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Posts posted by FierceRadiance

  1. I threw three Murkray baits (ocean, left side from the gate). The first one never appeared, although my 'frame went through the 'throwing' animation. So I threw another one, and it, too, never was visible. I changes locations along the beach, and tried a third bait throw, further out into the water. This one appeared momentarily while it was above the water (sparkling blue trail) but also vanished as soon as it hit the water. Very early morning so the water was still dark, much frustration at the previous night and expense of wasted bait, so I took it out on the Grineer on the way back to Cetus.

    Only differences between the last time when it was working and now (other than the hotfix) were that I started leveling the Fusliai glass throwing stars, and I used a different coloration on my 'frame.

    Guess I won't be fishing again until I read that this has been addressed.

  2. 15 minutes ago, low1991 said:

    Didnt DE say WF follow dark sector' universe, but none of the character in this game?


    13 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Nope, they have stated the two games aren't linked at all.

    Anything hinting back to Dark Sector is just a nod to their past work.

    My guess would be that DE is required to say the two games aren't linked for legal reasons. Otherwise there might be licensing fees to pay, and who knows what other kinds of entanglements.

    As far as homages to Dark Sector, there have been a number over the course of Warframe, such as Excal's Proto-Armor skin. And if you ever find the credits in Cetus and watch them, you'll see Hayden Tenno is listed,

  3. 'Frames are biological warsuits, that are remotely-piloted telepathically by Operators. What's inside them is live tissue, but it's (probably) not sentient (although we're not 100% certain of this) and that's why Operators have to pilot them. You, as a player/Tenno, are actually the Operator, even though you look like a warframe. The warframe is the "suit" you're controlling telepathically.

    And as to why you can fly in space but need life-support......video game logic. Why does Japanese women's VG armor frequently cover less but protect more? Yeah, it's kinda like that.

  4. Brother, go down to the docks and look up at an oil tanker or a container ship. That's how much you've missed. Wow.

    I guess start doing the quests, and working your way towards "The Second Dream". It opens up a lot of lore, and is a requirement for a lot of the content that's dropped since then. You'll prolly also want to visit Cetus on Earth - it's a brand new chapter of WF that just dropped about two weeks ago, and while it's still squad based (4-player teams, max) it's open world, and can be lots of fun. But you'll prolly not have enough resources to build anything there, so don't spend a great deal of time there, unless you just really enjoy it.

    Those two goals will prolly keep you busy for a while.

  5. Listomaniac.....some of your criticisms of my post are valid.

    Referring to my post which began this disagreement (because I have posted elsewhere here) I didn't pose any solutions. All I intended to do was point out how complaining about RNG while not proposing a solution is like trying to teach a pig to sing: it wastes your time and annoys the pig. Or, in this case, it wastes readers' time, and accomplishes nothing except the venting of your spleen. In this, I believe we are alike, as you also provided no solutions, and merely sought to express your opinion. I agree with you that one of the purposes of the forums is to present to the devs opinions both positive and negative, and we both used them for this purpose.

    Regarding your posting in English while it isn't your native tongue, I find myself ashamed and embarrassed. I've tried to learn a language other than English and fared poorly in the attempt. Your English is far better than my second language. With that knowledge in mind, I find my comments to you insulting and boorish. I sincerely apologize to you for them.

    Regarding my being condescending, you're absolutely right, and such was my intent. Your comments portray you as arrogant, and uninterested in those who disagree with you, whom you appear to see as beneath you. This does not make you look good, and as you caught me on a bad day, I responded in kind to the arrogance I perceived in your comments. This does not excuse my rudeness, but merely explains why I chose to reply in a vein similar to yours. If you see your comments as arrogant, then I will admit to mine being condescending. If you don't see them that way, then unfortunately I was right, and you deserved what you got.

    I also have spent a great deal of money on this game, have also watched it slowly deteriorate into what some have begun calling PTW, and have also seen the handwriting on the wall of it's future, just as you have. While I don't believe the game actually is Pay-to-Win, I believe it's no longer honest to say that you can get everything in the game through grind. Grind has become so unreasonable as to be essentially impossible in any kind of functional time-frame. I also am frustrated at how a game that was so devoted to it's players has changed over the last year and a half, and has begun the downhill slide that seems to be the fate of all PW games. So again, in that you and I are on the same page.

    Whether or not DE/PW is abusing the RNG system in your opinion or mine is frankly irrelevant. We cannot sit here and bemoan how the devs have lost touch with their player base, and then pretend that complaining here will have any effect on their decision-making. I'm sorry, I simply don't believe that's the case anymore. This also informed my disregard for you simply expressing an opinion without offering any solutions; without a better way, I'm certain DE will continue on the path it's on, which unfortunately includes largely ignoring player negativity on the forums. I wish that weren't the case, but I believe it is.

    Again, I apologize for insulting your command of English, I again point out that we are IMHO largely in agreement about the problem, but disagree about whether merely being publicly unhappy about it amounts to anything.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Lisztomaniac said:

     you dont have to bring that condescending bullS#&$ up,

    Y'know, Liztomaniac, I generally try not to respond in annoyance to comments of the Forums, especially to folk that are already struggling just to make coherent sentences. But in your case, I'll make an exception.

    Thanks for your comment, it makes it clear just how little you value others' opinions, which is interesting given the enormous love you have for your own opinions. It must get hard to breathe with your nose that high in the air.

    I don't disagree with the assertion that since Layou/Perfect World's buy-in grind has slowly but steadily increased. PW is widely disrespected for exactly this approach to most or all the games they've acquired. The only problem is.....you don't have a better idea. At least, not one you've chosen to share. So....thanks for rant, it was entertaining. And for proving that opinions are like a$$es, everybody has one. Some opinions smell more like a$$ than others, of course...

    Oh, and pay more attention in English class. Those punctuation and grammar skills.....whoa, dude.

    4 minutes ago, Lisztomaniac said:

    if they try to sell me a 2004 repainted chevy with a new set of headlights, at the price of a brand new chevy, im not going to pretend its a fair trade just because the @(*()$ company has to make  money, give a me a dev team that shows that they care for the game at least the way DE did two years ago or some update that actually has quality content (never had i seen such a pathetic excuse for an expansion, this feels like the starter zone from any mmo but smaller) and i happily keep buying plat, but dont come telling me that DE is starving and they really need to make items even more random to force people to buy, at the rate we are going  theyll just keep adding and adding items to the already bloated tables untill this is just like one of those chinesse mmos, where you can either play 200 hours to be able to stand up to the guys who paid 2 dlrs.

    Listomaniac, you're probably right, Layou/DE will continue on the course they're on, and continue to milk Warframe until they have a motivating reason not to. Here's the rub - why shouldn't they? Do you have something positive to suggest to them, to convince them to change that course? Not every business strives to do right by their customers, but they always continue to try and make as much money as they can. Equifax compromised the digital security of tens of millions of people, but clearly couldn't care less about them, as demonstrated through their poor response to the event. That's life in the business world. I'm not disagreeing with your assessment that grind is being ratcheted up -and I'm not saying "DE is starving"; you really need to learn to pay attention- but again, are you really trying to say that DE should change it's ways because YOU showed up and disagreed with them? Really??

    You don't like what's happening, congratulations, that makes you so different from the rest of us. It's entirely possible that DE loves it's players but has a financial nut to make, a monthly revenue target their owners require them to hit each month. If you've got a better suggestion for how they can generate revenue, then let's hear it. But if all you have to offer is emo....eeyeah, thanks for that ~ Next!

    Oh, and again....that grammar......c'mon, dude, at least use spellcheck. And learn how to disagree with someone without insulting them personally. At some point you're going to have to adult, you might as well get started now.

  7. Just now, ProfessorLitmus said:

    hey  Volinus7 can you be a dude and post those income reports so FierceRadiance can see DE isn't some small dev that needs as much money as it can get so they can eat and instead are a money funnel for a company that failed at selling chicken to the Chinese?

    What difference do you think DE's financial success makes? Here in the US, do you think Chevy will cut their car prices because they had a good quarter last month?

    Maybe you aren't clear about this, so let me explain: Businesses, including DIgital Extremes, exist to make money. Not "some" money, or "enough" money. They exist to make as much money as they can, all the time, every day. If RNG generates a lot of money rather than just a little, that's a good thing for them and a powerful reason to keep using it.

    They aren't going to change RNG because it works well financially. Yeesh.

  8. Since RNG and grind have (again) come up as an object of hate, I'll (again) take a moment to go over the reality behind it: RNG exists to make you unhappy. It's a necessary evil.

    Warframe the Game doesn't just flow from the Void. It has to be created, and devised, and fixed by programmers, people who, just like you and me, need and deserve to get paid for the work they do. That pay has to come from somewhere, and like it or not players like you and I are the people who have to pay for the game.

    You all know that FTP means 'some pay, most don't'. It also means that for everything in the game, you will either pay with your time, or pay with your money. We all fall into one of those two categories, and RNG is how the categories get separated. If you don't want to pay Real Money for Platinum, expect to pay with your time until the RNG numbers to come up happy-happy-joy-joy for you. There is no third option.

    The best drops typically have a very small chance to come up. That's intentional, and here's why RNG is designed to annoy you: RNG exists to encourage you to just end the pain, stop burning time, buy some Plat, and support the game financially. Nobody has to do that - it's FTP, and you can play it without ever spending a dime. But when you choose to place yourself at the mercy of RNG and it's crappy drop rates, remember - you chose to be there. RNG was created to frustrate you.

    Finally, when you complain about RNG and describe how you want it improved, or reduced, or taken out of the game entirely -and here's the important part- make sure to include your proposition on how to replace the revenue RNG generates by frustrating the poo out of players just like you and me. Because if all you're looking at is how much you hate it, you're only paying attention to your own situation, and you aren't looking at the most important aspect - programmers need to be paid, or the game ENDS. PERIOD. So unless you can come up with a way that generates more income for Digital Extremes than RNG currently does, you're just p1ssing in the breeze.

    Nobody likes this part of the game, including me. But until you or I or somebody else comes up with a better way to make money from an FTP game, RNG isn't going away.

    'Nuff said.


  9. I've got a much simpler fix: Fire the fricking Lotus as our hacker.

    On every other 'heavily-armored vault' on the Plains I can just walk up, click the Console, the contents float over to me, and I'm on my way. Only when the Lotus gets involved does it take 3 or 4 minutes of heavy enemy attack to get the farking things open.

    "Hey, Lotus, we love your work, babe, but you're slow as Vermont sap! Ston3d_3Lit3 over here from 4/Chan is 'The Guy' now. Stop by HR on your way out."

  10. I agree with what's been said, it's to make you come back and play more. Plus, DE has no reason to shorten the time in between attempts. You or I might have reason to want it, but DE doesn't.

    (But that said, the Level 23 'Ms. Pac-Man' MR test finally jumped the shark for me. It's just way too much effort for absolutely zero reward, and I've tipped my hat to DE and said, 'I give up ~ you win'.)

  11. Players "leeching" has been a back-burner issue in the game for a while now. There's been talk of adding a "Kick" button, but it's never been implemented because of the potential for abuse.

    Myself, I don't play Bounties. I find I can accumulate standing much faster by playing Incursions, and can often fish and/or mine without distraction if I choose to just ignore some Incursions. It gets pretty frustrating running Bounties for chump rewards like a handful of credits or an Ammo Drum mod, and I get burned out on that pretty fast.

  12. Okay, I've been thinking about these issues for a while. Here's my .02...

    TL:DR IMHO the Plains is probably working a lot better than most of the complaints would have you believe, from a Solo player standpoint. But in trying to force veterans and other players to play the Plains in particular ways, they're alienating a lot of players. And there are ways they could fix some of these issues.

    First off, I've been playing WF for a while (2500 hours, coming up on five years soon) so I've watched the game evolve. Second, I continue to support the game, but I'm no fanboi. I've seen DE do some pretty courageous things, like burning down systems that weren't working, more than once. So I know that they are willing to do that if circumstances warrant, and in my eyes, that earns them a fair amount of credit. Not seeing too many developers willing to do that. But I've also seen them refuse to do that when they probably should have (Anybody have a Hema they'd like to show us? Or howzabout a round of Conclave? Used Focus 1.0 beyond the two obvious choices?) (And no, from what I'm hearing, Focus 2.0 really can't be called a 'burn-down'.)

    I think Plains tried to accomplish two things. First, it was DE's attempt to learn how to create a new under-the-hood version of WF, and I think to a large extent they succeeded. I mean, think about it. Yes, there are absolutely a LOT of bugs still in it, two weeks out or so. But in the Big Picture, the coding works far more often than it doesn't. Yes, DE should prolly begin implementing player beta-teams to do QC prior to launch, especially on anything this large, this different, because while I play the Plains Solo and they work pretty well, many others seem to be having issues that involve players in groups. But as a Solo player with a robust internet connection and a 5-year+ old system, the Plains works well for me almost all the time.Second, I think it was an effort to give vets like me something entirely new to do, along the lines of end-game content. It's in this aspect that I think they failed.

    I *think* what they were trying to do was encourage veterans like me to begin earning our way through a new economy which reduced us effectively to noobs, and took away many of the stockpiled benefits of having played the game for a while. DE's game design has always rested on a lot of the the resources being "throwaway"; that is, once you were done collecting them for a specific weapon or Warframe or Quest, I'm guessing more than half the game's resources had no further use. (Take a look through your Components tab and think about when the last time was you needed some of them.) The Plains of Eidolon follows this model, as virtually nothing in the Plains has a use outside the Plains, so the purpose of playing the Plains is pretty much to earn/build stuff that helps you play the Plains. But that's a double-edged sword, which we'll (okay I'll) talk about in a moment. And by not doing a good enough job, DE seriously shot itself in the foot.

    DE tried to force players into playstyles that, for a lot of us, suck most or all of the fun out of playing the Plains. I've built the Skywing Launcher and Charges, but I'm not going to use them for two reasons: One, every time I use a charge I'll hear that nagging voice that says they're a finite resource and I really didn't need to waste one in this circumstance, whatever that circumstance is, and; Two, from all reports, Skywing gets shot down by loud farts, and why bother burning a finite resource so enemies can have a (short) bit of target practice? The issue with fishing spears? "Locked" armored vaults that open with a click unless Lotus gets involved, in which case it takes several minutes of heavy enemy attack before she can manage it?

    Fishing is mildly entertaining (but gets boring fast) but the idea that I need different spears for different fish? Hell no. Please change this ten minutes ago, DE. Mining is also okay, doesn't get boring as fast as fishing because of the different ways you locate your target in the two situations (and because mining lasers work the way fishing spears should work). That said, both of these are far less interesting, entertaining, and action-oriented as Warfarming is in virtually every other mission in the game. So I'm not really a fan of forcing both of these new somewhat-boring "missions" down players throats in order to accomplish anything on the Plains.

    I haven't found leveling weapons on the Plains to be a good way of going about that task - there are much faster ways of accomplishing this on 'regular' missions. So that's out.

    I'm annoyed at the large distances between segments of the Bounties; they're just so obviously intentional. In the same way that burning SW Charges sets off that annoying voice, mission distances sets off a little voice that says 'You COULD be using SW. You really OUGHT to be using SW'. Shut up, little voices. DE, if Skywing landed with a thud, which judging by the Forums it did, shorten some of the distances between bounty segments so players who choose not to use SW don't spend up to half their missions gliding & bullet-jumping. (I notice Incursions, which are essentially the equivalent of supermarket checkout lane 'impulse-buy' missions, are typically not nearly as far away from the player's current position. That difference smells like intent to me.)

    As evidence of a substantial decline in player interest, I'd point out the server instances. When PoE launched, there were nearly two hundred instances running, with most of them running at "Full". The last time I looked (earlier this morning) there were fifty, and approximately half of them were displaying "Empty". Granted, the player counts were bound to drop a fair amount after launch. but that's on the order of a 70-80% drop-off - in two weeks. That's a lot. I think players are frustrated with what they're seeing. Despite DE's claims, clearly new players really can't do much on the Plains, and veterans are unhappy with the way PoE is structured.

    There are more issues -Why are both Ostron and Quill Standing both a necessary resource AND the only currency either will accept, two purposes that oppose each other? Why do vendors display things they don't sell?- but the bottom line is, if I get frustrated and stop playing the Plains.........IT DOESN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Because PoE is it's own separate economy, you can ignore it and continue to play the rest of the game (if you still have things to pursue) and you're perfectly fine. But pointing this out troubles me, because going by it's recent history, rather than fix the problem, DE is more likely to just remake the rest of the game to require players to play the Plains. I HATE games that force me to play a certain way, and DE has been inching in that direction throughout Warframe's life.

    There was an interesting video posted on the Forums recently that explained how Devs have to protect players from themselves, so they don't min/max or "efficiency" themselves right out of having fun with the game. I think DE is a little too controlling in how they manipulate players towards this goal, but I'm guessing their own internal numbers are clearly showing that nobody plays Alerts (takes the time to kill enemies), they just rush through them to get to the reward at the end. Undoubtedly there are factors at play that I'm not aware of, so I could very well be wrong. But from my current uninformed point of view, I'm not liking DE's manipulation of players, and in the case of Alerts, it isn't working anyway.

    So that's my take. DE, I hope we're still friends. But please, entice me, don't push me.

  13. Over the past ten days or so, I've noticed that DE and I are apparently using different definitions of "empty".

    To me, if I select an instance that is currently displaying "Empty", I should only see a handful (4-8 or less) other players there. But far too often I'm seeing 20-30 other players in an "empty" instance. C'mon, DE - if you're going to shunt me into busier instances to optimize utilization, tell me so. Don't BS players.

  14. 4 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    Any proof of this? Any numbers pre/post Sumpo involvement?

    None. Just personal impressions and four and a half years of playing the game every day or two.

    The Tenno reinforcement weapons drop rates could probably be calculated, by anyone who wants to go through all 300+ weapons on the wiki and note the initial drop date, chart the frequency over time, and note the date Sumpo bought in. I seem to recall it being roughly a year and a half ago, or thereabouts. A similar comparison of cosmetic/TennoGen drop dates could also probably be done, all this by someone who isn't me. :cool:

    And I want to be clear - I continue to play and support Warframe financially, for no other reason than I just love playing it. Up until the PoE dropped, I had virtually nothing to go after that I didn't already own, but I've continued to play, simply because I enjoy the game. I'm just making observations based on my own experience.

  15. 28 minutes ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

    I think a simple solution to the Gara issue already exists, but is not used.

    Long ago when the sortie had "seaons" there was a lock out system for the rewards where you could only get some rewards once per season before it was removed from the drop table.  If upon completing the sortie your reward rolled as one of the locked out items it re-rolled until you got something that wasnt locked.


    I can't see why this system couldn;t be applied to Bounty rewards so that each time you run the same mission in a single "day" it locks out each reward.  I the 2nd tier bounty 10 times last night trying to get the Gara Systems, i've listed below what i got for my efforts:

    2x Point strike mods

    1x 3000 credit cache

    1x 100 Endo

    6x 5000 credit cache


    All common rewards with absolutely no value to an MR24 player like myself with over 30 million credits in the bank.  and 4 of the 5000 credit caches were in consecutive runs.

    ...where's the "this stinks" emoji.....

  16. Warframe has been evolving ever since Sumpo bought in. There have been far fewer "Reinforcement" weapons, and a much greater focus (no pun intended) on cosmetics/fashion frame. (In fairness, they have already released well over 300 weapons, so....) But I think the game is slowly moving ever closer to PTW, although IMHO they aren't quite there yet.

    But as OP remarks, the massive and ever-increasing amount of grind DE is continuing to push, will make it harder and harder for them to refute the claim of PTW from new players, who don't know how things used to be - i.e., when you actually stood a reasonable chance of getting whatever you wanted vie the grind. Nowadays, I'd prolly describe conditions as 'it's theoretically possible for you to get virtually everything via grind.'

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