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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 5 minutes ago, Thebel said:

    Ranged units which is every heavy unit basically has garbage ai, melee units were and still are hyper aggressive, a group of butchers would get much more done vs a group of bombards or gunners because they don't take cover, the just charge in.

    Ah, I see. So it was a nerf offensively, but a buff defensively as they'll have a bigger health pool to soak up damage from the augment.

  2. 41 minutes ago, djtotato said:

    always wonder how they are gonna handle equinox prime since trade only supports 5 parts

    Equinox Prime needn't necessarily follow the construction method of regular Equinox.

    Dual Kamas Prime don't require 2x Kama Prime, unlike their non-prime counterparts.

  3. 10 hours ago, Godzelda123 said:

    This is true, but yet I don't see it referenced nearly as much as those two games. TF2 espeically seems way more popular when it comes to the fanbase and amount of players.

    TF2 isn't that much more popular than Warframe...


    Warframe is consistently in the top ten of all games on Steam, not just f2p games.

    Honestly, what does it matter how many people are talking about a game if they're not actually playing it? Warframe's player numbers and retention are very healthy.

  4. 1 minute ago, CommanderGemini said:

    Not really, you can just drop 1 weapon, and bring your lvled one instead that has lots of mods in it. It's only 3k less xp, and you will end up doing all the work most of the time. Since Akkad is full of leeches.

    As I said, it's only a problem if you can't pull your weight in the mission.

  5. 2 minutes ago, CommanderGemini said:

    What i like to do, is to craft like 20 different weapons at once(Few of each type), few warframes that i don't have, some sentinels. And then go to some high xp mission like Akkad. Did whole rank went from rank 12 to 14 (anbout 60k mr xp per rank at that lvl) in 1 day like that.  You get a lot of xp if you lvl warframe, 3 different weapons and a sentinel and sentinel weapon at the same time.

    That's fine if you're already MR15+ and have a decent number of mod points even on unranked gear, but if you can't pull your weight in the mission then you're just leeching off the rest of the party.

  6. My best advice would be not to just stick with one frame or weapon once you've got it to 30, craft and try out another one instead.

    That way you're varying your playing experience and raising MR at the same time.

    Don't go and grind out and one specific mission, just do it while you're unlocking the whole star chart.

  7. 1 minute ago, Ex09 said:

    Primed mods are twice the effect of the normal mod, right? Just like how Rivens mods can, depending on the roll. It just made think why Riven mods aren't considered Legendary and should cost 1mil tax as well. But then I thought, Riven mods are TWW bound and is RNG.

    So my point is, just ignore. Sorry. xD

    I think it's more that riven mods are tied to one specific weapon, so they are much less powerful overall than primed mods.

  8. Just now, spatakiller123 said:

    You know warframe's in game trade system is bad when a third-party website is far more effective at managing trading.

    Not really, EVE's trading system was really good, but there were/are still third party sites that offer much more functionality.

    Warframe isn't a trading simulator, it's not surprising that trading doesn't get the same attention as the combat system.

  9. 5 minutes ago, kim135 said:

    I have that problem too, I don't have enough money to trade the primed mods, but I really want to use them. I hope that the DE will remove the taxes or just reduce it.

    So farm up some junk prime parts for ducats and buy them from Baro, trading isn't the only way to get primed mods.

  10. 38 minutes ago, (XB1)ThermalStone said:

    Trade chat is fine. Learn to read faster.  I would never use separate tabs or a filter because then I might miss other trade opportunities.  

    That's why I'd prefer the filter option to separate tabs. If you don't want to use the filter, you don't have to.

    Especially now with item linking in chat, you could filter on a linked item and avoid problems with spelling.

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