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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 12 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    Just wait until the "rework" her and all the time you put into her becomes worthless, and you have to grind up even more mods and forma her multiple times again. That's when things get really expensive.

    Most of the effort goes into the mods, which are never worthless as you can also use them on other frames.

    The time and resources required to rank up and forma a frame are trivial compared to the work that goes into max rank mods.

  2. 7 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    I called them lowering drop rates after the first few primes.

    Apart from 'hard' interceptions (Stephano, Cerberus, Xini, Berehynia, Mithra) on rotation B, the Axi V5 drops in exactly the same places and at exactly the same rates as all other Axi relics, as far as can be determined from that which cannot be named on the forums.

  3. 4 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

    Yeah, heaven forbid us common folk get our hands on it, right?

    Actually, Steve wants to bring that back, and make it no longer exclusive. Catch is it's not so simple, what with contracts and promises and the like. In other words: That's a whole different beast and won't happen despite a desire to do so.

    DE could always rework the look of Excal Prime, there have been calls for reworks of the older primes anyway, and give founders the old look as an exclusive skin.

    that way founders would still have their exclusivity and Excal Prime could be released to the masses.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

    Structure, neatness and personal preference.


    When finishing one paragraph and starting another you would leave a line between when writing an essay, same applies to typing. That and I don't like messy posts, it irks me. 

    But the forum does that for you, automatically.

    I don't know, maybe you have some unusual setup for reading the forum that doesn't show the default, automatic, double spacing for each paragraph.

  5. 17 minutes ago, -Rinzler said:

    And if youre somehow under the impression that a prime frame's stats are better than the vanilla in any way, you must be very delusional.

    We're going way off topic here, but prime frames clearly have stats that are objectively better than their vanilla version, to state otherwise is simply ignoring the facts. I'm not the one who is delusional here.

    Whether those stat differences are significant is a different debate, but they are unquestionably different.

  6. 16 hours ago, StalkingDragon said:

    Since we're already on topic: I just got a tricky challenge and could use some tips.

    "Get 13 kills in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor without raising any alarms"

    Ivara, group up enemies using noise arrow while in prowl, cling to the wall, Tonkor / Synoid Simulor, done.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ailissa said:

    I hope they don't base gameplay around Rivens.


    I have one for the Synoid and probably won't get any more so that would be me out. 

    DE have already stated that they don't intend to balance content around riven mods.

    Also, why do you double space all your posts?

  8. 19 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    This is one thing that I can't understand about this community, I`ve seen a lot of posts with the same mindset :|  Why would you be upset that something is discounted 1 or two years after you`ve bought it? Why should people that were not around at the time not have a chance to obtain these particular items?

    You're misunderstanding what's causing the upset.

    At Frost's last unvaulting, the only way to buy the Misa syandana was to buy the whole Frost Prime vault pack including Frost Prime, Latron Prime and Reaper Prime. People bought that whole pack despite already owning Frost, Latron and Reaper Prime, just so they could get the Misa.

    If it was just selling the same things as before, but cheaper, I doubt you'd see many complaints. But selling accessories separately now, when people felt 'forced' to buy the whole pack before despite already owning most of it, is what the objections are about.

    I'm not really sure why I'm the one explaining their case, as I'm not in that position myself. I bought the Frost Prime Vault pack last time, but then I didn't have any of the prime items, so it was all valuable to me.

  9. 1 hour ago, Omnimorph said:

    One example that struck me was the stealth test (I think it was MR8), which used to be possible to cheese with a stealth frame, now you have to do it by crouching and avoiding.  It can still be cheesed a bit with a Glaive or Kestrel, but it's clear that DE were well aware of how easy it was at one time, and closed that option off.

    The stealth test is MR9, and the Redeemer is currently the easiest way to complete it as the charged shotgun attack is completely silent and can take out enemies from across the map.

    I dislike jumping/platforming puzzles too, and will always look for an alternative route to complete them, Titania could be fun for those.

    Whether you consider it cheesing or not, there are usually one or two frames that are clearly better at completing any given test than all the other frames.

  10. 15 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    Actually, that would be a simile.

    It's you. Do you even know that at full rev every single shot takes something like 12 ammo? I don't mean that "like a machine gun" it fires fast and so ammo is used up quickly. I mean it literally uses like 12 ammo for every shot. Imagine if the Soma P only had 200 ammo, and if you held the trigger down, it would use 12 of those 200 ammo for every bullet it fired.

    At full spool the Kohm consumes 4 ammo per shot (just now tested in game), not 12.

    With Nekros a Shotgun Scavenger / Vacuum / Ammo Case setup can keep up with the fire rate just fine, even with Shotgun Spazz, and will allow you to spray and pray across widely spread enemies slicing the corpses up nicely for desecration.

  11. 2 minutes ago, SenariousNex said:

    Player  custom missions, let players set the parameters and set rewards that scale with how high they set the parameters, like enemy types, lvls, tilesets, I heard they were working on something like that.

    Custom missions would be really neat, but giving rewards for completing them would be dangerous and very open to exploits.

    Ideally the community would be able to share the custom missions they have designed, although I can foresee problems with 'creative' (read: NSFW) mission designs.

  12. The problem with end-game PvE content is that you need to keep replacing it with new end-game content as players complete it and get bored.

    You also need to make the next iteration harder to complete, so that the new content doesn't get cleared on the day of release; which means new weapons/mods/whatever are required to tackle the new content and power creep accelerates.

    This is fine for games that are designed around tiered content, like WoW, but that doesn't fit with the current Warframe design.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Reidmaster said:

    I would assume there will be a discount, would be kinda weird to not to do so

    This. If there's no discount then there's no point in selling a combined pack.

    Individual packs should be the standard price, Frost having been unvaulted before means nothing to his pricing.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Omnimorph said:

    The result is you can get high MR players who demonstrably have the requisite twitch abilities, which after all does count for something - but who at the same time have no idea how to play well in a team, or how to play their frame or weapon properly.

    Most of the tests can be passed even if you have terrible twitch skills, just by using the appropriate frame and a cheese strategy.

    Although that does at least demonstrate some knowledge of that frame's abilities.

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