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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. So with Ember being unvaulted I find myself for the first time in the position of wanting to do radshare fissure runs.

    Never having done one before, I thought I'd start a discussion with the community about radshare etiquette, to see what common practice is and so that I don't make an &#! of myself.

    How, exactly, do radshares work in your experience?

    I'm assuming you don't all run with radiant relics for the very first cycle, but instead take turns with everyone putting up a junk relic when it's not their turn. Is this correct?

    If you get the drop you're after on the first cycle, what happens? Do you continue and run all four radiant relics anyway?

    Help out a radshare noob, please!

  2. Just now, Skaleek said:

    Once someone starts to grind the PA, I think the odds go way down that they will pay for it, due to the fact that they've invested time and progress into it. So i can only surmise they make this one hurt so that the next PA people will buy. Maybe I'm an odd duck, but when someone tries to coerce me like this, they make me less likely to give them money. I used to give DE money on a regular basis because i loved the game and design direction. As of late i have no desire to give them a penny.

    One way to 'beat' the system would be to wait until the next Prime Access reshuffles all the drop tables again, then Axi V5 will be as common as all other Axi relics and a new one will take its place as 'most rare'.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    DE is making their own system grindier than it needs to be, and for what? So we play a few extra hours and burn ourselves out more? Is that really going to increase profit? It's exhaaaausting.

    The only conclusion that I can draw is that it's grindier to encourage people to buy the Prime Access / Vault packs, instead of farming them.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    I removed that part of my post because i didnt re-iterate that im doing excavation or interception, as they are leaps and boooounds faster than defenses and survivals. and still faster per key per minute with only one drop in C. Read the whole post, are you really telling me that V5 is not the most sought out, rare Axi relic currently? Maybe E1 now, but ignore that one.

    I agree that excavations can be much faster, but interceptions take at least 3.5 minutes per round (that's how long it takes to get to 100% with all 4 nodes capped) which is probably on a par with defense, and not all that much faster than survival.

    Yes, Axi V5 is missing from rot B of Xini and other missions in that group (and only there), but those missions are so far out of line with the drop chances of any other mission that drops relics that they're probably due for an 'adjustment' anyway.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    No, Axi V5 only drops on C rotations whereas all the others drop from B and C. Also, the newest Axi relic, E1, is excluded from a ton of the drop tables. Currently not even xini rot C has them, the only place i know where to get them is Hieracon rotation C.

    Smart about where i farmed them? Hieracon rotation C was and is the fastest Axi V5 key per minute of farm currently, and during the Valk PA. Go on reddit and look up the drop tables, theres an excel sheet, the AXI V5 relic drops less than all the other relics, by virtue of it being excluded from all B rotations.

    You need better sources for your information.

    Xini and other 'hard' interception missions are the only place where the Axi V5 was missing from a rotation, it dropped from every other Axi relic drop location, with exactly the same chance as all other Axi relics.

    Hieracon or Zabala (depending on your group) are the best places for Axi E1.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    This system doesn't have to be worse than the old system. DE just makes it that way. Venka Prime blades, of which you also needed 2, were on the relic that just happened to drop way less than any other Axi relic, effectively making these "common" parts, rare.

    No, as long as you were smart about where you farmed them*, Axi V5 relics dropped with exactly the same chance as all other Axi relics.

    (* There is one class of mission where Axi V5 is missing from rot B)

  7. 2 hours ago, PiotrGracz said:

    +100 to Solo extraction.

    2 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    join missions in progress

    -1 to that. i believe after wave 5-10(or 5/10 min) you should not be able to join ongoing session.


    I'm not sure why you quoted a fragment of my post out of context, I wasn't the one making the original suggestion.

    But now I'm curious, why do you think that option is a bad idea?

  8. In one of the (many) other threads on this exact same topic, someone mentioned that the maths had been done to demonstrate that the new relic system was more time efficient when farming for prime parts.

    I think that was while I was on a break, does anyone have a link to those calculations?

  9. 1 hour ago, ObsidianG said:

    That is why I only do solo missions or with friends. Not only for prime farming but in the whole game in general.

    While I also like the control that running solo gives for most content, I'd still run relics in groups because the chance to choose from others' loot more than outweighs any very occasional issues with not getting 10/10 reactant.

  10. Just now, ----Fenrir---- said:

    They need to re-work the system. For example I also want new people be able to join after the first round/excavator whatever. Because the problem currently is that let's say 2 people leave, that means you either also leave or you have to keep playing with only 2 people because no one new can join anymore after the first objective is archived. While this makes sense in missions like extermination or sabotage, it makes no sense in endless missions. New people should be able to fill open slots as long as the mission is running.

    That was my initial thought when reading some posts in this thread, but unfortunately that could mean low geared players being thrown into an endless mission at a point where they have almost no chance to survive.

    It would only work if you gave players an option to join missions in progress or not.

  11. 46 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    - Hyekkas and Drahks being able to smell a Tenno and alert their masters.

    From the wiki...

    • Hyekka Masters have highly sophisticated sensors that allow them to hunt and tame Feral Kavat, which have natural invisibility. As such, they are capable of detecting enemies with stealth, adding a further danger to some missions.


    47 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    - bumping into an enemy (semi-alert).

    This already happens.

  12. 59 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

    The only prove i can bring to show this wasnt thought about and is just a big oversight is that was NEVER like that before, the only limitation we ever had was to have only 3 custom presets for frames and weps.
    But formaing 8 times could EVER fit all we wanted so far.

    If the forma system wasn't intended to restrict flexibility then polarities wouldn't exist, applying a forma to a mod slot would reduce the cost of any mod placed in that slot.

    The reason that primed and riven mods have such a high point cost is also to balance their power by making them more difficult to fit.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Omnimorph said:

    I don't have a problem with Mirage being a DPS frame, that's what she's supposed to be.  It's the weapons themselves.  On paper there are plenty of other weapons and combos that ought to be as good, but the problem is there aren't because those two weapons are ridiculously easy to use to get disproportionately high numbers.

    Put it this way, in a trope: at the end of missions, I expect to see some discrepancy, and some toons/weapons consistently going orange.  That's fine, that's not a problem.  The problems are a) ridiculous ease of use to get b) disproportionately high numbers. 

    All things being equal (i.e. holding skill level constant) I don't expect to see 60-80% with one character, and others getting like 5% or 12%, I expect it to be more proportionate - i.e. consistent advantages to particular DPS frames/top tier weapons, but within only a few percentage points.

    Leaving Mirage/Simulor aside, as that has a unique synergy that makes the combination really powerful, any potato'd and multi-forma'd AoE weapon is going to obliterate regular starchart mobs, that's just the nature of AoE weapons and the fact that they've been invested in to be able to take on much tougher enemies in sorties/raids/endless missions.

  14. 1 minute ago, UltimateSpinDash said:

    What about unique weapons? Same for Warframes, there is currently no way to get Chroma, Mirage and the other quest frames a second time without paying plat.

    I can't think of any unique weapons, although some will be very hard to get a second copy of. The issue with frames is more a general one about the acquisition of those frames, not just forma restrictions; it's also a problem for people who sold them without realizing they couldn't get another. 

    2 minutes ago, UltimateSpinDash said:

    Not to mention that you can't do much to distinguish two identical weapons or Warframes.

    You can look at the stats when you're selecting them in your armory, although it would be nicer if you could define custom names for each individual weapon and frame.

    2 minutes ago, UltimateSpinDash said:

    Your suggestion is a workaround, but not a solution.


    2 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

    dont take it the wrong way, but dont think that can be considered a solution, A palyers side workaround for a game limit at best.
    Really wouldnt ever build a weapon and slapping 7 formas and a potato on it to access just to access an extra mod disposition.
    I know some people already doing that because they find limiting having only 3 possible presets, but most of them do it for frames or low forma weapons when the effort for doing that is really low or unexistent (like a loki prime that can fit almost anything with just a potato)

    If you want an even moderately balanced game then each additional increase in power needs to be exponentially harder to obtain.

    The way that the polarity system is designed is to force you to make hard choices as you cram more and more power into your weapon or frame.

    You can get more power, but at a loss of flexibility.

  15. 30 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

    What do you think? are you experiencing the same? i already did point out that having minmaxed weapons is not a priority, but should still be a chance for everyone without downsides other that the effort of formaing and farming like crazy, where locking build diveristy is a serious downside

    If you want multiple builds for the same weapon (or frame) that don't fit comfortably, just build multiple copies of that weapon (or frame) and give them different polarities.

  16. 30 minutes ago, Blanchflower said:

    By the way, if you reach MR20, can you deploy 5 extractors? Thanks.

    From the wiki...

    • Mastery 0–4: 1 drone
    • Mastery 5-9: 2 drones
    • Mastery 10+: 3 drones
    • Founder: +1 drone
    • Prime Access: +1 drone

    The maximum of deployable drones is 5 with rank/founder/prime access combination


    Though I am MR17, not a founder and haven't bought a Prime Access and I can deploy 4 extractors, so possibly Prime Accessories (which I have bought in the past) also counts for that last +1 drone.

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