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Enemies Of The Tenno: Grineer Submissions


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Spawns in twos or threes. It is extremely violent and will run up to tenno very quickly (more so then a butcher, and is quicker as well.).



Once it has run up to a tenno, it will then play a small, 0.5sec animation (maybe of it going bright red) and then explode, killing itself and knocking you down if you are at medium range, and temporarily blinding you with a flashbang-like attack (screen goes white and then fades) at close range.. It will also slightly damage it's allies, hence it normally avoids them.






Has very little health compared to other units, and when killed explodes but does not have a flash bang-effect, just a 1m knockdown.







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I know this will not count as a submission, but I have an idea for a Grineer enemy.


Something along the lines of using (either a found or locked away) strand of ancient DNA. A more pure stand to clone with, creating stronger and faster Grineer troops. But the Grineer have learned their lesson with cloning. They only make small batches of them as to not degrade the DNA too quickly. 


They would become the new officers of the Grineer infantry due to their superior strength, speed, and intelligence. They would need little to no corpus tech body mods because their bodies have no deterioration, only armor. 

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Name Suggestion: Gunslinger

BehaviorFollows tenno at speed, including parkour. Follows at a distance before engaging at medium to close range.

Attacks: Attacks at medium to close range with hooked arms, sparing weapons, or akimbo secondaries.

Environment restrictions:  Would not be interesting on defensive style missions.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: e0967369-3066-4ed0-88c4-ece5ecef289a_zps

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Name: Grinder

Behavior: The war machine of the Grineer. Though the Grineer do not like to emulate the Corpus and use machines, the ongoing battle with the Tenno has driven them to desperate measures. This cybernetic freak is whatever they could piece together using the few resources they have available to them. Only the damned and outcast of the Grineer are forced to inhabit this machine. Because of this, the Grinder goes into a fight headlong, determined to go down swinging. They are very hard to kill.

Attacks: The Grinder has few long range weapons and since it is more of a suicider than anything else it prefers to go into a fight headlong. Since the Grineer prefer not to waste precious materials on a machine that they know will not survive, the Grinder is forced to use it's huge, grotesque arms to take down it's prey. They only thing the Grinder has going for it is either taking out enough Tenno to reclaim it's former glory or to die fighting. When it dies, it lets out a satisfied moan of relief.

Restrictions: While the ordinary Grineer have insulation that prevents them from boiling in their own shells, the Grineer would prefer not to waste such precious resources on one as low as the Grinder. Because of this, if it is heated up, what little organic matter that is inside of the massive, 10 inch shell is literally boiled, and the Grinder dies because there is no Grineer to control it.



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Name Suggestion: Grineer Warmech


Behavior: The Warmech is a lancer in a biped robotic housing. Pistons/mech to differentiate from Corpus. The Warmech will move in front of groups of Grineer, who will use it as cover, and fire on the enemy. It will slam with it's hammer if closed on. It is too big to knock down, and unless it's pilot is shot via the gaps in the armour, it takes little damage. (The gaps should be small, possibly several different patterns of armour plate too)


Attacks: The right arm is one of four weapons - missile launcher, flamer, machine gun, grenade launcher. The first three are one of the existing heavies weapons, higher damage. The last fires strings of plasma grenades (as per the lancer weapon)


The left arm has a huge hammer, which it can slam down, doing high damage and a shockwave.


There is a also a pair of Grakatas mounted on a ball joint above the Lancer, and it will fire on nearby enemies.


Environment restrictions: Level 21+, Open areas only. (Optional) Art or Reference Images:


Reference - 40k inspired


War Walker (2 dif edds)








Edited by DawnFalcon
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Name: Virulent Venter


Behavior: Virulent Venters are Grineer Butchers equipped with medium armor and poison venting gauntlets. They have average speed and will take cover until an enemy reaches an optimum range. When idle the gauntlets of the Venter will release streams of gas that are purely cosmetic but linger for 5-10 seconds to alert a player that one is around.


Attacks: Once in range the Venter will do a slam attack that does not cause knock back but instead releases a gas cloud 3-7 meters in diameter. The slam attack will have a charge time of 20 seconds. The attack speed of  a Venter will be fast but have little stagger or proc chance.


Environment Restrictions: Will not appear in any tile set with open sky only on enclosed areas.

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Name Suggestion: Grineer Vanguard 


Behavior:  Vanguard wears a massive armor to endure damages and possesses two massive arms. He charge his ennemies to knock out them.


Attacks: Vanguard chage his ennemies and punch them. He protect himself when he is seriously injuried.


restrictions de l'environnement: None (He spwan with the other grineer)

Edited by DawnPiercer
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Name Suggestion: bloodsucker


Behaviour:  Due to the constant agony of grineers in decline, its need to regenerate its own DNA has led them to suck the life of other beings. To this end they devised a half man half machine that digs its sharp needles on the enemies sticking, drain their vital energy to regenerate their close allies grineers spawn.


Attacks: Comes running with caterpillar wheels and two needles nails his arms on the target, after that deploys a small machine on your back with transmitting life sucking Target to nearby grineers, providing Regeneration.


Environment restrictions: 

- He need a direct path between his position and the goal

- Has small thrusters to jump obstacles.


Art of reference image:



Edited by Jack_Carver
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Name Suggestion: Grineer Mummy



Behavior:  After so many wars, the grineer bodies were around the battlefield, but they are not entirely dead. Come to life once more to avenge the fallen grineers. Appears in the grineer fallen lockers and rises from the ground.



Attacks: It have a hook in one arm, and claws in the other arm.

- The stench directly subtracts life, if you are in the stench range.



Environment restrictions: only appear at night.



Art and reference Image: 




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Grineer Crusher:


Behavior: Possessing a special type of power armor that might be a prototype shield, this armor has a very high damage reduction that can be reduced by destroying the generators on it's shoulders with each generator increasing this unit's armor value by x5. While the armor is active the unit cannot be affected by status procs. the head is unprotected by the power armor




Sometimes on a full clip the unit will unload it's entire clip from either left to right or right to left for crowd control purposes.



Will use melee when enemies get close using the wide knock-back/ stagger sweeps to put opposition in brakk range


Lifeless machine:

Will chase and continue going after last target until it's generators are destroyed.

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Ultra Elite Lancer:




Greater than Elite Lancers, They hold More powerful Hinds than the Elite Lancers.As Like Heavies, He have some shockwaves Defends.




Powerful, They still throw Plasma Generades, Hide-and-shoot Tactics like normal Grineer.However, Depsite being powerful, Heavy armours are threat.


Environment restrictions:


Level 30 and higher, Causing them to only spawn in Alerts and Invasions and Nightmare mode.

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Name Suggestion:  Phantom Archer



Behavior: Phantom Archers are a group of Grineers trained in the mastery of archery. They employ reverse engineered Orokin Technology (Loki tech) that gives them invisibility.


However, due to the faulty reverse engineering, the Phantom Archers are visible whenever they are in the process of attacking

 It is the crucial point in seeking to attack them.



Attack: Long range attackers, Phantom Archers utilize bows and arrows. Some units employ certain elements to their arrows (i.e. poison, fire, electricity.)


They hit hard and quick. Dealing high critical damage.


2.) They also emit a small aura (2-5meters) - of the element they utilize - as a means to counter those that wish to get too close.




Environmental Restriction(s): They're not fond of small, cramped areas due to being mid to long range attackers.

Edited by avinity8
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Name: Mamba

Like this snake Mamba able to apply quick and poisonous strikes . Not everyone is able to repel the enemy strikes . They say that was the victim Mamba toxin Cicero . And it became Consul Wei Heck its creator. He lives with the hope that will inspire Mamba ctrah and horror all his enemies .

In the arsenal of the Mamba includes throwing knives poison and impregnated her crossbow . They are able to press oneself through strong armor and inflict lasting damage poison. Whole body is covered with thin scales . But she is able to withstand the most extreme conditions .

About her little is known because those who managed to survive continue to live in fear and afraid to speak her name.

Heck Wei : "Tenno, anklem sett roi deth tu rest. Tkk mot rekhl si tremor."

Of this message, the consul intends to incite Mamba per Tenno .

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Name: Wasp Gunship


Behavior: The Wasp flies overhead in open areas, providing support for infantry assaults. Focusing more on sustained heavy fire, the Wasp generally hovers with its thrust pods angled downwards. However, it is perfectly capable of rotating its pods to move quickly, though the pilots are cocky enough to never flee from battle. The cockpits are vulnerable to attack, and with armor piercing rounds the engines can be disabled, forcing the gunship to crash. Due to the cost of production and employment, Wasps are only used when battles are greatest, especially when attacking Corpus worlds, or defending against their feeble invasion forces.



-Suppressing Fire: after a short lock on period, the Wasp will unload on the target with its chin mounted heavy machine gun. This is primarily to force the target to hide while ground troops flank.


-Missile Barrage: similar to Hellions, the Wasp will unleash 4 missiles upon the enemy, though with much greater frequency.


-Moral Boost: with support from a Wasp, ground troops become far more confident and aggressive. Instead of hiding behind cover, they will advance towards the suppressed target in squads, attempting to flank and trap the enemy.


Environment Restrictions: can only be deployed in open areas on planets. Not limited to invasions, though more common during one.






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Name Suggestion: Grineer Cuirassier

BehaviorThe GC is a long range enemy that at all times tries to stay a long distance away. Mostly trying to attack from cover.

Attacks: Basic Attack: is shooting from his Grineer Latron Rifle at long range. 

               Special attack 1: "lock grenade." Which he shoots from his G Latron Rifle. The "Lock Grenade" attaches itself on the current weapon in use and beeps for 5 seconds before going off. If it goes off on a weapon in use you cannot use the weapon affected for 15 seconds. To avoid this effect you must switch to another  weapon and wait till it goes off. If the grenade goes off on a weapon not in use it has no effect and then you can switch weapons freely.

               Special attack 2: If you get within close range he drops a smoke grenade and runs away to gain distance.

Environment restrictions:  none

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


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Grineer Idea:


Name: (Grineer) Cnemis


Behavior: (Yes, their name comes from the word Cnemis. That means shin. Pronounced Nee-miss.) Light unit Grineer with massive leg augmentations. Capable of moving at extreme speeds, these Grineer are extremely adept at dodging gun-fire, moving across walls and large gaps, and disabling enemies that come across their paths. Will constantly run and hang on walls, and attempt to ambush enemies. Capable of traversing massive gaps (~30 meters) by winding up, and performing a massive jump-spring. Will run in sporadic, random movement in order to render ranged fire to minimum effectiveness. When spotted, Cnemis will tend to run away from the enemies she has spotted, then attempt to flank them for an ambush.


Attacks: Standard attacks are kick-boxing, focusing more on kicks with few punches slapped in between. Has light, fast kicks, capable of stunning targets for a period of time, or large, wound-up kicks that will send the target flying if allowed to make contact. Can chain fast kicks into a strong kick in order to catch targets out. Also can jump from large distances, and will create a massive shockwave on landing impact, knocking down and away anything in vicinity. Will also perform drop-kicks at high speeds, and leap in the air for a high impact over-head heel kick. Cnemis also has the ability to disarm enemies with firearms, which will be "relieved" from the target, and then used to attack the original owner. Cannot disarm melee weapons.


Environment Restrictions:  Will only spawn in pairs, has more trouble running in tighter spaces.


Artwork: This has happened three times, chances are, no art is coming. I'm too lazy. It's a female unit, at the very least.

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The puppeteer greneer calls for 2 new warframe don't you think?

I suggest 2:

The puppeteer: arlequino or kabuki (summoner, support, trap, debilitation, offense, defense, buff and so forth...)

The widow warframe (infested and orokin based) with the catch phrase or theme for update 14 or 15

"A mother needs to feed her children..."

Also did you notice DE? That the infested have no FACTION-HERO! greneer have VOR&LECH KRILL&TWIN QUINS,

The corpus have ALAD-V(aka salad-v),But the infested have NO-HERO&NO-LEADER!

Please address this comment for I DID pointed out an issue here...

(These warframes would be great editions once you give the infested THEIR-permanent home base :)    ).

I hope you notice my comment DE

I will be happy if you do :) . 

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Name Suggestion: Tera Carrier

Behaviorupon recieving camage it turns to stealth mode. The grineer development team nor the councilor ever stopped developing the tera weapon they've now picked up the old grineer informers abilities and re-implementing it.

Attacks: deploys propaganda and orbital strike drones when tenno is detected. when in stealth mode it pulses a stealth detector at a medium radius(sorry ash/loki/shade). when it is destroyed while in stealth mode it will explode with a loud sound disrupting map vision and silencing(unable to chat nor cast abilities) tennos for a short time

Environment restrictions:  only spawns on open maps (earth, phobos, as long as there is no roof :D)

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Name Suggestion: Grineer Arcbomber


Behavior: The Grineer Arcbomber is a heavy unit specializing in long range attacks. Clad in reinforced armor and equipment, the Arcbomber takes slightly less damage compared to other Grineer and cannot be knocked down. However, it is slow in movement and thus tends to linger in an area rather than approach the player.


Attacks: The Arcbomber’s primary attack involves long range bombardment and thus has a massive player detection range; however, due to Grineer stupidity, other units will not be notified of the player’s presence. Upon detecting the player, the arcbomber will launch a volley of five to seven bombs into the air. After a short delay, the bombs will land in quick succession at the player’s location - marked by reticules on the ground (as the bombs approach, the reticules begin to grow larger and flash rapidly). Each bomb deals heavy damage while a direct hit causes knockdown.


At medium to close range, the Arcbomber will no longer utilize its mortar attack but instead shoot extremely fast, but delayed, projectiles at the player. Direct hits have a high chance of knockdown.


At melee range, the Arcbomber can perform a ground slam move, similar to the Bombard/Heavy Gunner.


TL;DR – A walking mortar


Environment Restrictions: Large spaced tiles (Earth and Phobos). Can spawn elsewhere but cannot use mortar attack in small/cramped spaces.




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Name : Grineer Sawblade


Behavior: Since having only one weapon , meaning his sawblade , this type of enemy focuses on getting close and personal with his targets . Attacking from a distance is highly advisable because of his high damage and slow movement speed , but keeping distance will force him to initiate his lunge attack making it harder to fight while surrounded by enemies .



1.       Does a 2-hit combo with his sawblade hand ( sometimes does a 3-hit combo ending in a 360 attack knocking every target down ) ** also knocks friendlies, but with no damage


2.       Bashes his target knocking him down.


3.       Lunges towards targets in a great distance ( has a 1 min cooldown )


Locations: Commonly found on planets with great vegetation .

Resistance: Since this type of grineer is used more for menial tasks instead of combat, he is highly resistant to environmental elements such as radiation and poisoning.

Weakness: Due to his high armor , the best way to take him down easily would be the use of corrosive weapons.


Picture:  http://i1259.photobucket.com/albums/ii553/Antoniu_Otelea/grineerForager001_zps4f1195b6.jpg


IMG: http://s1259.photobucket.com/user/Antoniu_Otelea/media/grineerForager001_zps4f1195b6.jpg.html



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