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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. On 11/29/2016 at 0:29 AM, Dragazer said:

    I don't think so, I mean they already let us swap idle animations so just the skin textures would be simple.

    Idle animations are based on the skeletons, which are very similar across warframes; skin textures are based on the models, which are very different.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Maxine117 said:


    My opinion is that your post title should be more descriptive.

    If people have to go into your post to get some clue what it's about, you're doing it wrong.

    On topic - Looking forward to getting Ember/Glaive, I already have the rest.

  3. 2 minutes ago, -Unscripted- said:

    I really want high ranking tenno to get something more for working hard to achieve these status.

    You don't have to 'work hard' to get high MR, you just need to put in a lot of hours.

    Much better that you're playing the game to have fun playing the game, there are enough grind-based rewards in Warframe already.

    (Full disclosure, I'm MR17 with 2.2k hours played.)

  4. No, as other posters have already said, there are plenty of benefits to high mastery right now, we don't need more.

    It wouldn't hurt to highlight the benefits of mastery to new players, though.

    One thing we absolutely shouldn't have is mastery-based buffs that directly impact performance in missions, like energy or health regen, sprint speed, cast speed, etc.

    Those would just make co-op play less welcoming for newer players and drive MR elitism.

    If you really must have some additional incentive, then we could increase the riven cap based on MR, but honestly I'd rather DE just scrap the riven cap entirely.

  5. 5 minutes ago, jonnin said:

    The only major diff between your machine and mine is I have a gforce 550 series.   That is 1, maybe 1.5 generations apart, and should not be enough to give you super bad performance in and of itself, but maybe it does.

    GeForce GTX cards are for gaming, GT cards are for general use, there is a big performance difference when it comes to running games.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Numerikuu said:

    Why so hostile? Lol

    Regarding my original comment, it's all based on my own personal experiences, my friends' experiences and clan member’s experiences. Every single time new primes have been released it takes double the amount of relics/time to obtain them. A month/two passes by and they become easier to obtain. In-game economy/business reasons and all that.

    As for whether you or anyone else believes us or not, we couldn't give two shi-


    I'm not sure how you got hostility from that, I was merely surprised at the 'conspiracy theory' attitude.

    I can understand there being doubt under the old system, as drop rates were never officially published afaik, but with relics and refining the drop rates are actually displayed in the UI.

    By suggesting that drop rates are suppressed early on, you are flat out accusing DE of lying about the drop rates they show in-game.

  7. If you just want a 'quick/cheap' way to get past missions that are causing you trouble, a max efficiency/duration Ivara with a silenced Synoid Simulor will allow you to do pretty much everything on the starchart solo except interception and archwing missions.

    Simply run the whole mission in prowl (stay away from nullifiers) and you won't even get attacked, use your stealth bubble on the rescue targets so they don't get attacked either.

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