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Should there be a way to warn/stop MR 1-5 players

(XBOX)l Alexios l

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13 hours ago, FreeWilliam said:

I just help them when I see them.  

It's not hard to protect another player, and if they're new they're generally a bit slower and easier to keep track of.  

Be their bodyguard, chat a bit, and make some friends, Tenno!

Cheers to you tenno! 

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9 hours ago, (PS4)KnowLedge said:

Cheers to you tenno! 

this only works for the ones that listen. alot of the new players i get matched with seem to like throwing them selves head first into thje meat grinder while ignoring anything anyone says on not doing that

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The thing is it's not about Mastery Rank or elitist doctrine but about people diving into content they're clearly not ready for. This can be easily identified in early game players by MR. Everyone who has played long enough know that MR means nothing - once you've played long enough to learn proper mechanics and are able to come up with better gear builds. But early game? Clear indicator that this person's still green.

I've heard a few complaints about not being able to do the upper-tier bounties... but those people were pretty much brand new (aside from being in the obligatory first three Mastery Ranks in).
Plains isn't Warframe. But they'll stay in there and try their hardest to conquer that area...when there's a whole other set of planets within their levels to beat and the harder stuff is there for you to come back to once you get stronger. Some get it, others don't until logic drops and hits 'em on the head.

I help when I can and even offer tips and suggestions based on their preferences and play style. Some don't want the help and I back off. I'll even carry someone at times but this can create a bad habit for the ones being carried.

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There shouldn't be elitism. No MR gating.  But there should be something, a weaker version of the bounty to introduce players, or a quest that tests your ability to contribute to the actual bounty, something. The problem is two sided, on one side new players wanting to leech and on the other the game not providing valid information as to why they are/nt ready for certain missions.

My adventures from the post I made earlier continued and I actually got grouped with 2 MR2 Excals and an MR4 Saryn Prime with Ignis Wraith on a Teralyst hunt. Perfect example of both situations. Obviously the Excals were there to leech, its a 40lv boss and they must realize they're underequipped. On the other side, the Saryn with Ignis, usually ruler of exterminate, survival, defense...etc., has no idea of what's about to happen, that apart from her 3rd ability her entire kit is useless and the Ignis won't do anything.

Needless to say I aborted mission immediately.

A solution needs to be put in place to both introduce people to the harder bounties and keep out people who just want to piggyback on the rest. Then allow anyone to join us on a team if we want to give them a boost, so we can always help that MR0 friend of ours who just started and done.

Moreover, when I started I wanted to do them as well, but quickly realized that apart from rep and the occasional mod, there isn't much to be gained from doing them and there was barely any progress to be made. Even the Teralyst feels like nothing more than a quick way to farm rep with the Quills. This needs to be made obvious to people.

In all honesty though, the only gripe that I've got with people leaching off the bounties that aren't eidolons is that I have to wait for them a minute for the extraction time.


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On 2018-08-02 at 10:44 AM, (XB1)Cooldog234jr said:

From doing High level plains bounties like lv 30-50 and 40-60. Konzu should say something like "Tenno are you sure want to do this, you look unprepared" or "Your weapons are too weak for this Tenno, I suggest you comeback when you have stronger weapons so you can take down these tough enemies" 

When I do these bounties and I join low MR players, things go wrong. Some of them don't even go to the objective, their weapons barley deal damage, they run and bullet jump around and expect me to kill the enemies for them, and they go down all the time. 


No, don't. Tried also joining High Tier bounties when I was MR 5 - learned my lesson very fast. This will make them experience that Warframe have "oh sh*t, I instantly died" moments. Planets that have low level enemies usually makes starters think that Warframe's gameplay is EZ. This way they'll think of ways to improve their progress in the game.

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On 2018-08-02 at 4:58 AM, (PS4)thowed said:

I'll just carry them like I always do and not say anything about it.  MR does mean something though.  Might not gauge actual skill but it means more knowledge on weapons and frames.  Having said knowledge good players are more inclined to bring the right equipment suited for the task.  Someone that has only tried a handful of frames and weapons aren't going to contribute as much as a high MR most of the time.  Alot of the good weapons won't even be accessible to them.  It's nice to take up for the little guy but realistically it's not the high MR players I'm having to revive all the time or run over and kill the group of enemies surrounding them because they're barely denting them.  Has nothing to do with being elitist, it's common sense.  Once again MR doesn't mean skill, it means access to equipment to not be dead weight in certain high end content.  So if you're going to try and argue please come up with a different point.  I carry alot of people in sorties every day, I'll let you guess which ones don't need to be carried.

"A lot of the good weapons won't even be accessible to them."

Not strictly true, I'd assert: DE allows some packs to be bought regardless of any MR level requirement. For example, anyone below MR 14 cannot buy the Opticor or its Blueprint. But if they buy the Limbo Pack, they'll get the weapon and be good-to-go (and able to add Mods bought via trade).

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On 2018-08-02 at 12:44 PM, (XB1)Cooldog234jr said:

From doing High level plains bounties like lv 30-50 and 40-60. Konzu should say something like "Tenno are you sure want to do this, you look unprepared" or "Your weapons are too weak for this Tenno, I suggest you comeback when you have stronger weapons so you can take down these tough enemies" 

When I do these bounties and I join low MR players, things go wrong. Some of them don't even go to the objective, their weapons barley deal damage, they run and bullet jump around and expect me to kill the enemies for them, and they go down all the time. 


They just want to leech. One day I'm expecting 50% of the playerbase to be leeches cuz more people are working out there is no penalty and it's ez. 

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On 2018-08-02 at 3:44 AM, (XB1)Cooldog234jr said:

From doing High level plains bounties like lv 30-50 and 40-60. Konzu should say something like "Tenno are you sure want to do this, you look unprepared" or "Your weapons are too weak for this Tenno, I suggest you comeback when you have stronger weapons so you can take down these tough enemies" 

When I do these bounties and I join low MR players, things go wrong. Some of them don't even go to the objective, their weapons barley deal damage, they run and bullet jump around and expect me to kill the enemies for them, and they go down all the time. 


I'm confident DE must have sufficient data on players to develop a matchmaking algorithm that groups people together who have similar play-styles and equipment levels. If DE did this and a group consisting entirely of relatively low-level players wanted to attempt high-level content then they could do that without impacting higher-level players. Seems like a no-brainer.

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As I’ve found playing this game for over 1k hours, MR means very little. I’ve seen MR 25s prove to be rather inept at mid to high level content. On the flip, I’ve seen low MRs carry their own weight in the same content.

A High MR just means they’ve maxed a lot of stuff. It does not mean that the stuff they have is good.

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Here my suggestion:

Make sure your able to complete T5 bounties solo. If you get matched to players around your skill and level, great! If you not, youd still be able to complete the mission since youre able to do it alone. It's a win win. If they die, dont bother reviving 

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The most practical way is to gate any Eidolon Hunt bounties from any players who haven't finished the War Within. I mean, if you don't have your operator mode when entering Eidolon Hunt, you're pretty much doesn't know the game enough to be there anyway.

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I play Warframe as a lone wolf far too often.  It stems from past experiences with people trying to leech rewards before DE added an afk feature into the game. 


But that's the thing.  If you don't feel like putting up with it, either go solo or go to recruit chat for a private party. If you're playing public, look to help people out.   Be friendly, and you'd be surprised what you can help them understand. Maybe help them with a build. 


They're not going to learn if they don't know what they're getting into.   For the longest time, I had no gauge on what enemy levels actually meant.  Ontop of that, the plains can vary wildly from mission to mission. You could try it out and find yourself with a super easy set. And then go again with a newer weapon and suddently find yourself struggling though it.


Sure, there are true leeches, but there are also people going into these things, and having a "sweet mother of Clem" moment in their lives as they try to stay alive while attempting any form of contribution.

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So... the best way to learn is to get burned.   *Don't* go out of your way to save them - let them touch the fire and get burned, and they'll learn.

That said, while it's certainly difficult for an MR3 (minimum actually required for those missions - yes there *is* an MR gate already...) to survive such a mission, it's certainly possible.  I didn't try Tier 4 or 5 bounties during my recent replay through the low levels on a second account, but I was doing Tier 2 and 3 missions with only some difficulty with the Excalibur and original weapons at rank 30 while waiting for my Rhino to finish baking.   In theory, any Rank 30 starting warframe with an Orokin Reactor could be armed at MR3 with, say, a Boltor, Lex, and Atterax (just need a Taxi from clan members to get the Argon Crystals) and with just the set mods you can get on the lower level missions on the plains, can probably manage a Tier 4 and possibly even Tier 5 mission without too much trouble with any reasonable group.

Hmmn... that's making me even more curious to try a new runthrough - I've been debating trying another account where the focus is on PoE and getting Gara as the second warframe, to see how difficult that actually is to do.   If I do, I definitely want to try putting together that Excalibur/Boltor/Lex/Atterax and see how well I can manage the higher tier missions.

Edited by Zgwortz
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