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Everything posted by Nihilumbra8

  1. Really hoping for a Harrow voidshell skin with this update! 🙏
  2. +1, in fact, I created a similar post. Really hope they allow to revert this back somehow for those, like me, who hated this change.
  3. It even screwed up some of the operator armor pieces: Operator black energy looks white. At any rate, I wouldn't have bought/farmed a bunch of cosmetics if I knew they were getting this screwed up with this update :/
  4. I meant after the 35.5 hotfix. All of the above mentioned ephemera's (plus the conquera II ephemera) look white when colored black. The patch 35.5.1 didn't change anything on my end. Another note: abilities were also affected. Dying energy color black will now produce white effects. If I'm coloring something black, the minimum I'd expect is for it not to turn white😅. I really hope this is just an oversight from DE and not a design choice.
  5. The new GI volume lighting introduced with the update ruined most ephemeras (if you try to color them black). Specifically, it's no longer possible to get black fx on a multitude of ephemeras (they look white now).Tested it on and the issue is present with the : fog of war ephemera, all protovyre ephemeras, raptwing ephemera and seraphayre ephemera.
  6. When will we get more voidshell skins? Can't wait for Harrow's!
  7. Thank you very much @EothasianBoar!! Shame that half ot he cape looks silver :( On the plus side, will save the money because of you, thank you so much! :) Of note: I fail to understand why the metal parts look black but the cloth part looks silver when colored black. it doesn’t even seem to be consistent with the premise of PBR rendering 😅… what the hell DE…
  8. I gotta say, was very, very disappointed with the upcoming Styanax Deluxe skin. Looks like a cringy Argonian from ESO. That helmet is particularly atrocious 😅
  9. I saw this syandana and thought it could look cool. However, one problem of 95% of syanadanas (for me) is that they can't be colored black due to PBR rendering (most look gray or silver). Since this syandana is only available for real money, I'd thought I ask the good souls in the community if anyone could: post one picture front and back of the Isabeau Prime Syandana with the darkest black color on all channels, so that I can see how well/badly it takes colors. This would really help me in not wasting unecessary money on a syandana (which I won't use depending on how badly colors are applied to it) Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time ro read it and help :)
  10. Please release the Harrow Voidshell skin 🙏
  11. Really hoping to see a Harrow voidshell skin announcement!
  12. Question for this livestream: will voidshell skins continue to be released? We haven’t gotten any in a long time. Still waiting on a Harrow Voidshell release 🙏🏻
  13. Will we finally be getting a Harrow voidshell skin this time around?
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