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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 6 minutes ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

    what more is there to say? yes i dont like trying to run quick void trace farms where there's always that guy being far behind, it usually just takes 20-30 seconds not 2 minutes.

    If you're just farming void traces it would be much quicker solo. You'll extract the instant you reach extraction and can get right on with the next mission.

  2. 53 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Maybe they could 'combine' the old system and the new system into something like below. 

    As it is now we farm for relics, prior to this it was keys, and then go and run the relevant level to try and get the prime parts.  What about changing the current system so we farm for keys for lith, meso, neo and axi and each of these keys can be converted (small reactant/credit cost) into the specific relic we actually need or we can take a free random relic instead....

    Under the old void key system, getting the right key was easy, but getting the prime part was a grind.

    Under the relic system, getting the right relic is a grind, but getting the prime part is easy.

    If you take the grind out of getting the right relic then the whole system becomes trivial and everyone will have the new shinies on the day they're released/unvaulted.

  3. 1 minute ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

    how many fissure games have you played where a user finds the exit before mission is completed? capture? exterminate? survival? excavation?

    About as many as those where someone arrived at extraction a whole minute before the rest of the team, i.e. virtually none.

  4. 27 minutes ago, SoulEaterReaper said:

    okay so its still bugged, i afk'd at extraction and when i got back i had no reward.

    they need to get this issue fixed and quick.

    Had you actually completed the mission objective before heading to extraction, or just cracked your relic then left the rest of the squad to deal with the objective?

    I doubt the game counts you as being 'at extraction' if the objective isn't complete, even if you know where extraction will be from and wait there.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Inarticulate said:

    In the new system, all players start on equal footing and can focus all of their time farming the unvaulted relics instead of wasting time farming something else first.

    Yep, although I mix in some running of the unvaulted relics too. If I get all the items I need from a relic I can stop farming it and focus on the others I need.

    Of course, the best option of all is to farm the primes before they get vaulted, so make sure you know which ones are next in line.

  6. 5 hours ago, Ghogiel said:

    when the 9% is coming from Mot rot C surv (ahhh PTSD) which then leaves you having to beat 12.5% at the part on top if you rad it, what's the probability of hitting the item you want? I'll take back everything I said about the new system being better odds wise lol.

    So I ran some numbers of the old (pre-SotR) void key system vs the current relic system and the results were interesting.

    I'll save the full analysis for another thread, but the TL;DR is that you get prime parts quicker with relics (4.5 hours vs 6 hours), but you got more endo/ducats per hour while you're doing it with void keys.

    Those numbers include everything from start to finish, farming void keys, relics, void traces and the prime parts.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Ivan_Rid said:

    Existence of rare Axi relics is dumb, shady and player unfriendly practice.

    All the relics per tier should have equal drop chances at the same rotations.

    All relics per tier do have equal drop chances for the rotations that they are in.

    Just avoid those missions where the relic you're after is missing from a rotation.

  8. 5 hours ago, ArbitUHM said:

    I dunno, getting a group together that actually knows what they are doing in those puzzle rooms can be a challenge. If you try pubbing it, you usually end up with three people standing around clueless while one frustrated player tries to get someone to help them complete the puzzle.

    I found it somewhat annoying.

    The only one that can't be completed solo is the co-op one, anything that takes patience or thought I tend to do solo as pubs are too unreliable.

    1 hour ago, TheyreFood said:

    what in this has less than 20% chance of happening, i dont understand... 

    I assume they're referring to the puzzle rooms spawning, they're not guaranteed and if you don't know exactly what you're looking for you can walk right past them.

  9. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    What if you have 2 brothers, or father/son playing with each other .... is it exploiting the system?

    because each one will be having a seperate profile and a seperate xbox or PS4, but they are sitting next to each others

    Of course not, that's two different people.

    The only case where it's considered an exploit is if the same person is playing multiple accounts and trading between them (or possibly using them in the same party).

    58 minutes ago, LABAL said:

    That kind of secrecy feels... shady at best.

    Not really, as long as the rules are clear.

    Discussing individual cases on the forum just leads to lots of rules lawyering and drama, I've never seen it end well.

  10. Just now, DeMonkey said:

    Not sure why you've quoted me, not my thread.

    Quote the OP and tell them. However given they posted this and immediately went offline I doubt they care.

    My bad, I assumed that a response like that would have come from the OP. Should have checked.

  11. 37 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Tbh, if you're going to remove any semblance of context (regardless of whether or not it should have been posted) then you might as well just lock/remove the thread.

    Without anything to actually discuss the thread is literally pointless.

    I assume you could always repost the image with any names obscured, as long as the content doesn't otherwise violate forum rules.

  12. 2 minutes ago, salubri said:

    i only found dumb that they didnt count some tasks done, like the sedna junction ones, while there was others that they count after the starchart change, i have 20 lua mods, and the task is not counted since all were before the startchart rework and i havent touched Lua since

    You could have traded for them rather than passing the tests yourself, the game probably didn't track how you acquired them back before junctions were a thing.

  13. 25 minutes ago, xRufus7x said:

    While I would like to see more diversity in the relic cracking goals, reactant is fine. It mitigates hallway camping and keeps people moving and I don't know that I have ever seen anyone not get their 10 unless they joined late.

    I think it's only happened to me a couple of times recently, once when I joined late and once when the mission changed from sabotage to exterminate mid-mission and there weren't enough mobs left.

    On a couple of occasions my UI has said 10/10 reactant, but when I got to extraction I didn't get to choose a reward, which sucked.

  14. 1 minute ago, Buff00n said:

    Even with four radiant relics at there's only a 5.23% chance of two or more rare rewards dropping from the same fissure mission.  Running them all at once is faster, harder to cheat, and has a pretty low chance of being inefficient.

    Yep, except for unvaulted radshares where you may want every item that drops from those relics, but instead of possibly getting four of them, you can at most get one if you run all relics at once.

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