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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. After playing more, I noticed that I'm not having fun. I'm doing almost the same as playing the normal game with several nerfs and cripples and not getting any rewards for it.

    All the limitations to energy, health, modifiers, and the enemies massive eHP makes this a really annoying event unless you are playing with a cheese loadout. And I find this really funny to be honest, all these measures to stop cheesing, and it only made the cheesing strats effective.

    If you get the robot only team on the endurance, its better to just abort the mission, the INSANE enemy scaling plus their already massive armor/shield/health values makes them basically invincible after you grab a few points.

    The mod drop chance is using the regular drop chance from common mobs, 2%, plus 3 of them are rare mods, so getting these is a really small chance, unlike Kela or the Acolytes that have 100% drop chance. I can spend the entire match killing them and only end with one common mod. Either increase the drop chance to something like 10%-25%, or also add them as end of mission rewards, OR make them all uncommon mods and add them to a boss drop table (The Sergeant could get a rework hint hint)

    The rewards are also terrible, spend credits to get credits, anyone that does sorties and raids now and then have no need for credits, even if I fully level all my R10/P10 mods, I still will have more than 20 million.

    The Badge/Sigil look great, but the other reward being an exilus adapter, a feature pretty much forgotten.

    Mods are pretty meh, the best one being the Detron one, but it does lower damage than the Sobek/Kittag ones and deals Magnetic damage, pretty much the worse damage type in the game.
    The Tetra one barely gives it any benefit, being such a weak weapon and the bounces only work if they hit the level.
    The Shield Charger boosts only BASE shields, makes the sentinel not do anything else for several seconds, has a long cooldown and currently modding for shields is a waste of mod space.
    The pet regen mod is ok, but pets already have the melee life steal one, sentinels would benefit way more from it.
    The Prova mod, is a charge attack mod, that deals fixed damage before reductions, maybe if the prova was a better weapon and if charge attacks would benefit from attack speed, that could be useful/fun to use.
    The stagger mod doesnt works with the Quick Thinking stagger, straight into the trash, unless its a glitch.

    Still, will look foward to the actual Index.

  2. Quote

    Syndicate Standing from completing Conclave Daily Missions reduced by 50%.

    One step foward, two steps back.

    Wouldnt be easier to just have increased the afiinity from kills/captures, rather than just increasing for kills AND nerfing daily missions?

    I seriously wonder if DE hates people getting standing from daily missions, they still didnt fix the PvE daily syndicate standing missions only giving 3k/5k, when it used to give 5k/9k, now they nerfed the daily conclave missions to give only half of what they used to.

  3. The event is fun, but has a lot of flaws.


    Having to deliever the points is ok, but having a personal quota makes this mode almost a free-for-all, people are always trying to steal your points to finish their quota. Also makes the tier 3 Index mission impossible with 3/4 players, every player has to cap 20 points, but you need 50 to win.

    Human enemies are too easy, squishy and weak, while robotic enemies are too annoying, having massive AoE attacks and huge armor scaling. The Raptor can carpet bomb you across the map, the Proxy/Helios lays mines everywhere, so picking his point is impossible without killing yourself, the other proxy can fire a firebomb that goes and hits you across walls, the bursa is pretty much invincible unless you CC it to hit its weak point.

    The endurance scaling is plain madness. The enemies are already past level 100 with only 25 points banked. Everything seems to have a billion health and one shot you at that point.

    Mods seems to be too rare, I finished the endurance and I'm still missing half of them.

    The robotic enemies can only be scanned with a Heliocor.

    The Raptor enemy sometimes can fly over floors and walls.

    The health and energy drain is annoying, but I can understand the balancing. I wish it at least recovered my health when I cap the points, so I dont end with just 10 hp and 100 shields due the mutator.

    The lower skill duration mutator is HORRENDOUS. Its WAY too strong, it makes my almost one minute Mirage skills get as low as 3 seconds. Thats almost a 95% reduction.

    Enemies keep teleporting around, even if there is no teleporter on the spot they were on.

    Some enemies can hit you across walls, more noticiable with explosives and the Opticor guy.

    And honestly, the rewards feel really weak and the whole thing feels like a tweaked Conclave with bots. I get that a lot of players need credits, but for long running players, it doesnt gives anything. You use credits and get more credits. I would be ok with some random new mod after a victory (maybe some Conclave standing since we are basically playing Conclave).

  4. As far as I know, its related to the 'resist' animation when you have Power Drift or something like it equiped.

    Sometimes you will resist more than one knockdown or pull at the same time and your melee just glitches, cant quick melee or equip it at all, your frame just flinches or does the defense animation for a split second.

    I remember that it happened a lot for me during the Thousand Cuts alert.

  5. Jesus Christ, the new vacuum range is so ATROCIOUS that it barely feels we have vacuum.

    DE please, the vacuum range is a SPHERE, where the sentinel FLOATS ABOUT THE GROUND, so the actual range for picking up items at your feet is basically the same as walking over them.

    And that machete feels out of place, like you guys made it have synergy with Djinn only so people actually use it and you guys can go 'look, the Djinn usage went from less than 1% to around 5%! The new vacuum is just fine, we are not talking about this again for several years like most of the stuff in the game'

  6. 1 hour ago, Aedwynn said:

    In previous patch you said you removed Archwing Interception as it wasn't popular. Then why Limbo theorem still requires you to do said Archwing Interception?

    They removed Archwing Defense, there still are 2 Archwing Interception nodes active.

  7. Quote


    1 RIFT SIGIL, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Stunning Speed, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Hammer Shot, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Blaze, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Buzz Kill, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Maim, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Fanged Fusillade, RARE, 0.25%

    1 Sweeping Serration, RARE, 0.25%

    10 80 ENDO, UNCOMMON, 3.16%

    5 80 ENDO, COMMON, 18.97%

    1 3000 CREDITS, COMMON, 18.97%

    1 4000 CREDITS, UNCOMMON, 3.16%

    1 4000 CREDITS, UNCOMMON, 3.16%




    2 Madurai Transmute Core, UNCOMMON, 3.16%

    2 Vazarin Transmute Core, UNCOMMON, 3.16%

    1 Naramon Transmute Core, UNCOMMON, 3.16%


    From Reddit.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Kenshin98 said:

    the far left of the fence, there seems to be a glitch were you just go through it, it's hard to get out though, but you still can. I once found a medallion there and that's how I got it 

    Wow, it actually worked. The side of the far left fence has no collision, I just walked through it and walked back.

    Thank you!

  9. I would be ok with getting flowers again if it wasnt for these two thing:

    Day/Night cycle: due my daily schedule, I can only hunt for the night plants if I wake you really early, wait until 1AM or during weekends. Not healthy for me.

    Jadeleaves: Not only are the flowers on Earth uncommon, they also have this rare variant, I'm lucky if I find one in a mission.

  10. Was doing Void sabotage to get Bullet Dance, then we stumbled into this:



    From what I could understand from the minimap, there was a room in the same spot as this one (that cross shaped room where there are a bunch of laser plates on the walls) and it was creating an invisible wall on that exact spot. Of course, the last cache was there.

  11. 10 hours ago, The_Somber_Cat said:

    Edit: Well I tried playing conclave today, I got stuck with 4v1 and I lost, surprising ain't it? I tried playing again but when in the lobby I got 2v1 and bailed right there. This is a miserable experience.

    The best part is how you are 'compensated' by staying in such stacked games with that amazing 20% extra affinity. Like, wow, if you do manage to get a kill or score a goal, alone, versus a full squad, you might get 40 extra standing!

  12. Being forced to be in the same team as your squad/invited player sucks.

    Now you either give up on getting standing or you stay 20 minutes on the 'Waiting for players' screen because every time someone joins, they leave instantly because they dont want to go 1v2 or 1v3. And you cant even queue with a 4-man squad because the game doesnt lets you.

    Queueing at the same time doesnt works, because for some reason, the game cant find the other player, even if they are in the same region or IN THE SAME ROOM.

    Oh, just noticied that lunaro also wont start until there are 6 players. Remember the first time you guys added that and what happened was that noone would play lunaro at all because you would have to spend half a hour waiting for people to join?

  13. Honestly, the body skin is the best part. The base color is ugly as hell, but if you change it, its amazing.

    But that doesnt saves the helm, that looks like a giant fly head, and the syandana.

    If the the syandana cloth was bigger, about the Imperator syandana height, it would look really cool. The current size makes it look like a pack of space sausages strapped to your back.

  14. Just noticied this now.

    For some reason, Suda's Oracle sigil is not giving standing after a mission, like I dont have a syndicate sigil equiped, I havent tried the earlier sigils.

    Did a quick extermination with the Hexis sigil and got a bit of standing, but even after a 2k cyro excavation run, Suda's sigil didnt gave anything. I still had 22k daily standing left.

  15. I wont judge, because I also was kid one day and had my ultra invincible original character with his Super Ultra Claymore of Bread Buttering +15, that could slice, dice, boil eggs and remove those annoying white fabric balls from dark clothing.

    But I think you might need to slow down. 850 damage is about 6-7 times the damage of War and Fragor Prime.

  16. Wait, so we will have to grind for newer relics once Nekros Prime shows up, so we can farm for the new prime stuff?

    Isnt this LITERALLY what people asked a lot? To just add more void key types (Interception T1-T3, etc), instead of putting stuff in the Vault or at least removing trash like 3 uncommon core packs/1 orokin cell from rotations?

    If when Nekros P shows up and I have to grind for new relics to grind for new stuff, I guess I'll stop with game for a while.

  17. The new system is good for open maps like the grineer asteroid one.

    But Corpus levels, full of tiny corridors, doorways and curves is a nightmare. The new rush mode is impossible, the time limit is REALLY small, so you need to go fast, but the archwing feels like a bathtub, moviment takes a second or so happen, so you will crash into every corner of the map.

    The camera will spin EVERYWHERE and leave you disorientated, the minimap doesnt helps because it wasnt updated to this kind of moviment, so you wont know where to go.

    I've played Ace Combat for almost 10 years, and this new moviment actually made me feel dizzy, and that never happened before.

    Honestly, I liked the old system more. It was WAY more responsive, it was fast and looked cool. Now you barely can see what is happening or where you are going sicne the camera doesnt stays put.

  18. At this point I'm surprised that nullfiers still dont reflect bullets and have an invincible shield, only been able to be killed if you jump inside the bubble.

    What about they add Tech Nullfiers? I can clearly see people around here that think that nullfiers are not broken and easy to counter with every single loadout.

    No, scratch that. Bursa Nullfiers with Comba auras! They drop Shield Sapper Ospreys with Supra Turrets! The only way to kill them is to stop being such a white knight and try to understand why nullfiers are a broken enemy.

    If skill spam is such a massive problem to the 'pros', why there are no Grineer, Infested or Sentient nullfiers in the game yet?

  19. At this point I'm surprised that nullfiers still dont reflect bullets and have an invincible shield, only been able to be killed if you jump inside the bubble.

    What about they add Tech Nullfiers? I can clearly see people around here that think that nullfiers are not broken and easy to counter with every single loadout.

    No, scratch that. Bursa Nullfiers with Comba auras! They drop Shield Sapper Ospreys with Supra Turrets! The only way to kill them is to stop being such a white knight and try to understand why nullfiers are a broken enemy.

    If skill spam is such a massive problem to the 'pros', why there are no Grineer, Infested or Sentient nullfiers in the game yet?

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