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Negative Platinum



I was wondering what the term "negative platinum" is referring to and why it will not allow me to log in which could it be a client side bugs or is it server side.

Side note 15 hours gave up waiting for the support team and bought the platinum myself, to play the game (edit)

Edited by SigmaSeas
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Probably not a bug at all.  Most likely, you traded with someone for plat, which you then spent or traded away.  Whoever traded you the plat performed a chargeback to their CC, the platinum was removed - even the platinum you received.  That plat was removed from your account, leaving your platinum balance negative, and thus getting you banned until your plat total becomes positive again.  Contact support.

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18 minutes ago, Phatose said:

Probably not a bug at all.  Most likely, you traded with someone for plat, which you then spent or traded away.  Whoever traded you the plat performed a chargeback to their CC, the platinum was removed - even the platinum you received.  That plat was removed from your account, leaving your platinum balance negative, and thus getting you banned until your plat total becomes positive again.  Contact support.

I did contact support and I sent them the log information in which I am waiting for a reply.

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2 hours ago, Phatose said:

Probably not a bug at all.  Most likely, you traded with someone for plat, which you then spent or traded away.  Whoever traded you the plat performed a chargeback to their CC, the platinum was removed - even the platinum you received.  That plat was removed from your account, leaving your platinum balance negative, and thus getting you banned until your plat total becomes positive again.  Contact support.

No reply after 4 hours. Would I need to buy platinum myself to continue playing?

Edited by SigmaSeas
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This type of thread is popping up far to frequently now and DE REALLY needs to do something about the system they employ as it can affect a lot of innocent players who have ZERO information about how another player gained their plat prior to trading with us, this is arguably the worst thing about the current trade system. 

To the OP, you can buy plat to get yourself out of negative but honestly you'd be better off waiting on DE to fix it purely out of principle if nothing else.  In all likelihood you knew nothing (assuming and giving benefit of doubt type of thing) about the other trader intending to do a chargeback and it should not be your responsibility to fix something, by buying plat, that is caused by something that is entirely outside of your control.  

From other threads like this DE does seem to fix things if you contact them but you may need to wait a while for them to reply etc. 

1 hour ago, rastaban75 said:

Is there a "safe" period after which the Platinum can be used without worries? When someone acts in good faith this thing definitely sucks. More so because you also lose the item(s) you traded.

Not really, pretty sure I read that some chargebacks can be done up to 6 months after purchase..

Edited by LSG501
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12 minutes ago, SigmaSeas said:


No reply after 4 hours. Would I need to buy platinum myself to continue playing?

Buying platinum to give you a positive balance should unban you AFAIK.  Support should be able to help you otherwise, but it might take some time - days, likely.

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vor 38 Minuten schrieb LSG501:

This type of thread is popping up far to frequently now and DE REALLY needs to do something about the system they employ as it can affect a lot of innocent players who have ZERO information about how another player gained their plat prior to trading with us, this is arguably the worst thing about the current trade system. 

I strongly agree.
The ban system should hit the scammers but not the innocent victims.

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26 minutes ago, CultOfPersonality said:

How can even be buying plat from other players? Would they even help you if that was the case?

Though trading most to all transactions that involve trading have one party give platinum for exchange for a good that they need.


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Yeah, this is wrong. You can't punish someone for the evil deeds of others. Makes me not ever want to buy plat tbh. I can sink hundreds into a game I like... but if my account got a neg plat ban because I traded with someone and they pulled some b.s....I'd go through the roof. Easy answer... I won't ever buy plat until this changes... and if I go into the neg category because of someone else.... there are always other games to play.

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5 hours ago, LSG501 said:

This type of thread is popping up far to frequently now and DE REALLY needs to do something about the system they employ as it can affect a lot of innocent players who have ZERO information about how another player gained their plat prior to trading with us, this is arguably the worst thing about the current trade system. 

To the OP, you can buy plat to get yourself out of negative but honestly you'd be better off waiting on DE to fix it purely out of principle if nothing else.  In all likelihood you knew nothing (assuming and giving benefit of doubt type of thing) about the other trader intending to do a chargeback and it should not be your responsibility to fix something, by buying plat, that is caused by something that is entirely outside of your control.  

From other threads like this DE does seem to fix things if you contact them but you may need to wait a while for them to reply etc. 

Not really, pretty sure I read that some chargebacks can be done up to 6 months after purchase..

This needs to change. The idea that you are responsible is some other players has "fake" plat and that you can go into a negative balance were you need to wait days on end or buy plat is just plain wrong.  I am all for punishing peeps that buy from fake plat sites etc but they are the one that should be punished not the in game victims that have absolutely no way to verify or have any control over this.


Some one does a charge back then ban that account and that's it.  If DE want to take that plat away do so but if someone in game, that did a legit trade, gets plat taken due to this that account should not go below zero and should not be banned and he should get an email from DE stating plat was removed because of XYZ.


Right now the system seems to want legit players to be held accountable and to force them to pay back fake plat OTHER PLAYERS may have bought.....


I will go one even further and say this is DE's job to make sure plat in game is legit and it's THEIR responsibility to take care of instead making it other legit players problem...in fact you do a legit trade and the other guy uses fake plat (DE should have caught that already so it not your fault) does a charge back...then sure take that plat away BUT reverse any transaction made using that plat .. example:

~ sell a nikana prime set and get 140plat

~ other guy does a chargeback or used fake plat

~ DE bans guy using fake plat or did the charge back

~ victim gets 140 plat taken away but gets his nikana prime set back and any trades with the "fake plat" get reversed which avoids DE punishing those that were victimized.


Edited by Calistin
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1 hour ago, KiCkZ7 said:

Im in the same boat... got banned and i have no idea wtf to do now....no reply after 5 hours...

Hey just an update from someone who had this happen to him due to a charge back...


Support takes a few days to reply NOT hours they have thousands of people sending in tickets.. going to purchase the plat needed to unban my account soon will update if it's instantly released from being banned after platinum is purchased.

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