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Posts posted by lukaself

  1. Definitely seems like it's a normal behaviour, Vortex always have eaten the bodies of enemies that dies inside it, That's why you use a combination of bastille and the tesla link augment to get more body parts when you work with a Nekros.


    The simulor Vortex has the exact same behaviour : even if doesn't pull live enemies, it pulls and disintegrate their bodies instantly when they die, so it's obviously a separate mechanic rather than a bug.

  2. Electric procs did happen as well, but were exceedingly rare (I got like 2 in quite a while of testing).

    It's because of the way status effect works in warframe, it's not a directly proportional chance in relation to damage composition. When a weapon have physical damage it will proc physical (bleed-stun-puncture) status effects more often than elemental effects, even if the proportion is 50/50. That's why pure elemental weapons are best for status builds like the Ignis or the Gammacor. (there are better weapons for this but they happen to be the ones i'm tampering with at the moment ^^)


    Regarding to your first issue it looks like people are ignoring it because it feels more like it belongs to a feedback thread. In my opinion, it's not because something works in a way for one Warframe that it should work the same for all Warframes - It's a debatable opinion though.

  3. Hello Dizzle,


    As a first hour Volt Fan I noticed your post and tested it for you in the simulacrum. Here are my results.


    Boltor Prime Without shield 11dmg - With Shield 18 and I saw a few electric procs

    Daikyu Without shield 81 - With Shield 101 and I got one extra rare electric proc, but considering how the damage repartition works in warframe, it's normal.


    The critical bonuses were also working fine.


    As you can see today's update fixed the issues you reported about not getting the damage bonus, if you still think there is a bug, I'm afraid you'll have to provide a more detailed explanation so we can take a look at it.

  4. I can confirm that it works a lot better  with the Ignis now !


    I tested it in the simulacrum on a lvl 55 gunner and I got 11dmg ticks without shield and 15dmg ticks with it.


    I also got separate fire and electricity procs with fire proccing more often which is normal. Although I believe shooting through the shield previously combined the damage types -shooting fire projectiles changed the element to radiation damage and procs, for instance- I think I can live with that.

  5. "Please oh please Rebecca, would you make this one get through *googly eyes* us poor Volt users would eternally and beyond be grateful."


       With Volt's electric shield still broken by the range interaction removal fix brought by 17.4.2 as per https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/536676-volts-electric-shield-not-giving-bonuses-to-hitscan-weapons-with-punch-through/ and (Fixed! Thanks!)

       Having been said range interactions would be reintroduced ASAP nearly two months ago :

       Can we get a heads up about the state of Electric shield and what is planned to make it work again?


    Poor Volt's shield has been broken and mended so many times this year, I can barely see through the cracks.


    Edit : thanks for for the heads up in the Electric Shield thread, Rebecca !


    Edit 2 Thanks for the Electric Shield Fix ! My Question about range interaction still stands though. 

  6. Keep in mind that consoles prices are higher than pc prices.  I maintain  my 75p estimation for a Pc player.


    Interesting thing that happened because people mostly want 'Gold' and 'Black/Red' Kubrows is that it made Blue a rarer occurence, hence making it rare de facto ^^

  7. wow interesting info ... sorry I thought you meant someone on reddit found this info or something like that .. didnt know the wiki changed the info... hope more people know about this maybe kubrow prices drop a bit now so people can get the colors they want without having to pay 1k plat or something


    I was as surprised as you when I first saw it honestly, I always believed natural colors had rarity.


    Here is a Kashmyr Sapphire from which the color is named to confirm  :




    Inb4 WTS Kashmyr Blue Sahasa Kubrow ...1mil plat' XD

  8. Did you check the wiki lately ? I said "latest"...


    Also The Op's kubrow seems to be


    Kashmir Blue #5A6B7F 


    Thanks to these finds we can now be even more acurate when describing Kubrows ^^. It was actually not dark blue as I thought in my first post. This one is simply known colloquially as "blue".

  9. According to the latest finds in the game files, each color has the same chance to happen. The rarity of each color can only be evaluated by how many people are selling them and how many people want them.


    So take what we say about rarity with a grain of salt.

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