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  1. how about level weapons in normal game-play..... at mastery 30 u can fit most of a build instantly
  2. this is what i was mainly talking about, when something is balanced around 400 (the current game mode) those players will complain to de about most things not working in areas far past where rewards are causing power creep I have dyslexia and a bunch of other problems, i speak English and im from North America... im bad at remembering words and names, and have to phonically type a word, and sometime i get it right, and sometimes i put a space in the wrong area do to me typing the space mid word instead of before or after it do to dyslexia. it doesn't bother me but i can understand why it bothers everyone else and im sorry
  3. Can you not? Thanks. Its meant to be hard by forcing you out of your comfort zone, its not a mandatory game mode, you can go play literally anything else in the game. If we made it only stuff you owned people would sell everything they had if they could to optimize the hell out of the mode. People just want to cheese the mode rather then do the intended and collect everything for mastery Go back to complaining about line of sight OR start building weapons.
  4. every time someone bring up a frame is good for 99.99999% of content, one of you level cap worriers try to tell people they are wrong if a frame kills the map in 2 buttons at 400 and the only rewards you need are at 400 why does 10,000 matter? please just go play some other game and just because u get enjoyment out of a thing, doesnt mean it matters to anyone else and i can tell u no one cares ur becoming annoying
  5. i know this is a bait thread but u failed the bait by saying level 1000, when there is no reason to go past 405 nice try level cap is not a balancing point 🤣
  6. and? are you somehow saying the nerf isnt doing exactly what its supposed to do? (outside of los checks being and they are fixing them for all frames)
  7. the theads being deleted are bait threads, and you know exactly what you did to get them deleted... you where posing trash threads trying to provoke a reaction from the devs by being trolls you guys should just be banned from the forums
  8. keep in mind for those that are reinstalling, your save isn't removed when u reinstall
  9. not a bug, its on hold till the next ios update
  10. once it shows the warframe on the spash screen (inaros) it crashes instantly
  11. i completely forgot that the reason the pellets fizzle was a byproduct of the torid fix, that explains alot
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