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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. 1 hour ago, KitMeHarder said:

    You speak as if every mission in Warframe is an exterminate fissure. Is that really all y'all play?

    No, but if you encounter the same build on 50% of the missions you play, in a game with 57 unique characters (soon to be 59) and hundreds of weapons, you gotta admit there is a problem. Playing optimizing the fun out of the game, and all that.

    Ember was nerfed for less.

    • Like 1
  2. Qorvex might think his "brick wall" strategy will bring him the victory, but Dante can read him like a book.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, this was made entirely with in-game decorations and regular Captura settings. No outside edits.


    • Like 3
  3. Just had a run of DA Alchemy with these two modifiers, and I gotta say that these are the biggest ballaches I had in this game.

    First, the Eximus Amphors means almost no amphors drop because Eximus units are still uncommon. This increases the mission time tenfold, because aside the lack of eximi units, they still have 50% chance to drop the wrong elements.

    Second, the Entanglement is completely broken. Not only it makes you unable to go up simple stairs due how much it cripples your parkour, the amount of enemies and the sandstorm it was causing made my frames drop from 60 to 15 over the 20 minutes of the mission. I fear that if it went a little longer, I would have crashed.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, KikuchiTakeda said:

    first pick up chroma

    Outside factors, again.

    You are asking to pick the frame that can increase weapon damage by a lot.

    You have no ground to stand and your arguments are all feeble. When asked to provide proof, you deflect it saying that the person asked should do it.

    While constantly being aggressive, you used outside factors that increase a weapon damage to say the weapon is the cause, twice.

    Again, what is your point here? I could make the same argument that the LATO is a broken weapon if I max it, put an incarnon and arcane, then run max Strength Chroma.

    I would say you are just trying to ragebait, but since you are constantly replying to everyone that doesn't agrees with you or requests proper proof and calling them "stupid", I wonder if you are just a kid that saw a slam spammer on a public mission and got mad about it.

    • Like 2
  5. "This low usage weapon has to be nerfed due this one video"

    "You based this accusation on low sample data, show more examples or you reproducing the outcome without outside factors (Saryn)"

    "I don't have to prove anything, you stupid. im not owned!  im not owned!!", he continues to insist as he slowly shrinks and transforms into a corn cob

    What point are you trying to make here, exactly? Did the Sampotes steal your girlfriend?

    • Like 5
  6. From personal experience, I think that's mostly because of a logic quirk with invisibility. Enemies actually know where you are, but they ignore you until their hear a weapon, get touched or get attacked, then they will immediately react.

    You can easily see this during survival, as enemies will run over near you and stay there.

    I don't know if they updated this logic to previous boss enemies, but recently they updated the Juggernaut to react being shot with invisible frames, and during Whispers they had to update the Murmur boss the same way.

    • Like 1
  7. I have stumbled on a weird glitch that happens on a particular Circuit sequence.

    Sometimes, during the Assassination round, the enemy spawn logic will break.

    Usually, the enemies during Assassination only spawn after you damage the Jackal, requiring you to kill the reinforcements to advance to the next phase. But if you get that particular sequence, enemies will spawn over the entire map like any other type of round.

    Enemies will keep spawning, even during the reinforcements phase, where they should be limited.

    At first, I thought it was because of an Alchemy round just before the Assassination round, but on a different run, the same glitch happened but with an Extermination round before the Assassination. ALTHOUGH, the Extermination round was just after an Alchemy round, so the possibility still exists.





  8. I tested a few more times, all as client, just to be sure. No changes on settings or loadout, to avoid a "working on my end" situation.

    - Mirage Prime, Acceltra Prime (No Arcane), Zylok Prime (Incarnon, No Arcane), Glaive Prime (Melee Retaliation) = Secondary visible
    - Nidus Prime, Torid (Incarnon, Primary Merciless), AkMagnus Prime (No Arcane), Dual Ichor (Skin, No Arcane) = Primary visible, but MELEE NOT VISIBLE <- The glowing "6x" combo was glowing, but the time indicator under the aiming reticle was missing. No "incarnon form" display on HUD.
    - Loki Prime, Soma Prime (Incarnon, Primary Deadhead), AkMagnus Prime (No Arcane), Innodem (No skin, No Arcane) = Primary visible, MELEE NOT VISIBLE <-  Glowing "3x" visible, melee meter missing. Also no "Incarnon form" on HUD.



    Apparently, the hotfix did not completely fix the problem. While the primaries and secondaries are fixed for some like myself, the melee meter is still broken.

  9. Dunno where to put this, but I have learned that almost all supporter packs have been added to the market for platinum, but for some reason, the Sisters of Parvos and Empyrean ones were skipped.

    You can find the items and bundles for the Deimos, Zariman and New War stuff, but stuff like the Boomie Glaive, Ambassador Tenet Skin and Itzal Armor are missing.

    • Like 5
  10. On 2024-07-24 at 12:51 PM, hecurios said:

    O Suporte não ajudou e ai fazemos o que ?

    Na época que tive isso (não muito depois de pegar um PC novo), tive que ir nas configurações do meu roteador (colocando o IP do seu provedor no navegador) e liberando as portas pedidas.

    Se for Vivo, o meu tem uma opção chamada "Jogos e aplicativos", só precisei escolher "Warframe" na lista, colocar o IP da maquina e salvar.

  11. 2 hours ago, LuciferMoney said:

    Eu estou em uma call com outros jogadores brasileiros e sou novo. dito isso esta e a 3 vez que ganho o desconto de 75% e sou do brasil porem Na minha loja está comprando em dolar so fui descobrir a agora que paguei 5x mais 2 vezes o game não me cobra na moeda do meu país isto sem motivo ja que tudo está situando como eu ser brasileiro gostaria de saber como proseguir apartir dai como mudar para a moeda do meu país e se tenho direiro a restorno nem que seja em platina

    A moeda do jogo deveria ser a do local de criação da conta. Se você usou algum VPN, a conta automaticamente ficou como se fosse de um pais em dólar.

    A única coisa que você pode fazer é tentar entrar em contato com o suporte técnico da DE ( https://support.warframe.com/hc/pt-br ), abrir uma solicitação explicando e pedir para que mudem o local da conta.

  12. 37 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    Today's hotfix reverted a fix that broke the Melee Incarnon reticles. Hopefully that may have addressed further client Incarnon reticle issues. Please let us know if you're still experiencing them after you download the latest patch.

    Did a few runs and everything is working again on my end, both charge meter and sounds are playing as a client.

  13. 57 minutes ago, Rexis12 said:

    No? You just need 10.

    People who kill steal will still give you 1 Pearl and even the AFL will be reduced since they'd be encouraged to at least splash the enemies to gain more pearls.

    It's still Dog Days, the 30 Pearl drop is dumb, but it's not more worse than it was last time.

    Simple math.

    Last year you got 50 pearls, then 20 from 20 kills = 70 pearls. If you got 10 kills last year, you would get 50 + 10, so 60.

    Today, you get 30 pearls, then 40 from 20 kills = 70 pearls. If you got 10 kills today, you will get 30 + 20, so 50.

    Unless you get more than 20 kills, you are getting less than last year. If you don't get the kills, you are getting less. If you get your kill stolen, you are still getting less.

    Either way, a waste of breath expecting Dog Days to be good, I already learned that years ago.

    • Like 4
  14. By reducing the end of mission reward from 50 to 30, now you need to score at least 20 kills to get more Pearls than last year.
    Thus, this change made the event even worse if you play with a squad due the kill steals, encouraging people to afk even more rounds since they take longer to get pearls for items that still cost 250+ pearls.

    And that is without taking account new players that will have to play this literally two hundred times or more to get all the items, or wait until next year.

    • Like 4
  15. This enemy was and still is a massive pain in the butt.

    While the Zariman version seems to use the laser attack after getting damaged a bit, doing it slowly and giving up enough time to destroy the specters, the Circuit version seems to do it INSTANTLY, as soon as you look at it and does it super fast.

    Not only it can do it from the other side of the map and still hit you due the insane tracking it has, I noticed that it can still trigger while you are invisible and destroying the specters no longer makes it return faster.

  16. I will complain to my dying breath on how UNFUN Dog Days is.

    A complete slog of an event that removes most of what makes Warframe fun, with pathetic, grindy rewards, lame combat, garbage weapon, broken AI and constant nerfing of what made it fun or enjoyable to play.

    The novelty of hearing Kela high on a gas leak stops being funny after the 50th time you do the same round against the same enemies so you can get a glyph.

    It still takes far too long to end. 5 minutes of this is madness.
    The weapon still loses pressure on the first shot, even if you preemptively pump it.
    The shots have too many particles, blocking your view.
    Some enemies downright VANISH and never find you again, either getting lost between rocks or not knowing how to navigate the map.
    Some enemies still snake around you at lightspeed, so if you get Garesh you might as well restart.
    Items still cost too many pearls, 250 for a glyph, that is about 3 to 8 rounds depending of your kills. A new player to the event still has to play LITERALLY HUNDREDS of rounds.
    Kill stealing still enforced. In a PVE game.

    And with the nerf of the end mission reward from 50 to 30 pearls, you are getting less pearls if you don't get more than 20 kills. Thats right!

    Last year you got 50 pearls, then 20 from 20 kills = 70 pearls. If you got 10 kills last year, you would get 50 + 10, so 60.
    Today, you get 30 pearls, then 40 from 20 kills = 70 pearls. If you got 10 kills today, you will get 30 + 20, so 50.

    Unless you get more than 20 kills, you are getting less than last year. If you don't get the kills, you are getting less. If you get your kill stolen, you are still getting less.

    "But its a silly event"

    Its a silly event that got recycled SIX YEARS IN A ROW. And every year manages to make it one step better, but THREE STEPS WORSE.

    "Play with a team and get more kills"

    Oh, so to play the event "better", I just have to make 3 other players suffer. Yes, of course.

    Faster movement? Fixed. A bit more damage? Fixed. Being able to have fun? Fixed. Getting an acceptable number of pearls as end reward? Fixed.
    Expensive items? Not changed. Lame weapon? Not changed. Rounds taking twice as long as it should? Not changed. Weapon blocking your view with unreal amount of particles? Not fixed. Enemies being too lethargic or too coked up? Not changed.

    • Like 8
  17. 13 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    Hi folks, we're having difficulty reproducing this issue internally. Can you please share the following:

    • Your loadout when this issue occurred
    • Video / screenshots of this issue occurring
    • Whether a host migration had occurred 
    • If this issue happens consistently across all missons, or if it is specific to certain missions/tiles/etc. 



    Happened with several different loadouts. Happens with both innate Incarnon and unlockable incarnon.
    - Loki with Felaxr, Laetum and Stropha, when I was doing Archon.
    - Frost with AX-52, Lato Vandal (with Incarnon) and Glaive, on Relic fissure missions
    - Wisp with Nagantaka Prime, Furis (with Incarnon) and Edun, on Deep Arch.
    - Loki with Miter (with Incarnon), Lato Vandal (with Incarnon) and Glaive, on a Kuva relic fissure, right now.



    Hosting, solo.


    Client, with squad.



    Hosting, with squad.





    For comparison, this is a screenshot from the Jade Shadows event, on the 12th. No settings were changed between then and now.

    I just noticed, looking closer, you can see that the Incarnon reticle changed. The small triangle between the ability dots and the incarnon meter is no longer there on the recent screenshots.



    Migration never happened, just joining a game as a client (either from the navigation countdown or midway) makes the meter invisible and the meter sounds disabled.

    Seems to happen in any and all mission types and tiles. Happened on an Archon excavation and assassination mission, on several relic fissures (Corpus crashed ship, Kuva Fortress, Grineer Mars Base, among others) and on all three Deep Arch missions.

    My UI/HUD/Accessibility settings:





    Highlights disabled.





    • Like 1
  18. One year later, the mode is still the same slog as it was last year.

    The weapon still loses pressure on the first shot, even if you preemptively pump it.
    The shots have too many particles, blocking your view.
    Some enemies downright VANISH and never find you again, either getting lost between rocks or not knowing how to navigate the map.
    Some enemies still snake around you at lightspeed, so if you get Garesh you might as well restart.
    Items still cost too many pearls, 250 for a glyph, that is about 3 to 8 rounds depending of your kills. A new player to the event still has to play LITERALLY HUNDREDS of rounds.
    Kill stealing still enforced. In a PVE game.

    BUT THIS TIME, you get 2 pearls per kill! Woooo!.... BUT, they reduced the end of round reward from 50 to 30, so unless you get more than 19 kills, you are earning less than last year. (50 + 19 from 19 kills in 2023, 30 + 38 from 19 kills today)

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