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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sherbniz said:

    I have a hunch why the Deth Carabus does so much damage.

    Remember how some flying units like the Mine Osprey weren't just one, but TWO Ospreys perfectly overlaying each other with synchronized movement, playing 2 mines at the same time? The same happened with the Ground-AOE Ospreys apparently.


    What if there's two or more Carabuses stacked on top of each other, which leads to the crazy damage?

    The loudness of the sound definitely could be a sign, since it's multiple instances of the same sound being played at the same time?

    Possible because sometimes I see 4 Carabus flying in a line, next to each other.

  2. I can ignore the fact Kela is yet another niche boss with invinciblity phases, all these GODDAMN ROLLERS EVERYWHERE and the instakill airstrikes.

    Just WHY we have to grind 5 missions of arena to get ONE attempt at Kela?! Why there is this second layer of grinding? We have to grind to grind!!

    I could ignore all this and say 'meh, its just DE doing what they do best again', but this event was right after the devstream where they talked about the ridiculous amount of grinding in the game. This is one level of irony I cannot handle.

  3. So, after finally getting (and maxing) Elytron, I decided to play a round of Archwing Defense on Neptune/Salacia. I didnt play it since update 17.5, almost 7 months ago, back then it was a loooong and boring mission with a defense pod as sturdy as a wet biscuit. Of course that after all that time, they surely fixed it, right?

    Well, I was disapointed to see that, after waiting about 15 minutes for some other fool to show up, since noone on recruiting or on my clan was up for it, it was literally the same it was 7 months ago.

    - Shuttles still have almost no health for the level of the mission, 500 shield and 2000 health. Mobile defense consoles on Earth/Mercury have more than this, even a rank 30 Archwing has more than this.

    - The shuttles are in the open, divided by that wall, so going solo is suicide. Makes Elytron and Iztal a must since the room is so cramped.

    - Enemies still take too long to spawn, are barely visible, get stuck on walls and tunnels all the time, most of the time dont get marked on the radar and can still rip through the shuttle before Lotus has any time to speak.

    - Takes more than ONE HOUR to do 20 waves. You can bring 2 Elytrons and 2 Iztals to speed things up, but is still a massive waste of time, 12 waves of T4 Interception is faster than this, I could do about 40 waves of normal defense in that time.

    - Drop rates are still unbalanced, 20 waves/one hour for mostly Corvas parts, that take 50% of the drop table, while Onorix and Kazsas blades have 10% each. Meanwhile, the exterminates on Mercury and Saturn still dont have unique drops aside mods.

    Is there any hope for this mode to get a revisit? I heard some new Archwing stuff will be released on u19, something about the Trinity Archwing and a Hook weapon of sorts.

  4. Its funny (and disapponting) how everyone that is defending this are players that play Triton/Hieracon every day, giving the 'it doesnt affects me, so its fine'/'I farm excavation 24/7' excuse.

    Either they got some serious problems after farming excavation for that long or the really cant see the problem with this.

    It requires almost a full day of grinding, the weapon stats are mediocre, will be used for mastery fodder for almost everyone that built it now and in comparison, its the most expensive weapon in the game, you could get enough resources to build the Akjagara in the time it takes to farm 30k cyrotic.

    If you are a long time player and think that just because its fine for you, it is for everyone else, lemme tell you that you are one of the worst kind of players that exist.

  5. 30000 Cyrotic is 300 full extractors, so 100 seconds per extractor means about 9 hours of non-stop excavation, plus loading times, time the excavator takes to show up and other stuff.

    Of course, a bunch of long time players will defend it for some reason (brain damage possibly), because they only farm Hueracon non-stop.

    Nothing in the game takes 30k of any resource, and pretty much 90% of the playerbase would never farm this much cyrotic.

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  6. On 26/03/2016 at 6:21 AM, N64Gamefreak said:

    Did you have a Mag that used Crush?  That used to cause the Sentients to glitch and teleport like crazy, but I was hoping that had been fixed by now.

    Now that you said it, I was Mag. I used Crush a few times but they never got affected by it, later when I used, they floated up a bit then vanished.

    That might be the problem.

  7. I can relate. Already lost way too many things due to host changes, 'you lagged for a second so we are going to kick you out of the game, unable to update account and random kicks to login.

    All you can do is make a ticket, but they will only recover one item, which is bullS#&$ in my opinion, because they wont accept any proof you were actually playing.
    A screenshot of you and the players or end of round screen? Obvious photoshop.
    Your EE.log? You edited it.
    Knowing the name of the three players that were with you, the kind of mission, the time you played and what dropped? Not enough proof, but we are going to let you recover one single item, but no resources, xp, credits or anything else you lost.

    I know DE is having a lot of server problems recently, but that used to happen way before the attacks and the supprt still didnt improved.

  8. I had it happen during the Thousand Cuts alert, I was with Inaros and probably got knocked down so much that the game glitched.

    I couldnt attack, if I pressed the melee button, Inaros would do the block animation for a split second, the same that happens when you have knockdown resistance mods equiped.

    I could use my skills and use finishers, but normal attacks wouldnt work. Using unstuck or jumping off a cliff didnt work.

  9. So, this happened about 4 times now.

    I'm playing on the Moon tileset, trying to get the War parts. We kill the first wave of sentients just fine, then they wont spawn ever again.
    We waited about 10 minutes and they never showed up. Then when I was going to pick the Focus (which spawned 5 rooms back), I found one lost Sentient stuck behind a door. After killing him and waiting another 5 minutes, then more spawned.

    Then other thing happened, we are killing the Sentients, when suddenly they vanish. We waited and they never came back or more spawned. Then while we were going to extraction, we actully found them, but they were sort of ragdolled on the floor, and when we tried to attack them, they would vanish again. A teammate got to mark one of them and the waypoint kept warping around the map and screen, we could never catch up with them, so we could only extract.

  10. Recently I'm only getting this kind of PVP games, players with every single mobility mod and snipers/lever-action rifles.

    They bullet jump and bounce across every wall at ludicrous speed, quickshot away half of your health and fly away. If they do get hit, they just bullet jump and fly at light speed, making you need an almost aimbot-like accuracy to hit.

    Deathmatch turns into 'lets hope someone with low mobility shows up on the enemy' and CTF turns into 'lets hope our Cephalon timer runs out after theirs'

    Anything with less mobility/speed than 1 and that cant jump across the map in a single bullet jump cant do almost anything to keep up.

  11. How dare people wanting to do something easy in a while, even if I can set my own squad to do things the hard way?

    You know, a lot of stuff makes the game too easy, lets change them too

    - Mag now only removes half of the enemy shield and does no damage, that made Corpus too easy
    - Invisibility is now removed from the game, Spies and Rescues were too easy
    - Rhino's Iron Skin and Valk's Hysteria no longer gives invincibility or knockdown immunity, taking no damage was too boring
    - Blind no longer gives extra melee damage and opens enemies to finishers, that made melee too strong
    - Trin's blessing now caps at 25% damage reduction and only heals under an area around her
    - Enemies are now immune to ragdolling, stagger and knockdown, from any source
    - All enemies can proc Magnetic status
    - Excal's EB no longer shoots waves
    - Removed Snowglobe from Frost, now defense has some challenge
    - Nova's MP always speeds up enemies
    - Added Shock Bombard Opticor Bursa Manic Juggernaut Eximus to all tilesets, players can only extract after killing it

  12. Looking around the forum, seems to be a client/host + fps problem.

    Using it solo makes it work as it should, but using it as a client makes the orb stall and a lot of the effects are somehow tied to your framerate now.

  13. Dunno if this was intented (since itsnt on the patch notes), but the Simulor is acting weird after the patch.

    The energy balls wont explode if you shoot one into another like they did, now they seem to have a delay where they just orbit around each other for a while, then may explode after 3 or 4 shots (with Split Chamber).

    Sometimes even with 4 shots (again with Spilt Chamber), they wont create a vortex and just make a regular explosion. Sometimes they do make a vortex, but it is invisible.

    And when using it with Mirage, the copies' shots wont merge or explode at all, they just keep floating around uselessly, but they block or pull the shots of the main Mirage, making it way harder to make an explosion and overloading the screen with a bunch of glowing balls.

  14. How about they just bring back the original focus gain, so we can actually play the game and get focus instead of having leaving the objective to backtrack several rooms because the game spawned the orb in a room under us, but that is actually 10 rooms back?

    You are pretty much forced to grab the darn things if you want to build focus, because that 1.25-1.75% conversion rate is WAY too low.

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