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An idea with the DOJOs


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I have this crazy idea, and maybe someone can share any opinion about it.

What if... the DOJO comes into attack?

I dont know how about you, but sometimes I get tired to repeat and repeat the missions, this idea comes to play something different. Imagine this:

The DOJO headquarters gets attacked by the grineers or the corpus (our enemies), why only us (the tennos) are the ones that seek and destroy them? After all, Vor is always looking for us... or not?

At a random time of the day or even of the week the DOJO is attacked, so an alert is sending to all the members of that DOJO to get in and defend it (the smartphone app will be very useful here), "Tenno your Clan DOJO is under attacked!, the grineer/corpus forces reach your location!" , the round could be for 10 - 20 minutes of survival gametype, the objetive of the attackers is to destroy all the complex or make it unusable by some porcentage,

First attack if no one success to defend is 25% destroyed, (or 1 lab unusable)

Second another 25%. (or 2 labs unusable) with some fire everywhere

Third, another 25% (or 4 labs unusable) with flames everywhere

And a last one to totally destroy the DOJO and the clan dissolve.

With this, many inactive DOJOs can finally dissapear and the Active ones will play as a group, because I was in DOJOs with no active members, many of them just want to do especific mission and not help other members, just only 2 or 3 members are the only ones connected, etc.

The attackers could be all the grineers and corpus "heroes" (not all at once, just one) leading their troops, with their main drops or maybe one especial drop once a time.

If your DOJO is defended successefully then the next attack will be harder and the level of difficulty will increase acording to your clan level, so that the beginneer DOJO wont sufer more than the members can resist. Of course, if the DOJO has some porcentage of damage, the repairs will cost resources donated by the members. 


Tell me what you think and sorry if I dont explain me so clearly, english is not my main language.

Edited by Th3Cl3ric
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Great idea but I would make it so first attack will dissolve clan and delete player accounts if they fail.
Enemy should be 9001 level and mission be exterminate with 5minute time limit

For every member there would be 1 more enemy,it would make those 1000player clans think twice before getting 998 inactive members. :^))

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12 hours ago, Atsia said:

Ehhhhhh, no. First,  DE is NOT gonna risk such a feature, some people have invested a lot into FashionDojo. Second, I'm pretty sure our dojos use the same type of cloaking our orbiters use

First: Well if you and/or your members invested a lot into your DOJO, you will defend it bravely and that will make all your clan to take care of the their DOJO.

Second: Remember 2 orbiters were destroyed before... so...

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This is actually an interesting concept; Dojo invasions. It would give some of those Fashion-Dojo's a good playthrough too, plus promote a style of Dojo-decorating that involves actual defenses.

DE once said that you could in the future plant your Dojo on a planet and see the landscape out the windows, what if its linked to some kind of Invasion mission happening on that planet? And it runs as a mini-event for the clan for X amount of days, and if they dont fill the bar (like Razorback event or Fomorian event) then the Dojo gets destroyed, like the Relays?


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3 hours ago, Th3Cl3ric said:

First: Well if you and/or your members invested a lot into your DOJO, you will defend it bravely and that will make all your clan to take care of the their DOJO.

Second: Remember 2 orbiters were destroyed before... so...

Our orbiters have never been targeted. RELAYS have been destroyed, but they exist in journal space, and they had a spy on the inside for those locations.

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39 minutes ago, Atsia said:

Our orbiters have never been targeted. RELAYS have been destroyed, but they exist in journal space, and they had a spy on the inside for those locations.

What exactly does prevent us from having a spy in my dojo? I have like 50 of them every day,
Also new railjack missions clearly show that our "masking" is not so great,otherwise it would be used as the only defense :^)

git lored bruh

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10 minutes ago, MidoriFuse said:

What exactly does prevent us from having a spy in my dojo? I have like 50 of them every day,
Also new railjack missions clearly show that our "masking" is not so great,otherwise it would be used as the only defense :^)

git lored bruh


How would there be a spy on a clan dojo? Unless you want DE to establish that some tenno sell out their clanmates, we are the only one with keys. And as far as we know, railjack is for combat. Orbiters are our HQ, our living space.

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23 minutes ago, Atsia said:


How would there be a spy on a clan dojo? Unless you want DE to establish that some tenno sell out their clanmates, we are the only one with keys. And as far as we know, railjack is for combat. Orbiters are our HQ, our living space.

Well that is like "there can not be rat in my mafia" well imagine that,every mafia,clan,group,organization,political party has rat.
You also invite like 500 strangers every day for trade...

"relay can not have spy,who would be so evil to become spy for our enemy" 

just lel m8,do you even try.

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All ten members of my Ghost Clan have jobs and families, we can not rush to defend our dojo. With all possible research completed and a fair amount of decorating done we have all invested a lot of time and resources into building what we have, destroying it simply to punish us for having lives would be infuriating. I am sure many other clans are in a similar position, this would benefit large clans with a vast pool of members as the odds are higher a fair number will be available at any time, but it would devastate many of the smaller clans.

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Not no, but hell no. Some of you think it would be fun, but when your clan fails and you have to restart the months of research it takes to build a fully functional dojo, you will think twice about wanting it destroyed. Yes, you can pay to skip those timers, but who has that much extra plat to throw away on dojo reconstruction? This would punish all clans into doing a mode they may not enjoy just to save the dojo. Something that many have been being built over years.  Dojos are semi private, not public. You have to be invited. The Relays are public and part of a larger narrative. That's why the Relays can be targeted.

13 minutes ago, MidoriFuse said:

And that would be great fun. Are you going to bring some point against this idea? So far you just make it sound better and better.


I do not see any fun to be had in this idea, most of the players who loose one dojo will end up leaving and saying, "no way" to starting over. This will push most if not all solo players out of the game. So HELL NO!

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4 hours ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Not no, but hell no. Some of you think it would be fun, but when your clan fails and you have to restart the months of research it takes to build a fully functional dojo, you will think twice about wanting it destroyed. Yes, you can pay to skip those timers, but who has that much extra plat to throw away on dojo reconstruction? This would punish all clans into doing a mode they may not enjoy just to save the dojo. Something that many have been being built over years.  Dojos are semi private, not public. You have to be invited. The Relays are public and part of a larger narrative. That's why the Relays can be targeted.

I do not see any fun to be had in this idea, most of the players who loose one dojo will end up leaving and saying, "no way" to starting over. This will push most if not all solo players out of the game. So HELL NO!

 Quote to emphasize. I wish I could upvote this more.


7 hours ago, MidoriFuse said:

Well that is like "there can not be rat in my mafia" well imagine that,every mafia,clan,group,organization,political party has rat.
You also invite like 500 strangers every day for trade...

"relay can not have spy,who would be so evil to become spy for our enemy" 

just lel m8,do you even try.

 As the previous quote says, dojos are a completely private instance that you can only be invited if not a clan member. NO ONE knows where any one exact dojo is other than their own clans. It's highly unlikely (nigh impossible until otherwise) that any of our fellow tenno we invite are going to betray us to the Corpus board or the Worm Queen, given all that we've since to them and they to us. We only ever side with them when we have something to gain. And the relay spy was completely unwilling in that matter.

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16 hours ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Not no, but hell no. Some of you think it would be fun, but when your clan fails and you have to restart the months of research it takes to build a fully functional dojo, you will think twice about wanting it destroyed. Yes, you can pay to skip those timers, but who has that much extra plat to throw away on dojo reconstruction? This would punish all clans into doing a mode they may not enjoy just to save the dojo. Something that many have been being built over years.  Dojos are semi private, not public. You have to be invited. The Relays are public and part of a larger narrative. That's why the Relays can be targeted.

I do not see any fun to be had in this idea, most of the players who loose one dojo will end up leaving and saying, "no way" to starting over. This will push most if not all solo players out of the game. So HELL NO!

Or Just join a greater DOJO... or make alliances more work-together

Edited by Th3Cl3ric
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1 minute ago, Th3Cl3ric said:

Or Just join a greater DOJO...

And throw away years of building and research just to have a dojo? That's brilliant. If the game doesn't kill your dojo, you have to, if you want to keep one. Are you mental? Seriously. Again, you are effectively saying to all solo players, "GTFO. If you want a dojo, you HAVE to play with others whose goal is nothing more than to keep a dojo alive."

No thank you and give it up.

This is a terrible idea. Again after you loose your first dojo you all would be crying foul.

You sure do love to be the devils advocate. In this case, you're just trolling. Unless you have something to add please find somewhere you can be constructive.

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

And throw away years of building and research just to have a dojo? That's brilliant. If the game doesn't kill your dojo, you have to, if you want to keep one. Are you mental? Seriously. Again, you are effectively saying to all solo players, "GTFO. If you want a dojo, you HAVE to play with others whose goal is nothing more than to keep a dojo alive."

No thank you and give it up.

This is a terrible idea. Again after you loose your first dojo you all would be crying foul.

You sure do love to be the devils advocate. In this case, you're just trolling. Unless you have something to add please find somewhere you can be constructive.

No, I'm not trolling... I also play solo and in my DOJO are only 3 players active... so I'm like you.

But I also want something different and more interesting features with the DOJOs more than just looking nice a for trade, as I said "the attacks make unusable some labs (not destroy them), your DOJO gets destroyed after 4! attacks (not daily or simultaneous) so, If the attack occours while you are at work and none of your members even try to defend, ok, you have time to repair it, until the next random attack, and maybe the alert of attack is with 1 hour or 30 min before it happens, dont know, maybe that is the time while the grineer ships arrive to your system and starts its boarding proccess or thats the time your shields goes down, etc.

I think this could make DOJOs more interesting and actives.

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