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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 5 minutes ago, AhmadIvu said:

    Just had only 3-4 runs last night as it was already late midnight for me had to get up early for office today, so can't confirm but I've always found XINI a decent place for farming any type of NEO & XINI relics. Lets see, I'll give a few shots after I get back home from office then will sure update you guys. But relic drop frequency is more consistent in Xini than anywhere else.

    Best of luck, but from looking at 'that which cannot be named on the forum', Axi E1 doesn't drop in Xini, so you'll need to go somewhere else for that.

    Edit: I don't even need to be that coy, just look at the 'drop sources' for Axi E1 in your codex, Xini isn't on the list.

  2. A bit more info regarding the Zabala vs Hieracon choice:

    Rotation B for Hieracon has more than a 50% chance to drop a mod instead of a Neo relic, Zabala is 100% Neo relics.

    Rotation C for Hieracon has six cheap mods that can drop as well as Axi relics, Zabala has only one (Life Strike).

    On the plus side for Hieracon, it's an excavation instead of a survival, so you get through the rotations faster.


    Also, from the info I'm looking at, Sechura doesn't drop Axi relics at all.

  3. My suggestions for farming locations:

    Lith G1: Orokin Derelict Defense

    Has almost 50% higher drop chance than Augustus, Mars and drops on rotation A, not B, so you can just do 10 waves for two chances then extract and repeat.

    Meso F2: Io, Jupiter (Corpus) or Helene, Saturn (Grineer) [Defense]

    Drops on rotation A, so again you can just run 10 waves and extract. There are no excavation missions on Jupiter or Saturn.

    Neo S5 and Axi E1: Zabala, Eris [Dark Sector Survival]

    Neo S5 drops on rotation B, Axi E1 drops on rotation C, both with higher drop rates than Hieracon (Neo S5 is more than twice as likely to drop in Zabala).

  4. 1 hour ago, WilliamHartono12 said:

    I realized that the drop for newer relics (axi v5, axi e1) is very very low.. like now we have 11 axi relics.. 100/11 = about 9% to get what we want, and the thing is.. they more likely to give older relics..

    The Axi E1 relic is completely missing from some of the usual Axi relic drop locations, but for those missions where it is in the drop table, it has exactly the same chance to drop as all the other Axi relics.

    Edit: For Hieracon rotation C, there are also 6 mods that can drop, so your chance of getting a specific Axi relic is less than 100/11.

  5. 3 hours ago, Pinkkifantti said:

    IMO secura lectra should be on other syndicate too, so people wouldn't be sitting on top of it now, when it actually got useful.

    The Synoid Simulor, Telos Boltace, Vaykor Hek and Vaykor Marelok are all sought after weapons, if you have gone with the 'other side' for syndicates you can always try a WTT with one of those for the Secura Lecta.

  6. 26 minutes ago, shadowfire380 said:

    5>1 still seems to come out on top. 

    Also by giving only 5 it is mirroring the kubrow alerts because with kubrows you need an egg and a power cell where as kavats don't need a power cell.

    An egg alert gives 50% of what is needed to get a dog so why should a cat one give 100%?

    Kavats need power cores too, what gave you the idea that they didn't?

  7. 3 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

    No, I didn't.

    Taking a break from farming relics until Frost and Ember are shoved back in the vault. Already got them, don't need more relic dilution just yet. 

    I took the opposite approach, as I knew I'd be farming relics during the unvaulting (I need Ember and Glaive Prime) I held off farming for Valkyr/Cernos/Venka relics as I'll get those while farming for Ember/Glaive anyway.

  8. Just now, Dubcor3 said:

    Which takes weeks.

    Running Akkad all day is no fun either.

    If you want the goodies without the work, then you gotta pay.

    In Warframe as in life.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Calvyr said:

    That's not the problem. If (presumably) a large portion of the relics needed to farm the unvaulted primes are Axi, it's going to increase the number of relics from that era, which already has substantially more relics than any other era, making it harder to actually get the relics that you need.

    Say I currently need items from 2 of the 8 Axi relics, and two more Axi relics are added for the unvaulting that also contain items I need, my chance of getting a relic I want just went up from 2/8 (25%) to 4/10 (40%).

  10. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

    I hope people got their valkyr, cernos, and venka farming done, because the relic drop tables are about to become more diluted.

    That depends on your definition of diluted.

    For me, the ratio of relics that have something I need to relics that don't is about to get better.

  11. 52 minutes ago, (XB1)thespacemeister said:

    You probably know what I'm talking about,

    Yes, because I've seen many different posts on exactly this topic over the last few days.

    Edit: Please contribute to existing relevant threads rather than creating new, redundant ones.

  12. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    There is literally no downside to the weapon and can compete with any other aoe damage weapon in almost any situation.

    There are downsides to the Simulor, although I accept that they are not overwhelming.

    • It can only fire at a fixed range, cannot fire any further and is awkward for closer targets or when moving fast
    • You need at least two shots to do any damage at all (unless Mirage)
  13. 5 minutes ago, Fast_98 said:

    How is it the weapon fault? Have you tried using it against a level 100 gunner or bombard? I takes you 15-20 sec for the bombard and 13-15 seconds to kill a gunner. It purpose it to get rid of trash enemies.

    Now when I use my HoM build the time to kill a bombard went down to 5 seconds...she is the main reason that this gun consider op.

    Nerf it to the ground and then 2 weeks start complaining about the new meta gun that she'll use. But never fix the root of the problem.

    It's not the Simulor's fault or Mirage's fault, but the interaction between the two of them.

    The fact that the majority of a Simulor's damage comes from orbs merging, together with Hall of Mirrors firing multiple orbs at the same time, scales the damage far higher than it would be with Mirage and any other weapon.

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