 rounds

Reload time: 1.4 s

Total Damage: 24.0/500.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 10.0/0.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 10.0/0.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 4.0/0.0

18?cb=20190324091551 Finisher: 0.0/500.0

Crit chance: 0%/20%

Crit multiplier: 3.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x/0.0x

Status chance: 0%/0%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Desakar Research.




A miniature version of the older Brunink-pattern HMG, the Mowar is known for it's simplistic design and the sheer volume of fire it can pump out with it's special mega-drum magazine. As opposed to it's predecessor, it was not created as an emplacement gun first, but instead the emplacement functionality was added on later. It's fire rate makes it a poor choice to be used without first deploying it's bipod, at least if you're unaugmented.


Innate: Turret Gun: This weapon gains increased acccuracy and fire rate, but also increased recoil as it is fired.

Alt-fire: Deploy Turret: Press to switch into an immobile state, where it's recoil is greatly decreased. Increases zoom level.

Design notes:

It's a secondary version of Brunink, so you can run around with two ridiculous turret MGs.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 20.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 22/50

Magazine size: 200+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 750 rounds

Reload time: 2.75 s

Total Damage: 36.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 15.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 6.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 15.0

Crit chance: 20%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.33x

Status chance: 10%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 60 m, Min damage at 100 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Brunink Research.





The Visikla is a highly modified Nob shotgun, which in turn is a highly modified Hek shotgun. Consider it a family. Where Hek was Semi-Auto, had 4 barrels, which it used simultaneously; the Nob was Pump-Action, had 2 horizontally aligned barrels which used different mags, but fired together as well; the Visikla is also Pump-Action, but has 2 vertically aligned barrels, each with different magazine, AND they can be fired independently. More precisely, one of the barrels fires "generic" Grineer-made buckshot, the other can be used to fire more tactical munitions. The user can choose what specific ammo they wish to use before the mission, by applying different energy colors to the weapon.


Innate: Tactical Munitions: This weapon's alt-fire changes based on it's energy color. Available tactical rounds are: Dragon Breath Shell (Heat), Freeze-Bomb (Cold), EMP-Charge (Electricity), Poison Spray (Toxin).

Alt-fire: Tactical Fire: Switches between the primary buckshot firing mode and the secondary tactical barrel.

Design notes:

The color selection is the same as for Chroma.


Mastery: 8

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Semi-Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2.333 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 87.4545

Magazine size: 8 rounds per mag/8 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 240 rounds/160 rounds

Reload time: 0.5 s (per shell)/0.5 s (per shell)

Total Damage: 960.0/1000.0

Pellets: 4 (240 damage per pellet)/1

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 330.0/0.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 300.0/0.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 330.0/0.0

Chosen Element: 0.0/1000.0

Crit chance: 45%/45%

Crit multiplier: 2.3x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x/0.0x

Status chance: 20% (per pellet)/20% (per pellet)

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 70 m, Min damage at 100 m,  Min damage: 60%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Pankor Research.




The exotic Sabra is a result of Regor's in-house weapon R&D, overseen by Sahra's assisstant, Zek Sakra. It fires a focused laser beam, something normally non-existent within the Grineer armory. Based on tech from the recently uncovered Orokin orbital station floating around Titan, it's beam can cut through virtually anything, given enough time. This advanced prototype is somewhat difficult to handle, but can fire for a very long time before needing to reload it's batteries.


Innate: Hunger: Killing enemies with this weapon reloads the magazine partially. This weapon uses the recharging-battery ammo system.

Innate: Sword-Beam: Held trigger. Fires a highly focused laser beam, which increases in damage as it is fired upon the same target. The damage bonus persists for a short time if the target is killed. Precision kills cause explosions.

Alt-fire: Beam-Sword: Autocharge trigger. Fires an energy wave with infinite punchthrough. The wave's shape can be "drawn" by dragging the reticule while the weapon charges. Precision kills increase the damage of the wave.

Design notes:

It's a sword, but it's gun. It's a gun, but it's a sword.


Mastery: 13

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Held/Autocharge

Ammo: Battery

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 12 rounds per sec/4 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100/100

Magazine size: N/A

Max ammo: 60 rounds

Reload time: 2 sec

Total Damage: 66.0/260.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 66.0/260.0

Crit chance: 34%/30%

Crit multiplier: 2.6x/3.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.75x/1.0x

Status chance (per sec): 24%/30%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Enfild Research.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
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On 2019-07-01 at 9:45 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Welp, here you go 😄

Corpus Reinforcements 1:

It's gonna take some time until I balance out Corpus and Grineer weapons around here (and if you looked into my DA you'd see there is loads of Grineer thingies not shown here yet, lul), but we'll get there. Maybe.

Introducing: Baragix Autoshotgun, Spazocor Plasma-Slug Pump-Action Shotgun, Deringtron Self-Defense Pistol, Gelicor Burst-Gelgun, Blastron Handcannon and last but not least Vulcanicor SMG.

As it goes here, full statistics come slightly later, for now feast upon the art and basic descriptions.



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The Baragix has been conceived as a replacement/upgrade of the stock Supra. While higher production and maintenance costs caused that idea to fail, the weapon was picked up by the more human-security-focused AnyoCorp, where it is used as a super-elite squad-based automatic weapon of sorts. Make no mistake though, it is not just an energy LMG, it's an autoshotgun with effective range of an LMG. A shooter placed in a good position can shred through even Tenno with this gun. 


Innate: Supra-Shotgun: This weapon simultaneously fires multiple energy bolts at full-auto. 

Innate: Fire Capacitor: This weapon rapidly gains Fire Rate and Accuracy as it is fired. Spread is also reduced by this effect.

Innate: Tap-Fire: This weapon can gain the benefits of any traits requiring full-auto fire without actually firing at full-auto.

Zoom: Flip-up Enhanced Cyber-Sights: Sophisticated optics of this weapon allow assisted target acquisition and faster Fire Capacitor stacking while zoomed-in.

Design notes:

The darker part above the grip that looks like its slotted in is the battery; yes, it's that big.


Mastery: 13

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate:  rounds per sec


Magazine size:  rounds per mag

Max ammo:  rounds

Reload time:  s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: 

Crit multiplier: 

Status chance: 

Damage falloff: 


Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100


  Reveal hidden contents


Spazocor is a conversion of an ancient shotgun into a full-fledged energy weapon. Firing powerful, explosive plasma "slugs", it can down the target (and the operator, via recoil, or self-damage) extremely quickly. While it can be fired semi-automatically, the pump-action engages a full power "slug", which can obliterate even the toughest enemies. The weapon is a rare curiosity, as it failed to get through preliminary tests due to overheating very, very fast. Ironically, some crimelords who obtained the prototypes found that exact feature a great strength of the gun.


Innate: Energy Slugger: This weapon fires plasma slugs that explode on hit.

Innate: Overheat: This weapon heats up as it is fired, gaining damage, but also causing a health loss to the user as the heat builds up. Reloading vents the heat, but takes extra time at higher temperatures.

Innate: Plasma Engine: Multi-kills and consecutive hits on weakspots of boss-type enemies generate ammo straight to the magazine.

Alt-fire: Pump it!: Press to engage a powerful S-NOVA Slug on the next shot. S-NOVA slugs deal massively increased damage and gain explosion radius with Overheat.

Design notes:

Looks like a SPAS (which is the namesake too) that someone used for a weird hero-prop for an old sci-fi movie. That thing on top is like a folding stock, just unusable.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate:  rounds per sec


Magazine size:  rounds per mag

Max ammo:  rounds

Reload time:  s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: 

Crit multiplier: 

Status chance: 

Damage falloff: 


Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100


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The unassuming Deringtron is a fairly honest gun. It's not shockingly powerful, nor does it have extremely unique traits, but it is a good backup weapon. Used mostly by Corpus VIPs when things get heated, it has earned a reputation of a reliable panic button (in a form of a gun). Some businesspeople even elected to put actual, literal panic buttons on their Deringtrons (hilarity ensued).


Innate: Always at the ready: This gun fires straight from reserves and if it was to have no ammo, it will generate a single round after being stowed away.

Innate: Panic!: Corpus targets using this weapon can summon reinforcements and use the gun as a remote alarm console.

Design notes:

Derringer is a gun used as a last resort, so yeah.


Mastery: 5

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate:  rounds per sec


Magazine size:  rounds per mag

Max ammo:  rounds

Reload time: N/A

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: 

Crit multiplier: 

Status chance: 

Damage falloff: 


Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100


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The Gelicor fires a complex chemical compound that rapidly self-immolates when in contact with oils commonly used by the Grineer. The producers claim it can be modified to include other trigger-substances at the request (and another payment) of the client. While an expensive option compared to the regulars, the corrosive effect of the Gel speaks for itself.


Innate: Monetary-Chemical warfare: This weapon fires special gel that burns Grineer units. Possessing this weapon causes certain Corpus units to become able to drop mods that make this effect work on other factions instead.

Design notes:

Inspired partially by Omolon gel-guns from Destiny 2.


Mastery: 9

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto-Burst

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming (but decreased audio range)

Fire rate:  rounds per sec


Magazine size:  rounds per mag

Max ammo:  rounds

Reload time:  s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 

18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive: 

Crit chance: 

Crit multiplier: 

Status chance: 

Damage falloff: 


Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100



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The Blastron combines miniature explosives of the Angstrum and powerful radiation-projector technology of the Detron to devastating results. While it requires a strong arm to control it's recoil, both the CQC and long range capabilities can satisfy a demanding user. This weapon becomes even more frightening in the vacuum of space, as it's missiles can very easily micro-correct their trajectory when not hindered by atmosphere.


Innate: Micro-correction missile engines: This weapon's projectiles can re-orient themselves onto enemies when flying in vacuum. This effect can be also observed in atmosphere to a certain degree with projectile speed mods.

Primary Fire Mode: Missile barrage: Fires a long range wave of mini-missiles, that explode with a burst of 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation pellets.

Secondary Fire Mode: Tractor cannon: Fires a short range shockwave, that pushes enemies away and makes them more vulnerable to all damage, especially 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation. Higher range in vacuum.

Design notes:

The secondary fire is an homage to, well, the Tractor Cannon from Destiny 2.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate:  rounds per sec


Magazine size:  rounds per mag

Max ammo:  rounds

Reload time:  s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: 

Crit multiplier: 

Status chance: 

Damage falloff: 


Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100


  Reveal hidden contents


The Vulcanicor is a rare non-energy-based weapon in the Corpus arsenal. This incredibly small SMG is chambered for sub-sonic rounds that are given an incendiary effect as they are shot. As it fires extremely fast, this gun can quite literally burn through a target in matter of miliseconds. Due to the fact that most Corpus look down on physical-ammo weaponry, it has never got much recognition and has been relegated to the criminal underground trade.


Innate: Vulcan rounds: This weapon fires low-explosive, incendiary ammo.

Innate: Feel the burn: For each consecutive hit on the same target, next rounds deal bonus damage. This bonus is partially retained on kill, or fully retained on a weakspot kill (headshot). Missing hits lowers this bonus.

Design notes:

Grineer are weak to fire. Infested are weak to fire. ::Thinking::


Mastery: 10

Slot: Secondary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Silent

Fire rate:  rounds per sec


Magazine size:  rounds per mag

Max ammo:  rounds

Reload time:  s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: 

Crit multiplier: 

Status chance: 

Damage falloff: 


Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015  |  |  |  |  | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100


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1. Big pelter there eh? Are there actually any modifiers that require fire-rate? Also, ah, planning to fill in those stat data holes in the further future, when you feel like it?

2. AH! So It's a a bit of a hybrid tween projectile and the beam guns, in that it has a magazine but virtually endless reserves? Or, is it an abstraction of how the reload works?

3. Certainly sounds like an "enemy gun" based on it's style. Perhaps, in Tenno hands when the alarms raised, it could allow you to track the movements of reinforcements via mini-map or Heads Up Display projection?

4. Huh, a weapon that legitimately capitalizes on allied units during crossfires? Niche, but, ingenious! I'm kicking myself over not capitlizeing on that aspect!

5. A "Katyusha gun" with a bitta knockback pulsation eh? Reminds me a bitta the Contact beam of Dead Space on that second part, while the first bit certainly fulfills a niche nonexistent in the current arsenal. "Slow-release Kulstar" comes to mind.

6. Heh, this reminds me quite a bit of a mercenary submachine gun I have over in the Pit that's I made for False Flag ops by third parties in the Sol Origin system, minus the quality additive damage.

(WELL SHET, JUST as you release a big new batch! Go figure!)

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41 minutes ago, Unus said:

Are there actually any modifiers that require fire-rate?

It's own Fire-Capacitor innate trait 😉


43 minutes ago, Unus said:

in that it has a magazine but virtually endless reserves? Or, is it an abstraction of how the reload works?

It's magazine is also it's reserves, essentially. If you switch weapons after running out of ammo, and switch again, you get one shot free, you can shoot that, and repeat the switching for another shot, etc.

44 minutes ago, Unus said:

Perhaps, in Tenno hands when the alarms raised, it could allow you to track the movements of reinforcements via mini-map or Heads Up Display projection?

Interesting idea.

45 minutes ago, Unus said:

Huh, a weapon that legitimately capitalizes on allied units during crossfires? Niche, but, ingenious! I'm kicking myself over not capitlizeing on that aspect!

Not sure what this is relating to.

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7 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

It's own Fire-Capacitor innate trait 😉


It's magazine is also it's reserves, essentially. If you switch weapons after running out of ammo, and switch again, you get one shot free, you can shoot that, and repeat the switching for another shot, etc.

Interesting idea.

Not sure what this is relating to.

AH, gotcha!


Ah, not quite an endless magazine, but rather, a forgiving one that makes you "earn" your shots.


Just my typical two cents!


The Gelicor, but, reading it now, I see I was mistaken. When you said "Corpus drop mods in missions", I thought you meant that Corpus allies would drop this in-mission boost that does bonus damage against the current threat, rather then adding a modification to the rewards pool. Pologies!

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