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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 18 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

    You're kidding right? Why do you think they nerfed the rare resource buff - because it was giving far more than was intended.
    It's not just a UI oversight - if the buff icon on the HUD is overriding the previous buff, then what do you as the player expect to happen?
    It's a design mechanic flaw that I am certain they will correct in time. Just like with the rare resource buff; people will whine and complain and not understand that getting the amount that was being buffed in that manner was completely ridiculous and made no sense at all in comparison to how you would normally obtain it.

    If the buff icon on the UI overriding the previous one was meant to have the same impact on the buffs themselves, why give the resource doubling buff a 120 second duration in the first place, as it will never run its full duration?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

    Yeah I can understand that - even though they don't specify this (and they should tbh). But that doesn't change the fact that having something stack on top of the other when it isn't even displayed in the HUD is an unintended mechanic. Something that hasn't been properly addressed and fixed. I mean I was expecting it to be fixed when I saw that in the hotfix notes.

    Well the fact that you can't tell which variety of the buff you have at all from the icon is poor UI design, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the double resource buff stacking was unintended.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

    If you're referring to me - I was talking about this thread:

    "Fixed Smeeta's Charm ‘Doubled Pickups and Affinity’ buff not working as intended and doubling a number of things that were unintended. It now properly doubles pickups: Resource, Health, Energy, Affinity, Credit and Ammo (previously it would)."

    They clearly have not properly fixed the unintended buffs.


    That fix was to stop it doubling the number of syndicate medallions and the like, not to fix multiple copies of the buff stacking.

  4. There would be details to work through, of course, but I think it's a good idea.

    Someone queued specifically for one mission should always get a place before a player that is queued for more than one.

    In other games incentives are often used to get players to queue for 'random' missions, particularly for in demand roles, although Warframe doesn't really follow the tank / healer / dps model.

  5. 43 minutes ago, CookingFood said:

    And no, the setting disable-scope doesn't do that, it keeps the awful zoom/FOV. We should be able to remove the entire scope on the gun and turn it into a Rifle.

    That makes no sense, if you want a semi-auto rifle, use a rifle not a sniper.

    It's like asking to hold a rifle by the barrel, club mobs over the head with it and call it a hammer.

  6. 44 minutes ago, (PS4)thedarkness1962 said:

    So dont watch that part of the video but when recieving something like this aka being sponsored to create and promote content regarding a product(whether that product costs money or is free) it is a requirement that it be included in the video by the FTC which while an American entity(USA American) the laws and guidelines set by them is what youtube/google require all content creators no matter where they are to abide by. Its part of the whole transparent disclosure thing. 

    I doubt that's the reason. Most game ToRs specifically state that no in-game assets have any real world value, so giving those out wouldn't count as sponsorship.

    I also don't recall many review videos specifically stating that they have received the review copy of the game for free, despite that being the case for most well known game reviewers.

  7. I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences, sounds more like the sort of behaviour I'd expect from some MOBA players, not so much in MMOs.

    11 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    I think the Clan experience is undersold and VERY underrated in WF.

    Instant access to 30% more content and a higher grade of co-player is invaluable.  

    DE Steve even mentions a recommitment to Clans in 2017 in the Devstream.

    If the focus is to be clan content, rather than alliance, then I hope DE introduce some way to merge clans that allows you to recover some of the resources you've invested in building them.

    I have a solo clan that I've researched virtually all the projects in just because I'm something of a completionist, and it's a personal challenge to carry that on and finish everything by myself, so I'd prefer new group content was at the alliance level.

    It also reduces the risk that you'll have to walk away and leave all your work behind if things don't work out within the group.

  8. @LordClaros My normal practice in MMOs is to get into a good guild/clan/whatever as soon as possible and then turn off public chats and never look at them again.

    I haven't felt the need to do that in Warframe, but if you're having a bad experience then getting into a good clan, or getting your clan into a good alliance may help you find people that you enjoy playing with.

  9. 9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)SilverWolf198 said:
    On 12/5/2016 at 4:27 AM, AhziDahaka said:

    Simulor should really require a charge-up time for the vortex effect, or suffer from a low rate of fire, or have very limited ammo, or something.

    Just a suggestion, I'm no expert. But why don't they make the magazine the amount of orbs it takes to create a vortex?

    The vortex/singularity is not a big deal when looking at the Simulor's damage, the real damage comes from the blast when orbs merge.

    My Synoid Simulor with the standard Vile Acceleration fitted fires just over 5 shots per second for a total merging base damage of 875 (5 x 175) per second, in comparison a vortex will deal 50 base damage per second.

  10. 2 hours ago, TermiteFrame said:

    you know you can one shot jugg at any level with ash, ivara, or equinox and a dagger with CL. You don't need to, but if its become an issue that is something you can do.

    Covert Lethality works with any frame that can open a mob up to finishers, so Inaros would work too, probably several other frames as well.

  11. 2 hours ago, Ssiki said:

    in theory best chances are those that reward axi in rot B-C like "some" nodes, but no one does that mission.

    The 'hard' defense missions (best option right now, imo) are easy to solo, you only need to survive to wave 20 then rinse and repeat.

    1. If a spore is popped on molt, regardless of the weapon used or the elemental damage on it, all enemies in spreading range will take viral damage and have a viral status effect applied.
    2. If you attack a spore infected molt with your melee weapon when toxic lash is active, you are guaranteed to pop a spore, but you won't spread a toxin proc.
    3. No, it spreads viral status (see 1).
    4. No, popping spores by whatever method will spread viral status.
    5. Basically, yes. More pedantically, a proc is the act of afflicting the target with a status effect.
    6. Check the details for the individual weapon on the Wiki, some weapons apply special status effects on slam.
    7. Toxin status is only spread by popping spores if the target already had a toxin effect when the spore was popped, in addition to the viral status that popping the spore would normally spread. The Wiki has the damage calculation.
    8. The easiest way is to hit an enemy (not molt) afflicted by spores with your melee weapon when toxic lash is active. As status effects are applied before damage is dealt, toxic lash will apply a toxin status which popping the spore will then spread to all surrounding enemies. A good way to do this at range is to use a thrown melee weapon like the Glaive or a gunblade like the Redeemer.


  12. 1 hour ago, Rolunde said:
    1 hour ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    Nope, you're proposing a complete rework of an ability just because of its interaction with one weapon. There are much better fixes.

    Such as... ?

    and apologies if you already made some suggestions, the thread's too long and honestly I care too little to go back and re-read everything.

    Well there have been several suggestions made, but the one I favour is...

    8 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    I think the best 'solution' would be to treat the orbs from Mirage's clones like multishot, so that they are already considered merged with Mirage's shot and don't get the blast damage, but they do contribute to forming a singularity.


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