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New Full Dakka Weapon


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As the title says, I present to you the new Master of Dakka weapon:


Deca Dex Prime Vandale Wraith Mara Kreeos Prisma Vaykor Rakta Sancti Synoïd Telos Secura AkFuris


These are the stats:


Damage: 10

Puncture: 2

Impact: 4

Slash: 45

Fire Rate: 300

Ammo Clip: 30 000

Side Ammo: 0

Ammo Regen: 100/sec

Regen Delay: 0.2

Critical Chance: 20%

Critical Multiplier: x4

Status Chance: 45%

Accuracy: 40%


Polarities: 20px-V.png20px-V.png20px-V.png20px-Bar.png20px-Bar.png


This weapon has innate 40% Multishot and Innate Viral Damage and Corrosive. Since it has all Syndicates buffs, it creates a super explosion of all different Procs, and restores/buff for 25% of everything (shields, health, energy). It can use the Winds of Purity Syndicate mod, from the New Loka. So yeah, that's the new Dakka Master, I hope you liked and tell me what you think about it :) I hope to see this in a few :p

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*scratches head*

i don't know what planet 2 Impact, 4 Puncture, and 45 Slash adds up to 10.


also not keen on an Accuracy of '40'.


Shhhhhhh, this is only some dark secret from the orokin....



That's quite a lot of Dakka you have there.

But can it out-Dakka dual boltor primes?


Of course it does!

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