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Posts posted by lukaself

  1. From my experience, the area covered by the shield is not represented acurately visually. In my mind it rather looks like to a flat wall than a curved one: What happens to you also happened to me on some occasions.


    When that occurs I usually take a tiny step back and I'm covered by the shield alright. I just discarded this discrepancy as one of the few quirks of being a Volt user and never gave it a second thought.

  2. I hope that's not too unreasonable of me to bump this thread once a month?


    The channeling effect is still gone on the Edo chest piece, all other pieces have projections and this one just stays dull and dark....


    Please understand, between the number of threads about targis prime and this, it's not encouraging me to buy the next Prime access eyes closed. At the price of a full game, I expected this issue to have some manner of priority at least.


    So pretty please with sugar on top, can this be looked at?

  3. Electric arcs are about a third of overload damage and are supposed to be generated once by light fixtures and electronics.


    So if said light fixture is not generating an arc, it's an oversight affecting gameplay, meaning : yes, it is a bug.


    Whether it affects dynamic lighting is relevant only to aesthetics and immersion.

  4. And now I have no more problems Oo


    I don't know what triggered it, but I definitely experienced the loss of the damage bonus on multiple playthroughs this morning. I only went and testing specifically because people were reporting the loss of the bonus on the 16.4.4 update thread. So I thought I could verify it - Which I did, with continuous fire weapons as well as bolt weapons, I even went as far as testing with an Amprex, which are notoriously a pain to troubleshoot because of the arcs. Grenade Launchers explosions to my knowledge never benefited from the bonus so I did not test them. (they did though : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/446728-tonkor-does-not-seem-to-be-affected-by-electric-shield/#entry5007418) I also tested all of them with punchthrough and multishot mods on and off.


    Here I am, ready to take screenshots...  and no issue whatsoever. (Well, electric shield has a number of issues, but they already have their own thread)


    I'll stop looking into it for now but if people experience this issue, please let me now.


    EDIT : All of yesterday :

    "Also, the fact that when they fixed this bug, they also caused a bug where the shield gives no damage bonus and another where if you die with a shield up you can't shoot through it anymore, but thats all fine and dandy right?"Flowen231


    "Now shield gives NO damage boost.

    That is actually worse than before :l."fatpig84


    "Also, Volt Shield is not working at all anymore. I'm not getting extra range or damage from my Amprex. Hope they resolve this soon, I was loving Volt so much I'm in the process of building Volt Prime."SloBurn


    "the shield become just a discount frost globe. it supposedly has crit chance modifier and some damage."jordzkie05

  5. As of 16.4.4 Volt Shield does not seem to give consistently the damage bonus so you won't be able to test it until it is fixed.


    Regarding my own experience with Volt electric shield and grenade launcher weapons (700 playtime hours for Volt and Volt Prime only), it usually only gives damage bonus to the contact damage if the weapon had any, and no damage bonus to the explosion, exactly as Rebecca stated.


    Here's the link to my own thread regarding the issue with the damage bonus : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/450192-1644-removed-volts-electric-shields-normal-multipliers-along-with-the-bugged-ones/

  6. Don't worry, they won't ignore you and they're very helpful.


    But yes they're swamped and it could take any amount of time up to a month for getting a reply. Just be patient, they reply to everyone and always try to find an acceptable solution for both parties. 

  7. Looks like that when you fixed the bug that gave electric shield insane multipliers, as per :


    "Fixed Volt’s Electric Shield giving improper damage multipliers as per: https://forums.warfr...-absurd-damage/"


    You also took away the previous perfectly reasonable 60% added electric damage and 200% crit damage multiplier that it had previously when shooting through. These bonus were present since I started playing warframe - please give them back.


    I noticed it because my weapons did not proc electric status after the update and that my 100% critical chance weapons were not getting any dmg bonus when going through the electric shield.


    as usual : @DE Please Fix ! ^^


    These bonus are a staple of the Volt strategy and Volt Prime being my main frame, you can count on me to notice weird behaviours.


    Edit : looks like the damage bonus loss was not persistent I'll add screenshots as soon as it happens again (if it does). hopefully it was only a one time issue - Although some people were reporting similar issues in the 16.4.4 thread.

  8. I won't lie, my cell (which is composed of friends) almost instantly noticed something was off with the Electric shield. That was INSANE ^^


    Thanks for the good time, sometimes bugs are fun ^^


    Edit : And sometimes they're NOT, like at all. I just took my Volt Prime for a ride, this morning and looks like you removed all manners of multipliers from the electric shield, even the electric damage bonus is gone.


    As usual : @DE Please Fix


    This is becoming a meme ><

  9. What in the name of the burning seven thunderstorm skies happened with my Amprex? 


    I have LITERALY no other weapon ready at the moment, I can't do the event !


    In clear : electric arcs gone, @DE pls fix. TT

  10. * Fixed Grineer Forcefields and Spy vault laser traps affecting Limbo while in Rift Walk - he should be immune to these traps while in the Rift.


    Limbo not able to hack the datavaults while in the rift now makes sense - I rest my case.


    After a personal testing period, since most Spy 2.0 players play solo anyway, the potential for a Troll Limbo is very weak - so, on my side, I'll consider the case closed with that fix.


    @Mods - thread can be be locked or deleted to leave some room for more urgent matters. Thank you ^^

  11. This is a bug I see since U16 and Chroma's appearance... it doesn't help that chroma's pelt is an awful pixelated mess too, lots of other frames seem to suffer from the pixelated issue.


    Volt prime has been fixed recently but if it's fixed one frame at a time it will take forever to fix them all.

  12. If the logic for why Limbo can't hack in the rift is that he cannot interact with material things, then he should also fall through the floor and into space or the core of the planet (see-sawing around the core until he gives up and suicides).  Or better yet, maybe gravity doesn't even affect him anymore and he just flies off on whatever vector he had when rift was activated.  Oh and he doesn't bring air with him into the rift so he should be losing shields and health like in vacuum.


    And even from a purely "closing a hole in a game mechanic" perspective, invisible frames are effectively invincible while hacking unless you make the mistake of going invis at the terminal with an npc already shooting at you.  I have never been killed while hacking invis.


    So let's just admit that this whole Limbo thing was a big mistake and remove him until a suitable alternative that doesn't circumvent every game mechanic can be concocted.


    Fully agreed.


    As I already stated : Limbo can now even prevent completion of a mission where hacking is involved by using cataclysm or rifting the player who is hacking... even while they're doing it.


    The remedy is way worse than the illness. Please remove it asap while you think of a sensible alternative

  13. HA !  VirtualJunky beat you to it ^^


    I just submitted another bug report and I wanted to state that when I see what mods and devs have to deal with daily already, I feel bad. So to balance it out,  I renew my support to them :


    Even if I sound like a grumpy, frustrated and entitled old man each time I report anything, that doesn't make me love waframe less, so go for it DE, if you ever come around here,  I do give free hugs. Claim them naOOooooow - at you earliest convenience.


    (Oh, fellow tennos can have one too, that goes without saying ^^)

  14. I think that's overcomplicating the use of the rift but your arguments are sensible.


    And yeah I didn't even think about cataclysm... it should be renamed 'disaster' in its current state, it not only prevents any interaction in the whole spy vault it also usually triggers alarms instantly.


    Anyone else who tries to hack a console in the middle of a raging fire fight puts them selves at huge risk.


    I strongly disagree with this : Loki can do it, Valkyr can do it, Rhino can do it, Mesa can do it, Zephyr can do it, Frost can do it, Ash can do it, Volt can do it. And that's only for the direct ways to do it, numerous other frames can indirectly make themselves able to hack the control panels in a middle of a scuffle by a clever use of their powers.  For an arbitrary reason, Limbo now can't. And there goes its only slight upper hand.


    As we saw, even worse, instead of being able to help other players with this part of the game, Limbo now prevent them to do so.... how many times will we have to face the situation where players who don't read the patch notes (People that read the patchnotes are a small minority) will make a mission fail because they still thought they were helping by rifting people while hacking? 

  15. You can still rift them before they do....  Simple fix would be to leave - Limbo  -  alone


    It's only used by 2% of players and it's not like Limbo can just waltz into the vaults, there are still alarms, lasers that still damage you and trip you while in the rift (I'm still wondering how they can affect Limbo in any way but I was willing to let this go for the sake of the challenge)


    FFS a simple rhino CAN just waltz through the lasers in two charges with iron skin and still hack the vault in time while triggering the alarm on the first trap ! WHILE TAKING 0 DAMAGE. I don't believe that's what the devs had in mind when designing the vaults traps just to be ignored by a mindless brute.


    All around neutering a frame for the sake of ONE game mode is not the way to go. Not while there are other frames that can still do it shamelessly


    Is the objective to make spy 2.0 only reserved to some frames like loki (which can still hack without being in any danger whatsoever by the way) ?

  16. Thanks for the new data vaults, that's my favorite destination when I want to play solo.


    Concerning the Limbo change, uhm well, if you make us incapable of interacting with hacking panels, I would find it only fair to also make us immune to toxin procs and Bombards' Ogris knockdown AoE while in the rift.


    Why do they even affect us if being in another plane makes us unable to interact with something as benign as a control panel ?


    They're are so many other frames that can hack with their defense powers enabled, how is it abusable? It makes NO sense.

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