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De's Priorities


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Let's be honest with this one. DE seems to have it's own set of priorities, and that list doesn't seem to include fixing what they break and improving upon what they already have. Game modes, events, movement, stealth, gameplay, weapon balancing, map variation, lack of a way to turn Lotus/Ordis off..


Don't get me wrong, I adore DE for making a pretty awesome game so far, and they're doing a good job for the most part. The problem is that they're panicking so much about making new content to keep players from getting bored, they're not bothering to fix what content is already here. The primary concern right now, I believe, should be bug squashing, which they are obviously giving very little priority. U14 broke so much stuff it's not even funny, and it's becoming a hassle to do even the most basic things. Hell, I still occasionally lose money and fusion cores trying to fuse mods that don't seem to want to take, and I can't put a Serration on my sentinel's gun that's the same rank as the serration on my primary. For the love of God, Jupiter's Elara Survival is still unplayable because you can't pick up items after no more than 3 minutes.


Instead of putting so much focus and hype on the new Gundam ripoff of U15, why not fix what U14 destroyed? Then you can move on to fixing Stealth (Especially after the mass of feedback that was the Stealth event), movement, adding more tiles to the various sets, and finally, hopefully, fix the god awful thing that they call RNG.


You can't build a tower with an unstable base. And that is EXACTLY what DE is trying to do. There's still time to fix what's been broken, but the more and more stuff is added on, the harder that's going to be. Get to it now, instead of in 5 years when there's so much things depending on broken coding that it's going to be near impossible without a total re-coding of EVERYTHING from the ground up.

Edited by Einde
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For the most part new content keeps players here. Sure it would be great if DE stopped and went over all their work for one update but as it stands they are doing a great job of fixing things and creating new content at the same time. Pay attention that long list of fixes at the bottom of update notes.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Problems is:


While making "new" content they dont pay enough of attention to the issues that are lingering for some time. And by doing that, they negate all their effort with new content.



Yes, Kubrows are new content but they are not content that will bring much worth to the game. Once you get them and level them up, there isnt much to do with them. Same with new weapons and frames. From the U11 this game gets more and more boring updates with "half assed content". And why is that? It seem that DE decided to add whatever comes to their minds in this game, without any foresight or testing how that new content will behave in game.



I do hope DE wont overhype U15 ( and they will do that ), because they overhyped U14 and delivered one of the worst update concerning acctual content.

Edited by RoboDoge
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Standard "DE doesn't listen to the players" topic that makes the typical mistake of completely ignoring all the bugfixes and improvements that have actually been made.


Also, you forget that F2P games need a steady stream of new content to retain players.

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Standard "DE doesn't listen to the players" topic that makes the typical mistake of completely ignoring all the bugfixes and improvements that have actually been made.


Also, you forget that F2P games need a steady stream of new content to retain players.

And yet, DE doesnt do that. I didnt see any F2P that made complete overhaul of UI 2nd time in a year. Thats just complete waste of resources for a F2P game.

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I do hope DE wont overhype U15 ( and they will do that ), because they overhyped U14 and delivered one of the worst update concerning acctual content.

Worst update? because a completely new UI, Quest system, New player tutorial, weapons, warframe, pet, is a bad update content wise.

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Yes, actually, there HAS been a couple.. patches. However.. if you'll notice, the patches are few and far between, tend to be small, and NONE of the major issues have been fixed. However, as you've failed to notice, that isn't the main topic for this discussion. It's DE's priorities, which Robo seems to be the only one who has gotten that.


Speaking of, thank you for clarifying/pointing it out, Robo. Personally, U14 definitely had a lot of promise and interesting stuff, but what content was there was pretty much destroyed by their lack of foresight with bug fixing, as well as adding ANOTHER annoying companion that never shuts up.

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And yet, DE doesnt do that. I didnt see any F2P that made complete overhaul of UI 2nd time in a year. Thats just complete waste of resources for a F2P game.

Warframe is a step above almost any F2P game out their, its pretty close to a thripleA title thats completely free, and is still in development. Just think if Bungie took Destiny, made it early access like Warframe, but was still making it how its going to be when it comes out currently, Pretty much a full game. Do you know the amount of bugs and glitches would be in it, if they didnt keep up with it like DE does for Warframe. A hell of alot.

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Most of the problems that came with U14 are fixed. I watched some fixes come out in the time it took me to type a bug report. Every game that has ever been made came with its share of problems and bugs, Most of the MMOs online right now have ongoing bugs that have existed since it went live. Bugs happen, its not a sign of their lack of commitment to find them. some bugs reappear no matter how much work is done to fix them. There's not some magic wand to wave over the servers and make everything ok. 


I've always wondered why all the people who have such aspiring opinions about bugs and fixes in these games don't go study programming and show these developers they say just don't care enough how its supposed to be done.

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Speaking of, thank you for clarifying/pointing it out, Robo. Personally, U14 definitely had a lot of promise and interesting stuff, but what content was there was pretty much destroyed by their lack of foresight with bug fixing, as well as adding ANOTHER annoying companion that never shuts up.

you do know bugs are more or less unpredictable. its got nothing to do with foresight. It does however got everything to do with figuring out how the bug happens and taking the time to fix it. 

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you do know bugs are more or less unpredictable. its got nothing to do with foresight. It does however got everything to do with figuring out how the bug happens and taking the time to fix it. 

Its not bugs, its acctual foresight on how will new content work in game. You can add as much as you want of new content, but if that wont give players anything interesting to do, you content is pretty much failing at what it should do.



And that is what DE is doing. Adding content for the sake of adding, not for the sake of replayability or long term worth.

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Most of the problems that came with U14 are fixed. I watched some fixes come out in the time it took me to type a bug report. Every game that has ever been made came with its share of problems and bugs, Most of the MMOs online right now have ongoing bugs that have existed since it went live. Bugs happen, its not a sign of their lack of commitment to find them. some bugs reappear no matter how much work is done to fix them. There's not some magic wand to wave over the servers and make everything ok. 


I've always wondered why all the people who have such aspiring opinions about bugs and fixes in these games don't go study programming and show these developers they say just don't care enough how its supposed to be done.

I've tried messing around with coding. It didn't go so well. I'm no coder. But I know that there isn't some magic wand, which just makes it even more insulting when it looks like DE isn't paying much attention to bugs. Fixing bugs REQUIRES focus, especially on this sort of scale. Content updates need to stop completely, just for a month. I guarantee if more focus was put on bug squashing and rearranging priorities to suit how the game SHOULD be changed and updated, like fixing stealth and movement, then the game would increase in popularity quite a chunk just because it's more stable and thus far more playable.


Small things, just occasional bugs or things that aren't that big I can understand. That's fine, it'll happen. But losing resources and credits in crafting/fusing, being unable to pick up items/equipment, unable to use certain weapons, and MASSIVE bugs like that are inexcusable, for any reason.

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Let's be honest with this one. DE seems to have it's own set of priorities, and that list doesn't seem to include fixing what they break and improving upon what they already have. Game modes, events, movement, stealth, gameplay, weapon balancing, map variation, lack of a way to turn Lotus/Ordis off..


Don't get me wrong, I adore DE for making a pretty awesome game so far, and they're doing a good job for the most part. The problem is that they're panicking so much about making new content to keep players from getting bored, they're not bothering to fix what content is already here. The primary concern right now, I believe, should be bug squashing, which they are obviously giving very little priority. U14 broke so much stuff it's not even funny, and it's becoming a hassle to do even the most basic things. Hell, I still occasionally lose money and fusion cores trying to fuse mods that don't seem to want to take, and I can't put a Serration on my sentinel's gun that's the same rank as the serration on my primary. For the love of God, Jupiter's Elara Survival is still unplayable because you can't pick up items after no more than 3 minutes.


Instead of putting so much focus and hype on the new Gundam ripoff of U15, why not fix what U14 destroyed? Then you can move on to fixing Stealth (Especially after the mass of feedback that was the Stealth event), movement, adding more tiles to the various sets, and finally, hopefully, fix the god awful thing that they call RNG.


You can't build a tower with an unstable base. And that is EXACTLY what DE is trying to do. There's still time to fix what's been broken, but the more and more stuff is added on, the harder that's going to be. Get to it now, instead of in 5 years when there's so much things depending on broken coding that it's going to be near impossible without a total re-coding of EVERYTHING from the ground up.




After reviewing your post history I haven't found any explicit bug reports (save for Elara) so I've done what I can to isolate fixable bugs/feature requests from this post, if I've missed some more shoot me a PM!


- General fusion latency/credit subtracting.

- Modding loadouts with same rank but unique mods resulting in errors.

- Survival: Jupiter: Elara pickup past 3 minutes completely broken.


As far as features - I know the sound team has commented on Lotus/Ordis. We did add "Speech Volume" as a slider to remove unwanted voice, but it is all or nothing. As in, you it will remove Lotus/Ordis, but also all speaking characters (Bosses, etc). Map variation is consistently in progress as well, and I believe Geoff has spoken to movement and 'Parkour 2.0' as something that is important to the team.


Locking thread as fixing bugs is indeed a weekly priority and we can continue with recorded issues as laid out in your post.

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