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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. I stopped playing several F2P MMOs due to their overly grindy RNG systems, and DE finds a way to add the same system that kills these games into Warframe.

    What is next guys, TF2-style crates? Selling keys for real money to get unusual skins?

    You know, Diablo 3 almost died due to this RNG grind, which made them change the entire game system to cut the RNG and grind. Rifts, Greater Rifts, Kadala, increased drop chance, allowing to reroll item stats with easily available money, rewarding the player even though he didnt got the item he wanted with the crafting system...

    This update only introduced a system that we wont use aside for grinding the new resource, that everyone knows it will be needed to every new weapon from now on.

    You depend on RNG to:
    - Get a Riven mod from sorties
    - The mission to unlock the mod, which could be easy as balls or hard as hell
    - The weapon that the mod will affect, that could be something already strong like the Simulor/Tonkor, or something useless like the Paracyst, or even worse, a sentinel weapon
    - The stats of the weapon, that could have 4 positive stats and no negatives, or only one positive and one negative, the negative stats can be stuff that make the weapon totally useless like '-150% damage' or '-150% multishot'. Some mods can even have stats the weapon doesnt has, like crit chance on the Miter or Impact damage on the Glaxion.
    - Finding the Kuva siphon to get Kuva to reroll the mod. Ah yes, nothing better than redoing the same mission over and over to get a chance based item, making players burnout really fast and stop bothering once they get enough. Hm, that sounds familiar.
    - Rerolling the mod. Guess what? You get another hard mission and even worse stats! Please buy platinum!

    I stopped bothering once I got a Snipetron mod with +zoom and -crit damage, then a Paracyst mod with +reload speed and +status duration. That really will make these weapons on par with the Tonkor!

    And you guys actually plan to release Shotgun, Secondary, Melee, Companion, Sentinel and Warframe Rivens? Are you guys mad?

  2. After looking around my clan, forums and trade chat, I think we can agree that these mods need some changes, even though they are just a few days old.

    The most serious problem is that 'damage' and 'multishot' can show up in the negative stats. The -damage actually can negate the entire bonus of the mod, and -multishot actually gives a chance for the weapon to do no damage.

    The other problem is that some mods are giving bonus for stats that the weapon cant have, like the Miter getting '+Crit damage/chance' or the Paracyst getting '+IPS damage'.

    Also, everything related to the riven mods are just layers and layers of RNG. Getting a new mod from the sortie is RNG, the mission you get is RNG, the weapon you get is RNG, the stats are RNG, the mastery lock is RNG and the kuva siphon you need to find to reroll is RNG.

    You can get a really hard mission like getting a Simaris target without using traps and abilities, without taking damage and while using a dragon key, and then get a really bad mod for a sentinel weapon with one bonus and one negative, but you can also get a really easy mission like 5 headshots in one air glide, and get a mod for the Simulor with 4 bonus and no negative.

  3. Same problem here, tried to do the first part with a squad, we found Teshin just standing there and the objective marker didnt brought us to anything.

    Left the mission so I could go solo, Lotus said 'we have to find Teshin', the game crashed, the crash report crashed and when I got back the game skipped me to the second mission.

  4. 11 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    It's Fun for those that seek skill-based challenge, since other than Rathuum (without cheesing it) or Intex (also, without cheese) are the only somewhat challenging modes DE has added so far it stands to reason that Conclave players are very good. The mechanics are pretty much the same, except some powers work differently and practice is what defines how you well you fare and not what gear you bring.

    It is fun, as long you actually play with players near your skill level. I'm pretty sure I dont have fun while I'm dying every 10 seconds and I cant improve because I'm always dead and cant get the standing for mandatory mods.
    Its like if you played Dota, and right after your calibration rounds, you would only get matched against the International teams. 'Skill level' are the keywords here. Maybe regulars have a blast killing that newbie over and over again, then laughing and telling him to 'get good' once he decideds to never play Conclave again.

    11 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    There isn't really a "meta" in Conclave right now, sure high mobility is pretty dominant but a single melee stagger can ground the most mobile enemy now. Mods have little impact on gameplay, and the mods that do have an impact have a serious drawback or a gimmick mechanic.

    I'll call BS on not existing a 'meta', because there sure is. Try playing with less than 1.00 mobility and see what happens. +Health/Shields mods are useless on Conclave, every regular player will always stack every +Mobility mod and use a small selection of weapons, those usually being snipers, Daikyu or Braton.
    Some mods are mandatory, stuff like Lie In Wait, Rentless Assault, the increased weapon hoster speed ones, mobility mods, among others. Not having those means you will be severely crippled and turns you into dead meat as soon as you enter a round.

    Melee stagger is easier said than done, with ping and lag compensation, its like trying to catch flies with chopsticks. 9 times out of 10, I'll hit an afterimage, if my attack actually hits, only God knows if it caused stagger, because I'm dead either way.

    Even if I try to escape and manuever around corners, I drop dead either way. I guess bullets can curve and melee has 10m range, since jumping out of the way still means I take the full channeling blender multi hit attack or get headshot across a wall.

    So, what happens? I'm forced to play the meta to 'get good' or at least not die. So that means playing a mobile frame with low health/armor and the same 3 weapons. NO, I dont want to play that. I want to play with a slow &#! Rhino, using the Penta and the Angstrum! Guess what, it sucks and I cant do anything, since low mobility = easy death and for some INSANE reason, explosives have this unreal damage falloff if YOU are away from the blast range.

    12 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    Conclave is not much about gear, is about using your guns, powers, melee and mobility tools to outplay your foe.

    So it IS about gear. If you dont play with the right gear, you lose.

    12 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    If you don't like it don't play it. If you want it's rewards work for them. "It already poisoned Rathuum and now the Index". Sure, being the inspiration for a truly challenging PvE mode (when not Cheese) without relying on bullsh*T lvl scaling it's poisoning. I actually found those modes as more engaging and Fun than any other direct combat mission due to them requiring me to use what I learned in the Conclave. I also found hilarious when people used to sitting in oldDraco-style farms got beaten into paste due to not being used to move and shoot/melee at the same time or rely entirely on eternal AoE nuke/CC map lockdowns. Adding more cosmetics items will make the players who enjoy the mode and apreciate DE's efforts on it happy.

    I like it. I want to work for the rewards instead of boosting with people, but I cant do much lying dead on the floor.
    And I'm sorry, but both Rathuum and Index 'challenge' involved having no energy and insane level scaling. If we had the same mechanics from Conclave on them, making it basically Conclave vs Bots, then would be actually fun! But all we got was PvE and a hammer to our knees.

    Honestly, all my equipment was leveled outside Draco/something similar. Even if it meant bringing stuff like an unranked Stug for some missions.
    And as I said, adding even more content locked behind conclave will only make the small SMALL playerbase happy.

    If anything, they should either focus on making a Conclave variation of Rathuum/Index, or adding skill levels so newbies fresh from the conditioning dont get stomped by regulars and never play again, or maybe adding a more 'grounded' Conclave mode for those who cant keep up with high mobility.

  5. Nobody plays conclave because its not fun. Its not fun to jump from one game mode to another with mechanics different from the base game, only to not be able to do anything since its dominated by a dozen players that only play it, 24/7.

    Lots of changes that DE made also are reasons why few people play it, like not being able to fight your squad since they all join the same team, cutting standing rewards from challenges by half, which only rewards the few players that dominate conclave and the whole emply dedicated server fiasco. The most fun I had with conclave was when boosting challenges with friends.

    Like, wow, I really enjoy finding only empty servers, only to find one that one of the regulars is playing, which is basically invincible due stacking all mobility mods, teporting away if his shields get scratched and is using one of six or so meta weapons with godly aim due playing only this game mode, while I, using a slow frame, with weapons I find fun, coming from a mode where you blow groups instead of focusing in one enemy and having none of the mandatory meta mods, will get killed over and over again, ending the round with maybe 50 standing and a mod that requires me to hit 4 bullets in a split second to get a small damage boost on the 5th bullet.

    Honestly, the only solution for conclave is to remove it from the game. It already poisoned Rathuum and now the Index. Adding even more exclusive skins for it wont make even 1% of the player base happy.

  6. A Nightmare mission tab and timers would be really convenient.

    A tab on the navigation map just for Nightmare missions, like the sorties/syndicate/fissure missions have, where it shows which is the current nightmare node, how much time left before it changes and, if the player finished the mission, how long until his personal reset.

    Reducing the wait time after finishing a mission so another shows up would also be nice, its not like people farm Nightmare mods 24/7, or that these mods are ultra OP.

    Friendly Fire mode just turns into 'Solo mode' or 'Friends-only mode', since there is a high chance of getting a troll when doing with randoms. Maybe bring one or some of the Sortie modifiers to replace it? Or maybe turn the 'high enemy density' glitch into a modifier.

  7. Good batch of changes/fixes, but a lot of problems still remain:

    The dificulty varies way too much between enemy teams.
    The robotic team is still the hardest, since they can still spam AoE instakill attacks forever and ever.
    Mod drop chance is still low as the lowest circle of your religion's hell.
    The mods are still terrible and wont be used to any build other than 'nonsrs' builds, a straight elemental mods, another precept and any other exilus will always replace any of these mods.
    Making the enemies scale by kills rather than points makes the game stall even faster, they  already start level 70 and scale ridiculously from there after a few kills, you cant even get 25 points before they get almost invincible due shields + armor, only rewarding cheese strats.

  8. Nooo, what have you guys done?!

    The Index enemies scaling with points was actually the perfect way, you would have to balance the risk between having a lot of points, risking getting killed and making the enemy score a lot, and cashing in the points earlier, making the enemies harder.

    Now making them scale with kills made stuff even harder, so cheesing is the only solution now, you have to cash you points once you get the max stack bonus, instead of holding them and risking a higher score. Even if you get a few kills, and hold just a couple of points, the enemies already scaled past the point of one shotting you with everything and having a billion EHP.

  9. Turn Syndicate sigils into a pack, we get both a sigil and a badge when you redeem the pack. So that way you can use either the badge or the sigil to rank up Syndicates, allowing you to use whatever sigil you want, without crippling your fashion.

    Or maybe give us the option to 'turn off' the syndicate gains and let us just use the sigil for fashion.

  10. Apparently its some new trend that to trade new mods you need to have at least 2 copies of it.


    Seems like that you cant trade pet/sentinel precepts unless you have 2 of it. Makes sense with the default ones, but not with the drop-only ones like Guardian, Sanctuary and Shield Charger.

  11. Dont try to verify files through Steam.

    The Steam download is almost always a few updates/hotfixes back, so if you verify files through Steam, you will redownload a older version, then the game client will download the newer one.

    Always verify with the game client

  12. If you are talking about the 'The Silver Grove' written under 'Warframe' on the client and think its supposed to be something else, dont worry. That line only changes after a major update, usually something with a new quest. Either way, 'The Vacuum Within' is an old update already, we are at 'The Index Preview'

    If your game really isnt updating, try to verify your files: Gear icon on the top right of the client -> Verify.

    As of the last hotfix, your game version should be: Launcher 2016., Engine 2016.

  13. Yep, its pretty much a far worse version of a Shield Osprey.

    At least the Osprey give 200 flat shields while you are around it, so even Inaros and Valk can benefit from it, while this mod only gives 60% absolute base shields (before ranks and mods) for lame 10 seconds. Even worse that it has a 30 second cooldown and makes the Sentinel unable to use other precepts while charging your shields (other than Vacuum, I think)

    You are far better with just buying Ospreys from Suda tha wasting a mod slot with this. I was actually amazed when they 'fixed' it, because it was giving 120% shields instead of 60%. If you do want to spend a slot on shield boosting, just use Guardian.

    There is also the fact that modding for shields is pretty much useless for now, since there is no shield gating and shields dont benefit from armor rating.

    Remove the time limit, let the player keep the shield as overshields and either increase the boost to 60% of total shields or 200 + 200% of base shields, and you have a good mod. I have to remember that this is a 'rare' mod, and I do mean RARE, since you have to get the robotic Index team (33%), then have them drop a mod (2%) and that mod has to be the rare one (8%).

  14. Yep, decided to try this new FFA Variant, only got empty servers.

    At least before, if there were no players playing, we would know because we would get the 'Wait for players/Play now' prompt.
    Now its: finding players....found something! "Oh, so I finally will be able to play!"
    Nope, it was just one of the hundred empty dedicated servers due people trying to get into the 'Karma leaderboard'

    Tried again.... another empty server. Again.... another empty one. And another, and another, and another... Can we please have an option to opt out of dedicated servers, since we cant find another playing on them?

  15. Valkyr's bounds cant be purchased unless you purchase the Valkyr bundle.
    Azima's disc only lingers for less than a second and explodes.
    All Index enemiss can hit you across walls.
    The Index Raptor enemy can fly through walls.
    Pain Threshold doesnt affects Quick Thiinking stagger.
    Index enemies can hit Limbo while he is in the Rift (remember that Limbo exists guys, you need to hotfix this with every new enemy)

  16. I'll try to be as calm as possible now.

    Jesus @(*()$ CHRIST, who the F*** designed these robotic enemies? Who the F*** thought it would be a good idea to put them all in a SINGLE GROUP, along a Comba?

    All of them have instakill attacks, and not telegraphed ones or something you can notice its coming, only BLAM DEAD attacks, along MASSIVE armor/shield/health, and they dont have energy or cooldowns like normal players, so they can just spam and spam and spam and spam and spam...
    Even better when the Mag Specter uses her Shield Polorize skill and locks you in place like Jesus on the cross, making you die to anything around you, or when you respawn after 10 seconds, just to die to another instakill attack, since we have no mercy invinciblity here, and the enemies can spawn at the same second they die, usually close to you.

    The Bursa has an invicible shield that covers almost 270º of his model, a small hitbox, with a SMALLER weak point, an instakill missile barrage, and because one AoE instakill attack isnt enough, it can raise an instakill laser wall at some points. I had a lot of games where this #@*&$@ just sit on the corridor, behind a laser wall and kept spamming rockets on the wall, instakilling everyone that wasnt a specter (because unlike them, we have penalities to our FIXED health/shields and limited energy)

    The Raptor carpet bombs the entire map, even if you can see where the bombs will land, you dont know from where, which could be from ACROSS WALLS. Aside that it gets literally invincible after a few levels, even if its holding 10 points or more, you need to use some cheese strat to stop it, because it will just effortlessly fly into the capture point.

    The Proxy has an instakill fireball with insane AoE, sometimes it blows on your face, sometimes it blows 50 meters from you, across 2 walls, it doesnt matters, its an instakill.

    And the icing on the cake, there is a Comba enemy too. What, losing % of our shields and health, aside having decaying energy while holding a single point isnt enough? Lets have a Comba with increased range that gives you radiation procs!

    I guess its going back to good old cheese strats to get anything here.

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