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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. I generally just post something along the lines of "WTB/S <item> for <price>" and see if anyone is interested.

    If I see something posted at a price I'm happy with then I'll contact the other person, but I never contact anyone who doesn't state a price or asks for "offers".

    That said, if you've already announced your willingness to haggle by asking for offers, you should at least come back with a counter offer when someone contacts you, even if you don't like their price, unless it's completely unreasonable.

  2. 28 minutes ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

    Fool me into buying Mag Vault for just Targis Armor, Shame on Me. Attempt to Fool me again into Buying Frost & Ember Vault for Misa Prime and Pyra Prime, Shame on DE. The Amount of Nope I have is higher than the money Ive given to DE already.

    DE aren't trying to fool you into anything. They market the packs, tell you the contents and the price; you decide if it's worth your money.

    There's no deception going on here.

  3. 24 minutes ago, CrazyCortex said:

    I mean, there is a mega thread about the new sortie rewards with enough feedback for changes.

    And you know what megathreads are for, right? To stop loads of different threads being created all on the same topic, like this one.


    26 minutes ago, CrazyCortex said:

    Guess I'm just tired of seeing a sorties thread fifty times a day.

    So you thought you'd make yet another one?

  4. 42 minutes ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

    That's not the point, the drop rate has been proven to be reduced on certain nodes, that's what desecrated and others predicted and has been proven correct. Trying to waive that away with what a perfect team may or may not be able to achieve in excavation under perfect conditions doesn't change that.

    That's true, the Axi C1 and V5 relics have not been added to rotation B on one difficulty of one type of missions, when they have been added to every other Axi drop list.

    Whether that was deliberate or an oversight, only DE can answer.

  5. 9 minutes ago, silkygoodness said:

    Considering primed vigor will net you 220% in each stat giving you 440% total in defenses. With the 440 from the other two mods each gets 660%, and as a total that's 1320% defensive increase. That's nothing to take lightly. If you can fit it, it'll be that much better.

    At higher levels no amount of shields or health will save you, you're relying on CC to stay alive. You can't cast Chaos while you're sat on your &amp;#&#33; because you just got knocked down.

    I'm not saying Primed Vigor is bad, just that there are better options.

  6. 23 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    While I thought it was obvious, I guess it's not for everyone: Not everyone on this forum is a native English speaker (hence the number of grammatical and spelling errors that litter there threads).


    (You know I'm just messing with you, right? :wink:)

    On topic: There's always warframe.market if you want a relatively unbiased price-check.

  7. 1 hour ago, silkygoodness said:

    With a frame like nyx you don't need Flow, like at all because you'll mostly be pressing 3, and you want to hit a sweet spot with duration. Too long will prevent you from getting the stun again, too short and you will waste energy. You can get to this sweet spot with a maxed primed continuity and fleeting expertise. With a maxed expertise you hardly require a streamline, so you can drop that too. Then you add all three range mods to maximize the effectiveness of chaos, stretch, over extended and cunning drift. That's five mods, with 4 spots to spare. I add either intensify(to make absorb more useful) or a augment mod(although none are all that worth it). Then you can add all three vigor, vitality and redirection. You no longer need natural talent because you can keep chaos up 100% if the time.

    I'd still consider Handspring more valuable than Primed Vigor for that build.

    Edit: Hell, even Enemy Sense would get a slot before Primed Vigor.

  8. If you have a good pre-made team then excavations will net you more relics than interceptions anyway, despite the lower drop chance per rotation, as you can have multiple extractors running simultaneously.

    Interceptions will take a minimum of 3.5 minutes per rotation, a good excavation team can have almost finished their fourth excavator by then.

    Edit: The 'downside' is that you will actually have to play, not just sit in one location and press '4' or whatever.

  9. 3 minutes ago, PoobahTheGrand said:

    It means nothing to me because I don't even use Vigor, Redirection, or Vitality unless the frame has 0 survivability abilities. Primed Steel Fiber? Now that's what I want

    I generally run with Vitality because slash procs and toxin damage are a thing, that and Link Health for my Smeeta.

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