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Use Umbra To Test Out Changes - Won't Affect Look Of Frame


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- Please do read through carefully and fully understand what I'm trying to bring across before you post anything. Much appreciated=)

- I have highlighted and bolded the main idea to make things easier to read.


Now, this might not be something the consensus will agree on but I have a proposition to make for the Umbra.


Excalibur Umbra is coming and assuming that I am right, it will lead to more Umbra version of other frames.


Now, if you look around the forums, you constantly see people asking for changes to frames and their abilities and whatnot.


Normally, we can't satisfy everyone.


Say, for example, I LOVE the Excalibur rework and Exalted Blade and its waves. However, some do not find the waves fun and want them remove.


So, currently we end up having to only be able to satisfy one side at anytime. It's a zero-sum game.


However, what if..


We make the Umbra a different from the Prime and the normal versions, in terms of stats and abilities. I don't mean drastic changes but rather tweaks here and there as "advised" by the forums/community which may not be agreed on by everyone.


For eg. and I really mean hypothetically, the Excalibur Umbra can use a version of Exalted Blade with no waves but higher damage or some other feature and have higher armor, hp, shield or even invincibility like Valkyr or maybe make it an Exalted Lance, Spear, Hammer whatever. Excalibur Prime and Excalibur will remain as is currently and suddenly, we can satisfy everyone or at least 2 major viewpoints/sides.




For eg. Valkyr Umbra can use a version of Hysteria with no invincibility but something else to make up for it. Again, Valkyr and Valkyr Prime (assuming it will be out) will continue as is. Once again, we satisfy 2 camps.


Now, I know many or some may disagree because what if they are on the side that likes the normal/prime abilities and stats but want to look like Umbra or vice versa?


Very simple, just make the skin of either available if you own it.


Meaning to say, if you own an Umbra, you will be able to apply the Umbra skin onto your Prime or Normal frame and vice versa but you must own both permanently to do the "swap".


This allows DE to "experiment" with changes in a somewhat safe way because players now have a choice of "Alpha" (Normal/Prime) and "Beta" (Umbra) with no impact on the look of the frame.


In a way, Umbra becomes the beta test version for Primes/Normal and with the skin made available, you can still use either the "Alpha" or "Beta" version with the skin you like.


Food for thought.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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They actually discussed it in a devstream: The reason that DE is taking so long for these is because they want to design a good concept of "Umbra". Since we already have Primes there's no use in just having some stats better, like say, Armor or Energy.

We'll see what they end up doing. I guess powers will be the same, but maybe they have additional effects or something at the expense of more energy. Who knows!

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Umbra should just be a skin, why make a copy of a frame we already have, its stupid.

Either make it a skin or don't have it at all, either way I don't care about the umbra.


Then why do you care whether or not it's a skin or a frame?


It's going to be a new frame. Accept it. You always have the option not to get it.

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Heres My Theory and Lore for Umbra's.


Umbra Warframes should be Sundicate Version of Warframes.


Umbras could have built in Syndicate Procs, I mean why make us Farm a 3rd version with nothing special added to it?

Do You really wanna farm the same Frame over for just Fodder? Why not give it something unique along with give the game more lore and shed more light on Syndicates?


This may serve several purposes and open up DEs eyes to making Melee weapons and 4th Warframe Augments for Syndicates.

We have currently 3 ability augments for each Frame (Disregarding Wukong/Ivara) and we have Primary and Secondary Syndicate Weapons soo I figure one day we shall recieve Syndicate Melee weapons Im sure everyone here may want that.


Why not Syndicate Warframes? Umbras can fill that role.


IDK what do yal think?

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I love variety and I love frames. But I feel that excal and umbra shouldn't share skins. I feel they should be treated as two different frames. Just my two cents and opinion. It would be cool if umbra had like an exalted hammer. I see others suggesting making it a skin... But that's wasted potential. Excal already has like 4 skins...

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But there are some options already.

You want EB with invincibility, higher damage and no waves? Use Hysteria.

You want an alternative to Hysteria? Use Valkyr's 2nd.

EB + Shadow step. There you go, who gives a damn when you are perma invis 90% of mission after using focus power since you're energy waves also proc stealth.

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Make Excalibur Umbra have 4 Slash Dash moves.

1. Slash Dash 

2. Super Slide - Slidekicks any enemy and make them stunned. Deals Bonus damage when Slash Dash is chained after.


3. Dash Blind - Dashes so fast that any enemy that was targeting the player is now blinded. Cos reasons.

4. Exalted Dash - Excalibur Umbra puts on his Roller Blades and wields his Energy Blade. Every attack in the combo propels Excalibur Umbra Forward like a Slash Dash (Invul lmao). 

Combos : EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (500% Multiplier for everything)


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Yup but I'm anticipating that every frame will get an Umbra and that's where this will come in.


IMO there's no need to bind altered abilities to a certain version of the warframe. Why not expand the build system?


DE could make 2-3 options for every ability that act differently and we could choose what we need more. For example, we could choose Slash Dash to be what it is now or what it used to be before the rework or an option where it acts in the same manner as Atlas' or Rhino's 1st skill. Talking about Exalted Blade, we could have an option to keep it as it is now or remove the waves and make the blade itself hit harder and reflect more damage.


Everyone would be happy then.

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Thought this might give a clearer picture:

How about we keep the prime and normal versions of Excalibur as it is; make the umbra version without waves and tankier or whatever and everyone's happy.

Maybe also make it possible to switch skins (Umbra skin on a Prime or Normal Skin on an Umbra) regardless what version you using as long as you own the frame (to have Prime look you must own prime; to have umbra look you must own umbra; to have normal look you must own normal excal) of the looks you want to switch into.



My take on Excalibur Umbra:


The only downside is you need 1 more warframe slot to play as the ability version you want and look version you want.

Other than that, everything's solved.

If people still complain after this then it's pretty obvious they aren't trying to balance for fun but more of "why he kill more than me..boohoo..must nerf".

One frame; 3 versions; 2 styles

Make it happen!

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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