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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. This is getting rage-inducing already.


    I lost everything from THREE different T3 Defenses because of this.


    Its always the same, we do 20-40 waves and extract, the stat screen shows up as it should and I'M THERE. The liset loading screen starts, only for the sound to stop and I'm kicked to login screen!


    As I log back, I'm greeted by a 'something wrong happened, you want to relog to your squad' message and EVERYTHING I just got gone! Mods, primes, cores, exp, credits... And there is nothing I can do.


    Already tried to contact support, but all I got was a 'Sorry for that, but we can do almost nothing to help'. I'm afraid of actually finding an Ash bp there only to lose it to this.

  2. Reply window isnt showing without blocking scripts, cant quote, avatars arent loading, some posts are being posted over and over again, cant edit, text format will break everytime and delete paragraphs and the forum is taking AGES to load.

    What is happening, did someone forgot a twix bar inside the server like Valve did?

  3. Got kicked to login screen in the middle of a mission. Check.

    Lost primes and rare mods from all this. Check.

    Key was consumed. Check.

    Didnt got either exp or credits. Check.

    Happened TWO DAYS IN A ROW. Check.

    Cant login or load chat. Check.

    Got to use script blockers to be able to post in a forum that uses the same system as other 3 I visit. Check.

    Wont get anything in return for all I lost or the rage. Check.


    MobyTheDuck, the servers crashed across all platforms for everyone today. (Or yesterday, depending on where you are.)

    I was in ODD when it crashed.

    Unless your crash wasn't at that time.


    No idea when it was, but everyone extracted the defense, the extraction animation played, the end screen showed up with all the stats, then the liset loading screen started, only for me to get kicked to the login screen, losing EVERYTHING I had gotten on that void. Noone else from the squad got kicked or lost their stuff, only I did.

    And now I have to use a script blocker here to be able to post.

  5. Started to happen with me, cant post replies anywhere (Chrome, edge, steam overlay), I have to change the site script every single time to be able to write something. Deleting cache and cookies doesnt fix it.

    Doesnt helps that today the game decided to S#&$ on me and kick me to the loading screen, right after I extracted and was in the loading screen for the liset, making me lose literally EVERYTHING I had gotten on that void, even the exp was removed.

  6. Oh boy, I cant wait to waste hours of my life to get even more Ember helms and Bo blueprints! Maybe if I stack a hundred of each, I can get at least 10 ducats after the value reduction!


    Thanks for reducing grinding again guys!

  7. - Adding items to Rotation C with minimum drop chances

    - Filling the Void with undesired items (Sure do love 40 minutes of survival to leave with silver cores, forma and cells!)

    - Increasing the drop rate of undesired items (Orokin cells, cores, forma)

    - Keeping undesired items in rotation C

    - Adding samples as rewards on events (25 waves on defense to get a Mutagen Sample? SIGN ME IN)

    - Increasing Baro's Ducat prices

    - Decreasing Primes ducat value

    - Still no option to reconnect to squad in case of desync/host lag (What was that, you desynced for 3 seconds? Well, too bad, no items for you), unless you CRASH your game. Bonus ducks if you are the one that used the key and because of that everyone loses everything.


    I might get flak for this, but can we PLEASE stop 'reducing' grinding by increasing it?

    The main reason I stopped playing this game one week after the open beta started was how bad grinding and farming was to get ANYTHING done. I returned 2 years later to see that stuff had changed for the better, and then suddenly the grinding and farming are increasing again.


    I know the name of the game is Warfarm, but please.

  8. Also crashing after pressing Play on the launcher, already verified, optimized and turned off 64-bit mode, nothing worked.


    Started right after the hotfix, like with everyone around here.

  9. I got this problem WAY TOO MANY times, I'm surprised that this isnt fixed yet, since its happening for more than a week now.


    It seems like the player slot doesnt matters, as long you are not the host, the player that spawns on the left will usually get stuck on 2 different tilesets.








    Three different runs (although I already had gotten stuck before the first pic), two spots I spawned outside, it gets annoying to either use /unstuck, hoping the game doesnt spawns you behind an invisible wall/blocked room and having to restart every single time or jumping into oblivion and hoping that the game teleports you back in the map (like every game usually does and this one should do too) or just dying and having to spend a revive.

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