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  1. Yeah the cost still sucks.. especially when primes come out, OBVIOUSLY I want to switch to the upgraded Warframe.. that's removing 5 shards in the worst case. Really annoying The next upcoming primes will hurt like xaku, sevagoth etc.
  2. Yeah the 3 times I played it I haven't had fun because of boring or bad choices.. it's gonna be months/years to get a roll of equipment I actually enjoy using. For one week. Never liked RNG in duviri, won't ever enjoy it anywhere else.
  3. I love how everyone bashes Dante, and ignores frost, styanax, citrine, revenant etc.
  4. He needs some LoS restrictions to be less disruptive.
  5. I do get the premise of this.. Dante's OG was nerfed because people used all strength + arcane + invigorations to reach like 600% strength. OF COURSE that was OP. And that's only possible by double dipping strength like a maniac.. Meanwhile normal people with 100 to 200% strength struggle with OG upkeep now. So yeah, I partly agree that these mods are an issue considering stuff gets nerfed because of double dipping.
  6. More AoE damage abilities should get LoS, like miasma, Thermal Sunder etc. It would make the Dante nerf fair.
  7. She needs a full rework imo, don't forget there's other frames who got multiple reworks as well. So it's not a new concept.
  8. We'd love it but it's a lot of work and IDK if it'd be worth it for them.
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