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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 1 minute ago, Rolunde said:

    Maybe if Mirage's Clones were turned into a solely defensive ability that could really help bridge the gap between the sort of "2 sides" here

    1 - Mirage+SS = "too OP"
    2 - Mirage is too squish, she's a dps frame it's all she's got. It's "kill or be killed out there"

    1+2 =

    3 - Clones no longer adding any form of damage boosting interaction but mitigation. They could act similar to the Amesha archwing's "Watchful Swarm" ability/power absorbing damage that would be taken by Mirage boosting her survivability. 


    Nope, you're proposing a complete rework of an ability just because of its interaction with one weapon. There are much better fixes.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    Jug spawn more units continuously. This means that in extermination missions there is no end until jugg is dead.

    That's why you stop/prevent further killing at the warning, before it spawns.

    Edit: In case you missed it, the point of banishing your teammates is not to protect them from the juggernaut, it's to stop them killing infested so that the juggernaut doesn't spawn.

  3. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Itachi cx said:

    Any specific defense missions?

    'Hard' defense missions:

    • Neptune, Proteus
    • Pluto, Outer Terminus
    • Eris, Kala-azar
    • Sedna, Hydron
    • Void, Belenus
    • Lua, Stöfler
    • Kuva Fortress, Tamu

    Relevant relics:

    • Rot A: Neo S5 (10%)
    • Rot B: Axi E1 (5.26%)
    • Rot C: Axi E1 (7.04%)
  4. 1 hour ago, Tizodd said:

    Unfortunately, it will keep happening as long as people are rewarded with upvotes and cool points.  It would be nice if mods start deleting those types of posts so that the topic could be discussed without the heckling.

    Just get rid of the upvote system, I don't see that it serves any useful purpose.

  5. 1 hour ago, ViS4GE said:

    Like riven mods that are all over trade chat, trade forum, youtube and even here ?

    I agree that talking about riven mods isn't particularly spoiling anything, it's not like knowing they exist gives you any clues about the content of TWW quest.

  6. 1 minute ago, ViS4GE said:
    43 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    So funny how we still try to keep secrets even with all the official and unofficial videos about these quests lol come on.

    It's ridiculous is what it is.

    It's considerate to those who don't want their surprises spoiled, is what it is.

    It's really not that hard to do.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Krumplifej said:

    This could be very well the reason.

    Also, could you link your detailed analysis you mentioned in your other post? I'm interested in it. (Haven't done one myself, because I don't have much data on the old system, like drop chance % values. I could do one with assuming everything had the same chance to drop, but it would be pointless, because forma was way more common in C rotations than anything else)

    Sure, I'll throw a post up later today once I've turned my messy workings into something that others will be able to make sense of.

    On a totally unrelated topic *cough* *cough* you can look at previous commits in a GitHub project to see what the files were at any point in time.

  8. 3 minutes ago, PoobahTheGrand said:

    I always wondered why is it that console gets PA around the same time PC does but they have to wait for everything else?

    Probably because the PA items are already in the build, they just get 'turned on' on the day of release?

    Edit: I have no experience with the cert process for PSN or XB Live, but for others like the Google play store, there's a difference in cert process for changing code and changing data.

  9. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

    but then you read their topic " nerf this, nerf that", " this item is denying my fashionframe", "what color should i put on my panties " .  Im not even starting about feedback area, sometime you find nonsense posts and you want to hit your head on a table and break it.

    Welcome to the internet...

  10. Just now, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

    the problem with the forums ? too many people look like super experts at first sight, then by reading you understand they copy paste everything from youtube. Basically copy paste builds  and opinions as well. Im not talking about the entire forums but a good 40% of the posts

    I honestly don't mind that, at least they're posting (hopefully) good information.

    What irritates me more is people posting misinformation, or posting opinions as if they are facts.

  11. 52 minutes ago, (PS4)W0Wbaggr said:

    Forgive me for not having read the whole thread, but isn't the problem with Mirage using Synoid Simulor that she can pretty much instantly form singularities? What if the projectiles she and her clones fire didn't merge with each other, thereby forcing her to spend more time creating singularities in any one place? At the moment, it feels like she can be everywhere at once, leaving nothing for others to do, and it's therefore mind-numbingly boring to play in a squad with one.

    The problem is not so much with the singularities, but the damage from the orbs combining.

    While stopping Mirage's clones' orbs from combining would reduce the merging damage, it would also create three times as many singularities on the screen, and for many people the visual clutter is a big part of the problem.

  12. I think another reason the relic system may feel more grindy is that the work is very front-loaded.

    It takes a while to acquire a stock of the new relics and you're thinking "Ugh, I've done all this work and not even run a fissure mission for the part I want yet.", not realizing that most of the work is now behind you and the final step of getting the part you're after will be quick by comparison.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Clazzeh said:

    My issue is walls of text without punctuation or paragraphing to separate out points. A more solid text wall than one that has holes in it. Added in a line to make that more clear.

    I'll admit I was in part just poking fun, but you did suggest that people use a bullet point summary while being the polar opposite of brief and to the point with your own post.

  14. 59 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Thats why I added a cost involved in getting the exact relic... it's not about making it trivial


    13 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    What about changing the current system so we farm for keys for lith, meso, neo and axi and each of these keys can be converted (small reactant/credit cost) into the specific relic we actually need or we can take a free random relic instead....

    Sounds pretty trivial to me.

    If you made the trace (I'm assuming you meant that, not reactant) or credit cost non-trivial then you're just moving the grind from relic farming to trace/credit farming.

    The only substantial difference is that you're proposing a change from a random time cost (RNG on relic drops) to a more fixed time cost (grinding the specified amount of traces/credits).

    The whole RNG/fixed reward system choice is a bigger game design philosophy question than just prime part farming.

  15. 10 hours ago, Zaitsiev said:

    Acording to the Wiki though, it says " Work off base weapon or ability damage, giving full effect and physical damage even to elemental based weapons like Ignis", so I belive that Madurai's passives can add slash, pucture and impact damage as they should normally, and it also says that it is affected by mods that increase base damage (Like Serration).

    Personally I haven't tested this, so take it with a grain of salt, but this info says that it should work.

    Source: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus/Madurai

    Well, there would be no reason to put that in the Wiki if it didn't work, as it's not what you'd intuitively expect.

    Time to work on Madurai, looks like Nekros wielding a slashing Secura Lecta could be a thing after all, $$$$!

  16. 1 hour ago, Kintair said:

    But since you asked... Perhaps remove the "blast" AoE from joining singularities entirely and up their DPS? So it becomes less of a general-purpose nuke and more of a strategist's weapon. Or maybe shift it so the blast happens upon destruction of the singularities, rather than creation/addition? That might be better, since detonation could still be achieved on demand by the alt-fire. And then make the blast deal self-damage to discourage spam, since you'd have plenty of time to get away from one, but if they were all over...

    That would completely destroy the Simulor as a viable weapon for large parts of the game.

    Basically unless you're completely stationary, it would be useless as you'd need to fire four or five shots before it did any damage at all.

    I think the best 'solution' would be to treat the orbs from Mirage's clones like multishot, so that they are already considered merged with Mirage's shot and don't get the blast damage, but they do contribute to forming a singularity.

  17. 2 hours ago, Krumplifej said:
    On 12/7/2016 at 2:36 PM, ChuckMaverick said:

    I'd say Hieracon is best if you have a good team that can run two extractors simultaneously, otherwise Zabala is better.

    Except that an extractor requires 100 seconds, while surviving 5 minutes requires 300 seconds.

    That's all moot now as Axi E1 drops from both rotation B and C in hard defense missions since hotfix 19.3.1.

    • Rot A: Neo S5 (10%)
    • Rot B: Axi E1 (5.26%)
    • Rot C: Axi E1 (7.04%)

    'Hard' defense missions:

    • Neptune, Proteus
    • Pluto, Outer Terminus
    • Eris, Kala-azar
    • Sedna, Hydron
    • Void, Belenus
    • Lua, Stöfler
    • Kuva Fortress, Tamu


    2 hours ago, Krumplifej said:

    Everybody knows that the new system has added more grind

    Many people think that the new system has added more grind, but they're wrong, as I stated in my earlier post in this thread...

    16 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    So I ran some numbers of the old (pre-SotR) void key system vs the current relic system and the results were interesting.

    I'll save the full analysis for another thread, but the TL;DR is that you get prime parts quicker with relics (4.5 hours vs 6 hours), but you got more endo/ducats per hour while you're doing it with void keys.

    Those numbers include everything from start to finish, farming void keys, relics, void traces and the prime parts.


  18. 3 hours ago, Ghogiel said:

    I'm being generous to the new system for trying not factoring in the time it actually takes to get a 4 man rad share for 90% of the relics out there. If it's not the fotm relic you'll be lucky to even get a party together at all let alone in under 15min. Which is the real failing of the system, the main way it can actually lessen the grind is usually rendered moot in actual practice.

    I've picked up a ton of random prime parts that I needed just by running public fissure missions for void traces, that's a huge benefit of the relic system.

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