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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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IMPORTANT: As of 26.02.2019. I've "retconned" a large amount of new lore into existence. No removals, but an entire new caste added.


Get ready for a good, old wall of text. (Things that are actually in-game and confirmed will be underlined, everything else is either extrapolating or straight making up stuff)

Ready? Ok, go:

Life and Death of the Grineer:

1. Society and Hierarchy:

While not much is known about the Grineer society in-game, we do have some leads that I've decided to expand on to create something more cohesive. The idea is fairly simple, caste system. It is important to note, however, that rising above your caste and into the next one IS possible (if only to those, whose genes allow increased cognitive abilities). The Grineer are not born into a family after all, their name, given to them only if they are important enough, shows their allegiance to a certain division/noble house, or their accomplishments.

There are four main castes, however further division of importance and power exists within those tiers. Above the castes sit the Queens.

Another thing to keep in mind is that because of their relative rarity as well as higher gene quality, women are generally considered superior throughout the empire. (More on that topic later.)

I. The Workers:


Somewhat obvious, the Workers are engineered and augmented to perform menial, non-combat tasks, like repairing infrastructure, cleaning and other "janitorial" duties, but perhaps more importantly, building weapons, making armor and other items. The Drudges (seen at Ceres Shipyards) are some of the Workers that you can actually see in-game. The Workers are famously the hardest caste to get out of, and those who are able to achieve that, generally end up as generic cannon fodder anyways. Those who are able to ascend from this low, low rank to higher, commanding positions are usually the lucky few who were born with an uncanny tinkering genius (e.g. see Reth from Rathuum). These elite weapon/device makers are known as the Forgemasters and they command great respect within the entire Grineer community.

Curiously, the Workers still receive combat training similar to what regular Lancers experience.

II. The Army:


This one is fairly self-explanatory, it is the group players fight the most after all. From the most disposable Lancer to veterans wearing the Bombard armor configuration, it is possibly the most varied one. Most of it's members will die soon after they were born, either in some Corpus firefight or from the Tenno blade. Those who survive and still are able to fight, become grizzled veterans who soon succumb to their genetic instability. Unless, for some reason, they are blessed with a spark of greater inteligence (and their higher prowess is actually noticed by their superiors). Those Grineer might have a sliver of chance to advance in the social structure. The competition is fierce, as millions upon millions of new clones rise from their birth pods every day. Yet, they are all united in their ultimate goal, all they want is to become stronger, so they can serve better.

III. The Leaders:


Members of this caste have shown they are cut above the rest, and due to this, can expect their genes to be used for making more clones at some point. Their role in the society is described by the caste's name, they lead and control the countless Grineer troops. Players will know them well, mostly as the many bosses. Vor, Vay Hek, Kela de Thaym, they are some of the most prominent members of the Leader caste. Their greater than average power makes them carry a greater responsibility, and many of the Leaders die from infighting that arises when different leader has a different idea on how to tackle a certain problem. The higher in hierarchy you go, however, the lower the death rate. Killing or assassinating an important figure can easily draw the ire of a Noble who supported the victim or even make the Queens decide you are "faulty". It is no wonder Vay Hek is so greatly loathed, considering his impunity in killing his competition.

IV. The Nobles:


These supermen amongst the Grineer are those who were considered the most valuable by the Queens themselves. This group rarely shows themselves openly, but everyone can be sure that it is them who pull most of the strings. The Nobles congregate into what is called "Houses", each of them with their own heraldry, traditions and quirks. Among them, the High Nobles are the top of the top, absolute highest echelon of power within the Empire. Their genetic material is pretty much exclusively used in separated, independent cloning facilities, with those clones generally being stronger and better than the normal ones. This is where the female superiority goes into overdrive, pretty much every single High Noble is a woman and certainly every Matriarch (a High House leader) is one.



A Special Case: The Grineer High Council:

We have heard a little bit about this council, but we don't really know what it actually does. At one point, Vay Hek is said to be one of the most important Grineer due to being a High Councillor, but he calls himself a humble councillor (as in he belittles the council itself) when introducing the ghouls (he's not a huge deal yet then, but still).

Anyway, my idea for the Coucil is like so: the Council serves as an intermediary between the Leaders and the Nobles, this explains why members of both groups can be councillors, in fact each caste has a guaranteed quota of members to ensure cooperation.

Vay Hek has murdered many a councillor, which at one point made him the High Councillor, a function which basically makes you the warlord of the Empire as long as the Queens don't say otherwise. Combined with his prestigious title of "Administrator of Earth", this made him very powerful indeed.

As I've mentioned previously, Nazol Fokk (see Part 1 of this thread) is a member of the Council as well, he was there even before Hek actually. After the Balor Fomorian fiasko, he is currently the High Councillor, as Hek was demoted.

Another character that has been in the Council for a long time is Ela Drakkar. This High noblewoman actually straight up left the council and refused to go back while Hek was the High Councillor.

The Council's main duties are overseeing many military operations that the Empire is constantly launching against everyone else. Be it assaulting some Corpus ships that flew too close to some imaginary border, "dissolving" an illegal trade entity (read: organised pirate cartels) or attempting to siege an independent colony deep in the system, the Councillors have had some insight into it.

While Hek did his best to remove unwanted competition, it was only a matter of time until the Council grew back to it's original size. Some new members and some old who either supported Hek or were able to stop the would-be assassins he sent.

Below is a list of some of the more interesting Grineer who make up the Council (I will possibly add more later on) :

(Art-only for now, descriptions soon) Descriptions are getting rolled out. Done.

The Councillors (14 original characters):


Nazol Fokk:




Currently, the High Councillor and the leader of the group, Nazol is one of the oldest Grineer alive. Coincidentally, he is also one of the biggest enemies of Vay Hek, the previous High Councillor. His doctrine is fairly simple, destroy everything that threatens or could threaten the Grineer. Opposed to grandiose tactical moves, Fokk prefers precise and surgical strikes against enemies' weaknesses.

Vu'uk Nob:




Vu'uk Nob is a young and ambitious scientist and weapon constructor. His life changed when he barely escaped with his life from a Tenno assault. From that point, he became obsessed with a dream to become like a Warframe. All of his research contributes to that goal in some way.

Vay Hek:



(not my art, obviously)

I don't think anyone needs to be introduced to this man. Like, seriously.

Ela Drakkar:




Ela Drakkar, as the Matriarch of the Drakkars, is one of the most important Grineers in the Empire. Her status as one of the High Councillors has lead her to many conflicts with Earth's overseer, Vay Hek, who sought to overpower the whole Council. She believes that male Grineer are naturally worse than women, due to their inferior genetic code. This lead to her selectively denying men access to her House and also means her armed forces are more elite-female focused than others. The only man that has any value in her eyes is Tyl Regor, for his scientific genius and close ties with Sahra Regor, whom Ela likes a great deal. Ela's biggest focus is her Hunting addiction. She has collected countless trophies of animals and enemies alike. Heads (and other parts) of beasts, Corpus investors, traitors and even Warframes adorn the walls of her Uranus-based fortress. She is known to never stay in one place, instead choosing to travel around the system with her hunting team, consisting of lower rank nobles and elite soldiers. Ela is personally less interested in war and tactics, thus she prefers to fight only when she has great advantage over the opponent, which she likes to refer to as "prey".

Dr Frud Tengus:




Frud Tengus, better known as Dr Tengus is infamous for his many advancements in genetic and psychological clone treatment, the Grustrag Three being his crowning achievement (for now, anyway). He is also the man responsible for returning the Technocyte plague to the Origin System. This unscrupulous scientist was once Vay Hek's ally, but their ways parted at some point.


(Yes, I know that his visual design has been shown in a comic, I elected to redesign him for the purposes of my thread)

Arno Harkonar:




Arno is the mastermind behind the Harkonars' rise to power in the Weapon Research and Development sector. When he was first stationed as an ordinary Lancer, he immediately stole his whole squad's Grakatas and upgraded them overnight, creating the much superior Grikrat submachine gun. Since then, he has only gotten better, churning out prototypes and blueprints whenever he is able to. This immaculate skill in gunsmithing has come at a high cost in other cognitive faculties, however. Arno is completely mute and can barely understand written text. The only way to communicate with him efficiently is to use a simple picture-based language made by his "sister", Helge.

As a Councillor, Arno does not really participate like others, but he's famous for abrupt and seemingly random sparks of tactical genius, where he will start moving units on the Tactical Board without much regard to prior agreements. Those sudden plans have been usually pretty good though.

Sahd Krom:




Sahd Krom is one of the veterans of the Council, countless augmentations have greatly increased his life-span. He is most famous for commanding the initial siege and occupation of Mars, including the removal of indigenous "savages". He's still a fairly good strategist, but his greatest days have passed. Still, he commands a great deal of respect as a very powerful and influential persona. He was one of the first generals to demand equipment changes for different environments, jumpstarting the Arid troops and then other variations.

Vala Kwarr:




Vala Kwarr is one of the Newbreed Grineer, created after breakthroughs made by Sahra and Tyl Regors. As such, she exudes an aura of self-assuredness rivaling Vay Hek and so they butt heads frequently. She was obviously not even alive when he was the High Coucillor. Her special personal force known as the "Vala's Flowers" is a secretive group of assassins, which she uses to establish herself as a figure of great importance to the Empire by striking her opponents and corpus VIPs alike. Is known to be largely un-augmented, her imposing size being such due to genetic manipulations.

Maka Grakk:




Maka Grakk has taken on the most disliked job of them all amongst the Grineer, dealing with Corpus. Able to converse and haggle with great skill, she could be considered somewhat un-Grineer-like. Rumours circulate that her genes were mixed with some kidnapped Board Executive. Regardless of the truth, she is the person that secures trade deals and enables POW exchanges. Being mostly far from the frontlines has made her somewhat more relaxed and easy-going than most Grineer and she will rarely contribute to discussion when strategy is the topic.

Zula Varhdn:




Zula Varhdn is the Special Forces specialist of the Council. Commanding multiple top-secret elite squads during her career, she is often considered as the best assassin in the whole Empire. As a strategist she is unique in how she usually attempts to limit allied casualties, seemingly caring for the rank-and-file. It should probably be attributed to her experience being limited to elite units where every soldier is actually worth something. While she is only a Leader, Zula's genes are currently considered for archival for a new Noble house.

Hudo Bakta:




An extremely old Grineer, Hudo is widely respected for his talent, seemingly effortlessly disarming fights that happen in the Council. Be it an agitated Vay Hek, or a conceited Ela Drakkar, Hudo was always able to make them calm down (to a certain degree) and restart the peaceful discussion. He is Cressa Tal's "father-figure" as he has, directly or not, influenced many of her choices, defection being one of them. If there were more Grineer like him, maybe a system-wide peace could be possible...

Helge Harkonar:




Helge is the other part of the Harkonar dynamic duo. Her expertise in weapon-making is very high, however she prefers to leave this to her "brother" and focus on her real interest instead, fashion. Nearly every single High Noble wears armor designed specifically for them by Helge (for a price, of course). While the Grineer mostly care about function over form, Helge says: "function does not inhibit form". She throws semi-regular parties, where she makes her subordinates wear extremely ridiculous, weird armors, like a twisted fashion show. Other service, which is very popular as well, that she provides is wig-making (yes, all these Grineer characters that I draw with hair actually wear wigs*).


*Except for Sahra, since her hair started growing like crazy after assimilating a Tenno body. 

Kos Hashka:




One of the original Councillors, Kos is a part of Worm Queen's inner circle of favourite Nobles. Her involvement into the Council is fairly low, but what she provides is generally funds and workforce for many experimental projects that get green-lit. It was her factories that developed the advanced Composite Armor field-tested by the Shadow Marines. Her extravagant lower body is built on top of a recovered Orokin exoskeleton, which was used by some ancient noble as a mobile life-support unit.

Draga Noht:




Draga Noht is the current Nightwatch's coordinator and project leader. Many times at odds with Zula Varhdn due to different strategic doctrines, she has replaced her due to Zula's age. A part of the Newbreeds, Draga seems to think most "elders" consider her worse. This causes her to constantly attempt to overshadow them. Frequently complaining about how "the Nobles just don't get it" nearly got her removed from the position more than once, but protection she receives from Sargas Ruk has saved her for now. 

Tob Drok:




One of the most liked personas in the Council, Tob Drok, has had his face plastered on a propaganda posters on probably every single planet(oid) that was ever under Grineer occupation. The "humane face of the military", he is often sought after during negotations (not that the Grineer actually negotiate honestly, it's mostly when waiting for the ships to aim their guns). Tob could be considered a Trojan Horse of sorts, his presence meant to make the enemy think that maybe, just maybe, the Grineer can be talked out of blowing them up. They can't, they are just buying time. The tactic still works, by the way. There is generally noone left to spread the truth.

Sud Gam:




This lumbering giant is Sud Gam, the Ironfist. One of the very few male High Nobles, he is probably known to the player as the commander voice inside the Kuva Fortress. He is also an important member of the Council, where he is always first to propose new advancements in the field of automated warfare. His giant exo-armor has allowed him to greatly outlive most of his peers, which made him somewhat bitter, especially towards the Newbreeds, who get to enjoy much greater longevity for basically no cost.



to be continued...


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Edited by HugintheCrow
major retcon, added another caste, the Workers
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1.5. Society and Hierarchy cont.:

This one will be edited semi-frequently whenever I come up with more stuffs, stay tuned I guess?

Some random tidbits about lives of the Grineer people (Treat it as trivia; obviously, all of this is my headcanon):

There is no civilians in the Grineer Empire, even the workers are given combat training. Everyone is a soldier, unless they are really badly messed up (in genetic sense), in which case, they go to slurry, or become extremely short-lived worker units, which do the worst possible jobs. All augments are standarized, so that workers can easily rip off their useless non-combat limbs and instantly put on any nearby fallen soldier's weaponised ones.

The above doesn't mean higher ups don't like to put art and vanity items in their residences. It's just that all of those items come from war-spoils and ransacking ruins. Some Nobles even attempt to mimic the way the Orokin looked and behaved.

For the most part, men and women live in separation, only meeting on the battlefield or during emergencies. This is done due to the fact that males are more likely to be infected by one or more of the many illnesses and diseases that plague rank-and-file Grineer. Wouldn't want our higher quality genepool to get contaminated, would we?

There is a "news television" comms channel called the "Grin-Inform", most low-rank Grineer spend their Food-Break Interval watching it. The only things you can see there are propaganda messages and a cartoon about an awesome and handsome Grineer named Cha Dkul flexing on a Corpus Crewman who always fails at everything and envies the Grineer all the time. The cartoon was made by Dr Tengus after he learned that short non-serious stories can be very effective at brain-washing.

The Grineer do not take prisoners, unless they are from Corpus (as these can be exchanged for solid amounts of money/goods). They simply attempt to get all the info from them they can and then kill them. Similarly, they do not spare civilians when purging colonies, 99% of time*. In fact they don't even spare the original infrastructure if it's not useful enough. This is why so many groups in the system take up arms to defend colonies. There is no surrendering to the Grineer. There is no armistice.

*In recent times,  there have been several records of large-scale kidnappings/full colony relocations done by Grineer forces led by Tob Drok. There is no telling what happens to those people after they've been abducted.

Grineer do not have names assigned to them at birth. The generic soldier gets a number, which usually has been already used multiple times (Some care is taken as not to put several of the same number in the same division/squad). In order to obtain a name, one must accomplish something relevant, and be noticed for it as well. Most of Leaders already gained a name due to their achievements and Nobles get to be named at creation.

Each Grineer soldier is paid in credits, yes, really. Barring some complications, every unit, even the lowest rank Lancers get regular pay + battle pay for difficult sorties. What do they use it for? Easy, augmentations. Basically, the Empire gets those credits back nearly immediately, but an illusion of a functioning service-based economy is there and that's the point. And every now and then, someone like Sargas Ruk gets a small fortune and becomes a general out of nowhere.

Grineer generally don't feel fear. If some of them do, we get defectors like Kavor. This "courage" is obviously a result of mental conditioning, causing the soldiers to keep running at the Tenno even if the whole squad's getting slaughtered. The only things a Grineer feels is pain (of physical variety) and hate (towards everything not Grineer).

Male Grineer have no body hair whatsoever (assuming their genetic programming worked correctly). Females have weak and small patches on their heads (see Kela De Thaym for a canon example). Due to this, many a Nobles wear fancy wigs. One of the biggest and most popular wig-makers is Helge Harkonar.

Grineer who have bonded with each other in a very significant way will often change or have get the same last name, to show off the importance of said bond. There is rarely a situation where "siblings" are from the same generation or vat-series.

The Grineer consider more conventional ways of "breeding" primitive and unclean, as well as selfish. Nature causes everyone to attempt to preserve their own genes, selfishly taking precious space and resources from others; the Grineer, as a society, decide which genes should be preserved allowing those who truly deserve it, to thrive.


[More to be added]


Glossary of Important Terms:

NOTE: All terminology here is my own creation based on what I imagine Grineer would use and develop (if the world of Warframe moved forward at realistic pace and any new Grineer/Corpus research wouldn't get blown up by Tenno EVERY SINGLE TIME)

New-Breed: As not all research was lost due to the Tubemen Project's critical failure, a next generation of clones has been developed. These are not as "pure" as originally designed, but still overshadow their lesser, older compatriots. Their production is very difficult and costly, thanks to Tenno crashing the original labs, before back ups of the research could be made. Due to all this, the New-Breeds are exclusively Nobles that don't ever get sent to the frontlines. Efforts are being made into creating a hybrid between the "Old" and "New" generations which could then be utilised on the battlefield.

Brain-Link: Technology which gains more and more widespread uses all the time, the Brain-Link is an innovative way to connect several higher intelectually performing clones together to achieve even greater efficiency. For the most part, this procedure involves removing the brains from the bodies and putting them in intricate life support systems, then connecting their thought processes using Kuva. As it does use this unnatural substance, the procedure is quite costly. This has limited it to creation of highly elite and powerful systems like the heavily armed and armoured Markaba Tanks.

[More to be added]


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Edited by HugintheCrow
last update: 26.02.2019
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2. Family and Kin:

As it should be obvious, the Grineer do not have families. They are "born", or rather mass-produced in many, many factories across the whole Origin system. There is however something in these purpose-bred clones that pushes them even further than any brain-washing or gene programming. 

It's the only ties that can bind a person whose whole life is war. Their comrades.

A Grineer soldier does not fear their own death, if anything they are afraid one of their comrades could attempt to save them, dooming said comrade. In a way, when Lancers fight the enemy, it is an unending attempt at saving each other from inevitable death. While this infinite altruism starts getting dilluted the higher you go in rank, there are still instances where a Noble will purposefully ruin their own reputation to boost someone else's up.

The Orokin considered this funny but also useful, as the Grineer were able to achieve great feats when working together, and so they left this behaviour in the programming. Ironic, for it was exactly the reason Grineer overthrew them. when the clones saw the Self-Same Sisters, they saw two Orokin girls, yet those girls acted as the Grineer did, helping and caring about the other, not themselves. And so the Grineer thought: "Those are Golden Goddesses, Orokin by flesh, Grineer by mind.", and when the Sisters said to the Grineer "Take your tools and use them as weapons.", they did so. They did so, because the Orokin were wrong. The Grineer didn't work for whoever made them, for whoever was stronger than them. The Grineer live, work and die for their family. For their Self-Same.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
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On 2018-10-18 at 8:38 PM, HugintheCrow said:

I have to admit I don't really care for them. They look like early tests for the Kuva forces' color scheme. Reavers not having a unique model is also quite disappointing.

The grineer camo isn't very elaborate so purple with black lines and red with black aren't mutually exclusive.  I prefer Nightwatch simply from how different it is.

However I do appreciate that Tusks are a reactionary force and they should start adding more mobility and firepower to the grineer across the system.

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9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Thanks, I mostly look at DE artists' Artstations to see the official designs. And then there is naturally my own (developing) style.

I do that too! 

I feel like looking at the concept art of, say, the Harpak or Arca Plasmor gives me a better understanding of how the weapon itself works.

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Small tweaks have been made in the Inner Sanctum Trial (especially the second phase).

Work is being done on the all-new Quest, titled "Regicide", which will serve as an introduction to the Trial mechanics as well as a (hopefully satysfying) end to the Elder Queen's story arc. If you think that means the end of the Grineer Empire, you're extremely wrong. We're only starting out.




Edited by HugintheCrow
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While I'm working on the Regicide, I've made vehicles to complement Grineer infantry.

And in case you got bored of the Galleons, I've also came up with some spaceships.

For the smaller vehicles, I've drawn a small Grineer Lancer to scale, for the spaceships, I've just listed their length for comparison's sake (I'm using this chart by StallordD, it's not canon, but it's the best resource I found).


Land Vehicles:


Drovva Personal Transport:




This small, personal vehicle is mostly used by Grineer squadleaders deployed as part of the Mobile Tusk Force, allowing them to command their soldiers from above. Drovva is not armed and very lightly armored, but can reach extreme speeds. This vehicle is hijackable.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Nitro Boost: This unit can greatly increase it's speed.

Design Notes: 

Named after the Australian Drovers, who herd livestock around, like the squadleaders lead their soldiers, visually inspired by Segwaystm.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: N/A

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 1)

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A


Machinery: 150


Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Sainglend Grav-Jet Personal Infantry Transport:




The Sainglends are deployed when then mission requires speed and stealthiness, the low-profile motors of this vehicle allow it to move very quietly, while retaining great speed. Accepting a crew of 2, this Transport is usually restricted to elite soldiers (mostly pairs of Bombard and Ballista) as the tech it uses is still experimental. The driver has access to frontal Autocannon, while their gunner-passenger is able to use a mounted Automatic Vulkar variant. When destroyed, the vehicle will save it's passengers with a automatic safe-guard system.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Nitro Boost: This unit can greatly increase it's speed.

Design Notes: 

Named after one of Cu Chulainn's chariot-horses. Design heavily inspired by the Star Wars Scouttrooper Speeders.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Rattat Autocannon, Vulkar-Auto Sniper Rifle

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 2)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Machinery: 1500


Alloy Armor: 100

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 100

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Hogg Multi-Purpose Support Vehicle:




The Hogg is one of the most used vehicles by the Mobile Tusk Force. The back-mount is able to accept a variety of different add-ons (Mortar Cannon pictured), allowing the vehicle to adapt to the situatiion on the fly. It's ability to transport infantry very quickly is not to be underestimated. It is the preferred vehicle of the Grand Boar Troopers.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Tactical Mount: This unit comes with a random tactical upgrade module.

Ability: Nitro Boost: This unit can greatly increase it's speed.

Design Notes: 

It's an interpretation of the Warthog from Halo.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: varies, frontal HMGs

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 5)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: varies


Machinery: 5000


Alloy Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 100

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Grisla Infantry Fighting Vehicle:




The Grisla is a dependable, heavily armored troop transport. Based on an ancient blueprint recovered from Earth, this vehicle has proven to be a great boon for any Grineer taskforce operating in open environment conditions. Powerful engines allow for very fast movement regardless of terrain or damage taken by the vehicle. Due to this, many Grisla pilots have adopted a strategy they started calling "Ramin Spid".

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Mega Nitro Boost: This unit can drastically increase it's speed.

Design Notes: 

Named after Grizzly bears. If you ever seen a Rhino Transport from Warhammer 40k you know what this vehicle is about. This vehicle only takes damage when engines are shot.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Twin-Linked Gorgons Mount

Abilities: Mega Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 4 squads of 5)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Alloy Armor: 5000


Alloy Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Anywhere but the Engines: 0.0x

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Armata Light Tank:




The Armata is the first of Grineer-designed tanks ever made. Equipped with powerful HEAT-round-firing Cannon, it can engage targets across long ranges and is able to defend itself with it's many Machine Guns. If endangered from air (Only it's Mounted HMG can fire at fliers) it will deploy an ADS, which can destroy all enemy projectiles for a long duration. Piloted by 2 Brain-Linked Grineer, which means the vehicle is built around the bodyless crew.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Active Defense System: This unit can deploy a rapid fire anti-projectile system.

Design Notes: 

Designed to look very similar to modern tanks while still retaining the Grineer feel. Armata means Cannon.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Armata Main Cannon, 2x Frontal Heavy Machine Gun, Mounted Heavy Machine Gun

Abilities: Active Defense System

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Alloy Armor: 9500


Alloy Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A


The Armata chassis has been used and modified for many different vehicles, serving different purposes on the battlefield (they use the same stats) :

Flakkar Anti-Air Weapon System:


The Flakkar addresses the Armata's weaknesses against the airborne units. It's heavy flak repeaters can be aimed at ground targets, but with reduced accuracy.


Barash Mobile Missile Platform:


The Barash can fire large volumes of missiles across very long ranges. Many missile types can be equipped, with spread-shrapnel warheads being the most popular.


Hellstorm Mobile Mortar Platform:


The Hellstorm Mortar is the ultimate long range solution in the Grineer mechanised corps. Delivering extremely lethal combination of Napalm and Plasma-heated Shrapnel, the weapon is able to decimate large groups of enemies and deny important areas for as long as needed.


Shaman Medium Tank:




Meant to adress some weaknesses of the Armata, the Shaman is heavier but still mobile. The standard-issue Shaman is armed with a long-range precision Armor-Piercing Discarding-Sabot Rounds Cannon, allowing it to decimate armored targets. Less powerfull against smaller enemies, it can still fight them off with it's inbuilt HMGs. Exactly like the Armata, if endangered from air (Only it's Mounted HMG can fire at fliers) it will deploy an ADS, which can destroy all enemy projectiles for a long duration. Piloted by 2 Brain-Linked Grineer, which means the vehicle is built around the bodyless crew.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Active Defense System: This unit can deploy a rapid fire anti-projectile system.

Design Notes: 

Designed to look very similar to modern tanks while still retaining the Grineer feel. Shaman is meant to be a corruption of the Sherman tank.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Shaman Main Cannon, 2x Frontal Heavy Machine Gun, Mounted Heavy Machine Gun

Abilities: Active Defense System

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Alloy Armor: 12000


Alloy Armor: 600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Markaba Main Battle Tank:




The Markaba is the most powerful tank in the Grineer arsenal. Extremely heavily armed and armored, it is nearly a one-vehicle army. The Main Cannon can fire regular HEAT rounds, or switch to special-made Gaebolg Lance Missiles, which force the tank to lock onto the target before firing, but after locking, it can fire them very quickly. The Gaebolgs are Laser-guided Seeking Missiles, which hunt the locked target until they find it. Markaba can fire them across extremely long distances, even against airborne targets. If that's not enough, large amount of HMGs, an AA Flak Turret and back-mounted Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher is sure to finish the job. Equipped with the same ADS as other tanks, the Markaba has a blanket damage reduction against aoe weapons. Piloted by a crew of 3 Brain-Linked, enhanced with Kuva, for optimal intelligence and cognition, making it extremely valuable. This vehicle does not spawn normally, only as an Assassination target at highest levels.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Active Defense System: This unit can deploy a rapid fire anti-projectile system.

Design Notes: 

Whole-sale inspired by the Israeli Merkava main battle tank, but with some Diesel-Punkiness of AU World War II you can often see in many sci-fi drawings on the internet.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Markaba Ogron Main Cannon, 2x Sponson-mounted Heavy Machine Guns, Frontal Heavy Machine Gun Turret, Mounted Heavy Flak Shotgun, Surface-to-Air Seeker Missile Launcher

Abilities: Active Defense System

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Alloy Armor: 15000


Composite Armor: 700

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Gustof Artillery Juggernaught:




The Gustof (this vehicle is what the gun got it's name from) is a class of vehicle in of itself. This powerful piece of artillery can turn to dust any target it is pointed at. Equipped with the same cannon and munitions as the Markaba, it also holds one of the biggest land-bound guns in the history, the Grun Gustof (that large barrel coming out of the front is actually going through nearly the whole length of the vehicle). Able to fire over extremely long distances, it is the reason why Unum is forced to hold the energy shield over Cetus at all times, otherwise there would be no Cetus at all.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Active Defense System: This unit can deploy a rapid fire anti-projectile system.

Design Notes: 

Check out the Schwerer Gustav. This is the Grineer version.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Gustof Ogron Cannon, Grun Gustof Assault Cannon, Hellstorm Mortar, 2x Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Flak Autocannons, Frontal Rotary Autocannon, Mounted Heavy Autocannon

Abilities: Active Defense System, Transport (capacity A LOT)

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Machinery: 35000


Alloy Armor: 700

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 1000

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Oillipheist Mobile Command Center:




Used exclusively during full-on planetary invasions, these lumbering behemoths ensure Grineer comms are up at all times. Equipped with a long-range assault cannon to allow it to destroy cities in a single shot, it is no slouch on the weapons departament either. If terrain does not allow for usage of the legs, the vehicle can lower itself to the ground and deploy a set of giant all-terrain wheels. It is also amphibious and can be used as a battleship. It does not spawn normally, but instead is part of the Law of Retribution 2.0 Trial.

Design Notes: 

A giant AT-AT, but like, really giant. Named after a Dragon from Irish mythology.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Oillipheist Main Assault Cannon, 5x Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Autocannons, Flak Autocannon

Abilities: Transport (capacity A WHOLE LOT)

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN





Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A


Flying Vehicles:


Stingra Personal Scouting Vehicle:




Stingras are personal flying carriers used to quickly scout out a position before an actual assault. Equipped with Twin-linked autocannons, it can nonetheless harass the opposition from the air. Built to be faster and more manouverable than the Dargyn, it also grants more protection to the pilot, saving them in case of the vehicle's destruction.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Nitro Boost: This unit can greatly increase it's speed.

Design Notes: 

I just thought about making a cool single-pilot flyer and this came out. It's a miniature VTOL fighter essentially. Wanted to call it the Wasp or the Stinger, but that didn't sound Grineer enough, so went with Stringra, which in turn sounds like a StingraY, uhh.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Twin-Linked Autocannons

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 1)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Machinery: 550


Ferrite Armor: 150

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Kargorak Supply Dropship:




This Cargo ship is used to quickly drop or extract supplies in open environments. Heavily armed for it's mostly non-combat role, it was designed from the Bolkor hull. A unique spring system on top of the vehicle ensures it does not break in half while carrying heavy loads. In cases of emergency, the Kargorak can be used as a mobile comms tower, due to installed parabolic antenna.

Mechanics and Abilities:


Design Notes: 

It's a Cargo Rack, a Rack for Cargo, get it?


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Bolkor Rotary Autocannon, 2x Seeker Missile Pods

Abilities: Transport (capacity 1 Armored Vault or small Vehicle)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: PAWN


Machinery: 8000


Ferrite Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Danann Heavy Assault Transport:




The Danann is a more heavily armored, armed variant of the Firbolg. These Transporters are used when the Firbolg would be considered too weak (higher level bounties etc.). With it's weaponry, it can actually support the troops it's deploying and more powerful engines allow it to carry heavy vehicles or large infantry pods into the fray.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Nitro Boost: This unit can greatly increase it's speed.

Design Notes: 

Named after the Tuatha de Danann, who replace the people of Fir Bolg as rulers of Ireland in mythology. Fitting, considering how this vehicle replaces the Firbolg ship.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Mounted Flak Autocannon, 2x Sponson-Mounted Heavy Machine Guns

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 4 squads of 5)

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A


Machinery: 10000


Alloy Armor: 600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Cuhulin Tactical Air Support Vehicle:




The Cuhulin is a fast response tactical vessel, used to harass land-bound enemies to support Grineer ground troops. Heavily armed and armored, it can fulfill multiple roles, as it's weapon pods are modular and interchangeable. The most used configuration is equipped with Barrage Missile system, allowing it to deploy a rain of explosive ordnance across large areas. Other main weapons include Heavy Assault Cannon, Rotary Autocannon or a Tesla Coil.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Nitro Boost: This unit can greatly increase it's speed.

Ability: Bombing Run: This unit can rapidly drop bombs in a strafing run.

Design Notes: 

Named after the Ulster hero, the Cu Chulainn also known as Cuhulin. The visual design is similar to the Stingra, although I designed it first, so maybe I should say that Stingra is similar to the Cuhulin. The wings are adjustable and it is also a VTOL aircraft.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Mounted Rotary Autocannon, Missile Barrage Cannon, but can vary

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Bombing Run

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Machinery: 10000


Composite Armor: 700

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Sreng Heavy Transport:




The Sreng is an exceptionally heavy aircraft capable of holding a large amount of troops or cargo. While it carries no weapon systems, it's armor and inherent modularity make it a preferred choice in difficult engagements. Each Sreng has 16 modules (8 on each side) it can freely exchange at any point (pictured with a 2-module-wide mobile refuel station, a comms array, and 5 troop-holding blocks). Additionally, a system of cranes and winches is built into it's underside, allowing it to simultaneously carry heavy vehicles, like tanks. 

Design Notes: 

Named after Sreng, one of the Fir Bolg, a very strong guy. Another VTOL, seems like the Grineer really like those.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: N/A

Abilities: Transport (4 squads of 5 per transport module, max 16 modules)

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A


Machinery: 20000


Alloy Armor: 600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A


Space Vessels:


Reminder: the Galleon-class Dreadnought is ~2300m long.

Some small general pointers:

1. I consider the FTL travel possible in the setting (via the Solar Rails). The idea is that the Rails allow all nearby ships to fly towards another Rail. The Rails themselves then can also be repositioned, or even enter FTL themselves.

2. While Tenno vessels are effectively invisible via the Void Echo Masking, other ships leave large scale "Void Echo Waves" whenever entering or exiting FTL.

3. "Punching in" is in-universe slang for exiting FTL and going back to normal space, "punching out" is when a vessel enters FTL. E.g. a Firbolg that enters Plains "punched in", when it goes away after dropping soldiers, it has "punched out".

4. I'm not going to give hp or armor stats for space ships, Tenno can't destroy them with normal weaponry. The stats will instead be more generalised, lore-based.

Morrigan-class Destroyer-Interceptor:




The Morrigan is a very fast, stealthy vessel equipped with a purpose-built Ghost Engine System, allowing it to "punch in" without detection (it is still visible when "punching out"). All weaponry is geared towards short engagements involving weaker enemy forces, such as trade or cargo ships. Morrigans usually fly in formations ranging from 2 to 5 units, those are sometimes called Sabaths.

Design Notes: 

A sleek and simple design for a fast vessel. Complimentary oversized guns for that Grineer look. Named after the Morrigan, one of the most iconic "witch/goddess" mythical characters in the world.


Length: ~2 km

Armaments: 3x Long Range Assault Cannons, 28x Heavy Flak Repeater Cannons, 2x Heavy Railguns, 2x Twin-Linked Autocannons, 1x Energy-Leech Anchor Cannon

Finn-class Dreadnought:




Finn-class Dreadnoughts are bread and butter of the Grineer Navy, along the Galleon-class. Their heavy armor and armaments prove very capable in most situations. Finn, while smaller than the Galleon, is more heavily armored and carries more different weapon types, allowing it to be more adaptable.

Design Notes: 

A basic ship, meant to be a visual difference from Galleons everywhere. Named after an Irish folklore hero, Finn/Fionn mac Cumhaill.


Length: ~2 km

Armaments: 28x Long Range Assault Cannons, 30x Heavy Flak Repeater Cannons, 6x Heavy Breach-Piercer Cannons

Cailte-class Command Center Cruiser:




The Command Center Ships are very useful in every zone of conflict. Equipped with long range communication arrays and radars, the utility of the Cailte-class is not to be underestimated. Lightly armed, it leaves the heavy lifting to other ships, while providing giant amounts of intel.

Design Notes: 

An unusual, three-pronged design for an unusual ship. It's non-combat role sets it apart from other vessels. Named after Cailte, a great storyteller and runner, who was able to communicate with animals.


Length: ~2 km

Armaments: 8x Autocannons, 2x Twin-Linked Autocannons

Diarmuid-class Dreadnought:




The Diarmuid is a heavy assault and siege ship. Armed to the teeth and equipped with a powerful Bombard Railgun, it is capable of decimating heavily armored or shielded targets, like colonies or capital ships. Capable of bombarding planets and even dropping large scale invasion forces all on it's own, the sighting of a Diarmuid is a grim one indeed.

Design Notes: 

Named after Diarmuid, an Irish folklore demigod, foster-son of the god of love, able to defeat incredible amounts of enemies on his own.


Length: ~2.2 km

Armaments: 36x Long Range Assault Cannons, 8x Super-Heavy Flak Cannons, 1x Heavy Railgun, 1x Bombard Railgun

Goll-class Heavy Dreadnought:




The Goll is the heaviest dreadnought in the Grineer navy. Featuring some of the thickest armor in the Empire, this ship is no joke. Powerful, long range armaments of this vessel can out-range most small ships in the system, and with a giant amount of Flak Cannons, the Goll can obliterate anything in close combat, from smaller craft to larger ships. It is the vessel of choice for defending crucial locations. It is said a single Goll can withstand full barrage from an Obelisk and retaliate, dealing more damage.

Design Notes: 

Small, but powerful, the Goll is named after one of Finn/Fionn's father's killer, who willingly stepped down after Finn became old enough. Goll killed his fair share of giant monsters and enemies.


Length: ~2 km

Armaments: 24x Long Range Assault Cannons, 24x Super-Heavy Flak Cannons, 1x Heavy Railgun, 6x Twin-Linked Autocannons, 4x Twin-Linked Long Range Assault Cannon Turrets

Mugruith-class Fast Response Battlecruiser:




The Mugruith's collosal silhoutte is a definite signal of Grineer occupation. This vessel is a powerful asset during invasions, but also serves as a fast-response defensive ship for emergencies. Built around a Solar Rail segment, this vessel can travel at faster than light speeds with no outside help to reach any location it needs. Powerful armaments worthy of a capital ship make quick work of any attackers.

Design Notes: 

A mobile assault base, named after an Irish folklore powerful blind druid, who could grow to an enormous size.


Length: ~3.5 km

Armaments: 60x Long Range Assault Cannons, 20x Breach-Piercer Cannons, 19x Twin-Linked Heavy Flak Repeater Cannons, 8x Bombard Railguns, 8x Twin-Linked Autocannons

Fragarach-class Rail Distruptor Battlecruiser:




The Fragarach is a purpose-built ship, designed to disable the enemy fleet's Solar Rails. Built around a piece of ancient Orokin technology, meant to stabilise Void Towers, it has been reengineered to Disrupt FTL travel of large ships. After the deed is done, the enemy can do nothing, while the Fragarach takes aim with it's insanely oversized Navar Ultimatum Cannon. Outside of that cannon, however, the vessel is fairly lightly armed and armored.

Design Notes: 

Named after the legendary Answerer, a sword which forced those it pointed at to answer truthfully, and wounded fatally no matter what.


Length: ~3.5 km

Armaments: 1x Solar Rail Disruptor, 1x Navar Ultimatum Cannon, 12x Long Range Assault Cannons, 22x Point-defense Autocannons

Cethlenn-class Fomorian Battleship "Super-Dreadnought":




There is only one ship made to the specifications of the Cethlenn, we call it the Kuva Fortress. There are plans and blueprints for more, but to the Lotus Council's knowledge, no more than the one have been built.

Design Notes: 

Named after Balor's wife, it is the ultimate Fomorian.


Length: ~200 km

Armaments: An immesurable amount of Heavy Flak Repeater Cannons, Autocannons, Assault Cannons, Navar Main Cannons and more


As always, detailed descriptions are coming. Descriptions rolled out.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
added the mechanics and abilities
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49 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

While I'm working on the Regicide, I've made vehicles to complement Grineer infantry.

And in case you got bored of the Galleons, I've also came up with some spaceships.

For the smaller vehicles, I've drawn a small Grineer Lancer to scale, for the spaceships, I've just listed their length for comparison's sake (I'm using this chart by StallordD, it's not canon, but it's the best resource I found).


Land Vehicles:

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Drovva Personal Transport:

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Sainglend Grav-Jet Personal Infantry Transport:

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Grisla Infantry Fighting Vehicle:

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Armata Light Tank:

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Markaba Main Battle Tank:

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Gustof Artillery Juggernaught:

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Oillipheist Mobile Command Center:

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Flying Vehicles:

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Stingra Personal Scouting Vehicle:

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Kargorak Supply Dropship:

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Danann Heavy Assault Transport:

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Cuhulin Tactical Air Support Vehicle:

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Sreng Heavy Transport:

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Space Vessels:

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Reminder: the Galleon-class Dreadnought is ~2300m long.


Morrigan-class Destroyer-Interceptor:

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Finn-class Dreadnought:

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Cailte-class Command Center Cruiser:

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Diarmuid-class Dreadnought:

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Goll-class Heavy Dreadnought:

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Mugruith-class Fast Response Battlecruiser:

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Fragarach-class Rail Distruptor Battlecruiser:

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Cethlenn-class Fomorian Battleship "Super-Dreadnought":

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As always, detailed descriptions are coming. 

Heh, I tried my hand at this once and only once, in the form of the Parapet, so you've gone quite wide with thisun.


While I struggle a bit with just how we could properly utilize the first section, the ship section? Mmm mmm mmmmm! Those could give us the opportunity to craft new tile sets beyond the galleon, without needing new worlds to tread upon. And with Railjack upcoming, nows as good a time as any!


Edited by Unus
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1 minute ago, Unus said:

Heh, I tried my hand at this once and only once, in the form of the Parapet, so you've gone quite wide with thisun.


While I struggle a bit with just how we could properly utilize the first section, the ship section? Mmm mmm mmmmm! Those could give us the opportunity to craft new tile sets beyond the galleon, without needing new worlds to tread upon. And with Railjack upcoming, bows as good a time as any!


Most vehicles are meant to be additions to the PoE expansion in the future. The spaceships are in fact for Railjack.

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1 minute ago, HugintheCrow said:

Most vehicles are meant to be additions to the PoE expansion in the future. The spaceships are in fact for Railjack.

Hm. . . you know, that's a good point. I created my Mastodon and Parapet units for the wide open areas we have on Mars, but, that was before the sheer vast size of Plains of Eidolon came into being.


Interesting. . . very interesting. . . perhaps those boardmembers currently on the Plains could be acting as scouts trying to receive info on Grinic troop movements indirectly, perhaps get the people's hatred to play Cetus into their hands?


I'd dabbled in "map changer" events before in the form of the Venusian Dotter Grineer's Days of Strife, but, this?. . . . hmmm. . . keep working at it. Something's there in that regard.

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On 2018-10-31 at 2:15 PM, HugintheCrow said:

While I'm working on the Regicide, I've made vehicles to complement Grineer infantry.

And in case you got bored of the Galleons, I've also came up with some spaceships.

For the smaller vehicles, I've drawn a small Grineer Lancer to scale, for the spaceships, I've just listed their length for comparison's sake (I'm using this chart by StallordD, it's not canon, but it's the best resource I found).


Land Vehicles:

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Drovva Personal Transport:

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Description: This small, personal vehicle is mostly used by Grineer squadleaders deployed as part of the Mobile Tusk Force, allowing them to command their soldiers from above. Drovva is not armed and very lightly armored, but can reach extreme speeds. This vehicle is hijackable.

Design Notes: Named after the Australian Drovers, who herd livestock around, like the squadleaders lead their soldiers, visually inspired by Segwaystm.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport vehicle

Weapons: N/A

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 1)

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A

Machinery: 50

Ferrite Armor: 5

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Sainglend Grav-Jet Personal Infantry Transport:

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Description: The Sainglends are deployed when then mission requires speed and stealthiness, the low-profile motors of this vehicle allow it to move very quietly, while retaining great speed. Accepting a crew of 2, this Transport is usually restricted to elite soldiers (mostly pairs of Bombard and Ballista) as the tech it uses is still experimental. The driver has access to frontal Autocannon, while their gunner-passenger is able to use a mounted Automatic Vulkar variant. When destroyed, the vehicle will save it's passengers with a automatic safe-guard system.

Design Notes: Named after one of Cu Chulainn's chariot-horses. Design heavily inspired by the Star Wars Scouttrooper Speeders.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport and fire support vehicle

Weapons: Rattat Autocannon, Vulkar-Auto Sniper Rifle

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 2)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT

Machinery: 450

Alloy Armor: 100

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 100

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Hogg Multi-Purpose Support Vehicle:

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Description: The Hogg is one of the most used vehicles by the Mobile Tusk Force. The back-mount is able to accept a variety of different add-ons (Mortar Cannon pictured), allowing the vehicle to adapt to the situatiion on the fly. It's ability to transport infantry very quickly is not to be underestimated. It is the preferred vehicle of the Grand Boar Troopers.

Design Notes: It's an interpretation of the Warthog from Halo.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport and fire support vehicle

Weapons: varies

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 5)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: varies

Machinery: 1000

Alloy Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 100

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Grisla Infantry Fighting Vehicle:

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Description: The Grisla is a dependable, heavily armored troop transport. Based on an ancient blueprint recovered from Earth, this vehicle has proven to be a great boon for any Grineer taskforce operating in open environment conditions. Powerful engines allow for very fast movement regardless of terrain or damage taken by the vehicle. Due to this, many Grisla pilots have adopted a strategy they started calling "Ramin Spid".

Design Notes: Named after Grizzly bears. If you ever seen a Rhino Transport from Warhammer 40k you know what this vehicle is about.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport and fire support vehicle

Weapons: Twin-Linked Gorgons Mount

Abilities: Mega Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 4 squads of 5)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT

Machinery: 5000

Alloy Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Armata Light Tank:

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Description: The Armata is the first of Grineer-designed tanks ever made. Equipped with powerful HEAT-round-firing Cannon, it can engage targets across long ranges and is able to defend itself with it's many Machine Guns. If endangered from air (Only it's Mounted HMG can fire at fliers) it will deploy an ADS, which can destroy all enemy projectiles for a long duration. Piloted by 2 Brain-Linked Grineer, which means the vehicle is built around the bodyless crew.

Design Notes:  Designed to look very similar to modern tanks while still retaining the Grineer feel. Armata means Cannon.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Armata Main Cannon, 2x Frontal Heavy Machine Gun, Mounted Heavy Machine Gun

Abilities: Active Defense System

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Machinery: 9500

Alloy Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Markaba Main Battle Tank:

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Description: The Markaba is the most powerful tank in the Grineer arsenal. Extremely heavily armed and armored, it is nearly a one-vehicle army. The Main Cannon can fire regular HEAT rounds, or switch to special-made Gaebolg Lance Missiles, which force the tank to lock onto the target before firing, but after locking, it can fire them very quickly. The Gaebolgs are Laser-guided Seeking Missiles, which hunt the locked target until they find it. Markaba can fire them across extremely long distances, even against airborne targets. If that's not enough, large amount of HMGs, an AA Flak Turret and back-mounted Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher is sure to finish the job. Equipped with the same ADS as other tanks, the Markaba has a blanket damage reduction against aoe weapons. Piloted by a crew of 3 Brain-Linked, enhanced with Kuva, for optimal intelligence and cognition, making it extremely valuable. This vehicle does not spawn normally, only as an Assassination target at highest levels.

Design Notes: Whole-sale inspired by the Israeli Merkava main battle tank, but with some Diesel-Punkiness of AU World War II you can often see in many sci-fi drawings on the internet.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Markaba Ogron Main Cannon, 2x Sponson-mounted Heavy Machine Guns, Frontal Heavy Machine Gun Turret, Mounted Heavy Flak Shotgun, Surface-to-Air Seeker Missile Launcher

Abilities: Active Defense System

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Machinery: 15000

Composite Armor: 700

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Gustof Artillery Juggernaught:

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Description: The Gustof (this vehicle is what the gun got it's name from) is a class of vehicle in of itself. This powerful piece of artillery can turn to dust any target it is pointed at. Equipped with the same cannon and munitions as the Markaba, it also holds one of the biggest land-bound guns in the history, the Grun Gustof (that large barrel coming out of the front is actually going through nearly the whole length of the vehicle). Able to fire over extremely long distances, it is the reason why Unum is forced to hold the energy shield over Cetus at all times, otherwise there would be no Cetus at all.

Design Notes: Check out the Schwerer Gustav. This is the Grineer version.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport and fire support vehicle

Weapons: Gustof Ogron Cannon, Grun Gustof Assault Cannon, Hellstorm Mortar, 2x Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Flak Autocannons, Frontal Rotary Autocannon, Mounted Heavy Autocannon

Abilities: Active Defense System, Transport (capacity A LOT)

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN

Machinery: 35000

Alloy Armor: 700

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 1000

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Oillipheist Mobile Command Center:

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Description: Used exclusively during full-on planetary invasions, these lumbering behemoths ensure Grineer comms are up at all times. Equipped with a long-range assault cannon to allow it to destroy cities in a single shot, it is no slouch on the weapons departament either. If terrain does not allow for usage of the legs, the vehicle can lower itself to the ground and deploy a set of giant all-terrain wheels. It is also amphibious and can be used as a battleship. It does not spawn normally, but instead is part of the Law of Retribution 2.0 Trial.

Design Notes: A giant AT-AT, but like, really giant. Named after a Dragon from Irish mythology.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport and fire support vehicle

Weapons: Oillipheist Main Assault Cannon, 5x Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Autocannons, Flak Autocannon

Abilities: Transport (capacity A WHOLE LOT)

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN

Machinery: 100000

Alloy Armor: 1000

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A


Flying Vehicles:

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Stingra Personal Scouting Vehicle:

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Description: Stingras are personal flying carriers used to quickly scout out a position before an actual assault. Equipped with Twin-linked autocannons, it can nonetheless harass the opposition from the air. Built to be faster and more manouverable than the Dargyn, it also grants more protection to the pilot, saving them in case of the vehicle's destruction.

Design Notes: I just thought about making a cool single-pilot flyer and this came out. It's a miniature VTOL fighter essentially. Wanted to call it the Wasp or the Stinger, but that didn't sound Grineer enough, so went with Stringra, which in turn sounds like a StingraY, uhh.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport and fire support vehicle

Weapons: Twin-Linked Autocannons

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 1)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT

Machinery: 350

Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Kargorak Supply Dropship:

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Description: This Cargo ship is used to quickly drop or extract supplies in open environments. Heavily armed for it's mostly non-combat role, it was designed from the Bolkor hull. A unique spring system on top of the vehicle ensures it does not break in half while carrying heavy loads. In cases of emergency, the Kargorak can be used as a mobile comms tower, due to installed parabolic antenna.

Design Notes: It's a Cargo Rack, a Rack for Cargo, get it?


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Support

Weapons: Bolkor Rotary Autocannon, 2x Seeker Missile Pods

Abilities: Transport (capacity 1 Armored Vault or small Vehicle)

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: PAWN

Machinery: 8000

Ferrite Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Danann Heavy Assault Transport:

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Description: The Danann is a more heavily armored, armed variant of the Firbolg. These Transporters are used when the Firbolg would be considered to weak (higher level bounties etc.). With it's weaponry, it can actually support the troops it's deploying and more powerful engines allow it to carry heavy vehicles or large infantry pods into the fray.

Design Notes: Named after the Tuatha de Danann, who replace the people of Fir Bolg as rulers of Ireland in mythology. Fitting, considering how this vehicle replaces the Firbolg ship.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport and fire support vehicle

Weapons: Mounted Flak Autocannon, 2x Sponson-Mounted Heavy Machine Guns

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Transport (capacity 4 squads of 5)

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A

Machinery: 10000

Alloy Armor: 600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Cuhulin Tactical Air Support Vehicle:

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Description: The Cuhulin is a fast response tactical vessel, used to harass land-bound enemies to support Grineer ground troops. Heavily armed and armored, it can fulfill multiple roles, as it's weapon pods are modular and interchangeable. The most used configuration is equipped with Barrage Missile system, allowing it to deploy a rain of explosive ordnance across large areas. Other main weapons include Heavy Assault Cannon, Rotary Autocannon or a Tesla Coil.

Design Notes: Named after the Ulster hero, the Cu Chulainn also known as Cuhulin. The visual design is similar to the Stingra, although I designed it first, so maybe I should say that Stingra is similar to the Cuhulin. The wings are adjustable and it is also a VTOL aircraft.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Fire support vehicle

Weapons: Mounted Rotary Autocannon, Missile Barrage Cannon, but can vary

Abilities: Nitro Boost, Bombing Run

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP

Machinery: 10000

Composite Armor: 700

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Sreng Heavy Transport:

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Description: The Sreng is an exceptionally heavy aircraft capable of holding a large amount of troops or cargo. While it carries no weapon systems, it's armor and inherent modularity make it a preferred choice in difficult engagements. Each Sreng has 16 modules it can freely exchange at any point (pictured with a 2-module-wide mobile refuel station, a comms array, and 5 troop-holding blocks). Additionally, a system of cranes and winches is built into it's underside, allowing it to simultaneously carry heavy vehicles, like tanks. 

Design Notes: Named after Sreng, one of the Fir Bolg, a very strong guy. Another VTOL, seems like the Grineer really like those.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Transport and fire support vehicle

Weapons: N/A

Abilities: Transport (4 squads of 5 per transport module, max 16 modules)

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A

Machinery: 20000

Alloy Armor: 600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 0

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A


Space Vessels:

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Reminder: the Galleon-class Dreadnought is ~2300m long.

Some small general pointers:

1. I consider the FTL travel possible in the setting (via the Solar Rails). The idea is that the Rails allow all nearby ships to fly towards another Rail. The Rails themselves then can also be repositioned, or even enter FTL themselves.

2. While Tenno vessels are effectively invisible via the Void Echo Masking, other ships leave large scale "Void Echo Waves" whenever entering or exiting FTL.

3. "Punching in" is in-universe slang for exiting FTL and going back to normal space, "punching out" is when a vessel enters FTL. E.g. a Firbolg that enters Plains "punched in", when it goes away after dropping soldiers, it has "punched out".

4. I'm not going to give hp or armor stats for space ships, Tenno can't destroy them with normal weaponry. The stats will instead be more generalised, lore-based.

Morrigan-class Destroyer-Interceptor:

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Description: The Morrigan is a very fast, stealthy vessel equipped with a purpose-built Ghost Engine System, allowing it to "punch in" without detection (it is still visible when "punching out"). All weaponry is geared towards short engagements involving weaker enemy forces, such as trade or cargo ships. Morrigans usually fly in formations ranging from 2 to 5 units, those are sometimes called Sabaths.

Design Notes: A sleek and simple design for a fast vessel. Complimentary oversized guns for that Grineer look. Named after the Morrigan, one of the most iconic "witch/goddess" mythical characters in the world.


Length: ~2 km

Armaments: 3x Long Range Assault Cannons, 28x Heavy Flak Repeater Cannons, 2x Heavy Railguns, 2x Twin-Linked Autocannons, 1x Energy-Leech Anchor Cannon

Finn-class Dreadnought:

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Description: Finn-class Dreadnoughts are bread and butter of the Grineer Navy, along the Galleon-class. Thier heavy armor and armaments prove very capable in most situations. Finn, while smaller than the Galleon, is more heavily armored and carries more different weapon types, allowing it to be more adaptable.

Design Notes: A basic ship, meant to be a visual difference from Galleons everywhere. Named after an Irish folklore hero, Finn/Fionn mac Cumhaill.


Length: ~2 km

Armaments: 28x Long Range Assault Cannons, 30x Heavy Flak Repeater Cannons, 6x Heavy Breech-Sabot Cannons

Cailte-class Command Center Cruiser:

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Description: The Command Center Ships are very useful in every zone of conflict. Equipped with long range communication arrays and radars, the utility of the Cailte-class is not to be underestimated. Lightly armed, it leaves the heavy lifting to other ships, while providing giant amounts of intel.

Design Notes: An unusual, three-pronged design for an unusual ship. It's non-combat role sets it apart from other vessels. Named after Cailte, a great storyteller and runner, who was able to communicate with animals.


Length: ~2 km

Armaments: 8x Autocannons, 2x Twin-Linked Autocannons

Diarmuid-class Dreadnought:

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Description: The Diarmuid is a heavy assault and siege ship. Armed to the teeth and equipped with a powerful Bombard Railgun, it is capable of decimating heavily armored or shielded targets, like colonies or capital ships. Capable of bombarding planets and even dropping large scale invasion forces all on it's own, the sighting of a Diarmuid is a grim one indeed.

Design Notes: Named after Diarmuid, an Irish folklore demigod, foster-son of the god of love, able to defeat incredible amounts of eneies on his own.


Length: ~2.2 km

Armaments: 36x Long Range Assault Cannons, 8x Super-Heavy Flak Cannons, 1x Heavy Railgun, 1x Bombard Railgun

Goll-class Heavy Dreadnought:

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Description: The Goll is the heaviest dreadnought in the Grineer navy. Featuring some of the thickest armor in the Empire, this ship is no joke. Powerful, long range armaments of this vessel can out-range most small ships in the system, and with a giant amount of Flak Cannons, the Goll can obliterate anything in close combat, from smaller craft to larger ships. It is the vessel of choice for defending crucial locations. It is said a single Goll can withstand full barrage from an Obelisk and retaliate, dealing more damage.

Design Notes: Small, but powerful, the Goll is named after one of Finn/Fionn's father's killer, who willingly stepped down after Finn became old enough. Goll killed his fair share of giant monsters and enemies.


Length: ~2 km

Armaments: 24x Long Range Assault Cannons, 24x Super-Heavy Flak Cannons, 1x Heavy Railgun, 6x Twin-Linked Autocannons, 4x Twin-Linked Long Range Assault Cannon Turrets

Mugruith-class Fast Response Battlecruiser:

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Description: The Mugruith's collosal silhoutte is a definite signal of Grineer occupation. This vessel is a powerful asset during invasions, but also serves as a fast-response defensive ship for emergencies. Built around a Solar Rail segment, this vessel can travel at faster than light speeds with no outside help to reach any location it needs. Powerful armaments worthy of a capital ship make quick work of any attackers.

Design Notes: A mobile assault base, named after an Irish folklore powerful blind druid, who could grow to an enormous size.


Length: ~3.5 km

Armaments: 60x Long Range Assault Cannons, 20x Breech-Sabot Cannons, 19x Twin-Linked Heavy Flak Repeater Cannons, 8x Bombard Railguns, 8x Twin-Linked Autocannons

Fragarach-class Rail Distruptor Battlecruiser:

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Description: The Fragarach is a purpose-built ship, designed to disable the enemy fleet's Solar Rails. Built around a piece of ancient Orokin technology, meant to stabilise Void Towers, it has been reengineered to Disrupt FTL travel of large ships. After the deed is done, the enemy can do nothing, while the Fragarach takes aim with it's insanely oversized Navar Ultimatum Cannon. Outside of that cannon, however, the vessel is fairly lightly armed and armored.

Design Notes: Named after the legendary Answerer, a sword which forced those it pointed at to answer truthfully, and wounded fatally no matter what.


Length: ~3.5 km

Armaments: 1x Solar Rail Disruptor, 1x Navar Ultimatum Cannon, 12x Long Range Assault Cannons, 22x Point-defense Autocannons

Cethlenn-class Fomorian Battleship "Super-Dreadnought":

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Description: There is only one ship made to the specifications of the Cethlenn, we call it, the Kuva Fortress. There are plans and blueprints for more, but to the Lotus Council's knowledge, no more than the one have been built.

Design Notes: Named after Balor's wife, it is the ultimate Fomorian.


Length: ~200 km

Armaments: An immesurable amount of Heavy Flak Repeater Cannons, Autocannons, Assault Cannons, Navar Main Cannons and more


As always, detailed descriptions are coming. Descriptions rolled out.

You know, while reviewing my own gallery of enemy units and then perusing your own. . . I gotta ask, have you seen where that Corpus-committed fellow ended up? If hes still around, I bet you two can take my idea of "counter units" (The Mastodon and the Parapet) and ramp it up into a full-scale War Arsenal for give-and-take Free-Roam warfare.

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NEF ANYO! You thought you could hide your precious Orb Vallis from us. But you FAILED!

I knew the Tenno MAGGOTS would lead me directly into your little "business" operation!

My FOMORIANS are already on the way to burn you to molten SLAG! You will PAY for your treachery!






New concept incoming: Orb Vallis Grineer Invasions


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9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:




NEF ANYO! You thought you could hide your precious Orb Vallis from us. But you FAILED!

I knew the Tenno MAGGOTS would lead me directly into your little "business" operation!

My FOMORIANS are already on the way to burn you to molten SLAG! You will PAY for your treachery!





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New concept incoming: Orb Vallis Grineer Invasions


Heh, interesting timing. While working on the beastiary, I'd been kinda mulling over an idea in the back of my mind in my section that, if the Grins found out about my Dotter Grineer on Venus, they may use them as an excuse to claim as "ancestral territory", even if the Dotter fight back as well.


Musta synched a neuron or two in the process.

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Grineer Reinforcements 3:

Today, there's quite a lot of weapons to see. Several explosive launchers, flamethrower pistols and powerful battle rifles, one equipped with a melee-attack-like reload effect!

Without any further ados, here they are:

Dragunok Combat Rifle, Grandak Smart Munitions Weapon System, Arpiga Rocket-Propelled-Grenade Launcher, Taktikar Spec-Ops Assault Rifle, Gratatak Automatic Grenade Launcher, Pankor Revolver Autoshotgun, (Twin) Scintilla Flamethrower Pistol(s), Brachak Demolition Device and last but not least, Trakar Precision Guided Firearm:





Developed by the infamous Vamrak Industries, the Dragunok (initially known as Bagnat) nearly faded into obscurity as one of many failed weapon projects of the Grineer. Luckily for the creators, however, it was picked up by Sahra Regor, who found it to perfectly suit her Dragoon soldiers.


Innate: Suicide Burst: This weapon fires a full magazine as it's burst.

Reload: Bayonet Slash: Press to perform a melee attack with double damage and double base status chance.

Alt-fire: Suicide Charge: Press to dash forward, impaling any enemies collided with. Fires the weapon at the end of the charge.

Design notes:

A weapon designed for short range fights. Best used as a status-proccing weapon to weaken enemies. I could see it being very useful with the upcoming insta-weapon switching feature of Melee 3.0


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Burst (always fires full mag)

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 20.0 rounds per sec 

Accuracy: 10

Magazine size: 5 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 50 rounds

Reload time: 0.7 s

Total Damage: 50.0

Burst count: Full mag (250.0 total damage for non-modded mag capacity)

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 1.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 49.0

Crit chance: 15%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 20%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 50 m, Min damage at 60 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=2015030100123020?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from Regor Dragoons in the Inner Sanctum.




An advanced prototype currently in testing for Grineer Marine forces, the Grandak is essentially two weapons in one, a conventional assault rifle and a smart grenade launcher. The weapon hasn't found much success on the field, as it proved to be slightly too complex for an average Lancer. Tests are being done on remaking the gun into two separate weapons.


Innate: Dual Weapon: This weapon draws from two independent ammo pools.

Primary Fire Mode: Assault Full-Auto (uses Rifle ammo)

Secondary Fire Mode: Grenade Semi-Auto (uses Sniper ammo)

Tertiary Fire Mode: Grenade Full-Auto (uses Sniper as well)

Quaternary Fire Mode: Combined Arms Mode (uses both)

Scope in: Zooming in while in any of the grenade modes allows to lock in the airburst function of the projectiles. After the lock on, the grenades will explode mid-air when near the locked target, dealing optimal damage.

Design notes:

A Grineer take on modern real-life airburst smart grenade rifles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%26T_Daewoo_K11 for an example.

Stats: (rifle stats/grenade stats)

Mastery: 9

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle/Launcher

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto/Auto/Auto

Ammo: Rifle/Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 12.2 rounds per sec/3.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 23/100

Magazine size: 55+1 rounds per mag/20+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 600 rounds/100 rounds

Reload time: 2.1 s

Total Damage: 18.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 8.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 4.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 6.0

Total Damage: 25.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 25.0

Total Radial Damage: 500.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 250.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 250.0

Radial range: 5 m

Radial falloff: 75%

Crit chance: 25%/4%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x/1.1x

Precision multiplier: 1.5x/1.25x/0.0x

Status chance: 15%/40%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 55 m, Min damage at 100 m,  Min damage: 70%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Ogris Research




Designed to carry high-yield explosive warheads effective against heavily defended instalations, the Arpiga has earned a reputation of being a vehicles' worst nightmare. While inaccurate, the powerful HEAT missiles fired from this weapon can wreck anything in their path and by utilising it's crude laser guiding system, the projectile can be controlled while it's flying. Unfortunately for the Arpiga, much more portable and reliable AT Ogris took it's place as the dedicated launcher of the Grineer Army, but perhaps the older tech can still be useful to some?


Innate: Shaped Charge: This weapon's explosion is noticeably directed into a conical shape.

Alt-fire: Laser Pointer: Press and hold to guide the missile manually.

Design notes:

The RPG-7, choice weapon of insurgents across the world, now in Grineer form. With added laser guidance system on alt-fire.

Yes, I made it into a secondary. I think it's funnier that way.


Mastery: 7

Slot: Secondary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 12

Magazine size: 1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 7 rounds

Reload time: 1.5 s

Total Damage: 40.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 40.0

Total Radial Damage: 800.0

18?cb=20140124221425 Blast: 800.0

Radial range: 12 m

Radial falloff: 80%

Crit chance: 35%

Crit multiplier: 3.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x/0.0x

Status chance: 5% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Armory Gifts.





Created as part of the effort to individualise loadouts of the more elite troops, the Taktikar is a highly flexible, powerful weapon. Built as an assault rifle, it can also serve nicely as a precise DMR at high ranges. Complex, advanced optic systems and high degree of personalisation make this weapon a great partner for a veteran soldier.


Innate: Advanced Optic Systems: This weapon highlights enemies and predicts kills (even when not scoped in), letting the operator to decide when not to take the shot in stealth situations. While scoped in, enemies glow in the weapon's energy color (not just an outline, their whole sihouette would be marked), Punch-Through allows to see enemies through walls (up to the Punch-through value).

Alt-fire: Stun Charge/Killshot: Press when unzoomed to deploy a stun-charge, disabling nearby enemies and opening them to finishers, while zooming in allows to fire extremely precise Semi-auto shots with increased lethality, instantly killing normal enemies with precision hits, or otherwise dealing massively increased damage, ignoring part of their secondary defences.

Design notes:

If Karak is a Grineer take on the M4, then Taktikar is Grineer M4 SOPMOD II.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Silenced

Fire rate: 14.22/1.4 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 44/100

Magazine size: 80+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 740 rounds

Reload time: 1.2 s

Total Damage: 48.0/480.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 22.0/220.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 5.0/50.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 21.0/210.0

Crit chance: 26%/30%

Crit multiplier: 2.2x/3.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.5x/inf.x/3.0x

Status chance: 24%/20%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 100 m, Min damage at 150 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Argonak Research.




The Gratatak earned it's name from it's signature sound made when firing the weapon at full auto. Able to deliver great amounts of explosive payload incredibly fast, the launcher is reliable and powerful tool of destruction. It's large drum magazine can hold unprecedented amount of munitions while comfortable trigger system ensures quality experience blasting everything to the middle-ages.


Innate: Bouncing Betty: The grenades generally bounce at least once before exploding, but will always detonate on contact with enemies.

Design notes:

An automatic explosive launcher with lower damage per shot, not something that really exists in Warframe.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 15.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 28

Magazine size: 55 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 450 rounds

Reload time: 1.34 s

Total Damage:

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 20.0

Total Radial Damage: 100.0

18?cb=20140124221425&key=0cdd4ca6639e7e7 Blast: 100.0

Radial range: 6 m

Radial falloff: 90%

Crit chance: 20%

Crit multiplier: 2.1x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x/0.0x

Status chance: 15% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Ogris Research.




The heavy duty Pankor is a precise, automatic shotgun, able to fire at targets at long ranges due to it's tight spread and lower recoil. Reloaded like a revolver, it's inner mechanisms are fairly complex compared to weapons like Sobek or Strun. This weapon was inspired by ancient designs found on the Old Earth.


Alt-fire: Mag-Mine: Press to eject the magazine from the weapon, which rigs it to explode on contact, acting as an impromptu anti-personnel mine.

Design notes:

The famous https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancor_Jackhammer shotgun, finding it's second life in the hands of the Grineer gunsmiths.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 29.6

Magazine size: 10 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 100 rounds

Reload time: 1.0 s

Total Damage: 320.0

Pellets: 4 (80.0 damage per pellet)

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 130.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 70.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 120.0

Crit chance: 27%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 30% (per pellet)

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 25 m, Min damage at 50 m,  Min damage: 35%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Grattler Research

Scintilla and Twin Scintilla:



This small pistol is a little brother to the Ignis. Portable and light weight, Scintilla features lower range but larger area coverage than the original. Used as a dual pistol, it can wreak havoc amongst the enemy troops, as everything becomes fire.



Design notes:

We do have beam pistols, but we don't have Flamethrower pistols yet. Seems like a good niche, I've even seen a thread once asking for a weapon like this.

Stats: (Normal version/Twin version)

Mastery: 5

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Held

Ammo: Pistol

Range Limit: 10 m/15 m

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 8.0 rounds per sec/18.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 80 rounds per mag/160 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 450 rounds

Reload time: 1.0 s/2.2 s

Total Damage: 30.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 30.0

Crit chance: 10%/15%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 30% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Normal version:

Blueprint buyable in the Market.

Twin version:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Ignis Research.





Brachak is essentially a metal rod filled with explosives and shrapnel, put inside a larger metal rod filled with explosives, fitted with a trigger mechanism. While extremely crude and dangerous (just like the Grineer), the weapon does what it's supposed to: demolition duty. Able to destroy buildings and defences incredibly easily, the Brachak is also a powerful breeching tool (hence the name).


Innate: Breeching Rounds: When the primary projectile penetrates a wall (or an enemy), if it detects empty space, it will forcefully eject all it's payload in a forward cone of death. If it's stuck into a thicker target (doesn't fully penetrate), all payload then explodes in a sphere.

Design notes:

A simple, but satisfying weapon, you could call it a more controllable Kulstar.


Mastery: 6

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 7 rounds

Reload time: 1.2 s


Total Damage: 400.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 160.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 150.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 90.0

Crit chance: 25%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x

Status chance: 24% 


Total Damage: 500.0

Hits*: 3 (166,666 damage per damage instance)

*doesn't actually fire pellets, but instead pulses damage in the aoe several times, which means it hits three times. This is not affected by multishot.

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 100.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 180.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 220.0

Crit chance: 10%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 60% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 20 m, Min damage at 30 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Gratatak Research.




The Trakar is a result of a very secret research project conducted by The Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing Group* located on the Deimos Habitat. Utilising ancient Old Earth technology known as Tracking Point Optics, the rifle is able to pretty much ensure operator's accuracy in all situations. 

*spot the reference!


Alt-fire: TPO System: Zooming in allows the user to lock on onto enemies by pressing alt-fire. After the initial lock on period, the weapon will fire automatically whenever the reticule is over one of the targets (when the reticule is not over any locked on enemy, the weapon will simply not fire at all). Trakar will always attempt to hit the part of the target's body that was highlighted when locking on, thus aiming for heads is always a good idea. If no enemies are highlighted, the weapon acts like a normal DMR.

Design notes: 

Tracking Point Optics, google it.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 9.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 36+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 360 rounds

Reload time: 1.8 s

Total Damage: 38.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 10.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 9.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 19.0

Crit chance: 35%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.5x

Status chance: 10% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 75 m, Min damage at 125 m,  Min damage: 66%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Taktikar Research.


Gonna be rolling the stats out across today. Done! All 9 weapons have full stats to them now!


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On 2018-11-11 at 7:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Grineer Reinforcements 3:

Today, there's quite a lot of weapons to see. Several explosive launchers, flamethrower pistols and powerful battle rifles, one equipped with a melee-attack-like reload effect!

Without any further ados, here they are:

Dragunok Combat Rifle, Grandak Smart Munitions Weapon System, Arpiga Rocket-Propelled-Grenade Launcher, Taktikar Spec-Ops Assault Rifle, Gratatak Automatic Grenade Launcher, Pankor Revolver Autoshotgun, (Twin) Scintilla Flamethrower Pistol(s), Brachak Demolition Device and last but not least, Trakar Precision Guided Firearm:



  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Manufactured by the Vamrak Industries, the Dragunok (initially known as Bagnat) nearly faded into obscurity as one of many failed weapon projects of the Grineer. Luckily for the creators, however, it was picked up by Sahra Regor, who found it to perfectly suit her Dragoon soldiers. It's primary fire discharges the whole magazine in an innaccurate volley of sharp shrapnel, which is followed by a wide slash with the weapon's integrated bayonet when reload is initiated. Alt-firing the weapon produces the same melee attack as reloading. The bayonet-slash is guaranteed to proc slash and every element put on the weapon with mods as well as dealing quadruple the damage of a normal shot.

Design notes: A weapon designed for short range fights, it's actually kinda weak without it's gimmick. Best used as a status-proccing weapon to weaken enemies. I could see it being very useful with the upcoming insta-weapon switching feature of Melee 3.0


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Burst (always fires full mag)

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 20.0 rounds per sec 

Accuracy: 10

Magazine size: 5 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 250 rounds

Reload time: 0.7 s

Piercing: 66%

Total Damage: 50.0

Burst count: Full mag (250.0 total damage for non-modded mag capacity)

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 1.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 49.0

Crit chance: 15%

Crit multiplier: 1.2x

Status chance: 10%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 50 m, Min damage at 60 m,  max reduction 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=2015030100123020?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152213 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 600 | 32?cb=20140515152126 3 | 24 hours

Blueprint obtainable from Regor Dragoons in the Inner Sanctum


  Reveal hidden contents

Description: An advanced prototype currently in testing for Grineer Marine forces, the Grandak is essentially two weapons in one, a conventional assault rifle and a smart grenade launcher. Drawing from two independent ammo pools, it can switch between multiple firing modes on the fly (alt-fire): Assault Full-Auto (uses Rifle ammo), Grenade Semi-Auto (uses Sniper ammo), Grenade Full-Auto (uses Sniper as well) or combined arms mode (uses both). Zooming in while in any of the grenade modes allows to lock in the airburst function of the projectiles. After the lock on, the grenades will explode mid-air when near the locked target, dealing optimal damage.

Design notes: A Grineer take on modern real-life airburst smart grenade rifles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%26T_Daewoo_K11 for an example.

Stats: (rifle stats/grenade stats)

Mastery: 9

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle/Launcher

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto/Auto/Auto

Ammo: Rifle/Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 12.2 rounds per sec/3.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 23/100

Magazine size: 55 rounds per mag/20 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 600 rounds/100 rounds

Reload time: 2.1 s

Piercing: 15%/N/A

Total Damage: 18.0/500.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 8.0/250.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 4.0/0.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 6.0/250.0

Crit chance: 25%/4%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x/1.1x

Status chance: 15%/40%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 55 m, Min damage at 100 m,  max reduction 30%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 32?cb=20140515152125 5 | 32?cb=20140515152213 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 10 | 32?cb=20140515152128 2 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 100 | 32?cb=20140515152123 2000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 5 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Ogris Research


  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Designed to carry high-yield explosive warheads effective against heavily defended instalations, the Arpiga has earned a reputation of being a vehicles' worst nightmare. While inaccurate, the powerful HEAT missiles fired from this weapon can wreck anything in their path and by utilising it's crude laser guiding system, the projectile can be controlled while it's flying. Unfortunately for the Arpiga, much more portable and reliable AT Ogris took it's place as the dedicated launcher of the Grineer Army, but perhaps the older tech can still be useful to some?

Design notes: The RPG-7, choice weapon of insurgents across the world, now in Grineer form. With added laser guidance system on alt-fire.


Mastery: 7

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 12

Magazine size: 1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 7 rounds

Reload time: 1.5 s

Piercing: N/A

Total Damage: 800.0

18?cb=20140124221425 Blast: 800.0

Crit chance: 35%

Crit multiplier: 3.0x

Status chance: 5% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152125&key=00bbe75f1709f3c 2 | 32?cb=20140515152123 2000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 2 | 12 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 7500 | 32?cb=20140515152124 50 | 32?cb=20140515152123 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 700 | 32?cb=20140515152214 500 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Detonite Injector Research



  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Created as part of the effort to individualise loadouts of the more elite troops, the Taktikar is a highly flexible, powerful weapon. Built as an assault rifle, it can also serve nicely as a precise DMR at high ranges. Complex, advanced optic systems highlight enemies and predict killshots, letting the operator to decide when not to take the shot in stealth situations. Alt-firing when unzoomed deploys a stun-charge, disabling nearby enemies and opening them to finishers, while zooming in allows to alt-fire extremely precise Semi-auto shots with increased lethality (deals double damage to unalarmed enemies, quad on headshots*).

*Stacks with normal stealth and headshot bonuses.

Design notes: If Karak is a Grineer take on the M4, then Taktikar is Grineer M4 SOPMOD II.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Silenced

Fire rate: 14.22 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 44/100

Magazine size: 80 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 740 rounds

Reload time: 1.2 s

Piercing: 40%/75%

Total Damage: 48.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 22.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 5.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 21.0

Crit chance: 26%

Crit multiplier: 2.2x

Status chance: 24% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 100 m, Min damage at 150 m,  max reduction 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 45000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 8000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 4000 | 32?cb=2014051515212710 | 32?cb=20140515152127 20 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 200 | 32?cb=20140515152123 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 15 | 32?cb=20140515152127 25 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Argonak Research


  Reveal hidden contents

Description: The Gratatak earned it's name from it's signature sound made when firing the weapon at full auto. Able to deliver great amounts of explosive payload incredibly fast, the launcher is reliable and powerful tool of destruction. It's large drum magazine can hold unprecedented amount of munitions while comfortable trigger system ensures quality experience blasting everything to the middle-ages. The grenades generally bounce at least once before exploding, but will always detonate on contact with enemies.

Design notes: An automatic explosive launcher with lower damage per shot, not something that really exists in Warframe.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 15.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 28

Magazine size: 55 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 450 rounds

Reload time: 1.34 s

Piercing: N/A

Total Damage: 100.0

18?cb=20140124221425&key=0cdd4ca6639e7e7 Blast: 100.0

Crit chance: 20%

Crit multiplier: 2.1x

Status chance: 15% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 32?cb=20140515152125&key=00bbe75f1709f3c 3 | 32?cb=20140515152125 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152128 2 | 12 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 7500 | 32?cb=20140515152124 100 | 32?cb=20140515152125 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 7000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 2500 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Ogris Research


  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Heavy duty Pankor is a precise, automatic shotgun, able to fire at targets at long ranges due to it's tight spread and lower recoil. Reloaded like a revolver, it's inner mechanisms are fairly complex compared to weapons like Sobek or Strun. The magazine can be ejected from the weapon and rigged to explode on contact, acting as an impromptu anti-personnel mine.

Design notes: The famous https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancor_Jackhammer shotgun, finding it's second life in the hands of the Grineer gunsmiths.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 29.6

Magazine size: 10 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 100 rounds

Reload time: 1.0 s

Piercing: 10%

Total Damage: 320.0

Pellets: 4 (80.0 damage per pellet)

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 130.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 70.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 120.0

Crit chance: 27%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 30% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 25 m, Min damage at 50 m,  max reduction 45%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 9000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 10000 | 32?cb=2014051515221410000 | 32?cb=20140515152128 15 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 20000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 500 | 32?cb=20140515152123 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 7000 | 32?cb=20140515152128&key=8af45cb87177ea0 15 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Grattler Research

Scintilla and Twin Scintilla:

  Reveal hidden contents

Description: This small pistol is a little brother to the Ignis. Portable and light weight, Scintilla features lower range but larger area coverage than the original. Used as a dual pistol, it can wreak havoc amongst the enemy troops, as everything becomes fire.

Design notes: We do have beam pistols, but we don't have Flamethrower pistols yet. Seems like a good niche, I've even seen a thread once asking for a weapon like this.

Stats: (Normal version/Twin version)

Mastery: 5

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Held

Ammo: Pistol

Range Limit: 10 m/15 m

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 8.0 rounds per sec/18.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 80 rounds per mag/160 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 450 rounds

Reload time: 1.0 s/2.2 s

Piercing: N/A

Total Damage: 30.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 30.0

Crit chance: 10%/15%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 30% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Normal version:

26?cb=20140515160015 25000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214&key=560403ed3ad0cee 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152128 2 | 12 hours

Blueprint buyable in the Market

Twin version:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | Scintilla.png | Scintilla.png | 32?cb=20140515152128&key=8af45cb87177ea0 10 | 39?cb=20160911112607 1| 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 7500 | 32?cb=20140515152124 500 | 32?cb=20140515152123 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 1800 | 32?cb=20140515152128&key=8af45cb87177ea0 5 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Ignis Research



  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Brachak is essentially a metal rod filled with explosives and shrapnel, put inside a larger metal rod filled with explosives, fitted with a trigger mechanism. While extremely crude and dangerous (just like the Grineer), the weapon does what it's supposed to: demolition duty. Able to destroy buildings and defences incredibly easily, the Brachak is also a powerful breeching tool (hence the name). When the primary projectile penetrates a wall (or an enemy), if it detects empty space, it will forcefully eject all it's payload in a forward cone of death. If it's stuck into a thicker target, all payload then explodes in a sphere.

Design notes: A simple, but satisfying weapon, you could call it a more controllable Kulstar.


Mastery: 6

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 7 rounds

Reload time: 1.4 s

Piercing: 25% (initial hit)/N/A


Total Damage: 400.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 160.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 150.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 90.0

Crit chance: 25%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 24% 


Total Damage: 500.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 100.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 180.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 220.0

Crit chance: 10%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 30% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 20 m, Min damage at 30 m,  max reduction 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 25000 | 32?cb=20140515152125 2 | 32?cb=20140515152123&key=39794c8b867266d 2400 | 32?cb=20140515152214&key=560403ed3ad0cee 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152128 2 | 12 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 7500 | 32?cb=20140515152124 250 | 32?cb=20140515152123 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 700 | 32?cb=20140515152128&key=8af45cb87177ea0 1 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Ogris Research


  Reveal hidden contents

Description: The Trakar is a result of a very secret research project conducted by The Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing Group* located on the Deimos Habitat. Utilising ancient technology known as Tracking Point Optics, the rifle is able to pretty much ensure operator's accuracy in all situations. Zooming in allows the user to lock on onto enemies by pressing alt-fire. After the initial lock on period, the weapon will fire automatically whenever the reticule is over one of the targets (when the reticule is not over any locked on enemy, the weapon will simply not fire at all). Trakar will always attempt to hit the part of the target's body that was highlighted when locking on, thus aiming for heads is always a good idea. If no enemies are highlighted, the rifle acts like a normal DMR.

*spot the reference!

Design notes: 


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 9.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 36 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 360 rounds

Reload time: 1.8 s

Piercing: 67%

Total Damage: 38.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 10.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 9.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 19.0

Crit chance: 35%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 10% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 75 m, Min damage at 125 m,  max reduction 33%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 50000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 5000 | 32?cb=2014051515212415 | 32?cb=20140515152127 20 | 32?cb=20140515152127 20 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 600 | 32?cb=20140515152123 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 25 | 32?cb=20140515152127 5 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100


Gonna be rolling the stats out across today. Done! All 9 weapons have full stats to them now!



On 2018-11-11 at 7:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Grineer Reinforcements 3:

Today, there's quite a lot of weapons to see. Several explosive launchers, flamethrower pistols and powerful battle rifles, one equipped with a melee-attack-like reload effect!

Without any further ados, here they are:

Dragunok Combat Rifle, Grandak Smart Munitions Weapon System, Arpiga Rocket-Propelled-Grenade Launcher, Taktikar Spec-Ops Assault Rifle, Gratatak Automatic Grenade Launcher, Pankor Revolver Autoshotgun, (Twin) Scintilla Flamethrower Pistol(s), Brachak Demolition Device and last but not least, Trakar Precision Guided Firearm:



  Hide contents

Description: Manufactured by the Vamrak Industries, the Dragunok (initially known as Bagnat) nearly faded into obscurity as one of many failed weapon projects of the Grineer. Luckily for the creators, however, it was picked up by Sahra Regor, who found it to perfectly suit her Dragoon soldiers. It's primary fire discharges the whole magazine in an innaccurate volley of sharp shrapnel, which is followed by a wide slash with the weapon's integrated bayonet when reload is initiated. Alt-firing the weapon produces the same melee attack as reloading. The bayonet-slash is guaranteed to proc slash and every element put on the weapon with mods as well as dealing quadruple the damage of a normal shot.

Design notes: A weapon designed for short range fights, it's actually kinda weak without it's gimmick. Best used as a status-proccing weapon to weaken enemies. I could see it being very useful with the upcoming insta-weapon switching feature of Melee 3.0


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Burst (always fires full mag)

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 20.0 rounds per sec 

Accuracy: 10

Magazine size: 5 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 250 rounds

Reload time: 0.7 s

Piercing: 66%

Total Damage: 50.0

Burst count: Full mag (250.0 total damage for non-modded mag capacity)

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 1.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 49.0

Crit chance: 15%

Crit multiplier: 1.2x

Status chance: 10%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 50 m, Min damage at 60 m,  max reduction 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=2015030100123020?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152213 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 600 | 32?cb=20140515152126 3 | 24 hours

Blueprint obtainable from Regor Dragoons in the Inner Sanctum


  Hide contents

Description: An advanced prototype currently in testing for Grineer Marine forces, the Grandak is essentially two weapons in one, a conventional assault rifle and a smart grenade launcher. Drawing from two independent ammo pools, it can switch between multiple firing modes on the fly (alt-fire): Assault Full-Auto (uses Rifle ammo), Grenade Semi-Auto (uses Sniper ammo), Grenade Full-Auto (uses Sniper as well) or combined arms mode (uses both). Zooming in while in any of the grenade modes allows to lock in the airburst function of the projectiles. After the lock on, the grenades will explode mid-air when near the locked target, dealing optimal damage.

Design notes: A Grineer take on modern real-life airburst smart grenade rifles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%26T_Daewoo_K11 for an example.

Stats: (rifle stats/grenade stats)

Mastery: 9

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle/Launcher

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto/Auto/Auto

Ammo: Rifle/Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 12.2 rounds per sec/3.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 23/100

Magazine size: 55 rounds per mag/20 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 600 rounds/100 rounds

Reload time: 2.1 s

Piercing: 15%/N/A

Total Damage: 18.0/500.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 8.0/250.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 4.0/0.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 6.0/250.0

Crit chance: 25%/4%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x/1.1x

Status chance: 15%/40%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 55 m, Min damage at 100 m,  max reduction 30%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 32?cb=20140515152125 5 | 32?cb=20140515152213 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 10 | 32?cb=20140515152128 2 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 100 | 32?cb=20140515152123 2000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 5 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Ogris Research


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Description: Designed to carry high-yield explosive warheads effective against heavily defended instalations, the Arpiga has earned a reputation of being a vehicles' worst nightmare. While inaccurate, the powerful HEAT missiles fired from this weapon can wreck anything in their path and by utilising it's crude laser guiding system, the projectile can be controlled while it's flying. Unfortunately for the Arpiga, much more portable and reliable AT Ogris took it's place as the dedicated launcher of the Grineer Army, but perhaps the older tech can still be useful to some?

Design notes: The RPG-7, choice weapon of insurgents across the world, now in Grineer form. With added laser guidance system on alt-fire.


Mastery: 7

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 12

Magazine size: 1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 7 rounds

Reload time: 1.5 s

Piercing: N/A

Total Damage: 800.0

18?cb=20140124221425 Blast: 800.0

Crit chance: 35%

Crit multiplier: 3.0x

Status chance: 5% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152125&key=00bbe75f1709f3c 2 | 32?cb=20140515152123 2000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 2 | 12 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 7500 | 32?cb=20140515152124 50 | 32?cb=20140515152123 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 700 | 32?cb=20140515152214 500 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Detonite Injector Research



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Description: Created as part of the effort to individualise loadouts of the more elite troops, the Taktikar is a highly flexible, powerful weapon. Built as an assault rifle, it can also serve nicely as a precise DMR at high ranges. Complex, advanced optic systems highlight enemies and predict killshots, letting the operator to decide when not to take the shot in stealth situations. Alt-firing when unzoomed deploys a stun-charge, disabling nearby enemies and opening them to finishers, while zooming in allows to alt-fire extremely precise Semi-auto shots with increased lethality (deals double damage to unalarmed enemies, quad on headshots*).

*Stacks with normal stealth and headshot bonuses.

Design notes: If Karak is a Grineer take on the M4, then Taktikar is Grineer M4 SOPMOD II.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Silenced

Fire rate: 14.22 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 44/100

Magazine size: 80 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 740 rounds

Reload time: 1.2 s

Piercing: 40%/75%

Total Damage: 48.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 22.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 5.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 21.0

Crit chance: 26%

Crit multiplier: 2.2x

Status chance: 24% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 100 m, Min damage at 150 m,  max reduction 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 45000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 8000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 4000 | 32?cb=2014051515212710 | 32?cb=20140515152127 20 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 200 | 32?cb=20140515152123 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 15 | 32?cb=20140515152127 25 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Argonak Research


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Description: The Gratatak earned it's name from it's signature sound made when firing the weapon at full auto. Able to deliver great amounts of explosive payload incredibly fast, the launcher is reliable and powerful tool of destruction. It's large drum magazine can hold unprecedented amount of munitions while comfortable trigger system ensures quality experience blasting everything to the middle-ages. The grenades generally bounce at least once before exploding, but will always detonate on contact with enemies.

Design notes: An automatic explosive launcher with lower damage per shot, not something that really exists in Warframe.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 15.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 28

Magazine size: 55 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 450 rounds

Reload time: 1.34 s

Piercing: N/A

Total Damage: 100.0

18?cb=20140124221425&key=0cdd4ca6639e7e7 Blast: 100.0

Crit chance: 20%

Crit multiplier: 2.1x

Status chance: 15% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 32?cb=20140515152125&key=00bbe75f1709f3c 3 | 32?cb=20140515152125 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152128 2 | 12 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 7500 | 32?cb=20140515152124 100 | 32?cb=20140515152125 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 7000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 2500 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Ogris Research


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Description: Heavy duty Pankor is a precise, automatic shotgun, able to fire at targets at long ranges due to it's tight spread and lower recoil. Reloaded like a revolver, it's inner mechanisms are fairly complex compared to weapons like Sobek or Strun. The magazine can be ejected from the weapon and rigged to explode on contact, acting as an impromptu anti-personnel mine.

Design notes: The famous https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancor_Jackhammer shotgun, finding it's second life in the hands of the Grineer gunsmiths.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 29.6

Magazine size: 10 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 100 rounds

Reload time: 1.0 s

Piercing: 10%

Total Damage: 320.0

Pellets: 4 (80.0 damage per pellet)

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 130.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 70.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 120.0

Crit chance: 27%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 30% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 25 m, Min damage at 50 m,  max reduction 45%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 9000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 10000 | 32?cb=2014051515221410000 | 32?cb=20140515152128 15 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 20000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 500 | 32?cb=20140515152123 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 7000 | 32?cb=20140515152128&key=8af45cb87177ea0 15 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Grattler Research

Scintilla and Twin Scintilla:

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Description: This small pistol is a little brother to the Ignis. Portable and light weight, Scintilla features lower range but larger area coverage than the original. Used as a dual pistol, it can wreak havoc amongst the enemy troops, as everything becomes fire.

Design notes: We do have beam pistols, but we don't have Flamethrower pistols yet. Seems like a good niche, I've even seen a thread once asking for a weapon like this.

Stats: (Normal version/Twin version)

Mastery: 5

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Held

Ammo: Pistol

Range Limit: 10 m/15 m

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 8.0 rounds per sec/18.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 80 rounds per mag/160 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 450 rounds

Reload time: 1.0 s/2.2 s

Piercing: N/A

Total Damage: 30.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 30.0

Crit chance: 10%/15%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 30% 

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Normal version:

26?cb=20140515160015 25000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214&key=560403ed3ad0cee 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152128 2 | 12 hours

Blueprint buyable in the Market

Twin version:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | Scintilla.png | Scintilla.png | 32?cb=20140515152128&key=8af45cb87177ea0 10 | 39?cb=20160911112607 1| 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 7500 | 32?cb=20140515152124 500 | 32?cb=20140515152123 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 1800 | 32?cb=20140515152128&key=8af45cb87177ea0 5 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Ignis Research



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Description: Brachak is essentially a metal rod filled with explosives and shrapnel, put inside a larger metal rod filled with explosives, fitted with a trigger mechanism. While extremely crude and dangerous (just like the Grineer), the weapon does what it's supposed to: demolition duty. Able to destroy buildings and defences incredibly easily, the Brachak is also a powerful breeching tool (hence the name). When the primary projectile penetrates a wall (or an enemy), if it detects empty space, it will forcefully eject all it's payload in a forward cone of death. If it's stuck into a thicker target, all payload then explodes in a sphere.

Design notes: A simple, but satisfying weapon, you could call it a more controllable Kulstar.


Mastery: 6

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 7 rounds

Reload time: 1.4 s

Piercing: 25% (initial hit)/N/A


Total Damage: 400.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 160.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 150.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 90.0

Crit chance: 25%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 24% 


Total Damage: 500.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 100.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 180.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 220.0

Crit chance: 10%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 30% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 20 m, Min damage at 30 m,  max reduction 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 25000 | 32?cb=20140515152125 2 | 32?cb=20140515152123&key=39794c8b867266d 2400 | 32?cb=20140515152214&key=560403ed3ad0cee 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152128 2 | 12 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 7500 | 32?cb=20140515152124 250 | 32?cb=20140515152123 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 700 | 32?cb=20140515152128&key=8af45cb87177ea0 1 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Ogris Research


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Description: The Trakar is a result of a very secret research project conducted by The Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing Group* located on the Deimos Habitat. Utilising ancient technology known as Tracking Point Optics, the rifle is able to pretty much ensure operator's accuracy in all situations. Zooming in allows the user to lock on onto enemies by pressing alt-fire. After the initial lock on period, the weapon will fire automatically whenever the reticule is over one of the targets (when the reticule is not over any locked on enemy, the weapon will simply not fire at all). Trakar will always attempt to hit the part of the target's body that was highlighted when locking on, thus aiming for heads is always a good idea. If no enemies are highlighted, the rifle acts like a normal DMR.

*spot the reference!

Design notes: 


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 9.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 36 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 360 rounds

Reload time: 1.8 s

Piercing: 67%

Total Damage: 38.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 10.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 9.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 19.0

Crit chance: 35%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 10% 

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 75 m, Min damage at 125 m,  max reduction 33%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 50000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 5000 | 32?cb=2014051515212415 | 32?cb=20140515152127 20 | 32?cb=20140515152127 20 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 600 | 32?cb=20140515152123 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 25 | 32?cb=20140515152127 5 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100


Gonna be rolling the stats out across today. Done! All 9 weapons have full stats to them now!


FInally got to shake the sleep out of my eyes and joints to see quite a boatload had come down your pipeline suh! 

Anything in particular you  want me to turn over In my grimy claws and eyeball for ya?


Also, heh, didn't expect THAT idea to get that popular with anyone, hehe. First time i've seen a homage for me of all people before. I'm. . . As flattered as I am confused.

Edited by Unus
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