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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 2 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

    not being able to pull items for other players and having a solid static object preventing it when certain weapons can shoot through them is not very intuitive imo.

    Not being able to pull through walls when a sentinel with vacuum can is not really intuitive either.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Pro3Display said:

    and this is why they play the game to get the result, not to enjoy the process, process doesn't bring them joy

    on the second thought actually  you are wrong: game = process + result.

    process without result is not worth participating.

    but if result is enjoyable process can be worth participating in regardless of how fun the process is

    worthiness of participating in unfun process realtively to enjoyment recieved from the result is purely subjective ofcource

    I play Warframe because I enjoy running around as a space ninja shooting things and blowing them up in interesting and fun ways.

    What's the point of getting a new, shiny toy if you don't enjoy the experience of playing the game? I'd just quit if I ever felt like that.

    Goals help to give focus to your play, and some sense of progress, but if you don't enjoy the process of achieving them, why bother?

  3. 3 hours ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    Yes, but then you should also scream and rage that he didn't bring a Radiant relic to his trace farm because THAT reduces your average Ducat return, too.

    Why would anyone scream and rage over a public mission? That's just ridiculous.

    My expectation is that everyone in a public fissure run will have intact relics, so someone not having a radiant relic doesn't reduce my expected ducat return. If anyone brings a refined relic that's just a bonus.

  4. 12 minutes ago, --GOOLOO_GOOLOO_GOOLOO-- said:

    Now I just read something. Multi shot is weird on this gun.

    I don't even know if multi shot helps or hurts.

    But again, it never let me down so idk.

    Multishot will help you form singularities quicker, but most of your damage comes from the explosion when the orbs merge, so you're better off with a damage mod. I'd definitely replace Split Chamber with Heavy Caliber if you can only fit 7 mods on.

    I need to review my build now aoe has a harder time getting headshots.

  5. 4 minutes ago, --GOOLOO_GOOLOO_GOOLOO-- said:

    this is literally what i'm using. I only have 7/8 mods installed. It takes like 10-15 seconds to kill a 125+ kuva bombard. They get stunlocked by the constant orb convergence plus you can explode them for safety + use a frame with simple CC

    not hard game



    I thought Split Chamber was pointless on a Simulor, because of how convergence works.

  6. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

    From Google. 



    So yes. Its an exploit. The designers of the game never intended Mirage to be able to spam a weapon this easily and this effectively. 

    No, the players are using Hall of Mirrors in exactly the way intended by the devs.

    The 'problem' is one of scale, not how the ability is being used. This is not an exploit.

    In virtually every game I have played, using an exploit will get you banned. No one will get banned for using Mirage+Simulor this way.

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

    You seriously think walking around and pressing a single button to annihilate everything in seconds and trivializing content is what they intended? 

    Seriously? lol 

    The power/scale of the combination may not have been anticipated (as I already stated), but using Hall of Mirrors to fire multiple copies of your weapon simultaneously is absolutely the intended behaviour, it's the whole point of that ability.

  8. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:


    Through our testing we have discovered this exploit. 

    Now they need to fix it 

    An exploit is when game mechanics are used in creative ways to achieve unintended outcomes.

    While Mirage + Simulor may be more powerful than the devs anticipated, the ability is being used as intended.

  9. 2 minutes ago, KuroNekoXlll said:

    Health conversion and equillibirum, unlike power strength,duration,range etc. indirectly enhances/changes the use for Desecrate in ways more than "more range" or "cheaper cost". 

    Not really, desecrate still does what it always did, only now that it has the nice synergy with Despoil and Health Conversion you're tankier while doing it.

    It doesn't fundamentally change the role Nekros has in a party.

  10. 19 minutes ago, SeriouslySinister said:

    If you couldn't join a fissure mission without a relic it would limit the ability of players to get void traces. Not everyone has a massive stockpile.

    You could still run fissures solo when you're just after traces, or form a trace farming party where no one brings relics. That way you don't negatively impact players who are after the prime parts.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Cat_Jam said:

    Obviously there's a benefit of having 4 people with 4 relics over 3 people with 3 relics, but the guy you quoted stated "a four man team where one guy doesn't have a relic".

    If you are one of the three people in that four man team with a relic, then you will have exactly the same expected ducat return as if you had just been in a three man team, that's the point.

    By not bringing a relic, the fourth person is reducing your expected ducat earnings when compared to what the situation would have been if he had brought a relic.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Dubcor3 said:

    A player who has it has not double the credits farming potential but far, far more. A player who doesn't have it will either have to buy his own for a hefty amount of plat, or resort to finding someone who has it and is willing to team up.

    Or, you know, rep for the Perrin Sequence and buy it directly themselves.

  13. 1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Electronic gaming precedes competitive gaming.  If you're considering competing against the computer, meta still came much later.  Take Pong as an example.  There isn't really a meta that can be used for that game. 

    Meta gaming in chess, for example, has been around for much longer than video games.

  14. 1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

    LOL.  This would imply that the player was a "Jack of All Trades".  :D

    Not really, you just need a decent build and to know how to press '4'.

    Of course a skilled Nova player would be even better, but really good CC and double damage for the whole cell is hard to beat as a starting point.

  15. 2 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

    So, are you saying META simply caters to the lowest common denominator?  "You too can achieve great things if you just push this 1 button!!!"

    There are usually two metas when it comes to games with even moderately complex combat systems. One that is easy to play (your 'lowest common denominator' scenario) and one that is theoretically the best but may require significant skill to pull off successfully.

    How different the two metas are will depend on game balance, a truly OP option may end up being the best, regardless of skill.

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